Sword God

Vol 43 Chapter 99: Famous post (on)

The ancient goddess of Phoenix travels to Phoenix!

消息 This news, like a storm, swept across the city directly, from those in the seventh realm, to those in the fifth realm, and even ordinary people who have not cultivated, all know, and there has been much discussion.

遇 If you meet someone you know at this time, if you can't say that the two sentences are related to the arrival of the ancient Phoenix goddess and express some opinions of your own, then it will look very backward and lose face.

The whole city is talking about it enthusiastically. However, after the arrival of the ancient Phoenix goddess, she lived directly in the main palace of Tianhuang City. After a few days, she never appeared. If it was not the strong Phoenix guard, it would be thought that the ancient Phoenix goddess had left.

Even if she doesn't show up for a few days, it still has a great impact.

In the restaurant, Chen Zong was also thinking while practicing, and his heart was a little confused.

If your own feeling is wrong, does the ancient Phoenix goddess have no connection with Nianxin?

But this kind of bewilderment was only sustained for a while and was crushed by Chen Zong. Why not bewilderment?

Look first and understand first to know the result. If it ’s really not relevant, then you look for it. Maybe if you are famous enough and Yu Nianxin is in this inner universe, you will hear your own. Fame, then, maybe he will come to find himself.

This is also a good way.

Then, first contact the ancient Phoenix goddess, make sure that the ancient Phoenix goddess is indeed unrelated to the mind, and then act according to the method you just came up with. Of course, the best thing is that the ancient Phoenix goddess is indeed related to the mind, so, Save a lot of time and effort.

But many things are not based on their own will. What exactly will happen then, we have to look at it again.

"Brother Chen, big event." Yang Yi inquired from the outside and went back to the restaurant again, looking very excited.

"What's the matter?" Chen Zong could not help but smile slightly and asked, just to satisfy Yang Yi's desire for expression.

"Brother Chen may not know if he hasn't gone out. There has been news from the city's main government. To receive the wind to clean the goddess and prepare to host a feast, the goddess has consented." Yang Yi's tone was very excited, his face flushed with red eyes Guang: "This banquet is about to invite some people. Those three peerless Tianjiao have been invited, as well as those top Tianjiao, have been invited together. In addition, the city main government also released ten famous posts, as long as you hold the name Post, you can go to the dust-washing feast of the goddess. "

Why are only the peerless Tianjiao and top Tianjiao directly invited, but Tianjiao's geniuses are not?

I do n’t know. Maybe it ’s because the peerless Tianjiao and the top Tianjiao add up, but there are only a dozen, but Tianjiao is more. At least Tianjiao who has come to Tianhuang City now has more than thirty famous people.

Of these thirty days, of course, not all of them are ten-star combat power, some of them are ten-star combat power, and some are not yet ten-star combat power, but after being recognized by those strong, they can impact the ten-star war soon. Power, has this share of potential.

I did not directly invite those Tianjiao and geniuses, but released ten famous posts, which did not specify a name. What does this mean?

He means that as long as he holds a name card, he can participate in the feast of the goddess.

So how can I get that famous post?


Whoever can get it by their ability can take a famous post to participate in the banquet, so simple and straightforward.

In my heart, this kind of lively Chen Zong does not want to make up, but, because it is a matter of Yu Nianxin, the famous post must be handed over to attend the banquet, and maybe the ancient goddess of the phoenix can be seen at the banquet.

Since he wanted to get a famous post, Chen Zong asked Yang Yi for details. Yang Yi seemed to be asking for a package. Basically, he had already inquired about it. Ten famous posts had been released and hung in the sky. On Phoenix's platform in Phoenix.

Whoever wants to get those ten famous posts must go to Chaohuangtai and take down one famous post in person. The rule is that you can only take at most one, which means that after you get one, you cannot Name posts shot, otherwise they will be evicted.

In addition, if you get a famous post, you are not 100% ready to participate in the banquet, because others will come to **** the famous post you own. If you can't keep it, you will be snatched by others.

In short, when the banquet is announced, anyone who can bring the famous post can participate in the banquet, and before the banquet begins, the famous post can always compete.

However, the famous post cannot be destroyed, otherwise it will not be added. If there is a bad one, there will be one less, and if the famous post is destroyed, it will be "please" by Tianhuang City, which is not welcome.

I listened to Yang Yi's famous post for the rules, Chen Zong immediately pondered.

"Brother Chen, you have ten-star combat power, and you can compete for famous posts." Yang Yixing said aggressively, as if he could participate, but in fact, Yang Yi's combat power is only four-star. There is no qualification to compete.

Four-star combat power is a rooster.

Of course, at this age, it is indeed a better level that Tiancheng Xiaocheng's cultivation has a four-star combat power.

It ’s not easy to upgrade in order to improve the order of heaven. From entry to Xiaocheng, under normal circumstances, it will not work for a few years. If it is in the outer universe, it is different. The promotion between entry and Xiaocheng is not It will not work for decades or even hundreds of years.

From this point of view, the practice of the inner universe is directly more than dozens of times more efficient than the outer universe, even hundreds of times, which is very amazing.

This makes the inner universe the ancient mysterious world, there are a lot of heaven-level powers equivalent to the seventh-level emperor.

For example, some geniuses and arrogances, for example, some more ordinary practitioners of talent, but also have spent more time cultivating to the Heavenly Order, and continue to settle, eventually reaching the successful completion of the Heavenly Order, such practitioners abound.

Of course, more ordinary talent means that in this life it is difficult to have the opportunity to break the limit.

It is worth mentioning that in the inner universe, the life expectancy of the sky-ranked strong is limited. Under normal circumstances, the life span of the sky-ranked strong is about one thousand years. If you practice some health-care tips or have special health Means, you can live a few hundred more years without problems. If you can get some exotic fruits to prolong life or elixir, you can also extend your life, and hundreds of years are also possible.

As for the sacred step strong man, that Shou Yuan has soared many times directly, but it is also limited.

This is the price. The cultivation of the inner universe is so simple that it can be easily promoted. As long as you have certain talents and resources, it is not difficult to cultivate to the level of heaven. This is a good thing. The disadvantage is that the life is limited. Unlike in the outer universe, the Shou Yuan of the imperial powerhouse is amazing, even longer than the Shou Yuan of the holy order power in the inner universe.

There is no gain but no gain. This is the rationale and is universal everywhere.

Chen Zong left the restaurant and led by Yang Yi directly to Chaohuangtai.

The dynasty dynasty of Huang Dynasty is used as a place for sacrifices to the city of Tianhuang. It is usually used for other purposes, but it is also forbidden for others to enter.

At this moment around the Chaohuangtai, there were standing like a spear-like figure, standing on the ground pointing to the sky, wearing armor, a breathless condensed, and through the battle-hard division, is the guard of the sky Phoenix, Protect Chaoyangtai firmly.

On the platform of the phoenix, there is a statue of a phoenix that spreads its wings and soars directly into the sky. It is a full 100 meters high, and around this scarlet phoenix statue is surrounded by ten light clusters. Each light cluster is about the size of a human head. If you look closely, you will find that the things in the light group are exactly like a rectangular piece of paper.

Famous Posts!

That is exactly the ten famous posters specially made and released for the ancient Phoenix goddess to hold a wind-washing dust feast.

Within 10,000 meters centered on the huge red-winged Phoenix of Chaohuangtai, there is no one, because the competition for famous posts has not yet begun, no one is allowed to enter. Here, there is a guard from Tianhuang City. Many of them have top-ranked sky-order powerhouses.

Of course, this is nothing, even if the Lord of the Phoenix City was powerful that day, it was not a true sacred step strong man. The real deterrent effect was the ancient Phoenix goddess and the ancient Phoenix mountain. After all, this is related to the banquet of the ancient Phoenix goddess. To abide by the rules is tantamount to offending the ancient Phoenix goddess, even if the heavenly forces in the ancient Phoenix domain cannot afford it.

Many people came from all directions within Tianhuang City, gathered to Chaohuangtai, and waited.

For a while, the loud and loud screams sounded, and from a distance, two arrogant and fiery breath permeated, and they were shocked.

"It's a fiery phoenix!"

The exclamation kept ringing, and Chen Zong also looked up, and saw that from the direction of the city's main government, two emperor fires spread out their wings, burning more than as if they were flying like a flame trail ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ On the backs of the two fiery phoenixes, there are two figures sitting.

"Not only the fiery phoenix, but also the phoenix guard came."

Countless envious eyes stared at Lie Fengwei, if you can also become Lie Fengwei, that would be great.

Not only can you approach the ancient goddess of the ancient phoenix, but you can also enjoy the resources of the ancient phoenix mountain, which is very exciting when you think about it, but unfortunately, it is too difficult.

There are two fierce phoenix guards, one man and one woman, wearing fierce phoenix armor and wearing a fierce phoenix helmet, so they cannot see clearly their full face, only the eyes.

"There are still many people." Female Lie Fengwei laughed.

"Who in the world doesn't want to see the goddess of the world." The male fierce Phoenix guard laughed softly, but a little bit of disdain appeared in his heart. How can some of the worldly children's posture of the world of the gods be able to sting.

But now that they are here, give these ordinary people some opportunities.

The male fierce Phoenix guard's eyes were high and swept across, the kind of eyes seemed to be looking at a group of ants. In fact, his strength was really strong, but for the people present, it was not necessarily repressive. This attitude, a kind of high-mindedness, creates such an attitude.

The battle for anonymous posts was supervised by these two fierce phoenix guards, and the guards of Tianhuang City were auxiliary.

"Now, I will announce the rules, and then start the battle for famous posts." The female Lie Fengwei was sitting on the back of Tianhuo Liehuang, overlooking the sweep of life, and her voice sounded with an amazing power. Into everyone's ears.

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