Sword God

Vol 43 Chapter 69: Realm 6

(The first outbreak)

"Separate and look around." Lan Hai said suddenly.

Immediately, take the blue sea prince as a group, the blue sea's two elders and three elders as a group, the purgatory demon gate's semi-holy elders as a group, the four purgatory demon gate's emperor level as a group Divided into four roads, left in four different directions, looking for traces of Taihaoshan people and Chen Zong.

The soldiers will search in four ways, which will definitely be more efficient than searching together.

What's more, Blue Mercury is not too big. Even if one of them encounters the attack of Mount Taihao, it can quickly ask for help, and the other three can quickly rush to reinforcements in a very short time.

Look for!

The people of Lan Haishi and the Purgatory Demon Gate immediately dispersed and looked around.

Even though Blue Mercury is just a star, it takes less time for an emperor to make a circle, at most it is within an hour, but that is in the case of full speed, but now it is If you are looking for someone or someone who is in hiding, you will not be able to hurry at full speed.

Slow down, search slowly, carpet-like search, and even divine thought infiltrated into the sea water.

Because of the relationship between the blue sea bloodline and the natural approach to the water, the blue sea's Taishang, the second elder, and the three elders mainly search the sea. Of course, because of the relationship between the blue water star nine and the sea, Purgatory Demon Gate The elders also searched the sea, but they also searched the islands.

There are too many islands on the blue Mercury. There are thousands and thousands of them. They are scattered around. It takes time to search all of them.

At this moment, Chen Zong has already plunged into the deepest trench of Blue Mercury, swimming under ten thousand meters, and concealing all his breath fluctuations. This is what Chen Zong is very good at.

I was so secretly concealed, and Chen Zong's own strength was not weak. Others wanted to find Chen Zong, unless it was face-to-face, or if the Holy Power was in person, it was not easy to find even a semi-Holy power.

At this moment, Chen Zong is staring ahead, his eyes twinkling with a faint light.

This is the depth of the ditch below ten thousand meters. Here, the light has disappeared, and the outside light cannot be penetrated through such deep seawater. It is as dark as an abyss. Fortunately, Chen Zong's eyesight is amazing. See clearly.

A huge body, a dark body covered with teal ring patterns, is a sea snake.

海 The body of this sea snake has the thickness of a bucket, coiled into a circle, and the breath is very fierce and very tyrannical. It seems to be the limit of the sixth realm, near the level of the seventh realm.

There is no emperor class on this Blue Mercury. The strongest is the emperor class, and there are not many practitioners at the emperor level. The really powerful one is the sea beast.

This sea snake lives in the depths of the trench. It has a terrible strength and is very close to the peak of the emperor level. Chen Zong can clearly feel that the blood and power in this sea snake's body is very powerful, violent and amazing. Extremely.

Chen Zong estimates that even if the ordinary emperor wanted to kill this sea snake, it would not be so easy.

Trenches below 10,000 meters have an amazing water pressure. The sea snakes that can inhabit and grow here are undoubtedly arrogant and coupled with the power of the imperial class, it is undoubtedly terrible.

This sea snake is sleeping.

Chen Zong's attention is not the sea snake itself, but the thing surrounded by the sea snake's huge body.

what is that?

It looks like a cluster of coral clumps, black-red coral clumps. On this coral clump, there is a withered flower. Among the withered flowers, there is a black fruit with a strand of gold. Around, faintly, there seemed to be a hint of pure air permeating from the fruit.

"It really is a treasure." Chen Zong secretly rejoiced.

I was outside the trench and felt a faint aura of fluctuations in breath, which is exactly what this fruit exudes.

This fruit is about to mature, and this sea snake is undoubtedly guarding this fruit, only because this fruit is of great benefit to it. If it is swallowed, it can break its own puppets and surpass its own limits. Advance to a higher level.

Emperor level!

Once devouring this fruit, this sea snake can break the existing limit, upgrade from the emperor to the emperor level, and turn into an ancient beast. At that time, it can escape from this blue mercury and enter the universe to seek for greater and more Many chances, chasing the traces of the ancestors, making his bloodline back to the ancestors, more powerful.

This fruit is ripe, and the sea snake's body moves slightly, and it will wake up.

However, it will never be able to wake up, because in a flash, a ray of sword light suddenly flashed, pierced the seawater under the pressure of more than 10,000 meters, and directly penetrated the head of the sea snake.

That is Chen Zong's sword.

The black mark and the mysterious seed were also urged immediately and devoured directly, but in a short time, the sea snake turned into a pile of dead bones.

For Chen Zong, although this sea snake is not weak, it is nothing, after all, top emperor Chen Zong can kill.

However, if the sea snake is to be awakened, it will be a bit of fighting. It is inevitable that there will be a breath leaking out, which may be sensed by the people of the blue sea and then found.

If Chen was caught in the siege, it would be bad for Chen Zong.

The poor sea snake is about to wake up, and the future is bright. There is still a trace of possibility in the future. It can truly return to its ancestors, become a cosmic beast, and run the universe invincible, but everything ends when Chen Zong comes here.

The sea snake became a dried snake, the mysterious seed in Chen Zong's body, and the spreading root system. As it absorbed the vitality of the sea snake, it further expanded and spread, and Chen Zong's lower body was completely spread.

Next, it is to spread all over the upper body, and finally, everywhere in the whole body.

Now Chen Zong has felt that when the root system of the mysterious seed really spreads across the lower body and spreads to the toes of the feet, a strange sense of electric shock permeates between the feet and the waist, circulating back and forth, that feeling is very wonderful. It is difficult to describe clearly in words.

But with his own extraordinary perception, Chen Zong felt that his lower body seemed to be undergoing some kind of change. This kind of change was difficult for Chen Zong to articulate for a while, but it felt that it should be a change beneficial to him.

Then, when you want to draw more vitality, so that the mysterious seed grows, and its roots are spread all over the body, perhaps, the real change will come, and then you will know what kind of change it is.

However, it is not so easy to spread the roots of the mysterious seed everywhere in the body, it may take decades.

As soon as his body moved, Chen Zong immediately took the ripe fruit into his hands. At the same time, as the fruit fully matured, the power contained in it would burst out, but was blocked by Chen Zong's power. Nothing can be leaked, otherwise it will definitely attract the attention of others.

He felt the majestic power contained in the fruit, like the vastness of the ocean, and Chen Zong secretly rejoiced.

This fruit is really useful to myself. Although I can't let myself break through to the emperor level, at least, I can ascend to the pinnacle of the sixth realm.

修 If Xiu reached the pinnacle of the sixth realm, his strength could at least be more than doubled and become more powerful.

Without any hesitation, Chen Zong took this fruit immediately, swallowed it after he chewed it instantly, and immediately, there was an incomparably pure force, released from the chewed fruit, as if The **** was like a torrent, and the roar rang and it kept flowing.

The sacred sword of magic sword runs immediately, refining directly.

This power is extremely powerful and immense, as if it were surging and mighty, it is the ultimate power of the sixth realm, and even comparable to the power of the ordinary seventh realm.

Such a magnificent power was mastered by Chen Zong, and was continuously refined by Chen Zong, and transformed into Chen Zong's own cultivation power.

It is just that the strength cultivated by Chen Zong's Demon Sword Code III is very pure and very majestic. It may not be as good as the strength carried by this fruit, but it is worse than many in quality. The strength after this transformation is not enough to allow Chen Zong to break through to the seventh level.


Chen Zong's practice is constantly improved.

There is also a difference between the cultivation of the sixth realm.

Twenty years ago, Chen Zonggang broke through to the sixth realm shortly. It was just the level of the sixth realm. After twenty years, he continued to fight and continue to improve. He finally upgraded the cultivation to the sixth level.

Twenty years, from the entry to Xiaocheng, this speed is actually not too slow ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ But for Chen Zong, it is actually slow. After all, Chen Zong's promotion was very fast.

继续 Continue to improve at this speed. If you want to achieve great success or even completeness, it will take longer, ranging from 50 to 60 years, and up to a hundred years.

现在 But now, as Chen Zong continues to refine the majestic power that emerges from the fruit, Xiu Wei is also constantly improving, and the speed of his improvement has surprised Chen Zong himself.

This power continues to grow, and it feels as if the water is rising. It is really wonderful.


After a while, Chen Zong ’s cultivation was promoted to Dacheng, and his strength as a whole surged in his body. However, the strength of the fruit has not been absorbed by Chen Zonghua. It is still very majestic. But only half.

Refining and chemical!

The sacred magic sword code is constantly operating, and Chen Zong is constantly refining the power of this fruit, just a fruit no more than the size of an egg. The power contained in it is amazing and can be called massive.

Xiu Xiu gradually improved to reach the peak level of Dacheng, and then, continuously accumulated strength, and then launched another shock.


Once again, Xiu Wei, ascended to the sixth realm of perfection.

With the final strength of the fruit being absorbed by Chen Zonghua, and cultivated, it is also completely stabilized in the sixth level of consummation. That is the practice of both Qi training and physical training. Chen Zong's promotion is amazing.

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