Sword God

Vol 43 Chapter 57: Spiritual fire

(There is something to do in the morning, the first is now offered)

He devotes himself to the realm as the leader, controls the power, and is supplemented by a powerful and top-level emperor-level spirit. He introverts all his strength into a mixed Yuan Da Zhoutian and is self-contained.

The extremely fierce rays of light shone, completely covering Chen Zong, the amazing power, completely roasting the valley around Chen Zong's body, twisting it, turning it into gas, and then turning it into nothingness.

Chen Zong is still supporting.

With his whole heart in mind, Chen Zong had a clearer understanding of the increasingly fiery sun power over the sky.

"This kind of power ..." Chen Zong's heart moved secretly, faintly feeling.

Immediately, I saw the round of intense sun over the sky extended to the extreme, as if a sky, and then fell.

come down!

Falling like a meteorite, it blasted directly to Chen Zong, carrying horrible power, and was unavoidably hit by the front.

He was just a moment, and Chen Zong's assassination built by his true state didn't break the big day. At that moment, he was broken and destroyed by a horrible force.

I can't stop it!

力量 That power is so overbearing that it cannot be resisted at all.

The tadpole is like a ball, which can resist the impact of the water flow, isolate the water flow, cannot penetrate into it, but cannot stop the direct suppression of the mountain, and it is instantly burst.

The horrible power invaded Chen Zong's body instantly, and ignited directly.


Chen Zong can more clearly and strongly feel the horrible blazing, spreading madly from within his body, combining inside and outside, and the whole person burns directly, madly burning, like a raging fire.

宗 Chen Zong can clearly feel that all his powers, such as his body and spirit, have become fuel, and are ignited.

Also, the stronger your own power, the more intense the burning.

The raging fire was burning wildly. If it was inside or outside, Chen Zong felt inexplicable pain, indescribable pain.

The top-level imperial spirit, the power of the third demon magic sword, the power of the five main roads ...

Not far from Chen Zong, a figure sitting quietly, tall and burly, as if he could carry a mountain-like mighty shore, just sitting, but there was a majestic momentum that was unbreakable and motionless, Amazing.

Taihao Swordmaster!

It is the contemporary Taihao of Taihao Mountain.

There was a faint smile on Tai Hao's face. In his eyes, Chen Zonghun was flaming up and down. At first, it was a red fire, gradually, with the continuous burning The flame was also changing color, and gradually brought a hint of silver.

After a short while, the flame was completely silver, burning more than ever, and gradually a little bit of gold breeding and rendering.

Then, the silver flame turned golden.

The golden flame, so dazzling and so eye-catching, also made Taihao Jiansheng's face show a surprise.

This is the fire of Taihao. It burns with all its own power as fuel. In a certain realm, the stronger and more powerful your own power is, the hotter the fire of Taihao becomes.

Chen Zong ’s fire of Taihao burned and turned into gold, which is the highest level of Taihao ’s fire, which shocked Taihao Sword Master, because when he ignited the fire of Taihao, he was only silver It is not golden at all.

According to rumors, the first generation of Taihao is not golden, but it is a bit golden in silver. Unlike Chen Zong, it is pure golden, so pure.


Wu Taihao Sword Saint faintly excited.

The fire of Taihao is not only a high-end method to identify personal potential, but also a kind of inheritance. Tahao's inheritance is contained in it. It will be unconsciously turned into a brand and will be slowly released. .

In addition, under the burning of the fire of Taihao, all impurities in its own power will be gradually eliminated, making all its own power more and more pure, and it can better all its own power. Unite.

Simply put, remove obstacles between different forces.

But what Chen Zong now feels is only pain.

I don't know how long it has been burning. Gradually, the pain has reached the extreme, and the material must be reversed, miraculously reduced.

The ultimate pain is happiness. Chen Zong only feels that his body is comfortable, and his body seems to lose all its weight.

Not only the physical feeling, but also the spiritual feeling.


The whole person seems to be soaring, a feeling of detachment arises spontaneously, from the depth of the body to the depth of the soul.

When this refreshing reached the extreme, the unspeakable intense pain broke out again, pain and happiness, so that Chen Zong realized what is called "enjoyment".

When Xun reached the critical point, this extreme pain and happiness stopped for an instant and disappeared without a trace, which made Chen Zong think it was an illusion.

He calmed down and Chen Zong finally saw him all around.

I was still in the valley before, so beautiful, there was no sign of destruction like it was before, as if everything was just an illusion, but instinct Chen Zong felt that his body seemed different.

With a single heart, Chen Zong quickly sensed himself, sensed everything about himself, and there was no missing inside and outside, while also seeing the figure of a seated but incomparable shore not far away.

That figure is like the true hegemony and supremacy of the sky, as if where he is, is the center, the focus, everything.

Like God.

Chen Zong can't help but have a feeling, if there is really a demon, probably it is.

But, this feeling appeared for a moment, then disappeared, Chen Zong continued to look, the figure of the mighty shore in front of him seemed to become ordinary and ordinary.

"Practitioner Chen Zong, meet the sword sage." Chen Zong immediately performed the sword ceremony. On the one hand, Chen Zong was also surprised by his changes.

It was just as if a fiery flame, like a hallucinogen, burned, but brought an incredible change to him. Chen Zong could feel that he was very pure and pure, and was purified again and became more pure.

The more pure the power, the more powerful and powerful the power that can be released from it, indirectly driving the improvement of strength.

Under Chen Zong's super strong perception, not only that, Chen Zong can also feel that all of his own power is moving faster, and the speed when he wants to integrate it is faster.

Vaguely, it seems that there is a sense that the five kinds of avenue power can blend into each other, but Chen Zong tried it, and found that he still couldn't do it, it seemed only a feeling.

Chen Zong felt something more in his mind, it was a flame, no, it should be said to be a flame.

That is a ray of pure golden flame. Between burning, a mysterious wave is released. The wave is deep and long, as if it contains endless mysteries.

Spiritual fire!

This is the fire of Taihao's spirit, and also the true inheritance of Taihao.

"Good practice, the fourth generation of Taihao is waiting for you." Taihao Jiansheng said concisely, and then explained to Chen Zong in simple words.

Chen Zong also knew what the flame was just before.

The fire of Taihao is called the fire of Taihao spirit, which is the root of Taihao's inheritance.

Bian Taihao's heritage is not inherited from Taihao's skills, Taihao swordsmanship, Taihao's Kendo, etc. In fact, there are no such things, it only inherits one kind: spirit!

Taihao spirit!

What is the spirit of Taihao?

Bright, blazing, purifying, and sacred, like the fierce evil of the sky, destroying all evil and dissipating all darkness.

Adhering to this spirit, walking in the universe is for Taihao.

Of course, the inheritance of Taihao is not as simple as that. The spiritual fire is not only a spiritual inheritance, but also a treasure that integrates all its strengths.

However, in order for this treasure to play its real role, it also needs an opportunity. A suitable opportunity, when the opportunity does not arrive, is just a ray of flame.

The interpretation of Wu Taihao's sword sage was very brief and simple, but Chen Zong understood and understood.

"Go, from now on, go to walk the universe and act with Taihao spirit. One day, you will find the opportunity to integrate everything." Taihao Jiansheng said, the words fell, Chen Zong felt everything in front of him. It has become blurred.

In between, Chen Zong returned to the Palace of Wushuang Sword, like everything before, it was really just an illusion, like a dream.

However, in Shenhai, there is a spiritual fire symbolizing Taihao's inheritance. Let Chen Zong know that everything just before is not an illusion, but something that really happened. However, the method of Taihao Sword Master is wonderful. Testing, beyond their own understanding.

That is neither the way of time nor the way of space.

All in all, can't understand.

But Chen Zong didn't delve into it ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ When later, when his realm is enough, he can really understand the mystery.

"Walking the universe." In Chen Zong's mind, it seemed to recall the words that Taihao Jiansheng said last.

Walking in the universe, acting in the spirit of Taihao, and finding opportunities, he finally inherited Taihao.

This is a must for every generation of Taihao.

Chen Zong was chosen as the heir by Taihao Sword Master. Chen Zong had a feeling of being flattered, but he would not be arrogant.

As for the previous flame burning, it is indeed a prelude to inheritance. If you ca n’t carry it, it means that you have no chance to get the fire of Taihao spirit, and even less to get its inheritance, then Taihao Sword Master naturally will not explain everything about spiritual fire. This opportunity is also lost.

"With my current strength, traveling the universe is enough." Chen Zong secretly said.

Our current strength is the level of the ordinary emperor. Although it is not an opponent of the top emperor, but if you want to escape, the top emperor wants to stay, but it is not easy.

If such strength is not enough to travel the universe, what kind of strength can we have?

But before leaving Taihao Mountain and walking the universe, Chen Zong will make some preparations.

As soon as my heart moved, Chen Zong immediately went to Tian Guangfeng to meet the master of Tian Guangfeng. What was the purpose of meeting the master of Tian Guangfeng?

One of them is naturally to leave, and the other is to hope that you can enjoy more of the mystery of skylight sword drawing.

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