Sword God

Vol 44 Chapter 83: I have Shen Xiao 1 sword (on)

? Jianguang shocked the sky, Jian Qi cracked the ground.

Ten ten-meter-tall elite giants waved their swords at the same time, cutting out ten magnificent, overbearing, and extremely thick sword lights. They immediately chopped and shattered the extremely hard ground, and shattered ten shocking cracks without mercy Kill to Chen Zong.

The ten arrogant Jianguang, the amazing Qi machine locked Chen Zong, but the stronger Qi machine locked, but from a twelve-meter-tall giant, this giant is not wearing leather armor, but Iron armor, not wearing a leather helmet on his head, but an iron helmet, the huge sword in his hand is nine meters long, pointing at Chen Zong from a distance, a terrible air machine also completely locked Chen Zong.

Chen Zong was also jealous of this arrogance.

Holy Order

The twelve-meter-tall giant with an iron helmet and iron armor was a holy class giant.

The ten swords were killed, and the power contained in them was stronger than those of the giants before. They were even more powerful at the Yasheng level.

The ten Jianguang's air locks were very strong, but he couldn't help Chen Zong, his body swayed, as if pulling out a heavy phantom, Chen Zong stepped out of the way to avoid the ten Jianguang's slashes.

One step, two steps, three steps

With one heart's pace, the speed of exceeding the limit broke out in an instant, and it was extremely fast.

Just in a flash, the sixth step was taken out, and those six steps were completed within one breath. Chen Zong's speed was directly increased to an extreme, an amazing extreme.

The giant's physique is extremely powerful, and his power is even more majestic. He can carry the mountains. The sword is extremely heavy. It exceeds 100,000 kilograms. The sword that exceeds 100,000 kilograms urges the giant's overbearing power. Under the action, each sword can cut mountains and cut Yueqiang to the extreme. Their defense is also very amazing. Changing to a Yasheng level, it is very reluctant to kill a giant. There is no hope if it is against two giants.

But giants are not without their shortcomings, that is, speed and response. The huge body, overbearing power and defense make them more ordinary in speed and response. Although not a defect, they cannot compare with strength and defense. In some cases it becomes a short board.

The speed at which Chen Zong is now erupting is like an aurora-like speed in the eyes of the ten giants, so fast that they have no time to respond, and in the eyes of that holy giant, Chen Zong's speed is also extremely fast. , But still can capture its figure.

At that moment, Chen Zong spanned hundreds of meters, and even before he died, he killed with a sword.

The sword sprang up, and the body-sword united across to kill in an instant.

The moment of approaching the ten giants, Jianguang came down like a rainstorm.

Sword one, sword one, sword one

Every sword is a sword. Every sword is burst out by Chen Zong, as if he had dozens of swords in a flash. The sword is extremely fierce, and the sword is killing the soul.

The sword lights like the lightning thunder, the moon like the moon to kill out, covering ten elite giants directly.

Every giant has a sword in a flash, and more than one sword.

The moment when Jianguang hit those giants, Chen Zong could feel an obscure resistance. Obviously, the ten giants had stronger physique and defense than those giants before them. Sword by sword was not enough to kill them, but A few swords can do it.

The holy order giant, although he can see the figure of Chen Zong, but

It's still a line slow. The difference between this line is the distance between life and death. Ten of his subordinates were directly penetrated by Chen Zong's sword-like sword light, even the extremely hard iron armor on his body could not. Resist the slightest.


The twelve-meter-high holy order giant is extremely furious. He is a general. He is a general of this giant. He was a general who was killed after countless battles of life and death. Then a little worm-like life actually killed in front of himself. Ten guards.

The roar rang from the mouth of the giant general, accompanied by a rage of drinking, a rage of Chen Zong who did not understand any language, but could feel the anger, amazing anger.

The nine-meter-long giant sword rises in an instant, and a horrible force on the giant sword converges, turning into a swashbuckling energy, and the swashblade blasts out in between, each sword air leaving a trace in the void. .


This sword does not seem to be different from the slashes of the giants before, but the power contained in it is ten times more powerful. It also contains an unparalleled will, like one of an ancient giant god. Hit, split the world.

Killing ten elite giants brought Chen Zong into his mind ten points of light. The gods and thunders evolved from the ten points of light became clearer and more durable, and the kendo charm became stronger and stronger. The mystery, called Chen Zong, has a deeper understanding of kendo, and the swordmanship details are also becoming more and more voluptuous. With one heart swordmanship, some kind of subtle changes occur quietly.

The giant sword was chopped down, carrying the power that broke the sky, and under the pressure of the sword, the hard ground was also broken open.

This sword is brilliant and endless. The sword is oppressed, and it is directly shrouded in all directions, as if it suppresses everything. It is Chen Zong's dignified look.

A strong, very arrogant sword, and under it, as if everything was suppressed and unable to support, a burst of overwhelming sounds were heard from the void, and it seemed to be completely broken.

Under this sword, Chen Zong has nowhere to hide, unable to dodge, only feeling that he is covered all around, completely unable to escape.

In this case, resist it.

Eruption, single-minded swordsmanship, swords one to seven all burst out in an instant, the seven sword lights followed different trajectories, carrying amazing power to break through the air, as if the seven gods glanced across the sky, interpreting an invincible The mystery of comparison.

Seven sword lights hit at the same time, killing that amazing sword light that could traverse the mountains and break the earth. The moment of the collision, the shocking momentum and aftermath erupted directly.

The aftermath swelled, and the endless sword air raged, raging towards the surroundings, like a raging flame.

The huge sword light was penetrated directly. The power of the seven sword lights was unimaginable. It could pierce everything and then kill the giant general. However, when it hit the giant general, it only broke the iron armor on it and hit it. A dull sound came out of the membrane, and Jianguang collapsed.

In this scene, Chen Zong can see clearly, the film under the iron armor just appeared a sword mark, but did not penetrate.

What a terrible film, what a terrible body, what a terrible defense.

Even if the power of the seven swords has been weakened, the film of the other party cannot be broken, but the fact is in front of him and Chen Zong cannot believe it.

With a roar, the Giant General wielded his sword again as if sweeping and killing thousands of troops.

The whistling sound rang through the world, the power of this sword became more and more amazing and terrifying. Within hundreds of meters of the fan-shaped front, it was covered by the sword light as much as it could not be avoided.

This sword, Chen Zong is still difficult to dodge.


Instantly erupted, Zhenyang rose into the sky, and killed with an unparalleled shocking sword power.

A mighty sword. Although Chen Zong did not explode with a mixed mentality of only 10%, but only 70%, his power was still very scary.

Zhenyang pushed forward, rushed across the sky, everything that was passed was burned by its terrible high temperature, and turned into ashes. There was nothing to resist, and the sword light was also crushed by the impact.

The Giant General's complexion changed greatly, his appearance under the iron helmet looked closer to people, full of shock, a huge body bulging like a circle, muscles became more and more amazing, accompanied by Thunder roar, arrogant Incomparable strength poured into the great sword in his hands, and a burst of intense light bloomed with it.


This sword was as arrogant and fierce as a thunderous sky for nine days. It collided directly with Taihao sword and burst into incomparable power. The void collapsed and the ground collapsed. The horrible sword power raged in all directions and broke everything.

Chen Zong's body had a phantom-like illusory, and it seemed to be lightning fast, but in an instant, he faced the exploding gap of sword power, approached the giant general, and issued a sword.

From sword one to sword seven, each sword hit the giant general's body, breaking the iron armor, and also hitting its membrane, and immediately felt an indescribable tenacity to withstand the attack of the sword, when the sword broke that layer of tenacity When the membrane was covered, a small part of the power was left. It penetrated into the giant general's muscles and felt amazing resistance.

The Giant General also quickly responded ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ immediately shot, the huge left hand suddenly pushed sideways, the fingers were bent, the air flow was rolling like a giant wave, and it even issued a burst of horrifying roar, This kind of mighty power is enough to push a hill flat, and continuously impact Chen Zong's body.

But this did not push Chen Zong away. On the contrary, an indescribable force seemed to be collapsing, giving out a suction force, holding Chen Zong's body firmly, like an invisible rope, from all sides Entangling Chen Zong's body and limbs.

Immediately, the curved five fingers caught in the volley seemed slow, but in fact they were astonishingly fast and shocking, and the curved five fingers fell down like five hills.

The twelve-meter-tall giant is several times taller than Chen Zong, so his palm is extremely huge. Once caught, Chen Zong will be held in his hands, pinched to death, or even meat. cake.

The body of this giant is really too strong and powerful. The contrast between his own body and it is very different. The body of the **** and demon is also strong, and it is completely incomparable with this giant. His body is really terrible.

However, Chen Zong also knows that although the giant's body is very tyrannical, it is not comparable to the body of the demon, that is, the self-healing ability, the giant's self-healing ability is more general, if their giant body's self-healing ability is like If it is the same as the body of the demon, it is almost unsolvable and a nightmare for all powerful enemies.

Difficult to break the defense coupled with extreme force, if there is a super strong self-healing ability, it is simply terrible.

The seven swords from sword one to sword seven are difficult to break the opponent's defense. Taihao sword will also be resisted by the opponent. How can I kill them?

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