Sword God

Vol 45 Chapter 28: calm

The black true sun disappeared quietly, and the day came to realize the alternation of the sun and the moon.

Immediately, in the playing of the Guqin of the Star Sword Master, Chen Zong also saw the coming of spring and the recovery of all things. At that moment, the sprout was full of vitality, and the seeds broke out and grew up.

When spring quietly passed, a roaring sound rang through the world, there were thunders raging, and the vastness of the sky brought heavy clouds. The electric dragons and snakes crossed the four directions and shuttled in the black clouds, as if the dragons were making waves in the ocean.

The rainstorm fell, and the raindrops of Dou brought the wrath of heaven and earth. After its transit, the weather began to become hot, and it was summer.

When the summer gradually changed in the blazing heat, the air became more and more dry, and a trace of bleakness grew and spread silently.


Xiao Se became more dignified, and the chill was quietly diffused and descended, gradually becoming deeper, and a goose-like white fell from the dim sky, fluttering, it was a snowflake, a white snow.

Winter is coming!

Snow fell, and the world was covered with snow.

Spring to summer, summer to autumn, autumn to winter, winter to spring, winter to spring ...

This is the rotation of the four seasons, which actually appeared in a guqin played by the star sword master.

Wanxing emerges, the sun and the moon alternate, the night and day alternate, and the four seasons rotate, each of which contains an amazing mystery, which belongs to the Tao, and belongs to the master of the sword of the Star Sword itself.

The Tao of the Star Sword Palace is the Star Kendo, but this is a collective name, and the Star Kendo of different strong Star Sword Palaces are different.

Of course, it's the same at first, but it's more different the later.

Wanxing manifestation condenses the small star sword field, which is the third one for the big star million saber, the moon is suspended for the fourth, and the strong sun manifestation is the fifth, which is basically the big star million saber. Realm is.

Wan Zhong does not mean so much 10,000, that is impossible.

Next came the enlightenment that belonged to the Great Swordmaster himself.

The enlightenment of the Lord of the Star Swords is transformed into a black true sun, which is considered the sixth most important.

After the black true sun, it turned into a four season rotation, and that was the seventh.

What is the relationship between the Four Seasons Rotation and Star Kendo?

Chen Zong is not clear, just because his realm is not yet at that level, even if the practice is different, there is still a huge gap between himself and the sacred ancestors, no matter the realm or cultivation or strength.

Therefore, this small trip to the heavens and earth has brought a strong touch to Chen Zong, and the benefits it brings are also very strong.

"Work hard to improve, there is not much time for such calmness." The star sword master lifted his hands gently, and the sound of Guqin playing, the music that seemed to have no rules but would not disturb the ears ended, stopped, and evolved. The mystery of the heaven and earth and the stars also paused for a moment, and everything returned to its original state, as it was when Chen Zong and the Lord of the Star Sword Palace stepped into this small world of stars.

The words of the Star Sword Master, Chen Zong actually didn't quite understand, but seemed to be able to capture something.

Time is running out?

Does that mean that we are about to be calm?

What a restless method?

The thought flashed through my mind, and finally settled into the demon world.

Thinking of this, Chen Zongfang was awakened, and suddenly remembered a very important thing, but because of the queen of the Suzaku and the ancient Phoenix goddess to be a companion and the pursuit of the heavenly ancestors, she was temporarily shelved. Under fierce battle, she was also called Chen Zong is temporarily forgotten.

Now, suddenly remembered.

Since thinking of it, Chen Zong immediately said it.

"Ocean." The star sword master heard the words, frowning immediately, the invasion of the devil and the demon world is a big event, and must be paid great attention to, but the sea area is different from the land area after all.

The existence of a sacred ancestor like him will not easily step into the waters. Besides, the seas have very limited understanding of the demon world.

But this matter is very important. If the realm of gods and demons really chooses to descend on the ancient mysterious world with the sea area as a breakthrough, it will develop in the sea area first, and the sea area has relatively little knowledge of the realm of demons and monsters. In addition, the Shanghai area is wider than the land area. Numerous, harder to find when hiding.

In this way, the demon world should have the opportunity to develop and grow in the sea, and eventually endanger the entire ancient mysterious world.

After confirming to Chen Zong again, the star sword master looked dignified and left, he would go to the sword masters of the other three holy places to discuss the matter.

Such a major event is no longer under the control of a sword master.

The Star Sword Master left, and Chen Zong settled down temporarily in the Star Sword Palace. He is an honorary elder of the Star Sword Palace. He has his own cave house, and Yu Nianxin has arrangements.

Not to mention others, the status of the ancient Phoenix Mountain Goddess alone is not low, not to mention a small holy place.

"Can you talk about Yu Nianxin?" Goddess Gu Huang and Chen Zong sat softly.

She still does not have Yu Nianxin's memory, but judging from various signs, she may be that Yu Nianxin, although now called Gu Qinghuang.

What happened in the end, she did not know, but did not hinder her curiosity.

Yu Nianxin, what kind of person is it?

Curious and asking.

"Okay." Chen Zong smiled, and immediately said, starting from the first meeting in the assessment to enter the Baiyun Mountain, talking bit by bit, Chen Zong smiled, his eyes soft, tone Lightness, a beauty immersed in memories also permeated, affecting the ancient Phoenix goddess.

The ancient goddess An Huang listening quietly, was also brought into the memories.

Chen Zong said in detail. Although those things are many years ago, they also left a deep impression on Chen Zong's heart.

A person said, a person is listening quietly, there is a rising sun and a falling moon, and there is a sunset and moon. This is a long story. From the first meeting to the same into the Baiyun Mountain, repeated contacts, slow time and again. Slowly impressed.

Void, Nine Heavens, Outer Universe, Taihao Mountain, etc.

In words, for the first time, Chen Zong stated the fact that he was not an ancient metaphysical person, but from the outer universe.

Of course, with Chen Zong's current strength, even if everyone knows that he comes from the outer universe, there is nothing bad at first, not to mention having enough strength to protect himself.

This is a quiet time, a happy day.

Talking about the past with Yu Nianxin, every little bit is also a constant memory. Chen Zong took out the long sword of fire attribute obtained from the palace hall of the Emperor of the Luo Bohai and gave it to the ancient Phoenix goddess. This sword , Has the power of the best holy artifacts, very good.

Even if it is a sacred place like Ancient Phoenix Mountain, the top grade holy weapon is also very precious, not to mention that ancient Phoenix Mountain is not a sacred place for Kendo, so there is no top grade holy sword weapon, the most is Zhongpin.

The top holy artifacts are placed in the entire ancient mysterious land and the value is very amazing. The value of top holy artifacts is even more amazing. There are very few holy sites. As for the treasure, that is the highest level. For example, Suzaku Tianyan in Suzaku Holy Land can only be regarded as semi-precious.

What's more, there are top-quality and even top-level holy vessels in the Holy Land, but they are not necessarily suitable.

This top grade sword weapon, the ancient goddess of the gods like it very much, is stronger than the middle grade sword sword that they use, and can strengthen their own strength.

This sword is called Qinghuang!

Every day, Chen Zong gets along with the ancient Phoenix goddess, talks about Yu Nianxin's bit by bit, and then learns swordsmanship. Chen Zong also constantly learns the great star epee, this sword skill is really superb, especially the star sword master himself. After the interpretation, the touch brought to Chen Zong is difficult to describe clearly in words.

With the little progress of the great star epee, Chen Zong can feel that the relationship with the ancient Phoenix goddess is also continuously deepening. In such a day, Chen Zong had a very comfortable time, as if he had let go of all his shackles. Putting aside all the concerns, there is no need to go through life and death ordeal, it is just so simple to get along together, and when it arises, it draws a sword and bears the sword to prove it.

Relaxation, an unprecedented relaxation, the days quietly passed away in such relaxation, but bit by bit, but left a deep impression, into an eternal memory like an imprint of the heart, unknowingly deep into the soul.

On this day, it was Chen Zong who came to the Star Sword Palace for six months. In this half year, everything outside has nothing to do with himself. His mind is the improvement of the enlightenment and cultivation of sword skill and the point of the ancient Phoenix goddess. In getting along with each other, swordsmanship has a remarkable improvement, but despite talking about Yu Nianxin, the ancient Phoenix goddess never remembered it.

But there is a good sign that the ancient Phoenix goddess seems to be able to recall some broken pictures, but every time it seems to touch something, it will feel uncomfortable.

Chen Zong also consulted the Star Sword Master. After inspection, the Star Sword Master concluded that the original memory was sealed, and this seal could not be broken.

It is not impossible to destroy, but once it is forcibly removed, it will hurt the soul and the consequences are very serious.

Only the person who applied the seal can break it. Through the breath of the seal, the star sword master concluded that the person who laid the seal was the ancient ancestor of the ancient mountain.

In other words, only the ancient ancestors can break it.

This is not good news ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ After all, Chen Zong and the ancient ancestors of the ancestors have dealt with each other in strength, and even said that they had fought a fierce battle and finally knocked it out.

Although it is a power clone, it actually has the wisdom and consciousness of the ancestors of the ancient phoenix itself. Such irritability also shows that the ancestors of the ancient phoenix itself are like this. In addition, it is a holy beast, not a human race. Difficult to deal with.

Of course, no matter how difficult to deal with is not enough to be the reason for Chen Zong to not break the seal, but the ancient Phoenix goddess also knows the spleen nature of the ancient ancestors of the ancient phoenix, so she does not plan to go to the ancient mountain now. The strength of the ancestors.

As for asking the Lord of the Star Sword for help, the Lord of the Star Sword is very busy and has been chasing the whereabouts of worshipping the gods. There is no time and energy at all. Moreover, this has nothing to do with the Lord of the Star Sword.

"There is another way to break it, and that is to break the seal on your own." This is the original word of the star sword master when he left, and it is also the method that the ancient Phoenix goddess wants to try.

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