Sword God

Vol 44 Chapter 110: Finally see

Jian Guang flew down, landed on a mountain, and snorted, and Chen Zong spit out blood, and the blood contained a fiery breath, and it fell on a stone, turning the stone directly into a liquid like magma. , And then burned the ground out of a pothole, exuding a stream of hot high-temperature breath.

After this spit of blood was spit out, Chen Zong felt a lot better, because the spit of blood contained the terrible power of the Suzaku Son.

While he was recovering, Chen Zong was thinking.

"When it comes to conventional strength, I'm a bit inferior to Suzaku." Chen Zong secretly said that after all, the gap between the realm and the cultivation is perfect. However, its power is far better than that of Yasheng, and it is near the Holy Order, but it is still less than the Holy Order.

In terms of cultivation, Chen Zong is not as good as Suzaku. In addition, Chen Zong is now practicing for hundreds of years, while Suzaku is practicing for thousands of years, and it takes hundreds of years to break through the Holy Order. His own amazing blood and talents plus The inheritance and cultivation of the Suzaku Holy Land has been cultivated to the peak of the Little Holy Land. Its conventional strength is at the level of the Little Holy Land. Not to mention invincible, but it definitely belongs to the top ranks.

"In addition to the gap in the realm of cultivation, I also lack an explosive means." Chen Zong pondered.

From the world of the adult, to embark on the cultivation path that belongs to oneself, without any interference from the heaven and earth road, this is a good thing, but there are disadvantages, that is, everything can only depend on itself, those secret methods, etc. All are not suitable for themselves, and they have no so-called blood power.

Both mystic and blood veins can be cast and stimulated to temporarily enhance their own strength. Of course, the mystery cannot be compared with blood veins, because in addition to stimulating and strengthening their strengths, blood veins can also help practice and enlightenment in peacetime. In addition, when practicing the inheritance of the same blood source, you can be more efficient and exert greater power.

True sharpening can't be used, otherwise you don't have to retreat.

"Perhaps, I should develop a secret method." Chen Zong secretly said.

It is just that it is not easy to develop a secret method, especially the way of cultivation is still being explored. It is more difficult to develop on your own, and Chen Zong is not very sure, but you still have to try it. Otherwise, sometimes there is really a lack of adequate means of explosion.

The world in the human body allows Chen Zong to stand on its own, strength and kendo are also self-contained, the defense is stronger, the survivability is stronger, and the speed of strength recovery and self-healing is not weak.

Soon, Chen Zong's injury recovered.

While fighting with Suzaku before the enlightenment, Chen Zong set off for the Suzaku Holy Land again. This time, he was looking for the ancient Phoenix goddess. It must not be missed. Otherwise, if he is returned to the ancient Phoenix mountain, he wants It is more difficult to find each other.

As for Suzaku Shengzi, Chen Zong is not afraid. He can't fight now, but he can go. In the case that he wants to leave, it is not easy for Dashengjing to leave himself.

The battle between Fang Cai and Suzaku Shengzi was fierce, but in fact it was short-lived.

The flame power controlled by Suzaku is very powerful, but the strongest is his sword.

This time, Chen Zong was not too close to Suzaku.

Continue to wait, Chen Zong continued to enlighten, time passed day by day, and suddenly, Chen Zong's eyes burst into a ray of brilliance, his face faintly excited.


Ancient Phoenix Goddess finally appeared.

I saw the place of Suzaku holy shrine, two flare-flaming phoenixes with wingspan spanning more than ten meters flew out, one of them was Suzaku Shengzi on the back, and the other was the one I wanted Meet the people.

"Qing Huang, I'll send you back to the ancient Huangshan." Suzaku Shengzi said to the ancient goddess.

"Thank you for your kindness," the goddess Gu Huang responded, but declined.

Suzaku no longer said that he wanted to make a good impression on the other party.

"Thank you very much for the hospitality of the Suzaku Holy Land. Qinghuang said goodbye." After the ancient goddess owed a little, she left in the flamboyant bird Phoenix, beside her, there were still two maids sitting there, who have been serving her maid.

Watching the ancient Phoenix goddess leave, the eyes of Suzaku Shengzi are filled with fiery, the kind of fiery as if to melt the ancient Phoenix goddess.

Ancient Phoenix bloodline and Suzaku bloodline can complement each other. When the two are combined, they can enhance themselves and make the bloodline even further.


"Goddess, the Son is really graceful." The servant girl to the right of the Goddess Guhuang laughed: "He should be an excellent priest."

But Goddess Gu Huang did not respond to her.

Suzaku Son, no, it should be said that although the meaning of the ancient Phoenix Mountain and Suzaku Holy Land is not clearly stated, it is also obvious that it is to let the ancient Phoenix Goddess and Suzaku Shengzi contact first, get acquainted first, and then promote to become Companion.

The Suzaku Shengzi is very happy, but the ancient Phoenix goddess has a kind of resistance that she can't say clearly, from the heart.

As for why, she could not say clearly.

Riding the Flaming Phoenix, the Goddess of the Ancient Phoenix and her two maids quickly left the Suzaku Shrine. When far away from the Suzaku Holy Land, the eyes of the Goddess of the Ancient Phoenix suddenly condensed, emitting a ray of sharp sharpness, and simultaneously pulled out Long sword set aside.

The sound of the sword is clear and melodious, as if it is a long chant of a phoenix. It resounds through the sky through the void, and with that phoenix-like sword, a red-red sword light is cut directly into the air. With many lines, it looks like feathers. Such a sword is really strange and magnificent.

The sword light fell, and a figure appeared.

"Goddess is slow." Chen Zong said immediately after avoiding the sword light, a little excited.

"It's you." Goddess Gu Huang recognized Chen Zong at a glance.

"What are you trying to do to track the goddess?" The maid on the right frowned coldly, but Chen Zong ignored her, instead staring at the ancient Phoenix goddess, with a trace of fiery heat and sharpness deep in her eyes. Penetrate the ancient phoenix goddess to see her face clearly.

Unfortunately, the scarf seems to be a treasure, which can isolate Chen Zong's sight and divine thoughts, making Chen Zong unable to see through.

However, those eyes were not covered, how Chen Zong felt familiar.

In the past, when the ancient Phoenix goddess and Yu Nianxin were not linked, Chen Zong didn't feel much and didn't think much, but now, they have a feeling, very similar.

It really looks alike.

Although it is slightly different from Yu Nianxin's original eyes, for example, the color of the pupil is different, but it feels very similar.

"Goddess, can you take off your scarf?" Although she was a little excited, Chen Zong did not mess up. He took a deep breath and said solemnly, there was a trembling trembling.

"Bold!" The maid on the right saw that Chen Zong ignored her, and she was already annoyed and frosty. When she heard Chen Zong's words, she seemed to be angry, pointing at Chen Zong, her voice was extremely cold.

Chen Zong's eyes are very sincere, and sincere with an unspeakable expectation and hope and longing, a longing from the heart, without a half false desire.

This kind of sincerity and longing for eyes is like an invisible arrow striking directly, hitting the heart of the ancient Phoenix goddess, and shivering unconsciously, but the words that were originally rejected cannot be said.

"I didn't worry about it." The ancient goddess seemed to know the purpose of Chen Zong, and then explained: "I am an ancient Qinghuang."

"Does the goddess know Tai Xuan?" Chen Zong asked instead, and the ancient Phoenix goddess nodded slightly. "Since the goddess knows Tai Xuan, let's also know Tai Xuan Tianjian."

"I used the Taixuan Tianjian twice to find Yu Nianxin, and the final results all pointed to the forbidden area of ​​Guhuangshan. At that time, I and the predecessor of Vacuum Grand Saint went to Guhuangshan. Although I failed to enter Guhuangshan in the end, The predecessors of the Golden Phoenix Grand Sage knew that the people in the forbidden area of ​​Ancient Huangshan were goddesses. "

The meaning of Chen Zong's discourse is obvious.

In addition, the Golden Phoenix Grand Saint did not tell the ancient goddess about these things, so the ancient goddess is completely unclear.

Chen Zong's claims are justified, the Great Vacuum Saint and the Golden Phoenix Great Saint. The truth of such information can be known by going back to an inquiry, and Chen Zong will not falsify in such matters.

Then there is no fraud, unless it is too wrong.

If you make a mistake once, you can be sure, but if the result is the same twice, the probability of making mistakes is too low and too low.

"Impossible, the goddess is clearly named Gu Qinghuang, not Yu Nianxin." The maid on the right spoke again, and she seemed to have an opinion on Chen Zong, but unfortunately, Chen Zong did not seem to hear her words and did not seem to feel them. Her hostility was completely ignored.

An indescribable feeling struck the heart of the ancient Phoenix goddess, and immediately she took off her face towel.

The moment she took off her turban, she immediately discovered that the other person's eyes were bursting with unparalleled excitement and euphoria, which was a kind of ecstasy and excitement that she could find in her dreams.

"It's really you who miss your heart." Chen Zong was really excited, very excited.

Whether the results of the two inspections of the Taixuan Tianjian show ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ or other information, etc., it is not enough to be fully sure that the ancient Phoenix goddess is Yu Nianxin. Until now, until now, Chen Zong has seen the ancient The face of the goddess Phoenix was only affirmed.

The results of the two inspections of Taixuan Tianjian combined with the incomparably familiar face that I have seen now are finally 100% sure.

Yu Nianxin!

The ancient Phoenix goddess is Yu Nianxin. Yu Nianxin, who was unknown by ambush and killed in the outer universe, was finally found and seen here.

But now a new problem has arisen, that is, Yu Nianxin did not know that he was called Yu Nianxin, but instead called Gu Qinghuang.

Gu Qinghuang and Yu Nianxin are two different names that represent different identities. In other words, the goddess Gu Huang cannot now admit that she is Yu Nianxin.

It's as if you are pointing at someone and you just want to call her another name and be another person. How do you accept it?

In the end, the goddess Gu Huang still left, and Chen Zong did not catch up because there was no need for that.

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