Sword God

Vol 44 Chapter 73: The Power of Ten Thousand Swords Breaks Time and Space

Optimus Swordmaster informed the dry sages and A Saints of all the information of the unknowable land, nothing was concealed, because this may be the last time to find and enter the unknowable land, concealing the information is useless, it is better to let Everyone knows a little bit more, making them more secure and convenient. If they get any chances, they will be more grateful to Wan Jianshan.

"Now, I have told you all the information about the unknowable place. Please be prepared and follow me to the 10,000 Sword Breaking Array and prepare to urge the formation to break through the cracks in time and space and connect the unknowable place." Qing Tian Jiansheng laughed.

Everyone also digested all kinds of information, and also knew that to enter that unknowable place, the highest could not exceed the small holy realm.

In other words, the great sacred state and the ancestor level cannot enter, only because the gap can't bear the strength of the great sacred state power at that time, and the natural ancestor level cannot naturally bear the strength. If you want to enter, the gap of time and space will be destroyed, causing the destruction of time and space. The consequences are terrible. The great holy realm cannot be carried, and it will be killed directly. As for the level of the ancestor, there is no benefit and loss. Difficult, died of bad luck.

In this way, the strongest entrant can only be a small sanctuary.

In the past, all the small holy places of Wanjianshan entered, but now there are other small holy places and even a sacred sub-holy level. In short, according to Wanjianshan's plan, it is the last time to go to the unknown place to gain benefits.

Of course, there are dangers, but if you want to get a chance, you must bear the corresponding dangers, and even the danger of death.

There is no pie in the sky, and if there is, it may be accompanied by traps.

"Xun Ling!" Chen Zong's eyes narrowed slightly, because the Optimus Sword Saint also stated clearly that there was a peculiar existence in the unknowable place. It was dangerous for them to call it Xuan Ling.

Why is it unknowable?

Because until now, I do n’t know what the place ’s name is or what kind of existence it is. It ’s impossible to find a treasure from Wanjian ancestors as a guide and then use the power of matrix to continue to find it. Find its existence.

Too many unknowns, so the name was named unknown place by the ancestor of Wanjian.

But later, it was dubbed the Wangu Sword Market because of its environmental relationship. As for why it is so called, it will be known after entering.

Now, it is to stimulate all the forces of that large array, open the gap of time and space, connect the unknown places, and build a stable channel to enter again.

Wan Jian's breakout is located inside the mountainside of Wan Jianshan, which is very secretive, but Wan Jianshan did not cover up any means to let others not know, but instead brought them into the fair.

This is self-confidence, the self-confidence of the first Kendo shrine.

Wan Jianshan's strength is very tyrannical, it is the top three super existence in the ancient mysterious realm, and the combat effectiveness of Jian Xiu has always been very famous. With the deep foundation of Wan Jianshan, other strong men want to invade Wan Jianshan This is not an easy task. Even the strongest ancestors can hardly do it, and even suffer the disgrace.

Wanjian Mountain is very huge, and its belly is also very wide. It is tens of thousands of meters in diameter. The surrounding rocks have been strengthened and become extremely hard. In the perception of Chen Zong, the strongest member of the Asian Saint class hit. It may not be possible to destroy it.

And within this huge mountainside, which is tens of thousands of meters, is located in the center, about 10,000 meters in diameter, there is a circular meter high in height.

The platform, silver-gray, is covered with grains. Each grain is staggered with straight or curved lines. Each grain is permeated with the sharpness of the sword and permeated with the breath of the sword.

Sword formation!

This 10,000-meter square platform is a huge array, and an array containing a sword array. This is the large sword breaking array in the mouth of Qingtian Sage.

Located in the center of the array, a large sword is inserted, a sword that looks gray and inconspicuous, seems to be made of stone, and has a rough appearance. It feels like a weapon used by primitive people. The sword was inserted straight in the center of Wan Jian's large-scale array, and one of them fell into the center of the array, and one of them was exposed.

The section exposed was five meters high, not like a weapon used by ordinary people, but like a weapon used by giants.

Of course, powerful weapons can be scaled up and down, and it's nothing.

There are many lines on the rough grey fluttering sword, but if you take a closer look you will find that it is not a line, but a crack.

Instinctual sensation, Chen Zong felt that the great stone sword contained terrible power. Once it broke out, I was afraid I couldn't resist it, and it would be blasted into **** instantly.

"All of you, this is the array of Wan Jian's breakout. Now, please stand around this array." Qingtian Jiansheng said calmly, under his command, along with Wan Jianshan. Sacred Realm Sword Repair and Yasheng have circled around the Sword Breaking Array, separated from each other.

There is a sword saint, and next to it is Yasheng. In this arrangement, the circle around this 10,000-meter array is just right. From this point, it also shows that the ancient sword post issued by Wan Jianshan is actually prepared. There is a limit to the number, not only considering fame and talent, etc.

All Juggernauts and Yasheng Jianxiu stood up, one by one holding their breath, but those A Saints were secretly excited.

Why excited?

Because to enter the unknown?

This is not the main reason. The biggest reason is the words of Optimus Sword Master. For the Sword Masters, they are just surprised and surprised, but for the Ya Saints, they are like a thunderbolt. , Zhen deafness cyanosis.

Because in the previous few times, Yasheng, who had Wanjian Mountain, found great opportunities in the unknowable land, and gained hope to impact the Holy Order again. Although the success rate is not 100%, or even 50%, but according to 10,000 The percentage of Jianshan's gains in the past few years is estimated to be about a 10% success rate.


At first glance, it may not seem high, but after analyzing it, it is actually very high. You must know that the success rate of a heaven-level limit impacting the Holy Order is not even one-thousandth, and one-tenth is one-tenth. One.

Because of this, Wan Jianshan also added a few sword repairs to the small holy realm.

Not to mention 10%, even 1% of the hope is enough to make the Saints pay for it, even if it is possible to die, this is the reason why the Saints are excited.

Knowing the power of the Holy Order, knowing the ability of the Holy Order, who does not want to become the Holy Order, if it is the Heavenly Order, there is still a bit of hope, but Yasheng has already impacted the Holy Order and failed, which is equivalent to a certain degree of failure. By.

The unknowable place.

"Everyone, listen to my orders and release your own power into the game together.

Fully inspire this array, and then use the sword in the center of the array to break through the space-time gap, connect the unknown place, build a stable portal, and let Seoul and other places enter the unknown place to seek opportunities. "Qingtian Saint Sheng said loudly.

Everyone listened to the instructions of Optimus Sword Master, gathered their strength, and then erupted. In a hurry, each sword was shocking and filled the tens of thousands of meters of the mountain. Each sword was powerful, as if it could destroy everything. Yes, once the aggregation erupts, it can destroy time and space and wipe out everything.

Such an overbearing power was injected directly into the Wan Jian Breaking Array from different directions at the same time.

The buzzing sound suddenly rang, and the disk trembled, and the sword patterns on it began to shine from the edge. It flowed quickly like a stream of water, and quickly gathered toward the center. In the end, it seemed like a thousand As many as the returning sea and the million swords returned to the ancestors, they spread towards the center of the array.

The great power was injected into it, and the great sword trembled. It seemed to be flying away from the array. With the continuous influx of power, the great sword tremor became more and more fierce, but it was still not enough. There was no real detachment. That array.

Over the array, every breath began to emerge, and each breath was sword spirit. Dozens, hundreds, hundreds, and thousands of words continued to increase and eventually fixed at 10,000.

Ten thousand sword qi, each sword qi has the thickness of the arm, each sword qi radiates dazzling brilliance in essence, roars over the disk, and surrounds the big sword in the middle.


Everyone is urging their own strength to be poured into the large sword breaking field, and the strength is becoming more tyrannical, and the strength poured into the large sword is becoming more and more magnificent, like a torrent of torrents.

Around the array of Wan Jian's large-scale formation, there are 25 sword repairs in a small sanctuary and 100 swords in the sub-sacred class.

Among them, each of the four sacred places dispatched five small sacred places. Although there are more than five small sacred places in the four sacred places, it is impossible to send them all. You must know that the unknowable places are dangerous and the holy steps are possible. It will fall into it, which is awkward to say. In case of accident, the whole army will be destroyed?

This is not impossible.

Furthermore, www.wuxiaspot.com ~ In any sacred place, there is no shortage of sacred step powerhouses. Although there is still a great sacred place, nothing can happen.

In total, the four major holy places dispatched twenty small holy realm sword repairs, and the three top heavenly forces had only one small holy realm, all of them were dispatched, and there were two scattered small holy realm sword repairs, which added up to five. The total is twenty-five.

As for Yasheng, there are exactly one hundred of them, most of them come from the four holy places, and the others come from the heavenly forces and the monks.

Such a force is also very amazing. Together, they can face up to a great sanctuary, or even cooperate properly. Maybe it can be traumatized and even beheaded. What a terrible force.

These people, a total of 125, are also those who want to enter the unknowable place. Because it is they who want to enter, then they must be inspired by the power of the Ten Thousand Sword Breakthrough Array, and by their strength. The power of that stone sword, so contaminated with the breath of the stone sword, is equivalent to getting a pass, so that you can truly enter the unknown place.

As for those who do not enter, they cannot help instilling power, otherwise it will have a negative impact.

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