Sword God

Vol 44 Chapter 96: Invasion (on)

The monster beast riot, which is not particularly rare for those located relatively close to the monster beast gathering place, therefore, the people of Qingjian City immediately acted to form an effective organization to resist the monster beast riot.

There are often many reasons for monster beast riots. It is hard to say, and the aims of monster beast riots are also inconsistent.

Some monsters did not directly attack the human race during the riots, but only affected them. For example, when their riots happened to be the gathering place of human races, they were directly impacted.

This time, it ’s the same. The route of the monster beast riot is exactly in the middle of it. Although it ’s not in the middle, it has also been affected. The monster beast riot is undoubtedly terrible. It ’s not hundreds, not thousands. There are at least tens of thousands, tens of thousands of monsters, there are levels and heavens.

Monsters are divided into different names, including low-order, middle-order, and high-order, where the middle-order is equal to the order of human races, and the high-order is equal to the order of human race practitioners.

Imagine the spectacular and terrifying scene of the shock that erupted when tens of thousands of low-, medium-, and high-level monsters broke out.

Even more than 100,000 monsters are even more terrible.

Under these quantities, even the invincible evildoers of Heavenly Order can't bear it and have to be taken away, otherwise no matter how many kills, it will inevitably end up dying.

The sword repairers of the Green Sword City, regardless of whether they are strong or weak, all mobilized and immediately laid a layer of defense outside the Blue Sword City. This was the first to defend the battle outside the Blue Sword City. Wave response.

If it is really impossible to carry it, then it will retreat to the Green Sword City and use the wall to resist the impact of the monster.

Qin Muxue, as a member of the Qin family, also has good strength. Naturally, he cannot evade the battle, and still meets the impact of monsters on the front line.


A fierce battle has begun. This kind of battle is not a drill, but a real life and death torture, either you die or the cruel and brutal torture of my death. The monsters will not tell you anything, they will cultivate People are food, but eating practitioners is not bad for them.

In this case, of course we have to eat.

For the practitioners, the monsters are also helpful for cultivation. It is better that their flesh can be made into food and help the body. For example, their monsters can be refined into elixir, such as their fur, scales, Bones, horns, claws, etc. can also be good materials.

The beast smashed, the practitioners resisted, madly tore, and flesh flew.

Almost every breath, monsters will be killed, and practitioners will be killed.

Chen Zong was overlooking from a high altitude. He didn't shoot immediately, but instead turned his eyes to the distance, his brows frowned slightly, thinking.

It stands to reason that the monster beast riot is not a strange thing, but I don't know why, but Chen Zong's heart is haunting with a trace of anxiety. It seems that this monster beast riot is a little unusual, and the reasons behind it are a little amazing.

So what is the reason?

Chen Zong's inner anxiety drove Chen Zong to explore it, but he couldn't let it go. In this case, let's go straight.

Body shape lowered and dropped.

After entering the Tower of Heaven, and being unable to condense the heavenly sword because of Huafan, Chen Zong had a lesson and directly manifested the heavenly sword of condensed heart, and then installed it with a scabbard and hung it around his waist. In this way, if you encounter a situation like the Tongtian God Tower, there will be no awkward situation without a sword.

The place where Chen Zong fell was just not far from Qin Muxue. When the figure landed, the sword gas blasted, killing all the monsters around him and emptying out a piece.

At the next breath, Chen Zong pulled his sword, and the sword light suddenly flashed, cutting directly in front of it, as if it were a line of sea and sky, which instantly tens of meters, and then spread to hundreds of meters, up to a thousand meters, like a white line. A thousand kilometers of sword air was killed in the air, and the fineness was like a silk thread, but it had a terrible sharp edge, and all the monsters and beasts were irresistible everywhere.

Fragile like tofu, it is easily cut open, just like mowing.

Under the gaze of Qin Muxue and others, the kilometer-long white sword passed across, easily tearing the void, leaving a long straight sword mark, and pieces of monsters kept falling Just a moment, thousands of monsters were killed, and a large area was directly emptied.

This scene scared the monsters who charged on the riot. It was too scary. They were not idiots without wisdom, but they had some wisdom and could tell how terrible this scene was.

For a while, the rioting monsters came to a halt, and the sword repairers were stunned.

What is this strength?

One sword!

With just one sword, thousands of monsters were beheaded and killed, no matter if they were low-level, middle-level, or high-level, all of them could not resist the slightest.

The original brutal battle and torture also stopped in an instant, and all eyes fell on Chen Zong's body, which was a shock and admiration.

Especially Qin Muxue, who had been in contact with Chen Zong for nine years, felt more and more Chen Zong's mystery. The mysterious man always has a stronger appeal to good women. Qin Mu Xue is not a child, at least She thinks so, and she always has the idea to explore herself as a swordsman instructor.

She felt that her swordsmanship instructor should be very powerful, but she had never seen her shoot, so she could not judge what level it was.

Unexpectedly, it turned out to be so powerful. Under one sword, thousands of monsters can be killed directly, even if the order monsters can't stop the killing of that sword. What is the strength?

It looks so young again.

Chen Zong wields the sword again, and the sword is broken. This time, instead of beheading the monsters, he cut across the ground and left a long and long sword mark. His eyes contained the supreme sword power and directly oppressed those Monster.

The supreme sword intention also permeated, directly oppressed, and forced to the extreme. Those monsters trembled as if struck by lightning, and snorted directly to the ground, whimpering, like docile puppies.

The scene was suddenly shocked by the sword repairers called Qingjian City.

"The person who crossed the sword marks died." Chen Zong's voice also sounded. It didn't sound strong, but it fell like thunder in the ears of those monsters. It directly contained the terrible power and shocked them. Cold heart.

High-level monsters can basically understand human speech, and some intermediate-level monsters can understand human speech, so they can understand the words of Chen Zong, and then add thousands of monsters with a sword and kill The impact of Supreme Jianwei's shock deterrence, that sword mark also contains amazing sword meaning, the power is terrible enough to deter those monsters.

"You go back to the city first, and I will look at the source of the riots." Chen Zong said to Qin Muxue, and his words fell without waiting for Qin Muxue to respond, and he rose directly into the sky, turning into a sword and flying away.

At the same time, Chen Zong also quietly left a sword qi on Qin Muxue's body. Such a sword power, once someone attacked Qin Muxue and Qin Muxue could not resist, it would automatically provoke defense and counterattack, even if Ya Sheng could not kill Qin Muxue.

Just so, after all, Chen Zong intends to investigate the source of the riot. Why make you feel uneasy from the bottom of your heart?

As for Qin Muxue, to be honest, he did promise the sword old man, but it is not the same as being a nanny. Of course, he can protect himself secretly when he is fine, but he can only leave some protection measures at critical moments. If a person kills, that is helpless.


After Chen Zong's departure, the monsters moved again as if driven by some force, but they were very worried about the sword mark. They did not pass through the sword mark, but instead went around from the side. Will not directly impact the Qingjian City, will not cause any damage to the Qingjian City.

This is so. The sword repairers of the Green Sword City are still assembled, and they are waiting to prevent a monster from suddenly coming in. Fortunately, the monster is just passing by. There is no plan to directly impact the Blue Sword City. Most people are happy, but A few people are upset.

Why do monsters riot?

Not to attack Qingjian City, so why riot?

What is the reason behind this?

Will it affect the safety of Qingjian City?

What can cause so many monsters to riot is definitely a terrible thing. If it affects Qingjian City, the consequences will definitely be more serious than the monsters riot.

I just hope that the powerful sword repair can find out the cause of the riot, otherwise Qingjian City may be very dangerous.


Chen Zong was extremely fast, and he was far away from Qingjian City and headed for the dense forest.

The dense forest is vast and has a radius of thousands of miles, but it is actually nothing to Chen Zong. After a while, Chen Zong entered the deepest part of the dense forest.

As soon as he was close to the depths of the dense forest, Chen Zong felt it, and felt a terrible breath permeating. The breath seemed dark and shrouded, with a wild will and an extremely violent breath that made Chen Zong's brow unconsciously.

This breath seems a bit familiar, as if I have experienced it somewhere.

The next breath, Chen Zong's look changed dramatically.


This breath ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ has been felt on the body of the demon.

Did the gods invade the ancient world?

I ca n’t believe it, Chen Zong could n’t believe this. You know, although the ancient Xuan world and the demon world are adjacent, the world barriers between them are very strong. Only through the border market can we enter each other's world, but to enter from the border market requires a lot of luck.

Moreover, there are still guards, so the probability of wanting to enter the ancient Xuanjie through the boundary market is extremely low.

And now here, even feel the breath of gods and demons, making Chen Zong incredible.

Have the gods and gods found a new method or a new way that can open the portal of time and space connecting the ancient mysterious realm and invade it?

Whether it is right or not, just take a closer look to know.

With full of questions, Chen Zong approached quickly, and finally saw a black crack, which had a height of about three meters and a width of about half a meter, and was emitting a light black smoke.

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