Sword God

Vol 45 Chapter 37: Sword Pressed Dragon (Part 2)

The Longwei area was released, covering all directions. Immediately, the Lord of the Dragon also directly stimulated the power of the bleeding veins, and the body began to change, continuously stretching, and directly turned into a dragon.

This is the extraordinary place of the Heavenly Holy Land, and also their heritage.


The dragons below the sacred level are only transformed into half-dragons. However, when the sacred level is combined with the power of the bloodline, they can be transformed into real dragons and have more powerful strength.

The thousands of days of Tianlong turned into the sky, and under Longwei Road, it became his home field, overwhelming everything, so that Chen Zong felt great pressure.

Inside the universe and outside!

Without hesitation, Chen Zong directly released the inner universe. Immediately, the Fifth Star Sword Field of the Great Star Sword Art was also released, which made the tens of thousands of stars shining in the inner universe more dazzling. The inner round of Taihao Zhenyang also became more and more bright.

The fusion of the inner universe and the outer world with the star sword domain is equivalent to the superposition of the two avenue domains. It immediately defeated the dragon power domain and swept away. It directly called the Tianlong Holy Land to feel the great power coming. The kilometer's huge body seemed to be trapped in a swamp, and it became very difficult to move between them.

how come?

How could this be?

Chen Zong wields the sword again, and Jianguang breaks through to attack.

One Heart Sword Sword Nine!

This sword is very strong and very tyrannical. Chen Zong's purpose is not to kill the Lord of the Dragon. In general, the Lord of the Dragon is actually innocent of himself.

So just beat it.

"Beware of the Lord!" Another great sanctuary changed his face and reminded immediately.

The power of the Lord of Heavenly Dragon erupted completely, and the dragon claws struck across the air at the same time. At the same time, a fiery breath of dragons was sprayed out, and the impact of everything was coming, directly covering Chen Zong.

The sword light flashed, and the fierce dragon's breath was cut off immediately, and the sword light reached the sky like a bamboo.

With a sword in hand, the Lord of the Dragons fell directly into the wind.

Another great sacred place also roared, which turned directly into the thousands of dragons roaring, and then the dragon's tail swept across. The power of the blow was extremely powerful enough to smash the mountains, and blasted Chen Zong relentlessly.

If he was hit, Chen Zong estimated that he would not get much benefit.

But Chen Zong would not be hit in this way, his body flickered to avoid it, Jianguang erupted, like a long river.

To one enemy two!

The fierce battle was endless, and the other small sanctuaries in Tianlong Holy Land were shocked.

The strength of this unparalleled swordsman turned out to be so terrible, even against one enemy and two, resisting the Dragon Lord and the elders to join forces to be undefeated, such strength is really terrible.

The little sanctuary that was shot at Chen Zong that year was even more shocked.


This kind of strength is terrible!

The fierce battle was endless, with Chen Zongyi sword in hand, he never fell behind.

One is to seek revenge, the other is to try the fineness of the Heavenly Holy Land by the way, and see how to see them. Why?

Well, that is purely a habit of Chen Zong. The habit of challenging the strong to see the hunting heart has been rooted deep in the bones.

Suddenly, I saw that the sacred dragon saint moved, that is, the small sanctuary that chased Chen Zong that year, and the extreme speed broke out, and he rushed directly towards Yu Nianxin. His purpose is very simple, that is, to bring Nianxin took it down to threaten Chen Zong, forcing Chen Zongli to take an oath, and never to investigate the grievances of that year.

In this way, we can be safe.

Otherwise, it is definitely not a good thing to be remembered by a great sword sage.

As soon as he moved, Chen Zong looked sinking, but did not take any action, but left the other side to fly away, because Yu Nianxin's strength is not weak, at the level of the small sanctuary, it can be considered relatively strong.

Yu Nianxin reacted quickly and immediately drew his sword.

For those who dare to shoot at themselves, there will be no mercy, killing when killing.

The look of the mad dragon saint changed greatly, and the might of that sword was so terrible that he felt threatened.

"You will join me to win this woman." The mad dragon shouted suddenly: "Only in this way can this crisis be lifted."

The other two small sacred places immediately reacted, and they immediately burst into a domineering strength, killing Chen Zong from different directions.

Together, the three small sacred places joined together to kill Yu Nianxin.

Although Yu Nianxin's strength is good, it is not enough to use one enemy and three, but Chen Zong still has no intention to help, because this is also an opportunity, a good opportunity, so that Yu Nianxin faces greater pressure. Sharpen yourself further, tap your own potential, and master more powerful strength.


One with two enemies and one with three enemies.

Chen Zong's one enemy and two did not fall into the wind at all, while Yu Nianxin suffered one enemy and three fell into the wind, but the small sacred places in the three heavenly sacred places were not easy to win Yu Nianxin.

Such a fight, but the Lord of the Dragon God trembled, how could it be so powerful.

This time, the Tianlong Holy Land is really in trouble, and kicked the iron plate.

In a hurry, Chen Zong erupted again, this time directly stimulating Zhen Haizhu's power.

The blue was permeating, and the turbulent seawater emerged out of thin air, sweeping all around in an instant, covering everything.


When the power of Zhenhaizhu and the power of the external universe were superimposed, the Lord and the elder of Tianlong Holy Land were directly suppressed, and the two dragons that were thousands of kilometers were bound to the seawater.

Dragons can fly in nine days or swim in the sea, but at this moment are located in the sea formed by Zhenhai Zhu, but these two dragons have been greatly restricted and suppressed, even if they are constantly erupting, Nor can it break the repressive power of Zhenhai Zhu.

You know, this is the superimposed power of Zhenhai Zhu and the outer universe and the star sword field. It is extremely powerful. Even if it is the power of the ancestor, Chen Zong can also resist it. Naturally, it is difficult to fully compete.


The two swords suddenly burst into the air, directly bombarded the two dragons, and immediately poured into the body. The anger of the sword raged, making the two dragons growl. The feeling of raging sword in the body was very uncomfortable.

Chen Zong did not intend to kill them. Once the killer was killed, I was afraid that it would cause more trouble, such as the ancestor of the Tianlong Holy Land.

He is not yet an ancestral opponent.

"Dead!" With a low drink, Chen Zong's body flickered. When he died, his body and sword were combined to kill the sacred dragon saint. This sword was extremely fast and crossed the sky. A silver aurora fuses into one.


This sword is a must kill.

The mad dragon saint is all cold, as if falling into an ice cellar. Not only is it cold, but it is cold and cold, and the blood is frozen. The whole body is difficult.

To move.

Can't escape!

In any case, it is impossible to avoid Chen Zong's sword. This is a sword that must be killed. How can a small sacred realm to resist and dodge with a large sword master's killing.

Only momentarily, the mad dragon saber hit the sword and was immediately penetrated by the sword of Shenxiao. The terrible sword air raged endlessly and directly destroyed his body.

Facing the great sanctuary, although the small sanctuary still has a few chances to escape, it is a situation where it is about to escape at the beginning, rather than being suppressed by the other party ’s avenue.

Moreover, the power of Chen Zong ’s inner universe and superimposed star sword domain and Zhenhai Zhu can be several times stronger than the domain of a separate avenue. Even the Great Sacred Realm is heavily suppressed in it, not to mention the mere Little sanctuary.

Moreover, even if it is not so suppressed, with the strength of Chen Zong, the lore of that sword, unless the mad dragon saint is far apart, there is no time to avoid it. Being stabbed is inevitable. Once stabbed, The sword qi explodes between the swords and rages, and there is no doubt that it will die.

One sword kills the mad dragon saint.

"My grievance with Tianlong Holy Land was over," Chen Zong said, returning his scabbard. He said loudly, and immediately there was an indescribable sharpness in his eyes. "If you want to investigate this person's death, and seek revenge, I will also take it. under."

After speaking, Chen Zong turned away with Yu Nianxin.

The Lord of the Heavenly Dragon Holy Land, and others, could only watch Chen Zong turn away, with great resentment. The inner anger reached the extreme, and it almost broke out completely, but he had to restrain it because of this. Human strength is too strong.

It was only known in the first battle that this person's strength was also extremely tyrannical at the level of the Great Sacred Realm. Such a strong person is very close to the level of the Holy Ancestor ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ There are not many ancient mysteries.

It is very unwise to make such an enemy.

Even if Chen Zong killed the sacred dragon saint, and caused the heavenly shrine to suffer heavy losses again, but they were helpless beyond their anger, but they couldn't beat it, so what?

Unless you call the ancestor of Tianlong.

But can Tianlong ancestors leave this person?

It is not certain that the Great Holy Realm faces the ancestor class. If it escapes desperately, it is likely to escape. As for such a powerful Great Holy Realm who is determined to escape, the ancestors of Tianlong may not be able to Leave each other.

What is the result of not being able to leave each other?

start a feud!

Further revenge, and coming home in the future, is a great disaster for the Tianlong Holy Land.

What's more, this person is the honorary elder of the Star Sword Palace. Although the honorary elder is a status symbol, an honorary elder of the Great Sword Sage level is not ordinary, and I have heard before that this person had The sacred ancestors in the waters fought against one or two, and the Star Sword ancestors also took the initiative to rescue them.

Now, the Heavenly Dragon Lord regrets it, and he regrets that his heart is bleeding.

This would not have been the case if there had been compromise.

But if not, now, he and his elder were wounded, and the sacred dragon saint was killed. The loss is not bad, and the other party is intact. This tone can only be swallowed. If you want to investigate If you care about it, it will expand the grievances, which is very bad for the Tianlong Holy Land.

Damn it.

This helpless feeling made the strong men in the Tianlong Holy Land so sad that they almost vomited blood.

Compared with them, Chen Zong is different. He has a feeling of refreshing and comfortable mood, unknowingly. In the inner universe, the nebula-like spinning Yuanxin heart suddenly turns at an amazing speed, with an amazing speed. Speed ​​is increasing rapidly.

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