Sword God

Vol 44 Chapter 90: Xeon Sword Repair

The Tongtian God Tower on the second floor does not seem to be much different from the first floor. It is still so dim and desolate, and the corpse, giant corpse and giant corpse can still be seen. It is found that the breath of the corpse on the second layer is stronger than the breath of the corpse on the first layer as a whole.

But again, the giant corpses and monster corpses on the second floor seem to be older.

At this level, Chen Zong found no spiral, and found another spiral staircase, a spiral staircase that went up continuously.

There was no hesitation. Chen Zong continued to climb the stairs, and also went into the darkness. He also reached the new level when he climbed to the point of exhaustion, let alone be the third level.

Then comes the fourth floor, and then the fifth floor.

Chen Zong found that in this tower of heaven, although he could n’t feel his body, he seemed to lose his powerful strength and his physical strength became very limited, but he did n’t feel thirsty or Feeling hungry, or you might starve to death here.

Find one spiral ladder after another, keep climbing, and climb one layer after another.

As if there is no end.

"How many floors does this Tongtian God Tower have?" When Chen Zong climbed to the sixth floor, panting, the whole person seemed to be tired and paralyzed. He could only pause to rest and recover his energy, while thinking.

"The so-called becoming god, is it the summit?" Chen Zong came up with such an idea.

Climb to the top!

This is quite possible, after all, the Tongtian God Tower is so attractive, attracting countless strong moths pouring into it, there must be its great mystery.

But so far, Chen Zong has already climbed to the sixth floor, but he hasn't encountered anything. Wouldn't it be simpler if he reached the summit?

Even if there are one hundred or even one thousand or even ten thousand floors in this tower, but as long as there is no danger, simply climbing will only take some time.

Compared with becoming a god, it takes hundreds of years and thousands of years, what else is it?

How many tribulations, frustrations, and dangers a cultivator goes from mortal to continuous cultivation to the Holy Order? How many people fall on the way? How many people step into the peak to impact the Holy Order and fail. Climbing can be a god, who doesn't want to.

Such a cost is undoubtedly the smallest.

Become a **** on foot!

No doubt this is the case, but is it possible?

Anyway, Chen Zong would not believe it. What a huge price the Lord Mo Jianshan paid. It was a plan at the cost of Mo Jianshan, and a plan that spanned a million years. This plan was planned to Chen Zong's head came up, and after many twists and turns, he finally died.

No, there may be follow-up, but at least it has nothing to do with it now, at least it has suffered a lot of setbacks, even if you want to continue, it is not easy.

As we have seen before, many giants and giants have rushed into the Tower of Heaven gods, also to become gods.

But did they become gods in the end?

It seems not, what Chen Zong sees are corpses. So far, there are thousands of corpses, which run through every floor of the Tongtian God Tower.

It can be seen how difficult it is to become a god. Is it just a matter of climbing to the top?

Perhaps there is no top floor for the Tower of Heaven.

All in all, Chen Zong doesn't know. Anyway, it's just searching. Constantly searching, you will see some text on each layer, but unfortunately, most of them can't understand, and a few of them can't understand much information. As of now, Chen Zong's understanding of the Tongtian God Tower is still relatively simple. In addition, his ability to think is limited, and it is difficult to guess how much.

Find, then climb.

"It should be the ninth floor." Chen Zong panted, his eyes were like Venus. Although he could eat or drink, it was fine, but the feeling of physical exertion was still strong.

Tiredness is like the tide that swept in, and Chen Zong had to retract his previous thoughts. If there are thousands of floors and tens of thousands of floors in this tower, it is not easy to reach the summit.

After ridiculing himself, Chen Zong took the time to recover his strength, maintained his breathing rhythm, and quickly recovered his strength.

After climbing layer by layer, Chen Zong clearly remembered how many times he climbed the spiral staircase.

"The eighty-ninth floor!" Chen Zong was still panting, only feeling weak and weak, and had to rest longer.

Stop and go, climbing the eighty-ninth floor is also called Chen Zong's eye-opening. In addition to seeing the bodies of giants and beasts, Chen Zong also found the bodies of gods and demons and the bodies of human races, permeated with decay. Breath, I don't know how long it has died.

In addition, I also saw some corpses that are not gods, giants, monsters, or human races. They are almost human races but different from human races. Each has different characteristics and more than one.

At least until now, it has reached the eighty-ninth floor. At least there are hundreds of strong corpses of different races that Chen Zong has seen. There are hundreds of races. It is incredible to think about them.

Where do so many races come from?

The human race comes from the ancient mysterious world, and the demon comes from the demon world. What about those giants and monsters?

Are there other races that look like humans and demons? Never seen before.

Chen Zong even felt that the universe was extremely mysterious.

As if there was a veil covering it, so that he could not see through the mystery, the more so, the more Chen Zong wanted to uncover that veil and see through its mystery.

It's just a pity that it can't be done at present, at least depending on your current level, it is still not enough.

For a time, Chen Zong had an impulse not to crack the mystery of the Tongtian God Tower, but rationally and promptly curbed the impulse. Who knows what the mystery of the Tongtian God Tower is?

It is better to find a way to leave this place first, but unfortunately, no way to leave, but keep climbing up.

After the rest, his physical strength was completely restored, Chen Zong acted again and continued to look for it.

It didn't go far enough and saw the corpse again, but this time there seemed to be more corpses.

The corpses I saw before were scattered, at most, two or three, but there were as many as a dozen corpses now, scattered around, and kept going.

Chen Zong looked a little dignified, and after careful observation, it was concluded that these strong men were killed in the battle, and although their bodies were somewhat decayed, they were not damaged, and the scars were seen as sword injuries.

All were sword wounds.

In other words, all these strong men died under the sword, and Chen Zong can also infer that dying under the same sword is equivalent to dying under the same sword.

Holy Order!

These dozens of corpses are all sacred order strong men.

Moving forward, Chen Zong saw a dead body with different postures, but the wounds were the same, or he was injured by a sword.

More than a dozen, twenty or thirty.

All are sacred steps, there are giants, gods, and other races. The residual breath is amazing. Even Chen Zong also saw the fifteen-meter-tall giants, which are giants at the level of the great sacred realm, but also at the level of the great sacred realm. The strong demon and the strong of other races were also killed, and they also died under sword wounds.

Chen Zong couldn't help closing his eyes, making inferences based on the positions and postures of these strong corpses falling to the ground and the sword wounds on them, and a battlefield suddenly appeared in his mind.

Dozens of strong men from different sacred realms and big sacred realms joined forces to siege an unknown sword Xiu, and that sword Xiu one person and one sword alone to fight dozens of strong men of various races, will not fall in the slightest, Jian Guang passed through a small sanctuary and killed one sword.

Kill kill!

Continuously, one strong one after another died under the sword of this mysterious sword repair, terrible to the extreme, even those strong in the level of the Great Sacred Realm could not resist his sword, and were eventually killed.

Chen Zong's eyes opened, his body trembled unconsciously, and deep horror permeated the bottom of his eyes.

What a terrible sword repair, what a terrible swordsmanship.

Fighting dozens of holy ranks alone with one sword, and even killing all of them, what a sword skill and how terrible it is, terrifying.

Those swordsmanship, just thinking about it, Chen Zong felt a shudder.

Later, Chen Zong saw it and saw a figure, not a giant, nor a monster, nor a demon or other race, but a human race.

This tribe is an old man. An old man with a broken robe that looks like a rag is on his body. He has a scattered and gray hair, looks like a weed, and his face is thin and wrinkled, more like It is the same as the dry old bark lacking moisture.

Such an old man, if you change places, such as by the street or in the bridge hole, and give him a broken bowl and a tree branch as a crutch, it is a beggar image.

Is it a beggar?

Of course not ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ Even when you think about it, it feels thrilling and trembling. Yes, Chen Zong can be sure that this old man is the powerful sword repair that killed dozens of people. Sword repair of the holy order strong of all races.

Why are you so sure, just because of the sword in the opponent's hand.

The old man stood standing as if he had taken root, but his right hand was holding a long sword, pointing obliquely to the ground, and his body was still permeated with an astonishing sword power.

Chen Zong's careful observation confirmed that this sword was in agreement with the deadly sword wounds on the dozens of holy order strong men of various races, a one-to-one fit, which shows that dozens of holy order strong men of various races All died under this sharp sword.

A tyrannical existence that killed dozens of holy order strong men of various races with a single sword in his hand, what kind of glory, what level of strength has it reached?

It's not just the Great Sacred Realm, it's probably the level of the Sword Master, which is equivalent to the level of the Holy Ancestor.

But such a strong existence, today, but also like those corpses, will always be silent, standing here.

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