Sword God

Vol 45 Chapter 65: Sword Fury (1)

Taihao Mountain was recuperated after the war, and it was alive and well. There were four sacred order strong men, which made Taihao Mountain's top combat power reach an amazing height, which greatly inspired Taihao Mountain's remaining disciples.

In this battle, the surviving disciples were further inspired by their own potential. When there is hope to practice in a short period of time to improve sword skills and strengthen their strength.

Although the battle was costly, the benefits were not small.

The biggest benefit is that Tai Haoshan is still there and can't stand.

The reorganization of the Hushan array, some resource treasures brought by Chen Zong from the inner universe are also useful. Further strengthening the Hushan array, even if the purgatory demon gate army strikes, it will be more difficult to break it. to make.


"Find a suitable time for this Taihao, and then hold a ceremony to pass on to you." The third generation Taihao said to Chen Zong.

"Inappropriate." Chen Zong shook his head: "For some reasons, I embarked on an unprecedented cultivation path."

The third generation Taihao carefully gazed at Chen Zong and carefully sensed, but felt that Chen Zong's breath was completely introverted, seemingly ordinary, and deep like a bottomless abyss, as if the vast universe was starry and impossible to measure.

Even his great swordsman can't measure it, how amazing should it be?

"You can only find another successor." Chen Zong smiled.

Today, the two are equal when it comes to levels, but Chen Zong still respects the third generation Taihao, but between words, he doesn't need to be as respectful as he was then. This kind of gratitude and respect should be in his heart. .

Chen Zong said so. Although the third-generation Taihao had some regrets, he didn't say anything, but he was chatting with Chen Zong while he seemed to be thinking about something.

Chen Zong also said part of his experience, the key point is to mention the first generation Taihao he encountered in the Tongtian God Tower.

The third generation of Taihao is very excited, but after knowing that the first generation of Taihao has already fallen, the kind of sadness and loneliness is beyond words.

Chen Zong also passed on the first-generation Taihao Taihao Sword Technique to the third-generation Taihao Sword Art. This sword technique is extremely powerful, and for the third generation Taihao, it also has great benefits.

Finally, Chen Zong filed his resignation and planned to leave Taihao Mountain.

"Chen Zong, from which sacred place is your aunt?" The third generation Taihao asked suddenly.

"She ..." Chen Zong slightly paused: "It's casual repair."

Originally, from the perspective of Jiuzhong Tianmao, it was a fact that it was to be separated from the ancient Huangshan Mountain, but it was also a fact that it was separated from the ancient Huangshan Mountain when it entered the Taihao Mountain and accidentally fell into the ancient universe of the inner universe.

"What?" The third-generation Taihao suddenly became excited, took a deep breath, and looked at Chen Zong with a little hope, "Can she let her inherit the position of Taihao?"

Chen Zong heard a momentary stun.

Let Yu Nianxin inherit the position of Taihao?

It seems ... feasible.

However, in the end, you still need to ask Yu Nianxin's own wishes. After all, this is her business. Although Chen Zong is her accomplice, she cannot take the initiative in such matters.

Chen Zong still moved a little.

Yu Nianxin is the blood of the ancient phoenix, mastering the power of the flame, while Taihao is also a flame, and the two can be shared.

Soon, Chen Zong asked Yu Nianxin.

"Good!" Just three breaths, Yu Nianxin responded.

it is good!

She is willing to inherit the position of Taihao and become the fourth generation of Taihao.

Today's Yu Nianxin is the peak strength of the small sacred realm, which is only one line away from the big sacred realm, but how to break through this line, but not that

It's easy, as short as a few years and even hundreds or thousands of years.

Throughout the ages, countless small holy places have been stuck at the peak and cannot be broken, and it is also normal.

Yu Nianxin had her own ideas, Chen Zong could not see through, and she was also reluctant to say, but since she made her own choice, Chen Zong had no objection and became the fourth generation Taihao, which was also very good.

Of course, it is only a will now. Only when Yu Nianxin breaks through the Great Sacred Realm can he be qualified to truly inherit the position of Taihao. Now he can only be regarded as his successor.

Next, Yu Nianxin first sent out the fire of Taihao spirit, and went to see and understand the mystery of Taihao spirit. Once he can understand it, he may be able to directly break through the small holy realm and truly enter the level of the big holy realm.

Then, it ’s the practice of Taihao swordsmanship, not the original Taihao swordsmanship, but Chen Zong's swordsmanship from the first generation of Taihao swordsmanship, which is more sophisticated than the third generation of Taihao swordsmanship.

This is a superb sword skill that is better than the Holy Phoenix sword skill, but it is inferior to the secret sword skills in the ancient mystery.

Yu Nianxin's talents are good, but it is not so easy to master Taihao swordsmanship. Fortunately, Chen Zong is proficient and can point at any time. Therefore, Yu Nianxin, who inherited the fire of Taihao spirit, left Taihao with Chen Zong. mountain.

The third generation Taihao watched them leave.

At that time, he condensed a fire of Taihao spirit to Chen Zong, and now it has condensed another one or two hundred years later, it will take longer to recover, and his strength is also reduced by a few points.

Fortunately, Taihao Mountain's mountain protection team has been repairing it. It will not be long before it will be repaired. Even if there is a strong enemy attack, it can be better resisted. At that time, the third generation Taihao will use the Chen Zong was notified by the secret law, and Chen Zong would return in the shortest time.

With Chen Zong's strength and accomplishments, in the outer universe, it is easy to tear space to travel in space and time, and return to Taihao Mountain in a very short time.

With the strength of the third-generation Taihao, even if it is reduced by a few points due to condensing the fire of the Taihao spirit, it is also enhanced because of the stronger Taihao sword skill. In fact, the overall strength is unchanged. , Even a little stronger.

After all, the new Taihao swordsmanship is much stronger than his own Taihao swordsmanship, and because of the commensurate relationship, it is not difficult to practice, and it has basically been mastered in a few months.

Even in the face of the siege of the three great holy realms, the third generation Taihao can support for a period of time.


Ten Thousand Island, this is the most powerful area of ​​Ten Thousand Yuan Yu, where there were three emperor-level forces: Wan Xizong, Yuan Yuan Palace and Xinfeng Tower.

Chen Zong stayed at Xinfeng Tower for a while before going to Taihao Mountain.

Chen Zong has feelings for Xinfeng Lou, and is grateful to the owner of Xinfeng Lou. Now that he has returned from a whim, naturally, he must come and take a look at the place where he once stayed.

People are emotional.

Moreover, when the major forces migrated back then, I don't know how the island of Wan is now. Is it occupied by worship?

Time and time torn apart, Chen Zong and Yu Nianxin quickly left Taihao Mountain and headed for Wanyuan Island.

The distance between Taihao Mountain and Ten Thousand Island is so far away that Chen Zong is still unable to tear the void in one step directly, and it will take many times.

But at the speed of Chen Zong, it doesn't take long, and it's less than a day after full play.

At the ten thousand island, a void crack suddenly appeared, as if it was a thin paper split by a sharp blade. Immediately, two figures stepped out of it.

Chen Zong came to Wanyuan Island with Yu Nian's heart. As soon as he came, Chen Zong's expression changed involuntarily.

The breath of this ten thousand island is not right.

It seems, with a touch of strangeness

Breath, the kind of breath Chen Zong is very familiar with.

That's the breath of gods.

Sure enough, has Wanyuan Island been invaded by gods?

The mental strength of the mixed Yuan was released in an instant. In an instant, it directly covered the entire 10,000 yuan island. Everything he saw was suddenly called Chen Zong's look cold and cold, and his breath was extremely smashed.

Sure enough, Wanyuan Island was occupied and occupied by worship.

Ten Thousand Island is directly reduced to the site of worship.

With Yu Nianxin, Chen Zong's body flickered, and he immediately appeared at the Xinfeng Tower, but he saw that the Xinfeng Tower was broken, like a ruin, and the traces left can be seen to go through a battle, which is also the battle. Caused the collapse of the Trade Wind Tower.

But wasn't the Xinfeng Building relocated?

But looking at the traces, it seems that there is no.

Where is the landlord?

Where did you go?

Or ... is it dead?

Then, Chen Zong explored Wan Zongzong and Yuan Yuan Palace, and they were destroyed in the same way. The major forces did not exist. The only force was worshipping the religion.

Grabbing and pressing.

Naturally, believers are worshippers of the gods, and Chen Zong has a way to let the other party speak out all the information he knows.

It turned out that fifty years ago, forces such as the Xinfenglou have returned. Because decades have passed, no worship has come to the door, and the major forces have also operated for many years on the island of Wanyuan. Development and resources in other places After all, it is limited, and it conflicts with other forces, it is difficult to stabilize, and when it is perceived that there is no danger, it simply returns one after another.

In the decades since the return, it has indeed developed steadily, but just ten years ago, the Eagle God religion came again, more powerful people, and the Eagle God avatars shot directly, directly directing the Manchu prince, Yuanyuan palace lord, and trade wind The landlord and the main leaders of the Sanshou Alliance were seriously wounded and killed many strong men, but many also surrendered, joined the Eagle Gods, and eventually became believers.

The Lord of the Four Powers, with his severely wounded body, led some of his disciples into the giant rock world and closed it down, making the Eagle God religion inaccessible.

After ten years of development, the entire Ten Thousand Island has been completely owned by the Eagle God Religion, and even the small rock world inside Ten Thousand Island has been constantly impacted and broken.

As for the other domains in Wanyuan, there is not much impact from the Eagle God religion for the time being, because most of the strength of the Eagle God religion is concentrated on the Island of Yuan, and the small rock world must be opened first.

However, some have been occupied by the Eagle God.

After the interrogation, Chen Zong pointed at him and killed the believer directly.

All believers ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ are contributing faith to the gods and demons, so that the gods and demons can better adapt to the universe environment, exert their power and grow stronger.

This is the enemy.

When to kill!

"Go kill the demon." Chen Zong said to Yu Nianxin.

Yu Nianxin nodded, and as Chen Zong immediately left, he flew away towards the Eagle Camp.

There is a lot of believers here, the base camp of the Eagle God Religion, the seventh and sixth realms, and the fifth and fourth realms. All of them are contributing to the eagle **** and gaining the power of the devil. The feedback is covered by the breath of gods and demons, and the combat power is significantly improved.

This is a great temptation for countless practitioners.

In the headquarters of the Eagle God Religion, there is a 100-meter-high statue of a eagle head, which is lifelike and exudes endless divine power, covering all directions directly. Whenever its believers are in this divine power, they will feel like a mighty sea , But will not be harmed, but if the non-believers enter into this divine power, they will be suppressed, seduced, and eventually unable to carry and yield, and then become believers.

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