Sword God

Vol 45 Chapter 18: If God Comes

There is a main hall on each side of the Suzaku Hall, and the Suzaku Son steps from the hall on the right to a corridor composed of hundreds of huge flame birds. Qi Yuxuanang stepped forward and became the focus of everyone.

The Suzaku Son at this moment is extremely dazzling, but the protagonist at this moment.

With a smile on his mouth, Suzaku Shengzi's eyes were restrained, and he looked humble, yet proud and natural, which made him even more extraordinary.

Immediately, in the main hall on the left, a clear chirping sound was heard, the fire red filled the sky, hundreds of flame birds and birds soared into the sky, forming a flame corridor in the mid-air, leading to the Quehuang platform.

Three figures also appeared, side by side, coming on the back of the Firebird.

Ancient Phoenix Goddess!

At this moment, the ancient Phoenix goddess is also a fiery red robe, embroidered with the golden phoenix bath fire pattern, and the face is not wearing a veil. The face is completely displayed, and the look is very light, as if nothing is at heart When she was walking, she was supported by two maids.

Suzaku Son!

Ancient Phoenix Goddess!

The Dinglu conference also began, and the so-called Dinglu was the Dingdao.

Looking at the ancient Phoenix goddess who came, Bai Fu Shengzi first fixed his eyes, and then a little playful smile hung on the corner of his mouth, and he seemed to find something.

In addition to Baifu Shengzi, there are other strong men who seem to see something, feel confused, and so on, but no one has said it, because on such occasions, if anything is said, it will Offending both Suzaku Shrine and Ancient Phoenix Mountain at the same time is not a good thing.

Of course, the ancient holy places such as Yan Fugong, Wanjianshan and Tianxuandao, even if they offend Suzaku Holy Land and Guhuangshan, Suzaku Holy Land and Guhuangshan dare not say anything, the gap is too great.

However, even if the people in the three ancient holy places saw something abnormal, they would not directly say it, and no one was so stupid, after all, the parties had nothing to do with them.

Soon, both the Suzaku Son and the ancient Phoenix goddess came to the Quehuang platform.

"Today ... Sacred Son of Suzaku Shrine will become an acquaintance with the ancient Phoenix Mountain Goddess ..." The person who read it is a great sanctuary from the great sanctuary of Qinglong Holy Land. His voice has an amazing grandeur and unique The rhythm of the sound contains a certain flavor when you open it, so that people will listen to it.

"Now ... please worship Heaven and Earth Avenue ..."

Finding buddies is a relative matter, relatively simple, or relatively difficult.

Simple or difficult, it ’s relative to different people. Some practitioners look for acquaintances and get together. They do n’t need to hold any rituals and so on. You can just admit to worshiping Tiandi Avenue, or simply hold a ceremony and invite Some friends came to witness.

Just like ordinary people get married, ordinary families are often not too big and big, just to hold it relatively simple, but some wealthy and wealthy homes are different, they will hold a grand wedding.

That's the truth.

The Suzaku Son and the Ancient Phoenix Mountain are not small forces, but sacred sites, both of which are great holy places. The two parties who are accomplices are the Suzaku Son and the Ancient Phoenix Goddess. Their status is even more extraordinary.

In such a status and status, it is natural that they must hold a large association, and they will be widely advertised, inviting all the strongmen in the holy places to participate.

But whether it is held small or large, there is a step that must be taken, which is to worship the Heaven and Earth Avenue.

Cultivators start on the road to cultivation, and finally they must understand the Heaven and Earth Avenue. When they reach the Holy Order, they walk out of their own avenue on the basis of Heaven and Earth Avenue, but their own avenue and Heaven and Earth Avenue are also inseparable. To the extent it complements Tiandi Avenue.

But no matter what, practitioners start from the Avenue of Enlightenment, and they must maintain a natural awe of the Avenue.

Ordinary people marry and worship the heaven and the earth and worship the high church. Then the practitioners become priests and worship the heaven and earth road is normal. At the same time, they also use the heaven and earth road as a witness. Violations will be backfired.

In this way, we can guarantee that we will not betray each other easily.

Heaven and Earth Avenue, nine worship, nine is the number of poles, if you do not reach, it is not better than.

Jiu worship is not the end. After the nine worships, it is necessary to read the Taoist text, which resonates with the heaven and earth avenue, and then it is considered to be a true lover. Of course, practitioners generally do n’t have such trouble.

I just worship the Heaven and Earth Avenue and did n’t read the Taoism to cause the Heaven and Earth Avenue to resonate. Even if I betrayed for any reason in the future, there will be no damage. The recognition and blessing of God, if betrayed, will not die, but also bear the corresponding price.


Son of Suzaku bent down to worship immediately, while the goddess of ancient Phoenix worshiped with the help of two maids.


Three weeks!

The face of Suzaku Shengzi is filled with unspeakable joy and excitement, but the ancient Phoenix goddess can not see the slightest joy or sadness. On the whole, it is very bland and bland.

One worship after another, and soon, nine worships were completed.

The great sacred man in Qinglong Holy Land began to read Taoism. His voice contained a certain kind of rhyme. Every word seemed to contain a mysterious mystery. It resounded in all directions and echoed between heaven and earth.

When the wind started, the waves were blowing, and the sky was filled with flaming red fires. This red was not the blood red, but the flame red, spreading with a warm breath, As the red clouds converge on the sky, the mysterious breath of the endless flame avenue also radiates.

With the continuous chanting of Taoism in the Great Holy Land of Qinglong Holy Land, the Heaven and Earth Avenue gradually fluctuates, and the magical power is continually converging. Thousands of birds and birds continue to sing, and countless Tao sounds are sounded from all directions. The flowers of the boulevard began to condense at a high altitude, and slowly dropped.

This is the response of Tiandi Avenue, which is starting to resonate.

"Suzaku Shengzi Yanzhen, ancient Phoenix goddess and ancient Qinghuang, would you like to become a lover under the testimony of Tiandi Avenue, and never give up, live and die, and explore the avenue together." The Great Holy Land of Qinglong Holy Land finally said , With the roar of the world, it seemed so majestic.

"I am really willing." After taking a deep breath, Suzaku Shengzi responded with a high-pitched voice, ringing in all directions, in harmony with the roar of the world.

Eyes suddenly fell on the face of the ancient goddess Huang, waiting for her response.

However, the ancient goddess of God did not respond slowly. It seemed that there was no reservation on her face, but her mouth was open but not open. It was just a pair of eyes that seemed to be struggling.

"I ..." The mouth of Goddess Gu Huang slowly opened,

Some rigid and difficult looks, seemingly resisting, but unable to resist: "I ..."

Suzaku Shengzi looked at the ancient goddess of God with anxiety flashing under his eyes.


The ancient goddess of God behaved this way, and suddenly called Suzaku Shengzhu and others to frown slightly and look displeased. The same is true of the people from the ancient mountain Huang. At the same time, the heart was secretly anxious, but also a little annoyed, especially Jinhuang Holy, his expression grew colder.

Why, why not respond.

"I ... I ... want ..." The ancient goddess of God said hard, the last word was about to say the last word, and Suzaku's face didn't consciously reveal a touch of joy.

But the last word was extremely difficult. The body of the ancient Phoenix goddess shivered slightly, as if struggling.

At this moment, even the dull person also found that there was a problem. It seems that there is something wrong. The playfulness on Bai Fu Shengzi's face became more and more obvious, but he did not intend to intervene, and even if he intervened, not only could not work I guess I can't get any benefit.

The ancient sacred place of Yan Fu Gong is indeed famous, but the Suzaku sacred place and the ancient Huangshan are not easy to provoke. Once any conflict erupts, losses will occur.

Just because of this, there is a conflict, and both sides are unwilling.

Others also saw the problem, but no one came forward.

Suddenly, the body of the ancient goddess of God shuddered slightly, as if struck by a thunder, and she paused for a moment and opened her mouth again.

"My ancient phoenix ... wish ..." When this resounded, the last word was about to exit. Suddenly, a terrifying sound of the sword rang between heaven and earth, so high, so amazing, So deafening trembled.

There was no shortage of sword repairs, and the sword was as if pulled by a magical force. It shook in the scabbard and seemed to be unsheathed, which shocked them all.

Accompanied by the sound of that screaming sword, it was a thunderous sound that seemed to open the thunder of thunder, which directly rang through the sky and shook all directions.

"I disagree!"

There were only four short words of this voice, but each word carried amazing power and was very decisive and resolute. It directly covered the roar of the avenue between heaven and earth and passed into everyone's ears. Caused great shock immediately.

All of them suddenly changed their looks. On such occasions, some people dared to say that I didn't agree with such words. It was completely stepping on the face of the two sacred sites of Suzaku Shrine and Ancient Phoenix Mountain.

who is it?

Who has the guts? Such boldness ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ A sword light traversed the sky, with an amazing sword power, flew from outside the Suzaku Holy Land in an instant, and flew directly to Quehuangtai.

"Presumptuous!" A small sacred place in the Suzaku Shrine sighed in anger, immediately erupted, a terrible flame streamer, the flame was burned, the streamer was extremely fast, and they merged with the terrible power and directly bombarded that sword light Go, an angry blow, show no mercy between shots.

However, the blazing flame streamer was directly split in that sword light, and it was like a broken bamboo, without any blocking effect at all.

At this scene, many people were surprised at first, and then a few funny smiles appeared on the faces of some people.

It seems that the Dingling Conference this time is not so common, and it will become more interesting.

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