Sword God

Vol 9 Chapter 30: Xun Ruo You Long

It's like a wind passing by, calm and elegant.

Chen Zong directly surpassed the 500-meter hurdle, and continued to move forward at a constant speed.

"Good manners."

"It's really good, like a glimpse of Jinghong."

Suddenly, many people's eyes brightened and they were amazed.

"Huh, it's only five hundred meters, the lowest level of difficulty, and the real difficulty is behind." Yu Wen murmured coldly.

Shutting between criss-crossed thorn trees, as if in a snake's nest, there is no sense of it. Countless thorn needles seem to lock themselves, and they may burst out at any time.

Without entering the dense forest of thorns, you can never feel this feeling, as if locked by tens of thousands of arrows. For a warrior with a keen sense, it is clearer, and the whole person's nerves and subconsciousness will be tense, which will intensify the energy consumption.

Chen Zong does not, but free control of the body can eliminate this effect.

The wind blew from the opposite side, and then blew through the ears, humming, and Chen Zong's toes gently touched the ground, which was a little gap under the staggered branches of many thorny branches of thorns, only the size of a fingertip.

Just a little, the body is light and fast and leap by strength. It looks like a dragon-like, healthy and fast, graceful posture, which makes people shine.

"No matter how good you look, speed is useless," Yu Wen said coldly.

Chen Zong's speed was the same as the beginning, without speeding up, but without slowing down. He was as flexible as a dragon, approaching a thousand meters.

The 500-meter mark is the small mark, and the 1,000-meter mark is the first mark, which is more difficult.

Through the one-kilometer mark, Yu Wen's punishment was also exhausted.

Chen Zong, can you pass the one-kilometer mark all at once?

Since the founding of the Kokushikan, the first time to break through the thorn forest and pass the one-kilometer mark safely, fewer than ten people.

Fang Caiyu's punishment broke through the thick forest of thorns. The one-thousand-meter level was clear to Chen Zong. It is indeed more complicated than the five hundred meters. If he accidentally touches the thorn needles, it will cause waves. Waves of offensive.

Chen Zong wasn't nervous. Everything he saw was clearly visible.

As he approached, Chen Zongwan's body became more mysterious, with subtle changes in an instant, and passing by the thorn needles protruding from each other.

"This way ..."

Suddenly one by one was surprised.

There are not many statures that are known for their subtleties. Among them, the warriors who practiced through the clouds and penetrating the wind, and those who have not cultivated such statures are not outstanding in subtle changes, and even seem rough.

But at this moment Chen Zong's performance was once again surprising.

There are dozens of changes in the details in an instant. Even though it can't be compared with the wind and clouds, it is better than many people. Is the practice of Chen Zong's practice also known by the details?

During the speculation, everyone looked intently.

Chen Zong's body was swept away, and his speed was not reduced. It seemed to turn into a white horse, like a dragon flying across the center of the four-staggered burst needles and thorns branches.

"Go through!"

"It went through ..."


Yu Wenxian's face was iron-green, the teacher also returned Xiao Mingli and Su Xiaoshui's beautiful eyes twinkling, Chen Zong's performance was indeed stunning, and he was astonishingly fast.

Passing a thousand meters in an instant, Chen Zong did not cause the attack of thorn needles, the speed did not decrease, and continued to move forward. It was more complicated and the difficulty rose to a level.

Before Yu Wen's punishment, he touched the thorn needle at 1,100 meters, which caused a series of continuous attacks. I don't know what happened to Chen Zong.

At first, they felt that Chen Zong was not as good as Yu Wen's, but now they can't help raising their expectations.

1,100 meters!

In the blink of an eye, Chen Zong approached 1,100 meters, and Yu Wen's eyes widened. This is a very important point.

Originally, Yu Wenxun felt that Chen Zong might have to struggle somewhere at the 1,100 meters, reducing his speed and triggering a thorny needle offensive, but Chen Zong's speed was still unabated. .

Passing by ...

Yu Wen's eye twitched involuntarily.

The final results of rushing through the dense forest of thorns need to be calculated from three aspects: time, the distance that caused the thorn needle offensive, and the number of times that the thorn needle was finally hit.

The time and number of hits by the thorn needles are unclear, but the distance that triggered the thorn needle attacks is already clear, better than Yu Wen's punishment.

"Chen Zong will win." Shi Huanyue whispered.

"It's really possible." Xiao Mingli smiled slightly, and Su Xiaoshui nodded.

Yu Wenxun, who was not far away, heard the voice, his face became more ugly.

At 1,200 meters, Chen Zong's speed was still the same, but he did not trigger the offensive of thorn needles.

However, Chen Zong himself can clearly feel the increase in difficulty, the more difficult it is in the future. Without using the power of Goshen, the pressure on himself is more and more obvious, but Chen Zong does not want to use Gossip so early. In other words, it can be used if it is not needed.

1,300 meters!

The crowd was exclaimed, not to mention that the first time to break through the thorny forest, even the people who have run through it several times, can hardly achieve this result, completely exceeding Yu Wen's punishment.

A cry of exclamation passed into Yu Wenxing's ears, all so harsh, as if countless thorn needles came from the laser, unable to escape.

1,400 meters!

Chen Zong felt that he was about to reach the limit, but he did not give up, and still did his best. One meter is one meter, that is not only for the achievement, but also to exercise himself and challenge the limit.

Ten meters!

Twenty meters!

Thirty meters!

Everyone stared with wide eyes. The record left by the mighty martial arts fifteen years ago was only 1,500 meters before triggering the thorn needle offensive. Can Chen Zong break this record?

Breaking records is often a big deal.

1,490 meters!

Chen Zong exerted his body to the extreme, the spirit and spirit were highly united, and the body and sword combined to control himself. The subtle changes reached the ultimate, and the speed did not decrease at all, but he inevitably touched the end of a thorn needle.

"One thousand four hundred and ninety meters, unfortunately."

"How easy is it to break records."

"A difference of ten meters."

"Even if it doesn't break the record, it can be ranked second in these decades."

"It looks like Chen Zongguo will win."

Yu Wenxing's face became more ugly, with a black face, like the bottom of a pot, but his heart was very disturbed.

If you lose, not only will you lose a valuable artifact, but you will also lose your reputation. When you think of yourself as a scholar of three years ago, you will be defeated by a new scholar. The feeling of blood.

According to the current situation, the possibility of Chen Zong's victory is not small, it is already 60% to 70%.

Like a barrel of honeycomb, hundreds of thousands of thorn needles followed by a wave of lasing, as if to be shot through and full of holes.

Chen Zong still tried his best to show his body, avoiding the thorn needles, and the part that could not be avoided was clever use of his inner strength to roll one of them, blowing it to the side, passing by, and colliding with other thorn needles. Offset each other.

This scene immediately made everyone's eyes bright.

In the past, no one has done it, but that requires absolute control of their internal strength, which is extremely difficult and Yu Wen can't do it. If anyone can do it, it is the mighty martial art fifteen years ago.

Fifteen years later, someone did it.

Because of this, the mighty martial arts was only hit five times by the thorn needles from the beginning of the thorn forest to the end.

Now, Chen Zong is able to do this, and the number of times he is finally hit by a thorn needle should not exceed Yu Wen's punishment.

For a time, everyone's estimate that Chen Zong won over Yu Wen's punishment rose from 60% to 80%.

Yu Wenxun wanted to leave, but no, once he left, his reputation would be damaged even more, and he would become a laughingstock at that time.

At this time, no one paid attention to Yu Wenxing's complexion, and all were attracted to Chen Zong.

The combination of body and sword and Wuzhen allows Chen Zong to master all his powers to the utmost. The fifth most important thing is to use the strength of the sky. Chen Zong's body is like the wind, and the speed does not decrease. The vigor encircles the whole body, rolling the thorny needles coming from the blast, and drifting away like the wind.

This approach is undoubtedly more clever than directly smashing the thorn needles and saving energy.

Two kilometers!

The speed of Chen Zong is still, the energetic energy around him drives the heavy and heavy thorn needles, densely swirling lasing, as if entangled in the clouds and clouds of the dragon, beautiful, dazzling, colorful.

At 2,500 meters, Chen Zong's internal energy also consumed most of it.

In terms of cultivation, Chen Zong is not as good as Yu Wenxun, and the exercises practiced by Yuwen Xing are also prefecture-level gems. Although the last one is missing, the fifth inner strength is pure and pure, but because of the ultimate relationship It is better than Chen Zong at this time.

To the best of his ability, exerting his body skills and running his inner strength, Chen Zong kept moving forward.

Two thousand six hundred meters!

Two thousand seven hundred meters!

Two thousand eight hundred meters!

Two thousand nine hundred meters!

"I don't know if you have discovered that Chen Zongguo's speed has not been reduced."

That being said, the crowd just came to their senses and took a quick look at the leak, all surprised.

In the last 100 meters, the difficulty was also the greatest, and tens of thousands of thorn needles were directly radiated, exceeding the past and beyond the scope of Chen Zong's tolerance.

Too much, but the internal energy is consumed greatly, leaving little left.


With a low drink, the inner strength swelled, the energy burst forth, and the overbearing strength shook all directions.

Thousands of thorn needles were shattered in an instant ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ turned into meters of dust flying around, and the speed of Chen Zong's last inner strength erupted.


One step shocked!

The swaying body was astonishing in the world, passing by, rushing out of the dense forest of thorns, and Chen Zong knew that he had been hit, and was hit by a thorn needle.

It took a while for the sound to sound.

"Chen Zongguo broke into the thorny forest and took sixty-two breaths. A total of 1,490 meters triggered a thorn needle attack, and he was hit six times in total."

This is Chen Zong's final achievement, which is very close to the mighty martial art fifteen years ago.

As for the victory or defeat between Chen Zong and Yu Wen's punishment, there is no need to say more. Everyone can see that even if Yu Wen's punishment does not want to admit it, because the gap is too obvious.

At eighty-five breaths, a thorn needle attack was triggered at the 1,100-meter point, and he was struck 31 times. Yu Wenxun could only surrender a false spirit.

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