Sword God

Vol 45 Chapter 57: Swordsman unparalleled

Below the Forbidden Grounds of the Ancient Phoenix Mountain, there is a magmatic sea, which is the place where the fire veins gather. Its flames are extremely fierce, and it also contains an amazing atmosphere of fire. Once stepping below the Holy Order, you will definitely die.

Even a small sanctuary cannot stay in it for long, only at the level of the big sanctuary.

But, it was the sleeping place of the ancestors of the ancient Phoenix.

Sleeping in the veins of the earth fire, nourished by the earth fire all the time, short time is nothing to the ancient ancestors of the holy family, but if it is nourished for a long time, it will continue to improve, which is very beneficial .

For thousands of years, the ancestors of the ancient Phoenix fell asleep in the veins of the earth, rarely went out, and now do not know what level to rise to.

But there is one thing: the sacred beast has a huge bloodline and superb wisdom, and coupled with good wisdom, it can be much more powerful than ordinary people.

He can be likened to this, the holy beast will not be inferior to the Lord of the same level.

With that amazing breath permeating, Chen Zong felt that the strength of the ancestors of the ancient phoenix was not inferior to that of the Heavenly Wind Saint. This is Chen Zong's self-improvement to continue to improve to a more acute level nowadays.

The flower of flame of one hundred meters broke away from the flame rising from the sky, and flew towards Chen Zong in this direction. A figure sat on the throne in the center of the flower of flame, which looked like a woman, wearing a red dress. The robe, which was cast from countless red-gold feathers.

This woman looks very young, but she has a feeling of sedimentation through the vicissitudes of years. At the center of her eyebrow, there is a mark formed by a golden red flame pattern, as if it is a flower, and it seems to be a sky-spreading sky. Flame phoenix, lifelike.

Her pupils are not black, but red is the center and the edges are golden, showing an indescribable indifference, high above the gods, overlooking the dust-like indifference, as if in her eyes, everything in the world is like an ant. of.

The indifferent golden red eyes and resolute facial lines directly reveal a kind of indifference overlooking the common people and the domineering world.

Those golden red eyes swept across and fell on Chen Zong's body. Chen Zong immediately felt his whole body's heat, as if an invisible flame was burning himself, to burn himself both inside and outside. Like.

He was just such a powerful stare with just a gaze, which was truly terrifying.

越 But the more so, the more excited Chen Zong is, the more concise the sword is, the more arrogant Jian Wei is.

Thousands of hammers and hundreds of recipes show true!

"Mortal man, you are the one who cut off my strength on that day." The ancestor of the ancient Huang said, his voice was a bit sharp, and there was a bit of overlap, carrying an unspeakable and terrible power, which directly hit the void.

"Ancient ancestor of the Phoenix, unlock the seal of memory of my lover." Chen Zong also said politely.

The old ancestor of the ancient Phoenix did not answer, or that she just smiled coldly, erupting into a terrible atmosphere, and gathered her fingers at once, and suddenly clicked out.

Extremely fast!

I was like a red-red aurora. It was incredibly fast and carrying endless fiery power. It was the high concentration of flames, condensed to the extreme, and killed Chen Zong without mercy.

This finger is a lore, reflecting everything, and the time and space around it seems to be slow. Only the red aurora is extremely fast.

Chen Zong also wields a sword at once, a sword tears through the sky and comes out to kill, directly colliding with that red aurora.

But Jianguang was also defeated in an instant, and the red aurora was still killed, but the power contained in it was weakened.

The second sword, the crimson aurora was immediately crushed. Chen Zong's body and sword approached the ancestors of the ancient Phoenix directly. One sword swept to the sky, and you dare to honor the sword.

The ancient ancestors of the ancient phoenix concealed their eyes for a moment, and the pupils of the eyes also contracted in an instant, with a anger.

Her strength avatar was destroyed before, but after all, it was only the strength avatar, and the induction was not so obvious. As for other news, because of the relationship of sleep, the ancestors of the ancient Phoenix did not know.

Of course, after thousands of years, the ancestors of the ancient Phoenix have not been asleep all the time and have left, but it is unknown, but at least these 100 years have indeed been completely asleep and never awakened.

Otherwise, she might not be so angry.

Because Chen Zong has assassinated a **** lord, even though he is in a weak **** lord because of the execution of divine magic, it is also a **** lord, and she is a strong man at the same level.

You dare to kill even the Lord, and dare not fight with the ancestors?

When Chen Zong took the sword to the ground, the ancient ancestors of the phoenix furiously shot again. Between the waves, he suddenly burst into a fierce fire, directly blasting away, crushing all directions, flooding the four poles, and then turning into a vortex. , Like a cage to cover Chen Zong, to swallow it.

But, not enough, it is difficult to do.

剑 十!

Yi Yijian broke through the air, and immediately broke the flame vortex, approaching to kill again, shocking the sky, Jianwei called the ancient ancestor secretly surprised.

After the tenth sword, Chen Zong even broke out and directly exhibited the sword fifteen. So far, the swordsmanship with one heart is the most powerful and superb sword.

When the sword exploded, its power reached its apex, shattering everything without mercy, and suddenly the ancient ancestor of the Phoenix changed his look slightly, and suddenly turned into a huge flame palm print, extremely condensed In fact, as if the cohesion is the essence, it directly pushes the mountains into the sea.

With this palm, you can crush a huge mountain.

Under this palm, he was unable to completely defeat the sword fifteen, and was still broken with a sword mark, but that sword was broken by its finger when approaching the ancient ancestor of the ancient Phoenix.

Suddenly, the pale white hand of the old ancestor of the ancient Phoenix shook in the void, and between the vacancies of the void, there seemed to be an endless magma. Then, the magma boiled and set off a violent wave. Immediately, a huge palm fell in the air. Suddenly, he grabbed a long knife from the fiery boiling magma. The long knife was red and burning with a faint golden flame. The flame seemed to be covered with unique patterns, like feathers. The lines are ordinary, and the breath is extremely ancient, and the breath is extremely arrogant.

This is the ancient phoenix sword, which was sacrificed by a wing of the previous generation of ancient phoenixes. It contains part of the power of that ancient phoenix, surpassing the sacred artifact, but a half-step treasure.

I just, so the magic knife is in the hands of the ancient ancestors of the ancestors, the blood is connected, and the power that erupts is really close to the treasure, and it is boundless.

After the ancient Phoenix sword was drawn from the void, the breath of the ancient ancestors of the ancient Phoenix climbed to a very terrible level, becoming more and more powerful, and there were fissures in the void around him, as if they were split by the magic sword.

With a sword in hand, Shengwei was endless, and then, the ancient ancestor of the ancient Phoenix was cut out with one stroke.

She is a sacred beast, but she has also practiced the martial arts of the human race, especially the sword skill has spent a lot of time to participate in the practice of enlightenment. She has already practiced to a very superb level. , Exert their own power, and become more and more horrible.

The sword was cut out with a knife, the sky was broken, and a red-colored, eternal and immortal charm that stretched through the ages seemed to burn everything in the world and use the unextinguished fire.

The crimson red light reflects the flood of heaven and earth in all directions, everything is dyed red, as if falling into a purgatory oven.

Chen Zong's expression became more dignified, but with a little excitement, Jian Wei turned empty.

Take out the sword!

The trance was just momentary, Chen Zonglian burst out, and fifteen swords were cast out in succession. The fifteen sword lights followed different trajectories and blasted at the shocking red sword, hitting the same place and breaking the sword light.

Chen Zong did not stop in the slightest, and once again performed the sword sword skill, and killed again, and continuously killed the ancient ancestors of ancestors. Each sword light condensed unparalleled power, and the trajectory of each sword light was unpredictable and mysterious.

When it comes to the realm of swordsmanship and swordsmanship, the ancestors of the ancient Phoenix are inferior to Chen Zong, obviously not as good as only the foundation of Chen Zong in swordsmanship is unparalleled, second only to the ancient sword master, and the ancient ancestors His swordmanship is not his major, it is different after all.

With superb sword skills, Chen Zong and the ancient ancestors fiercely battled, and for a while there was no defeat.

You must know that the ancestors of the ancient phoenix are saint ancestors, even if they are transformed into human figures, they cannot fully exert their power, but after all, they are saint ancestors. They are not weak gods, and they are still holding the ancient phoenix sword in the case of.

Chen Zong is not a holy ancestor, but a great sword sage, but he can use the superb swordsmanship to compete with and compete with it, even if it looks like he is falling behind, he can remain undefeated. This scene is suddenly called Jinhuang Dasheng, etc. People are shocking.

Even the ancestor of the ancient Phoenix himself was shocked.

Did I sleep for too long?

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Surprised and surprised, the ancestors of the ancient Phoenix shot unambiguously, and did not intend to keep their hands. With each blade cut, the sky would be cut and a shocking knife mark would be cut. The scarlet red mark exudes horror. The extreme fire contains the mystery of the Avenue of Flames.

If any knife mark falls in the eyes of the knife repair, especially the knife repair of the flame, it is equal to the great opportunity, and you can fully understand, when you can further improve on the flame knife path, to a higher level.

With such a terrible knife-strike slam, Chen Zong could only meet with a sword of one heart, and gradually fell into the downwind.


The nine red scarlet sword lights suddenly lighted up, cutting from nine directions to Chen Zong, each one containing the terrifying power of slaying the mountains. When the killing came, the nine powerful sword lights suddenly merged into one. , Turned into a brighter, more condensed and more forceful peerless knife light, killing Chen Zong.

Under this sword, Chen Zong's expression became directly dignified, and he felt a scourge of destruction coming in. The way of flames originally contained the power of destruction.

This sword is to destroy everything and destroy Chen Zongsheng.

Chen Zong suddenly exhaled a long breath, the breath was like a dragon breathing, and it seemed like a sharp sword emerged from the sky. The interior was instantly transparent and flawless, and a strength was condensed. An indescribable breath followed. Cohesion on the body, vaguely, it seems that a majestic, uncast star phantom has come across time and space from all ages.

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