Sword God

Vol 45 Chapter 24: Star Sword Ancestor (1)

Jianguang is like a **** thunder across the sky, chopping the world, and directly killing the giant to the wind, but this sword is still very small compared to the giant of the wind that is thousands of meters away.

With a loud bang, the wind screamed, and the giant of the wind snapped it with one palm, breaking the world, and the sword light was crushed. The palm came like a mountain, and it was terrible. (Starter, domain name (remember _3

Chen Zong's expression became more dignified, so powerful, he directly made himself feel an irresistible feeling. The whole person seemed to be crushed directly, and his body flashed. Chen Zong immediately broke away from his restraint, and his shape was like a sword. After an arc, bypassing the palm of the giant avoiding the wind from the side, the sword went away, killing the giant to the wind.

The core of the giant of the wind is the ancestor of the wind. The sword of Chen Zong is extremely sharp and extremely fast.

Haizhen Haizhu blends with the inner universe and the outer universe, firmly resisting the oppression of the prestige of the heavenly ancestors.

"Even if there is Zhenhai Zhu, you are not your opponent." The voice of the Celestial Saint ancestor blasted to Chen Zong again, every word contained the terrible power of the Celestial Avenue, shattering everything.

Maybe this is the truth, but Chen Zong will not give up and give up.


He battled with his ancestors.

The powerful power of Haizhen in Zhenzhen can help him resist the impact of the heavenly ancestors, and has the ability to swing his sword at the other side.

It is courageous to be a saintly ancestor, but to wield a sword at the ancestor.

Cut off!

宗 Chen Zongshi exhibited one-hearted swordsmanship, one sword after another, the swords are connected, the swords are incessant, and the heavenly sage ancestors in the giant of the windward are continuously killed.

Under the control of the Heavenly Wind Saint Ancestor, the giant of the howling wind is extremely flexible, and the power of each strike is even more powerful.

In the distance, the people of Suzaku Shrine and Guhuangshan stared at each other, shocked.

"Wushuang Swordmaster is so strong!"

"That is the patriarch, it is a patriarch."

"Where did this ancestor come from?"

In the ancient Xuanjie land, the number of ancestors is very limited, so each ancestor has a foothold and will not emerge out of thin air, especially the Great Holy Realms know more about the ancestors. Saints, they do n’t know.

Where did you come from?

Is it an old monster who was born after years of retreat?

The land area and the sea area are clearly distinguished. The practitioners in the sea area rarely come to the land area. Even if they come, they are often mostly below the sacred level. In the past, they have experienced in the sacred level and mainly explore in the sea area. vast.

For a while, the powerful men did not recognize the fact that the ancestors of the Celestial Wind came from the sea, so they were very confused and puzzled.

Xi Jianguang cut it out continuously, one after another, across the world, as if to chop everything up, but there is nothing more than the Heavenly Wind ancestor, after all, the power is still insufficient to hit the Heavenly Wind ancestor.

宗 Chen Zong has realized that in order to hit the Heavenly Wind ancestor, first of all, he must first break through the wind giant's talents, but the wind giant is too strong, indestructible and unbreakable, but can switch between reality and reality.

"Sure enough, it is still worse." Chen Zong secretly said.

Chen Rao is so. Chen Zong still has no plans to retreat. For a time, the Heavenly Wind ancestor couldn't help Chen Zong.


The heavenly wind was suddenly angry, and the endless wind blew from all directions, continually gathering.

Alas, the wind giant began to swell.

In a hurry, from one kilometer to three kilometers, an increasingly giant, like a mountain-like towering majestic, stands between heaven and earth, turbulent storms repel the vacuum, and the horrifying prestige becomes more and more intense. The outside universe of Zong Zhou body was suddenly oppressed and kept shrinking.

However, Zhen Haizhu, who is the most precious treasure, finally resisted, but only became more difficult in action.

"Tianfeng!" The voice of the ancestor of Tianfeng seems to roar with endless winds, ringing directly, and instantly ringing between heaven and earth. At that moment, a huge incomparable finger appeared between heaven and earth, surrounded by endless storms, Directly toward Chen Zongdian as if the earth was falling apart.

The coercion of this finger was astonishing to the extreme. The sky was directly crushed, the void was broken, but the silent point toward Chen Zong was resisted by Zhenhai Zhu and the outer universe.

However, Zhenhai Zhu and the outer universe only resisted for a while, but they couldn't resist it completely. They were suddenly broken by an inch, and Chen Zong was hit by the whole person.

Huge fingers, a full 100 meters long, shot down in the air, like a meteor like a horrible force, Chen Zong's body suddenly fell towards the bottom, directly bombarded the ground, and fell deeply into the ground.

The terrible force is constantly impacting, but it is absorbed by the universe's true body, but the overwhelming force still cannot be absorbed completely. Some of the impact on Chen Zong's body, blood and blood oscillated, and hematemesis continued. The pain is endless. 33 novel updates fastest mobile terminal: https: /

In the universe inside, a huge storm suddenly rushed in, and wherever it passed, all the stars suddenly vibrated violently, and cracks appeared, and the 10,000-point starlight became dim, as if it were about to extinguish.


Chen Zong was directly wounded by that finger, even if there was Zhenhai Zhu, he still lost the ancestor.

Sure enough, the gap between the Great Sacred Realm and the Holy Ancestor is very significant.

之 In the pits below the ground, Chen Zong's injuries recovered quickly, and the true body of the universe was still very strong. Otherwise, without the true body of the universe, Tianfeng Shengzu would have killed himself with a single blow.

But even with the absorption and resistance of the true body of the universe, he still suffers.

Sure enough, once Shengzu got serious, his strength under the eruption was still terrible. As everyone knows, Tianfeng Shengzu was even more shocked in his heart, but he hit it with all his strength, but he failed to kill the other party.

Instantly, the heart of the Heavenly Wind Saint Ancestor became hotter.

Qizhen Haizhu!

Haizhu, the sacred treasure town, if it is obtained by itself, it will be enough to run everything and be invincible. Unless it is the ancestor who has the treasure, no one is his opponent.

When the big hand fell into the air, he grabbed directly at the pit where Chen Zong fell. The terrible coercion immediately caused the ground to crack and collapse, and a body was caught immediately.

"Give up Zhenhai Zhu!" Tianfeng Shengzu's voice sounded again, but it didn't go out, but blasted directly into Chen Zong's ears, as if to blow Chen Zong's head into pieces.

Qizhen Haizhu is a treasure, this news cannot be spread, otherwise it may attract other ancestors' shots and intensify the competition.

宗 Chen Zong's injuries recovered quickly. Once again, the power of Zhenhai Zhu broke out again, three times as high as the sky, broke the shackles of the heavenly ancestors, and turned into a sword.

The sacred ancestor of Tianfeng roared, and the wind and the roar of heaven and earth suddenly turned into a prison, binding Chen Zong, the road inside the cage was chaotic, and the time and space were also chaotic, making Chen Zong unable to use time and space to escape.


Three times as high as the sky, Jianguang breaks through the sky and is extremely powerful. Its sharpness is extremely sharp, and it immediately cuts off the shackles of the prison of the wind and rushes out.

However, heavy winds raged, and were completely dominated by the Heavenly Wind ancestors. The continuous pressure made Chen Zong tired of coping, the confusion of Yuanyuan's energy continued, and the speed of recovery was completely unable to keep up.

The situation is critical!

Chen Zong was caught again. The giant palm of the Wind Giant completely bound Chen Zong and couldn't move. He spent too much mental energy and couldn't break out again.

Tianfeng Shengzu ’s eyes were extremely cold. In his eyes, there seemed to be countless storms, like the world of wind. Immediately, the giant of the wind was also working hard at once, and Chen Zong ’s cosmic body was constantly oppressed. Constantly resisting the forces of absorbing the oppression, in the inner universe, the gale wind roars endlessly, sweeping all the stars, the starlights are destroyed, and the entire inner universe is chaotic and messy.

宗 Chen Zong's original injury has not healed yet. He was severely wounded again and again, he vomited blood and cracks appeared on his body.

Chen Tianfeng's ancestors would directly kill Chen Zong, and after killing, he could take Zhenhai Zhu, or only Chen Zong would take the initiative to lift Zhenhai Zhu's mark.

Obviously, Chen Zong did not intend to release the seal of Zhenhai Zhu, and the ancestor of the Heavenly Wind would kill it. Chen Zong was actually very clear. Even if the seal of Zhenhai Zhu was released, the Heavenly Wind ancestor would not let himself go.

In this case, why should we take the initiative to lift.

I once again highlighted the blood, Chen Zong's expression was cold, his thinking kept running, and his thinking method broke the game.

如何 How can I break the game?

For a while, Chen Zong could not think of anything.

Speaking at a later time, Jingtian Jianming suddenly sounded, as if it came from a distant place, more and more clear, a sword will explode, and the sky will fall like a sky, and a little light will grow up Then, it bloomed, as dazzling as starlight, endless strong swordsmanship, and it also increased sharply at the moment of starlight blooming ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ The wind of Saint Feng in the giant of the wind suddenly changed his face, that starlight Falling directly, extremely fast, with a towering sword, the sky was torn directly.

Hurry up!

Extremely fast, not only fast, the power contained in it is also terrible, terrible to the extreme.

"Come." The Flying Sword Saint of the Star Sword Palace suddenly looked.

I was too fast. This starlight was too fast. When I fell down and found it, it was a sword light, like a starlight sword light. The power was endless.

As if this sword, can break the earth.

Do not hesitate, the giant of the wind three kilometers high suddenly waved the other arm, bursting out of a mighty power, a smashing sky like a blast of a star sword light.

The roar of throbbing trembled, the earth was shaken, the star was broken, the finger of the wind giant was also broken, and the huge body suddenly stepped back a few steps. When each step fell, the ground was shaking and split. 33 novel updates fastest computer side: https: //

"Who is your Excellency?" Tianfeng Saint Ancestor looked dignified, because the sword just let him know that this is an ancestor shot.

"Star Sword Ancestral." With the sound of that voice, another star emerged, instantly shining brightly, as if transformed into a star, and the light emitted was extremely bright, and the sword's intention also erupted. Impact down.

The second sword was shot down, and this sword became even more tyrannical. It really came as if a star had struck it. It was so huge that it seemed to be filled with the whole world.

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