Sword God

Vol 43 Chapter 24: Survived into the tomb


The massive explosion caused the entire palace to be shattered and pulverized.

This explosion was extremely fierce and extremely powerful, comparable to the attack of the sixth-level imperial powerhouse, and the attack of the sixth-level imperial powerhouse was enough to tear up the space from the outside, and the space was relatively weak in the chaos. Place is even easier.


The space inside the hall was shattered directly, and pieces like porcelain broke apart, exposing a large area of ​​darkness, exuding a terrible power of devour, like the mouth of an abyss beast, devouring everything.

After a short while, the black hole-like space cracks quickly condense, eventually heals, disappears, and the hall completely collapses, leaving only a vacuum, the remaining breath, which is horrifying.

Before long, three figures appeared on the edge.

"This time, it should be dead."

"Under the power of the cracks in the space, the bones must have been swallowed, and the soul was gone."

"The hatred of my heart is finally resolved."

All three were surrounded by black robes, and if they were absent, they seemed very unpredictable.

"Let's go."

The words fell, and the three immediately turned into three ghosts, leaving the place at a rapid speed.


The terrible power madly hit his own body. The force of space was as sharp as a blade. Everything in the world could not resist the slightest. Chen Zong fully urged the silver sword body and took the elixir to accelerate his own strength. Recovery, resist the raging cutting of the force of space.

However, it is also difficult to really resist.

Although the silver sword body is very strong, it is still very limited. The body is constantly torn to make wounds, and the bones are deeply visible. The terrible force of space is constantly invading the body.

The vitality of the mysterious seed spreads out all over the body. When Chen Zong is injured, the vitality of the mysterious seed heals immediately, allowing Chen Zong to save himself and not be strangled by the terrible chaotic space.

However, the power of space is too chaotic and violent. It is violent several times more than the space cracks that Chen Zong had penetrated before. Chen Zong does not know whether it is possible to rely on the vitality of the mysterious seeds and his own grasp of the way of space. Survive.

Do your best!

Chen Zong resisted the cutting attack of the force of space, while recovering his wounds, constantly moving, looking for a safe place.

There is no such thing as a heaven, or Chen Zong's luck is pretty good. Finally, he found a black, like an exit. Chen Zong took a risk and rushed directly into the darkness.

The moment he fell, Chen Zong suddenly showed a touch of joy, and the invasion of the force of no space showed that he was out of danger. As for the others, take one step at a time.

Being able to survive the big space explosion, Chen Zong is considered to be very lucky. Of course, in addition to luck, the greater is his own ability, the grasp of the way of space, and the vitality of the mysterious seeds. Otherwise, he will die. Already.

After staying in the chaos of space for a long time, the vitality of the mysterious seeds was continuously consumed, and now only half is left.

Chen Zong couldn't help feeling a little distressed.

You know, in order to get those vitality, you have put in a lot of effort, and now you have consumed half of it. It ’s deceptive to say that you do n’t feel bad, but Chen Zong has n’t tangled in it. After all, the vitality that is consumed is In order to heal injuries and save lives, it is well used.

At first, there were two purposes for mysterious seeds to devour life. One was to see what the mysterious seeds would eventually grow to, and the other was to add a life-saving feature to themselves.

Hole card.

come down!

When Chen Zong kept falling, there seemed to be wind blowing in his ears, and there was darkness in front of him, but as he kept falling, the darkness seemed to fade slowly, and Chen Zong could gradually see the surrounding scenery.

In a very empty place, Chen Zong finally saw clearly under the careful gaze. He fell on a mountain and looked forward, but it was gray and white, as if there were countless hills rising, and there were many dead bones, such as mountains Long rivers.

The sky was dark and low, and death was pervasive.

It's like a cemetery, a huge cemetery.

Chen Zong was even more horrified to discover that it was not a mountain at his feet, but a huge skeleton, which was several kilometers high and inserted into the ground. I did not know how many years it had covered. A thick layer of dust gradually condensed into earth and rocks, so it looked like a mountain.

However, under Chen Zong's super-perception, he was still perceived as the original.

Thousands of kilometers of bones are just a piece of it. Can you imagine how big the main body of this skeleton was before his life? Is it a cosmic monster?

Yes and no, Chen Zong could not judge, but was still shocked.

Countless bones are clearly revealed under the gaze of Chen Zong's keen eyes. Chen Zong can make a judgment. Some of these bones belong to the same source, that is, they come from the same body, but some do not belong to the same source. Just don't belong to the same body.

In other words, here are many beasts that have died, is it a war between beasts?

Or something else?

No way to judge.

Suddenly, Chen Zong's eyes flashed sharply, staring at the dark and low sky. At that moment, Chen Zong had a feeling of being peered.

It's just that the feeling of being peeped on is like a mirror-like flower, which is fleeting, and Chen Zong is not sure if it is really the case, it is just an illusion.

Looking back, Chen Zong was more vigilant.

Falling accidentally here is like a large tomb or a giant's graveyard, but it is unknown where it is.


Chen Zong doesn't plan to stay in place. He has to find a way to leave. Since he wants to leave, he must act and explore by the way.

Maybe, what else can we get?

His body shape jumped, and he jumped directly from the mountain peaks of several thousand meters high, and flew forward quickly. Chen Zong also sent out the divine thoughts, raised his perception to the extreme, and carefully felt all the fluctuations around him. .

A pair of eyes were so sharp that they could see through everything.


The bones are all ubiquitous, ranging from tens of meters in length to several kilometers in length, which are amazing. The so-called hills are all evolved from bones. The more you look, the more surprised Chen Zong is.

Is this really a cemetery?

It is vast, as if there is no end, and it is full of various bones. Chen Zong also saw many skulls, hundreds of meters and even thousands of meters in size. He even saw a tens of thousands of meters in size. The skull ran across the ground, astonishing.

In addition, Chen Zong has also been paying attention to the feeling of being peeped by Fang Cai. Instinctively told Chen Zong that it was not an illusion, but that he was really peeped. Unfortunately, there was no peeping feeling after that time.

Or, his reaction was discovered by the other party.

After thinking about it, Chen Zong continued to explore, but did not find

Nothing, no living things at all, some are bones, endless bones.

Compared to the mystery here, what Chen Zong wants more is to find an exit as soon as possible to leave the place and return to Taihao Mountain.

After all, the elder Tianguangfeng went to Xinfeng Building in person and brought Yu Nianxin back. If there were no accidents, he could return within five years. Then he had to return to Taihaoshan within five years.

In addition, the final sound and explosion made Chen Zong smell a strong conspiracy.

Among the airless collars, the so-called waiting for a long time means that the airless collars have already known their actions. This task was obtained in Taihao Mountain without any delay. They acted immediately but were still known. .

What does this mean?

Quite simply, someone deliberately leaked this mission and their whereabouts to the chaotic leader's bandits.

And in the chaotic collar's airless collar, there will be the demon of the purgatory demon gate, and the last three breaths, with the strong perception of Chen Zong, also felt that it was not the breath of the purgatory demon gate, but a A somewhat familiar breath swing.

The breath of the blue sea of ​​the ancient Lanfeng.

Chen Zong affirmed that he did not feel wrong.

The breath of the three people is very subtle and powerful, and it has surpassed the level of the fifth realm. Often, it is the emperor of the sixth realm, and the breath fluctuation is clearly the breath fluctuation of the blue ocean. The power of the blue sea's blood.

Of course, it can be done if someone disguise.

Chen Zong's thinking is very clear.

Gu Lanfeng's people remember it's normal to hate themselves. After all, they have fought against them many times, and because of their relationship, they have won the battle of rising peaks ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ leading to the downgrading of Gu Lanfeng to Zhifeng. Losing the position of positive peak also loses a lot of resources, which is unfavorable for future cultivation.

Blocking the path of spiritual practice is like killing parents. It's almost a concept.

It's just that Chen Zong didn't dare to imagine that Lan Hai's people would really do this step, telling the chaotic leader of the bandits to get rid of himself, among them even the people of the Purgatory Demon Gate.

This approach is undoubtedly contrary to Tai Haoshan's rules.

Therefore, after Chen Zong will leave, return to Taihao Mountain and investigate the matter. If it is really the people of Lan Haishi who did it, then Chen Zong will definitely not stop there.

But the most important thing right now is to leave here first. If you can't leave, everything else is empty.

Chen Zong's speed is very fast, flying in the air, 10,000 meters, passing across the sky, constantly searching, but it is difficult to find anything.

Skeletons, endless bones, and the atmosphere here is dominated by dead air. Chen Zong thinks he has fallen into the undead world of the interstellar universe.

If not for these bones would not move.

Constantly flying forward, flying, Chen Zong did not calculate how far he had flown, and did not care how much time he spent, because time seems to be gone here.

In front of him, a huge figure was huddled, and Chen Zong was extremely shocked.

what is that?

That is a huge skull, how big is it?

Hundreds of thousands of meters!

The skull, which is hundreds of thousands of meters in size, is like a Taikoo mountain-like cross-coiled, so majestic and exuberant that Chen Zong was shocked by the anomaly.

The instinctual feeling told Chen Zong that perhaps what he wanted to explore was in the huge skull.

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