Sword God

Vol 45 Chapter 1: Neptune Treasure

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The Temple of Divine Soldiers did not encounter such a dangerous situation as the Temple of Divine Drugs, but gained something.

Unfortunately, because of the passing of time and the continuous flow of time, everything can not withstand the erosion of the years, which has caused damage to the various holy weapons and holy artifacts stored in the Shenbing Hall. It can be said that most of them Without light, it has lost its original power and become like a piece of scrap iron.

Of course, it can't be said to be useless. At least it can be taken back and re-melted and cast into a magic soldier. After all, its own material is still very good.

It's a pity that everyone is a sacred order strong, but they don't look down on these ruined soldiers who have lost their strength.

Fortunately, there are still some sacred artifacts in the hall of magic soldiers that still have good power.

In the end, everyone gained something, ranging from three holy artifacts to as many as five.

Chen Zong got three sacred artifacts. Instead of not taking more, he didn't plan to snatch, because there was no need. Once he was a sword repair, the weapon most suitable for him was the sword of mind, and the second was because of his cultivation Tao's unique relationship, many holy objects are not suitable for themselves.

In the end, three sacred artifacts taken by Chen Zong, one of them was a thick black round shield, with a rough surface and covered with spiral patterns, and one was a sword, a sword with fire properties, containing extremely strong The power of the Avenue of Flames surprised Chen Zong secretly, and the third was a bracelet, a dark golden bracelet, which was very heavy, as if it had tens of thousands of pounds.

After a bit of exploration, there were no other dangers encountered. The four continued to walk inside and arrived at the final hall, which is also the main hall.

The gate of the main hall is open and there is no guardian of the sea tribe.

When Xun stepped into the main hall, everyone only felt that the light became dim, as if nothing could be seen, and at the same time, the light was bright, and the four also saw everything in the main hall clearly.

Is huge and empty.

Immediately, the sound of suspicion sounded, and everyone immediately looked forward, and saw a figure sitting at the center of the end of the hall. There was a chair with a strange shape, like a heavy wave solidifying.

宗 Chen Zong's pupils suddenly contracted like needles, and the heart was shaking like a river.

The figure in question coincides directly with the figure in the illusion created by the beauty mortal counterattack.

Ten meters high, extremely strong body, covered with fine scales, holding a ten-meter-long trident in one hand, his eyes as if looking far into the endless space, penetrating through the heavy void, staring away, his posture wins the world.

This body looks like a statue, but it doesn't seem to be a statue, and it is filled with an amazing coercion.

He is not a statue, is it the body of the emperor?

I think of this, everyone involuntarily trembles.

O Emperor Hai, that is the strongest ancestor of the ancestral class, with extremely powerful presence.

As everyone approached, they immediately felt a depression, as if the invisible mountains were suppressed on their bodies. Even breathing became very difficult, as if it was difficult to move forward.

The Saint Jiuyun stared at the emperor's body, no, it should be accurately stared at the left hand of the emperor.

Meng Haihuang held a ten-meter-long trident in her right hand, but her left hand was extended, her palms were slightly bent with her five fingers upward, and a ball about the size of a normal human head was suspended in the air.

The ball is transparent, like a colorless flawless crystal, but inside it contains a light blue, which looks like a sea.

The crystal-like sphere did not emit any breath, it looks very ordinary, but it is not ordinary at all. If ordinary, how could it appear in the hands of a sea emperor strongman, and then look at the Jiuyun Saint The extremely hot eyes can know that the crystal-like sphere is the purpose of the visit of the Jiuyun Saint.

"You, that crystal ball is the purpose of my trip." Jiuyun Saint said immediately, a bit obscure voice, revealing the extremely longing.

Chen Zong is acting with strong principles. He has promised before that he wo n’t regret it. This man is the most perfect sword practitioner. Sincerely, he wo n’t regret it. As for Yaohua, The saint is actually a bit emotional, but the eyes of Chen Zong and the Star-Cutter Sword Master are clear, and there is no slight fluctuation, and the Yaohua Sage can only dispel the slightest thoughts that grow in his heart.

The coercion of Menghai Emperor's body is extremely arrogant, and the power released by nature naturally impacts in all directions and suppresses everything.

The Jiuyun Saint exploded continuously and approached the emperor's body.

Fortunately, this sea emperor seems to have fallen, otherwise the coercion will only be stronger and more terrible.

This is the case with Jirao, and the Jiuyun Saint has exhausted his strength before he approached.

According to the agreement, this crystal ball should be owned by Jiuyun Saint, but only if Jiuyun Saint can get it.

He stared at the pressure from the emperor's body, and the Jiuyun Saint finally took off the crystal ball the size of his head, with an unstoppable excitement in his heart, overflowing on his face.

宝 What is that treasure?

Why is Jiuyun Saint so excited?

"Jiuyun Saint, don't know what treasure it is?" Yaohua Saint couldn't help but ask.

"Haha, this is the emperor's treasure town Haizhu." The Jiuyun Saint immediately laughed: "It is said that this town Haizhu has the power of Zhenhai, but I don't know the specifics, only after refining."

"The power of Zhenhai." After everyone groaned, they didn't think too much, just because these four words were too general.

Since this treasure was in hand, everyone went on searching, but unfortunately, no other treasure was found in the end.

I can say that the biggest gainers of this trip were Jiuyun Saint and Chen Zong. Jiuyun Saint received several sacred artifacts, and the biggest harvest was Zhenhaizhu.

In addition to Chen Zong's harvest, in addition to the three holy artifacts, the biggest gain is actually to further explore the mysteries of mental strength, to isolate the illusion of exploration, and to erupt three times the power.

As for the harvest of Saint Yaohua and Starkiller, these are the holy artifacts.

It may sound like a few artifacts are not much, but they are not. In fact, several artifacts are still very valuable, especially the artifacts that have been collected by powerful men such as the Emperor and still preserved after a long period of time. The exquisite pieces among the sacred vessels are extraordinary.

Now that I haven't found anything else, it's time to leave.

"Wait." Jiuyun Saint said: "I see that this trident is nothing extraordinary. It must be a top holy weapon with amazing value. Why not take it together. I have enough sea pearls in this town. This trident. Once in hand, they will be shared by all three. "

The weapons of Erhai Emperor are top notch, and their value is truly amazing.

That being the case, it was also taken away.

The Sage of Yao Yaohua and the Sage of Jiuyun started to work together, while Chen Zong and the Starkiller Sage were responsible for protecting the law and preventing any accidents.

But the trident was held too tightly, and the Jiuyun Saint and Yaohua Saint had exhausted their efforts and it was difficult to take it off.

"I'm coming." The voice of the Starkiller's Holy Word dropped, rushing forward, the sword came out of the sheath, split a peerless knifelight, split the heavy coercion, and finally chopped on the naval emperor's right arm. Cut it off and take it along with the trident.

With the sound of a clang, the long knife trembled and bounced directly. The face of the star-knife changed drastically, and the arm holding the knife felt numb, and the long knife in his hand almost flew out.

A white mark appeared on the right arm and wrist of Erhai Emperor, but there was no sign of being cut off.

"This ..." Everyone suddenly changed his face.

With a terrible body, the sword-struck swordmaster's sword is arrogant, and the attack power is extremely amazing. Such a sword-strike is just a white mark, what a terrible physical strength.

Zhan Xing Dao Sheng's eyes shot out brilliantly, and once again raised his sword, the long knife volleyed, the wisps of amazing sword gas on the knife kept undulating, tearing in all directions.


Xeon's relentless cut, striking on the white marks on the wrist, was extremely accurate, but at the moment, the long knife trembled, and a faint click sound was heard, and the long knife was bounced high and flew out. , Starkiller, the whole person is backing, the tiger's mouth cracks and blood drips.

When the long sword fell and the blade was slashed, fine cracks appeared directly.


The sacred sabre-level sword had a gap. Looking at the sea emperor's wrist, the white marks were deeper and had been cut through the skin, but it was only cut through the skin.

The long sword is a sacred weapon, but it is only an inferior weapon. It has only been with him for many years. As he battled along the way, he defeated countless rivals. He did not expect to be damaged here.

Distressed, unexplainable distressed.

As soon as the figure moved, the star-knife saint immediately took away the long knife, and then took out another long knife. It was exactly a holy artifact obtained in the hall of the soldiers in the palace of the emperor. It should be a top holy weapon. Unfortunately, due to the long years of erosion and lack of maintenance, its power has now fallen to the level of Chinese holy artifacts.

However, this decline is not permanent, as long as you take good care of it, you will be able to return to the level of the top holy artifact.

This long knife is in hand, and there is a gorgeous stream of light on the body ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ Once again, although it was bounced, the sharper long knife cuts the white mark deeper. Minute.

"Okay." Jiuyun Saint immediately laughed: "A few more swords is expected to cut it off."

Zhanxing Blade Saint recharged again and cut it again.

A loud voice sounded, but Chen Zong keenly felt that something was wrong, and that coercion strengthened in an instant.

"Retreat." Chen Zong immediately uttered his voice, and the three immediately felt that something was wrong. The body of this sea clan seemed to be coming to life, and the power of its exaltation became more and more terrible and arrogant. .

Everyone was horrified and gave up the trident and pulled back immediately.


I rushed out of the main hall quickly, and the breath erupting in the main hall continued to rise, as horrible as the turbulent tide.

Perhaps this sea emperor has fallen, but once the remains of the corpse move, it is estimated that it has good power.

Who knows what the means left by a strong ancestor?

If they are in the great sanctuary, they can touch it hard, but it is only a small sanctuary, it is better to be conservative.

In fact, the Jiuyun Saint has some regrets. I knew it would not be the idea of ​​the trident. Who would have expected it?

Walk away, it is wonderful to leave this emperor palace first.

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