Sword God

Vol 45 Chapter 16: Big incident

Wanjian Ancient Realm, the land of the former Qingjian City, suffered a century-long war due to the invasion of the demon world. Although it finally repelled the demon world, it was reduced to a ruin.

The gate of the demon still exists, which is a hundred meters high, and continuously emits amazing breath, but it is surrounded by matrix formations, which is blocked, which also makes those breaths unable to spread smoothly. It piled up and turned into an absolute darkness, devouring everything, it was terrible.

The darkness is as terrible as the abyss.

Here, in addition to the formation method, there are still people here to prevent the demon from invading again, to be able to notify the major holy places as quickly as possible, and then make the fastest response.

The person who puppets guard is exactly one small holy place and four sub-holy levels.

At this moment, the four Yashengs are patrolling around to prevent any accidents. One of them is walking and suddenly stops, seems to feel something, his eyes are staring at a place not far away. On the ground, there seemed to be something faintly seen.

Like a figure, this Yasheng was about to speak out, and I saw that a shadow like a light, flew silently, and landed directly on this Yasheng's face, and then, Continuously drilled from its seven tips. 33 novel updates fastest computer side: https: //

Suddenly, there was a deep black flash in the eyes of Yasheng, so dark that it was heart-wrenching. Immediately, a seemingly cruel smile hung on the corner of his mouth, and he recovered as usual in an instant.

Immediately, this Yasheng walked quickly towards the other three Yashengs.

Uh ...

In the sky, there was nothing in the sky, and suddenly a trajectory of silk emerged and staggered.

A figure suddenly strode out, appeared in the sky, and the traces disappeared.

The feeling of crisis disappeared again, Chen Zong could not help but breathe a sigh of relief, and finally got rid of the pursuit of the ancestor and the emperor.

Of course, that saint ancestor is also likely to chase and kill again, but the sea emperor, Chen Zong estimates that he will not chase and kill, even if he chased and killed, he is not afraid.

Here, it ’s land. It belongs to the human race. When a sea emperor comes to land, it wo n’t be good for a long time.

But it's not necessary to take a step back, but even Zhenhai Zhu is the most precious treasure. How amazing is the treasure. The ancestor and the emperor were unwilling to let go.

However, I have returned to the land, and it is not the same as the sea. It is not so easy to find myself here, or the wind ancestor can do that day, but if the emperor loses the advantage in the sea, he must find himself. Difficulty soared more than tenfold.

Anyway, when I returned to the land, I finally felt relieved, so that I was not so confused in the sea, I didn't know where to go.

In addition, the most important thing is strength, to strengthen your own strength.

I have just broken through to the inner universe. If there is a hierarchy, then I think I belong to the entry level of the inner universe, and there is still potential to continue to tap. In a short period of time, strength can be further enhanced.

As long as the strength can be further enhanced, even if the Heavenly Wind Saint Ancestor and the Sea Emperor chase up again, Chen Zong is not afraid of it, and can compete with it based on his own strength and the power of Zhenhai Zhu.

As soon as he glanced away, Chen Zong immediately found a place, opened a temporary cave house, and began to retreat.

Although he has a mixed mind, he can be distracted, but it is a bit different than a whole-hearted enlightenment. At least he can be more focused and more efficient.

Uh ...

The invasion of the demon world has passed for some time, not to mention that the most important thing happened in the ancient realm of Wanjian. Therefore, the influence on the entire ancient mysterious world is not great. As time passes, it gradually returns to silence. Only Wan Jian Gu Yu and Tai Xuan still remember, and often pay attention.

现在 But now, a news has detonated the major domains, and spread at hundreds of domains of the ancient mysterious world at an alarming speed, like a violent storm, even those small domains got the news. (Starter, domain name (remember _3

Suzaku is about to order.

Who is the Suzaku Son?

That is the first person of the young generation of Suzaku Shrine and the first day of Suzaku Shrine. It is also the first person of the young generation of Sixiang Guyu. The strongest of the small holy realm is the future master of Suzaku Shrine. .

The various titles made the Suzaku Son extremely dazzling. Regardless of his status or strength, he did not know how many people he surpassed, and his appearance was very beautiful, and it was a dream lover of many women.

Now, the news that Suzaku Shengzi wanted to decide a companion suddenly caused a huge wave like waves, calling many female monks to be "crazy".

"Suzaku is mine."

"He should be with the couple."

Especially the many female nuns in Sixiang Ancient Realm had deep admiration for Suzaku Son, and once dreamed of being able to become a lover with Suzaku Son and explore the avenue together.

Of course, that's just fantasy, pure fantasy, their status and strength are totally incomparable with Suzaku.

I was fanciful, but some people took it too seriously, so it was difficult for a while to hear the news that Suzaku-san wanted to marry her.

"Who is it, and who is the companion of the Son?"

"Who is so lucky?"

Soon, the identity of the person who wanted to be a spouse with Suzaku was also revealed.

Ancient Goddess of Phoenix!

The ancient Phoenix goddess of the ancient Phoenix Mountain is also a sacred step powerhouse. When this news came out, those nuns with an indeterminate mentality were silent because they were nothing compared with the ancient Phoenix goddess.

The son of the Suzaku Holy Land and the goddess of the ancient Huangshan Mountain must determine their companions. This is undoubtedly a big event. After all, both the ancient Huangshan Mountain and the Suzaku Holy Land are holy forces. Little sanctuary.

This time, for the final couple, Suzaku Shrine and Gu Huangshan jointly issued invitations. For the holy sites of all parties in the ancient mysterious realm, as for non-holy sites, they are not eligible for invitations. Of course, those who are in the sacred order in the scattered repairs, I also got an invitation. As for whether or not to go, it is their own business.

However, it is by no means a trivial matter for the highest descendants of the two holy places to receive their invitations. The holy places receive invitations, and they will definitely send strong men there. Those holy step strong men who are in the process of repairing, if there is nothing important, will generally Go.

The holy land on both sides is not a small force.

When time passed, a month passed.

Tianfeng Shengzu has been continuously searching for the whereabouts of Chen Zong in the land. Unfortunately, he was enlightened in the sea. Therefore, in the land, his deduction of search has also been affected to some extent. At this moment Chen Zong is still in retreat and he is more difficult to find when he is prepared.

The sea emperor was also searching for the whereabouts of Chen Zong in the land, but his body was too obvious, ten meters high, and he had no feet. At a glance, he knew that he was not a human race, so it caused a lot in the land. Conflict, but with his navy-level strength, no one except his ancestor was his opponent.

After a month, Chen Zong also went out.

After a month of retreat, although the time is not long, and even considered to be very short, Chen Zong's gains are great.

This new state of breakthrough has thus been completely stabilized. Chen Zong has also tapped into more potentials and applications in the universe. In addition, he is focused on swordplay, introduces new ideas, and further enhances the essence of each sword. It's getting stronger.

As for the lore of the lore, Tai Hao and Shen Xiao, needless to say, it is more powerful on the basis of the original. 33 novel updates fastest mobile terminal: https: /

However, cultivation is only a matter of stabilization, and there is no obvious improvement. Obviously, after the cultivation has broken through to the level of the inner universe, Chen Zong feels that the difficulty of further improvement has increased a lot.

One more thing, Zhenhai Zhu's refining has also deepened. It is not far from the complete refining. In other words, Chen Zong can inspire more power in Zhenhai Zhu.

"I don't know if I can resist the ancestors with my current strength?" Chen Zong's eyes narrowed slightly, thinking secretly.

Can't you?

It's hard to say, although compared with a month ago, his own strength did have obvious improvement, Zhenhaizhu's refining and further deepening, the overall strength has indeed become a lot stronger, but whether it can resist the ancestor, but It is still unknown, only known in real war.

Breathing a breath, Chen Zong went out, stepped out of the temporarily opened Dongfu, and appeared directly in the sky as if shuttled in time and space. This trick, Chen Zong has mastered the basics, no longer need to stimulate his own speed as before Only when it reaches the extreme beyond the extreme can it be exhibited, and the direction can also be controlled.

However, the range is very limited, it can only be within ten thousand meters, but it can be regarded as an obvious improvement ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ Time and space shuttle!

Is more clever than simple teleportation, and it is more difficult to be captured because it combines the mysteries of time and space.

"Next." Chen Zong's eyes stared into the distance, which was the direction of the ancient Phoenix domain.

Yes, Chen Zong planned to go to the ancient Huangshan Mountain.

With his current strength, the golden phoenix saint should not be his opponent. As for the ancient ancestor of the ancient phoenix, perhaps by virtue of Zhenhai Zhu, he is not without the ability to resist. In this case, he should find his mind Already.

In addition, Hu Ji of the Heavenly Magic Holy Land, Chen Zong did not forget the past, but has always been insufficient in strength, plus many other things, only to be dragged to the present, and now the strength is strong enough, there is no fear of a Holy Land.

In addition, there is the Tianlong Holy Land, which has chased and killed itself several times. If the last hunt was not taken by the Vacuum King to take away, I am afraid it will be very bad, or it will be captured and brought back to the Tianlong Holy Land. A miserable end is either to explode the inner world, and it has since become a waste.

Let's go to heaven for magic!

Tianlong Holy Land!

Resent this resentment, be taken.

However, I still have to wait until I go to Gu Huangshan and his party first, and then bring it back to Nianxin. A little bit of resentment can't be compared with Nianxin.

That ’s right, for Chen Zong now, it really can only be regarded as a small grudge, and when he has enough strength, he seems to let go of some kind of restraint. It seemed like a flash flood that could not stop surging.

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