Sword God

Vol 44 Chapter 37: Tai Xuan

(Tomorrow is finally going to start, my husband is so relieved)

In the inner world, Hunyuan's mental strength keeps running, and he recovers rapidly at an amazing speed. Soon, he recovers from less than 10% to 10%, and is constantly recovering.

The speed of strength recovery is extremely fast, which is where Chen Zong's advantage now lies.

While fleeing at a rapid speed, Chen Zong regained his mental strength, but the sacred step powerhouse did not half let Chen Zong go, and immediately chased after him.

Once such a person breaks through the Holy Order, it will immediately become a confidant of the Heavenly Dragon Holy Land. He does not think that Chen Zong will not avenge himself after he shot against Chen Zong.

The speed of the sacred order is faster than that of Chen Zong. The kilometer's tail of the dragon shook his body and suddenly emerged from the sky. The speed was extremely fast, but in a flash, he caught up with Chen Zong and was out of one claw. .

This claw is even more arrogant than the one it just has, and it is more than doubled. Obviously, this sacred order strong man has moved the real fire and took out his real strength.

Heaven and earth are shrouded, as if the space in which Chen Zong is located was caught by this claw, as if it were split from this heaven and earth.

Can't escape!

Chen Zong immediately understood that he could not escape.

The emptiness of a hundred meters around was captured and isolated completely. This method was terrible, and the power was far from being able to compete.

But in fact, it is not really digging up a space. It has not yet reached that level. It is just a symbol. Even so, there is no difference. After all, it cannot be resisted.

Chen Zong's look was so cold and cold to the extreme that countless thoughts flashed between his thoughts.

What should I do?

Although his strength is not affected, there is no difference because the opponent's strength is too strong and completely exceeds his own limit.

Even if it is possible to cast Taihao's sword, it can't be broken.

Chen Zong didn't think much, or said that the thoughts flashed by countless moments, and there was an immediate decision.

Crush the inner world!

This is a last resort and a last resort. It is a life-threatening one.

The formation of the inner world is not easy. There are many opportunities and coincidences. Chen Zong speculates that it has something to do with Yixin Jue and the Mind Tianjian. After all, he "sees" the casting of the Mind Tianjian. What was born in the world draws on the origin of that big world.

And crushing the inner world, you can exchange for a short period of powerful power, this power will surpass the past, forcibly break the trance, and advance to the level of the Holy Order.

With the strength of the holy order, coupled with the sword of Taihao, the power after the trigger will reach a more terrible and amazing height. Such a sword, Chen Zong speculates that there is full confidence in breaking the moment at this moment. Imprisonment, even threatening the sacred step strength of the Heavenly Holy Land.

Without delay, Chen Zong didn't hesitate, and immediately agitated the power of the heavens and the earth, and shattered it in exchange for the power of the tyrannical hierarchy.

Fight desperately!

Even if he dies, he must also pull a back to let the world know that the sword of Wushuang Sword Emperor is not easy to mess with.

Chen Zong's eyes seemed to be burning, burning more than just like the sun, and the breath around him was also very tyrannical.


Full of decisiveness.

When Chen Zong was preparing to smash the inner heaven and earth desperately, the abnormal changes suddenly occurred.

Everything around it suddenly became slow, and then, there seemed to be a breeze blowing, and everything became solidified. Immediately, a space crack appeared, and the crack was very stable, as if opening a door.

Chen Zong felt only an invisible force, entangled himself, the force was irresistible, but did not carry any hostility, and took his body directly into the cracked portal, disappeared instantly not see.

"Who is it!" The sacred step strength of the Tianlong Holy Land realized for the first time that it was not good, and that claw immediately fell down, and the power contained in it increased again a lot.

This claw shattered a hundred meters of void, turning everything into dust and dust.

However, Chen Zong has disappeared.



Only when he was furious, the sacred step strong man in this heavenly holy place did not lose his mind, but became more and more chilly, with huge dark golden eyes staring at the shattered place, full of dignity.

For a moment, he felt the space fluctuated. The person who shot was the person who controlled the avenue of space, or a sacred step powerhouse, otherwise he could not intervene under his own coercion.

So who is it?

Is it a holy order strongman?

Is it the Holy Order Power behind Chen Zong?

For a while, countless thoughts flickered into the minds of the sacred step strengths in the Tianlong Holy Land, and finally couldn't think of it, but one thing he knew was that Chen Zong had escaped, and escaped under his eyes. .

The talent of this person is amazing. It doesn't matter if he lived a few hundred years old. In short, in Chen Zong's body, he saw a threat, a huge threat, and this threat is likely to evolve into a dragon. Great hidden danger in the Holy Land.

It's just a pity that it's hard to find, but don't give up. Even if it is difficult to find, you must find it and mobilize.

Tianlong Holy Land must be mobilized, and Tianhuan Holy Land must be mobilized. When necessary, even Tianyin Holy Land needs to be mobilized. To a certain extent, the three holy sites are actually connected with each other because of the ancestors of the three holy sites In the young age, there was a good friendship, and now this friendship still exists.


Chen Zong stopped smashing the inner world, and his body shuttled deep in the void. The void around him was very stable and there was no danger at all.

I don't know which strong man has shot, but since the other party has shot to save himself, he must have his purpose, so understand the purpose first.

If not, at least you can use the power to smash the heavens and the earth in exchange for the Holy Order.

Strive hard!

The saddest thing is that he can't even fight hard, but Chen Zong can still do it.

So, whether it's a conspiracy or a conspiracy, come all without fear.

Soon, Chen Zong rushed out of the void passage and appeared in a small valley. This is just a very small valley. There is a lake in the valley that is only a kilometer in size. On the side of the lake, there is a person sitting, one seems Very ordinary old man, fishing, leisurely contentment.

But the moment he saw the old man, Chen Zong was suffering like a pinch.


This is a sacred step strong man, a powerful one like the Heavenly Dragon Holy Land sacred step strong man who has forced himself into despair.

Does it appear here that the other party did exactly that?

"The younger Chen Zong, I've met the seniors." Chen Zong immediately performed the sword ceremony.

In any case, the other party looks older and stronger than himself.

However, the other party did not seem to hear Chen Zong's voice in general, did not pay any attention to Chen Zong, but instead took care of the fisherman, even if he did not catch anything.

However, Chen Zong did not feel a little annoyed, but stood still, waiting quietly, because Chen Zong knew that the old man must know his arrival. As for why there was no response as if he didn't realize it, there must be a reason, then, Just wait.

While waiting, Chen Zong is also constantly recovering the mental strength of the mixed Yuan, continually enlighten the sword art, and constantly awakened only the shots, especially the Taihao sword created by the self-realization under the extreme outbreak. The lore of lore.

This move has amazing potential and terrible power. It can break the quasi-superior level to reach the real super-level, surpassing the sub-holy level, and initially has the holy order power.

And Chen Zong feels that this sword still has the potential for improvement and can become more powerful.

Therefore, Chen Zong did not feel boring at all, nor was he impatient. On the contrary, he waited and realized quietly.

Time passed slowly, unknowingly, even a few days passed.

The old man who fished did not catch anything, or he had already caught it. He just lowered the bamboo pole in his hand and looked up at Chen Zong without any worries, a smile hanging from the corner of his mouth.

"Little friendly ability." The old man said with a smile, directly claiming praise.

This is actually praising Chen Zong's ability, praising Chen Zong's ability to counter the true sacred order at the sub-sage level, which is almost impossible, but Chen Zong did.

"Thank you for helping your predecessors to rescue you." Chen Zong is still enlightening, but he is not affected in the slightest, and he does this to the ordinary old man who looks like a fisherman.

"Hahahaha, I'm looking for you, but there is something." The old man neither directly acknowledged nor denied directly, and even used a "find" word to downplay the kindness.

"What do the seniors command, as long as the younger ones can do it, they must do their best." Chen Zong solemnly said.

"It's not a big deal, it's just a trivial matter." The fisherman-like old man smiled and said, "I ask the little friend first, I don't know how the little friend knows about Tai Xuan?"

"Tai Xuan?" Chen Zong said for a moment, with a look of surprise: "The junior didn't know much about Tai Xuan, but only knew that Tai Xuan was very mysterious.

"Very authoritative ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ ha ha ha ha, it is quite authoritative." The old man laughed suddenly: "Here, Tai Xuan's authority is indeed challenged."

Chen Zong didn't say anything, because the old man didn't feel the slightest annoyance.

"Since ancient times, Tai Xuan's assessment has rarely been wrong, but there are always exceptions." The old man's eyes twinkled brightly, and he said again: "And you are one of the few exceptions. After living for hundreds of years, it is The appearance of the young man has only been at the level of the Tianji little polar realm when it appeared, but in just over a year, it has been elevated to the super polar realm. It's been only a few years, and it has the strength of the Yasheng level, and it has burst out of a mighty sword that can regret the Holy rank. "

More and more, the old man's eyes became more and more intense, and his breath spread out, causing Chen Zong's look to change greatly and to be extremely dignified.

If it wasn't for the old man who really didn't show the slightest hostility, Chen Zong would have thought he was going to shoot himself.

"My friend, my husband is not talented. I am one of Tai Xuan's principals. Now I specially invited my friend to join Tai Xuan. I don't know if my friend can appreciate his face?" The old man stopped after laughing and said to Chen Zong with a serious look. .

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