Sword God

Vol 45 Chapter 60: Count 1 small grudge

The ancient Huangshan Mountain completely collapsed under fierce battles and turned into ruins. It was dilapidated and shocking.

On the ruins, there is Chen Zong and the ancient ancestors who turned into human figures. The fierce battle has ended.

In the face of Chen Zong's inquiries, the ancestors of the ancient Phoenix did not respond for a while, and his indifferent eyes seemed to have a little more thought.

It took a long time for the old ancestor of the ancient Phoenix to speak, but instead of responding to Chen Zong, he looked far away.

"Come here." The direction that the ancestor of the ancient phoenix spoke was Yu Nianxin's direction. Yu Nianxin gave a slight meal. First, he looked at Chen Zong, but Chen Zong slightly shook his head. What is the purpose.

What if you want to catch Yu Nianxin to threaten yourself?

Regarding the disposition of the ancestors of the ancient Phoenix, etc., Chen Zong was not clear. After a short contact, he did not dare to see through it, and he had fought a fierce battle. It was a merciless battle. Although he stopped now, who can determine the ancient Phoenix ancestors will not take the opportunity to shoot again.

Any threat must be eliminated as far as possible.

This scene also called the ancient ancestors to see, his eyes returned to indifference.

"There is only one way to restore memory." The ancient ancestor of Gu Huang's face was filled with indifference, and a smile full of sorrow appeared: "Her bloodline is passed on to me, as long as the bloodline is abolished, it will By eliminating its side effects, the memory seal is lifted. "

The voice was not covered in the slightest, not only by Chen Zong, but also by others in the distance, and clearly.

Abolish the blood!

The ancient Xuan world is a world dominated by blood. Although some strong people can be famous without relying on blood, it is a minority after all. Compared to practitioners with superb blood, it is just an example.

Non-blooded people or practitioners without strong bloodlines often want to be strong, and they have to work harder, ten times more.

A person with a strong bloodline is equal to having extraordinary talents and potentials. As long as he cultivates the right skills and obtains the right inheritance, he can make rapid progress, and the chance of achieving the strong is more than ten times higher than that of the non-blooded.

The blood of the ancient phoenix, but the blood of the sacred level, is considered good among the blood of the sacred level. Yu Nianxin can break through the sacred order in a short time, and it is inseparable or even closely related to the blood of the ancient phoenix.

Abolition of the blood, that means abolition of cultivation, abolition of a powerful force.

The ancient Phoenix bloodline is even better. Once the ancient Phoenix bloodline is abolished, Yu Nianxin is likely to become a mortal directly, or even mortal.

Although the ancestors of the ancient Phoenix didn't say it clearly, everyone could think clearly about the meaning in the discourse.

Chen Zong's look also changed greatly.

Abolish the blood!

That means, very clearly.

"Old man, is there any other way?" Chen Zong's voice was a little dull and cold.

"No." The answer from the old ancestors of Gu Huang was extremely firm, but the scum on his face became more and more obvious.

Really not?

Yes, of course, but the old ancestor of Gu Huang didn't say, and was unwilling to say that if she couldn't help Chen Zong, she would have taken the repression of Chen Zong and even killed him, how else would you tell him?

Forcing the ancient ancestors to speak out?


Not to mention that it can't be done now, Chen Zong has a feeling, even if she can do it, suppress the ancient ancestor of the ancient Phoenix, she may not say it.

However, things haven't happened yet

Everything is possible.

Exhale a breath that is extremely long, and that breath crosses the sky like a sword. Chen Zong also calmed down, took a deep look at the ancestor of the ancient Phoenix, his shape turned into a sword light, and appeared in Yu Nianxin next to.

"Let's go first," Chen Zong said to Yu Nianxin.

Yu Nianxin nodded and left along with Chen Zong.

Watching Chen Zong and Yu Nianxin leave, the ancestors of the ancient Phoenix gave a cold hum, and immediately, they rose into the sky and turned into a flame of light, and they were directly taken away. As for the ancient Huangshan Mountain, it was broken and collapsed, but it didn't bother him.

It is very likely that the ancient Huangshan Mountain has since fallen. In this battle, the news cannot be blocked, and sooner or later it will spread, creating the reputation of Chen Zong.


"Relax, after a while, after I am trained to further enhance my strength, I will look for the ancient ancestors and suppress them." Chen Zong told Yu Nianxin: "At that time, the ancient ancestors will be persecuted again. There are other ways to lift the memory seal. "

"Um." Yu Nianxin nodded, but seemed to be worried.

The matter of memory, first found the star sword master, then found the ancient sword master, and then found the ancient ancestor of the ancient phoenix, but they can not be lifted.

Chen Zong, with Yu Nianxin, went back to Wanjian Ancient Realm and found the owner of the ancient sword again. He repeated the words of the ancestor of the ancient Phoenix and told the owner of the ancient sword.

After hearing the words of the ancient sword master, he carefully checked again, his frown frowned.

In the end, Master Wangu shook his head and said with a little apology to Chen Zong: "The last time I read it wrong. If you want to forcibly crack the seal, it will not only damage the blood source, but even the soul."

In a word, Chen Zong frowned suddenly, Yu Nian's expression turned white instantly, but he recovered instantly.

It hurts the origin of the blood, which is just better than abolishing the blood, but it is not impossible to recover. It only takes a long time and many treasures, but if it hurts the soul, it is more troublesome. It is not better than abolishing the blood. How many.

The damage to the blood source and the soul is equal to the injury. The difficulty of healing is undoubtedly further exacerbated.

"Work hard, maybe when one of your priests can break through the ancestor one day, you can naturally break the seal that originated from the bloodline to restore memory." The lord of the ancient sword sighed, this is actually a word of comfort.

Saint Zuo!

No matter how difficult it is, the great sanctuary from ancient times to the present is not small, but in the end, it is only a few of them who can achieve the ancestors, at most one percent.

Moreover, the blood of Yu Nianxin originated from the ancient phoenix of the holy beast. In the beginning, it will indeed be blessed by the blood of the holy ancient phoenix. Whether it is cultivation or fighting, it has its own advantages, but in fact it has reached the ancient sword. At the level of the Lord, it is not important that the blood is not blood.

Because although the blood is good, it is a great help in the early stage, but in the later stage, it may become a kind of trance.

The ancestor of the ancient phoenix itself is a sacred beast, which is equal to the ancestor ancestor. The blood line passed down by her is the ancestor ancestor, and, at the level of the ancestor, belongs to the middle and lower. After all, the ancestor of the ancient phoenix is ​​among the ancestors. Be regarded as the middle and lower strength.

In such a blood vein, it is extremely difficult to be promoted to the level of Saint Ancestor.

Therefore, it is very difficult and difficult for Yu Nianxin to break through to the ancestor level. The chance is slim. Even if it is possible, I do not know how long it will take. It will be a long time.

Since even the owner of the ancient sword is at a loss, he can only give up temporarily.

After discussing with Zong Chen and Yu Nianxin, they decided

Leaving the ancient Xuan Realm and returning to the outer universe.

Although the ancient Xuanjie is very good, the two still came from the outer universe and should return to the outer universe.

The large array outside the gate of the gods and demons has been completed. The gate of the gods and demons has been re-blocked. There is a top ancestor of the ancient sword master, and two big holy places. There can be two sword masters in a short time. Reinforcement, even if the Lord of Time and Space strikes again, you can resist it.

As soon as the decision was made, the two set off immediately.

Today, Chen Zong and Yu Nianxin are both sacred and powerful. It is not difficult to leave the ancient mysterious world. First, open the passage to the interstellar universe and enter the undead world of the interstellar universe.

The interstellar universe is not as powerful as the inner universe. Therefore, the strong in the inner universe rarely enters the interstellar universe. Of course, a small number of practitioners will enter the undead world of the interstellar universe to experience.

In the world of the undead, there is no vitality, and there is a sense of death and silence everywhere, very strong.

A space fissure suddenly appeared, and it opened instantly to form a portal. Then, two sword lights flew out of the portal and landed on the undead world.

"Be mindful, before I go back, let me deal with a small grudge." After Chen Zong returned to the undead world, he immediately smiled.

At that time, in order to find the whereabouts of Yu Nianxin, Chen Zong stepped into the world of the undead and left, but encountered assault. It was an assault by a holy order strong man. If the third generation Tai Hao had attached some power to himself The body, blocking that blow, was estimated to have been killed by the holy undead. Although it accidentally fell into the inner universe to survive, it was eventually hunted down.

Now I want to return to the outer universe and pass by this universe. The grudge that year was naturally to be liquidated.

Chen Zong still remembers that attack.

Suddenly, the mixed heart's strength spread away, and it swept across all directions in an astonishing gesture. It swept across all around in an instant, and the vastness spread away. Chen Zong and Yu Nianxin also flew up and turned into two rapid searches. Looking up.

The world of the undead is very vast. Although Chen Zong's mixed mentality is very strong, he can't completely cover it. He can only find it this way.

The horrifying sword was so powerful that countless undead did not dare to move.

Finally, Chen Zong felt it, and felt the breath of the blow that struck him that year.

That is an old Lich.

In Chen Zong's feelings, this old Lich's strength is not bad, but it is the pinnacle level of the small sacred realm, very tyrannical ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~, and the power of death in his possession is very overbearing and terrible.

However, Chen Zong is now a great swordsman, or a swordsman who has fought fiercely with the ancient ancestors of the ancient phoenixes.

One sword!

Chen Zong didn't say much at all. He pulled up his sword and cut it out. The sword dragged out a long golden light, silver, extremely dazzling, brilliant, and instantly broke away.


This sword was extremely fast, and the sword was drawn at an interval of tens of thousands of meters to kill the old Lich.

And this old Lich felt that the moment of life and death was about to be avoided, but it was too late to avoid it at all, and was penetrated by that silver sword light. At that moment, the sword's meaning was raging, Destroy and destroy its arrogant Lich's body.

I do n’t know how many years I lived. The fierce old Lich in the Undead World died under the sword of Chen Zong, but the cause was the finger of death that year.

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