Sword God

Vol 45 Chapter 75: Eye of Heaven


The pure golden flames burned endlessly, endlessly, the deserted starless and even no birds and beasts have been burned to ashes under the horrible flames, leaving only the most basic and core star origin, But it also merged into Yu Nianxin's Taihao spiritual fire, and then crushed the golden flame phoenix that was manifested by the origin of the burning ancient phoenix blood.

There was no pause in the continuous changes, and the spark vortex condensed and fell down, completely covering Yu Nianxin's body, as if turning into a huge cocoon.

It was a huge cocoon flashing with countless stars, and completely covered and wrapped Yu Nianxin. Chen Zong found that his mental strength was also isolated and could not penetrate into the huge cocoon. Observe To Yu Nianxin's situation.

In this way, everything can only rely on Yu Nianxin's own fortune, even if he sacrifices Zhenhai Zhu himself, he can't interfere in the slightest.

The maggot was suspended in the vast expanse of the cosmic void, so Chen Zong stared at the cocoon of starlight, paying attention to the movement around him, preventing any foreign objects from approaching and causing interference.

Suddenly, Chen Zong noticed the change and looked up at him, as if to see something.

In Chen Zong's super keen perception, in the sky above, nothingness, there is a mysterious force condensing.

"The will of the universe!" Chen Zong secretly panicked.

Why is the power of the will of the universe condensing?

No, it should be precisely why the will of the universe is condensing a mysterious power?

Why is he?

Is it ...

The sky above the puppet was originally dim and dim, as if it were a puppet. There is no end to it, but I saw countless streamers converging. Each streamer is so subtle and difficult to detect. Only a few people can feel it.

I saw countless streamers converging into the sky and turning them into a huge eye, a golden eye that seemed to be nothing.

Jain is the eye of heaven, the cohesive manifestation of the will of the universe.

With the manifestation of that heavenly eye, Chen Zong immediately felt an indescribable power permeated and descended, as if to suppress everything, time and space and everything stopped and solidified in an instant. Can't move at all.

Chen Zong even found that his body was unable to move, and his thinking speed was also infinitely stretched, becoming very slow, and his usual thinking also became slow, more than a hundred times slower.

The eyes of Tian Tiandao seemed to look at Chen Zong. At that moment, Chen Zong raised a feeling of being seen through. The secrets inside, outside and outside seemed to have nothing to hide. This feeling made Chen Zong extremely shocked.

Although his current strength is not yet at the level of the ancestor, he can still counter some ancestors to a certain extent under the full force of the outbreak, but under the gaze of this heavenly eye, the kind of being completely Seeing through, even the whole person's thinking is stagnant, and it is really terrible.

Chen Tiandao's eyes only glanced at Chen Zong, and he immediately turned away. His attention fell directly on the starlight cocoon, and it seemed to become transparent and clear, but Chen Zong could not see anything.

Suddenly become strange!

I saw that from the eyes of Tao that day, a ray of stars flew, as if the stars were falling, carrying an unparalleled mysterious breath, and they fell on the giant cocoon, and then penetrated into the giant cocoon. within.

At the last breath, the eyes of Tiandao dissipated, but before they dissipated, the eyes of Tao seemed to have glanced at Chen Zong that day, and this eye seemed to convey a message.

This is a kind of feedback to Chen Zong.

"Feed it back to me?" Chen Zong found that the imprisonment around him had disappeared, and he couldn't help thinking.

Counting it out, in fact, there is some connection between the outer universe and the will of the universe, ranking first on the third list, and receiving the great care of the will of the universe.

Now, by pursuing the Purgatory Demon Gate, the Infernal Demon and the worship of God, you are helping the will of the universe clean up the tumors of the outer universe. The will of the universe gives itself back for granted.

However, because your own cultivation path is different, it is your own cultivation path. At this point, the universe will not be able to provide you with any help. Everything can only be achieved through your own efforts. Couple, then this feedback fell on Nianxin.

So good.

I give Yu Nianxin the same thing as myself.

Unable to help, Chen Zong's heart gave some expectations.

Then, when Yu Nianxin, who received the gift of the universe's will, can make a better breakthrough, a successful breakthrough, what will happen after a successful breakthrough?

The light on the star cocoon flickered endlessly, gradually becoming dim, and its power was completely restrained.

Vaguely, Chen Zong seems to feel that the power contained in the starlight cocoons is constantly increasing, which is a kind of change, a qualitative change and a metamorphosis.


The stamina is full!

Time is passing, day by day, and even months and months later, while Chen Zong is practicing, he pays attention to the surrounding movements and protects the mind for Yu Nian.

When the past six months had passed, it seemed that there was an extremely high-pitched tweet sounding through Jiuxiao, and then, a ray of starlight spewed out of the giant cocoon, intertwined and crisscrossed in the sky, as if it were a needle lead, but The Grand Master of Painting Road draws a stunning work with the cosmic void as the canvas.

In a hurry, the imaginary shadow of a phoenix appeared in the dark darkness of the universe.

凤凰 This phoenix is ​​a little different from the golden flame phoenix. The whole body is burning with a white-gold flame, and countless starlights surround it, blending with that white-gold flame.

On the body, this white-golden phoenix is ​​more slender and more graceful in posture, with a kind of misty illusion-like color, so mysterious and magical.

The flame of white gold makes Chen Zong feel the slightest danger. Although it is difficult to feel the temperature, the danger has always existed. It seems that the flame of white gold contains a horrible meaning. It can burn everything and completely. For ashes.

But Chen Zong has raised a doubt again, hasn't the bloodline of mind been abolished?

It is just that the phoenix of this phoenix is ​​not the same as the phoenix after the inspiration of the ancient phoenix blood.

Is the blood line changed?

For a while Chen Zong didn't know what was going on, so he could only wait for Yu Nianxin to go out.

While waiting, the white golden phoenix ghost image continued to shrink, originally 10,000 meters in size, and continuously shrunk to nine kilometers, eight kilometers, seven kilometers ... Although it has shrunk, it is more solid and emits His breath became more arrogant.

When the platinum phoenix shrank to a kilometer in size, it almost condensed into a substantially ordinary one, and the breath emitted again surged.

But, not only, it is still shrinking.

The breath of breath continued to spread, and Chen Zong could not be isolated.

Suddenly a strong breath suddenly permeated from a distance, as if the raging sea was sweeping like a river, sweeping in all directions, pushing everything.

Chen Zong's eyes narrowed for a moment, and he stared directly away, and saw a huge figure approaching at an alarming speed.


Universe monsters!

Also a mature cosmic monster.

的 The breath emanating from this cosmic beast is extremely strong, but it is the level of the Great Sacred Realm, and it emits an indescribable fiery heat, as if it can burn all the fiery heat, and the terrible high temperature stirs up.

When he blinked, he could see that it was a snake-like giant beast. Its body spread over a million meters and was so huge that it could easily crush the stars, and its power was terrifying.

"Flaming Dragon Serpent!" Chen Zong's expression moved slightly, and in his mind flashed the information of the cosmic monster that had been viewed, and the corresponding name and information suddenly appeared.

Flame Dragon Snake, one of the monsters in the universe, is born to control the fire of Dragon Serpent. This flame is extremely amazing, the temperature is extremely high, and it can easily burn the stars into nothingness. At the level of the Great Holy Land, the Flame Dragon Snake is very scary. , The general great sanctuary is simply unwilling to provoke.

After all, the body of the universe giant is extremely large and extremely powerful. It is extremely difficult to destroy it.

In other words, it is very difficult for Dashengjing to kill the flame dragon dragon snake, unless it is the ancestor level.

This flame dragon snake seems to be attracted by the breath of Yu Nianxin. Looking at its posture, it seems that he intends to swallow Yu Nianxin at one go, or to swallow the just-white platinum phoenix, which will be no small to it. the benefits of.

How could Chen Zong allow this flame dragon snake to do so, his body flickered, stepped out and intercepted directly in front of the flame dragon snake. Relatively speaking, Chen Zong's body was like a dust, and The flame dragon snake has an indescribable gap.

Watching the millions of meters of flame dragon snake rushing, Chen Zong's eyes were unconsciously raised, the momentum was too terrible, even more terrible than a mountain directly colliding ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ especially It is the flame dragon serpent itself that holds the power of terror.

Such a direct collision, the small sanctuary will be directly exploded, and the large sanctuary will be difficult to support.

Inside the universe, the stars of the big sword, the realm of Zhenhai.

In a hurry, Chen Zong broke out with all his strength, but unfortunately, there was only a range of 100,000 meters, but the flame dragon snake was a million meters long and could not be completely covered.

But Chen Zong also has a way.

The power of Haizhu in Qiongzhen was mobilized by Chen Zong immediately. The endless sea water was surging and surging, and then it continuously rose up, and a giant of water followed.

Go all out to consolidate a giant of water that is 10,000 meters in size.

10,000 meters is still insignificant to the flame dragon snake, but it is huge to Chen Zong.

When Zhenzhu Haizhu did not suppress, it was the giant of water that could condense, and then a giant sword of water with a length of seven to eight kilometers condensed, emitting a horrible sword power.


Even in the face of the mega-flame dragon dragon snake, Chen Zong did not have the idea of ​​half retreat but half dodge, and directly resisted.

Although the giant of the water is huge, the sword it cuts is not slow at all, it is extremely fast, and the power and power it contains is even more amazing. It directly cuts out a huge crack in the void of the universe.

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