Sword God

Vol 45 Chapter 77: Ceremony

The phoenix phoenix, an extremely powerful existence, has disappeared for many years and has not existed in the world for a long time. I did not expect that the bloodline of Yu Nianxin would transform into this place.

In this way, Yu Nianxin couldn't help getting rid of the grip of the ancient Phoenix bloodline, and restored his memory, and his bloodline surpassed the ancient Phoenix bloodline to a higher level, which means that Yu Nianxin's potential is higher Deeper, the road ahead will be wider and longer.

She rejoiced, excited, and then returned to calm, and the two continued to move.

However, for a period of three years, the strongholds have been evacuated or moved. It is impossible to find them. In desperation, Chen Zong and Yu Nianxin can only return to Taihao Mountain for a while. Where is suitable as the heart of the enlightenment and patriarchal tradition.

It is not easy to find a suitable place.

He insists on one's way, it is the foundation of all ages, and there must be no slightness. Be careful, because once you have chosen the foundation, you will not replace it as a last resort.

For example, Wanzong Zong, Yuanyuan Palace, and Xinfenglou on Wanyuan Island were forced to relocate by the pressure of the Eagle God, but later they discovered that the Eagle God did not go to Wandao Island. After observing for a few years, they moved back.


Because they laid the foundation on Wanyuan Island, and the root is on Wanyuan Island, that's not so easy to change.

Finally, they returned to Ten Thousand Island. It was not expected that after they returned and settled down, the Eagle God came directly, and then all the tragedies appeared.

If Chen Zong does not return, Xinfenglou will be destroyed sooner or later.

After the breakthrough, Yu Nianxin's flight speed increased at least ten times compared with the previous one, which is not inferior to Chen Zong.

The two returned to Taihao Mountain at an amazing speed.

In just a few years, there has been no change in Taihao Mountain. Master Yixin Daohuang and others are also practicing at ease in Taihao Mountain. With the resources provided by Chen Zong, their improvement in years is not small, and their strength is also There is obvious improvement.

The two people, Qingqing Ying and Tian Chu, have now broken into the fourth realm. Although they have a very good relationship with their own talents, they are also closely related to the cultivation environment and resources.

Chen Zong returned, it is naturally very happy for the Emperor to wait for them. After all, they are not too Haoshan people, and staying here for a long time is actually not a good thing. It is not their own place.

However, Chen Zong's return is different, giving them a sense of backbone.

After seeing Master and others, Chen Zong took Yu Nianxin to see the third generation Taihao.

"Are you enlightened?" When the third generation Taihao saw Yu Nianxin, he suddenly hesitated, and then showed a touch of excitement, asking with a little hope.

After getting the affirmative answer from Yu Nianxin, the third-generation Taihao's look at that moment had a feeling of inexplicability and excitement.

For many years, I have been looking for suitable candidates to train, but unfortunately, I have never been successful.

Even the most optimistic Chen Zong failed, but the failure of Chen Zong is not the same as the failure of others. The failure of other people is unable to understand the spirit of Taihao or die halfway, but Chen Zong's failure is because he is too good. Outstanding and outstanding, as a result, they have come out of their own cultivation path, which is completely different from the orthodox cultivation path. There is only one example.

It is true that it is not possible to inherit the position of Tai Hao in this way. After all, there are no hard rules, but the problem is that Chen Zong is unwilling.

Moreover, Chen Zong's strength is much better than the third generation Taihao.

Now, Yu Nian realized the spirit of Tai Hao in his heart, and made a successful breakthrough to the level of the Great Sacred Realm. He could pass the position of Tai Hao and become the fourth generation Tai Hao.

I ’m very happy, for the third generation Taihao, this is a great thing, how many years, how many years ...

Can't wait, the third generation of Taihao immediately notified, and it was necessary to carry out Taihao's presidency.

This is a big event, especially the current situation. There are a lot of cows, ghosts, and snakes, and the entire outer universe is very chaotic. The Taihao Mountain Grand Ceremony is just an announcement that Taihao Mountain has a great holy place Jian Xiu.

In the outer universe, the great holy realm is the peak and the strongest existence. There is one great sword sage in Taihao Mountain. How amazing is enough to bring great excitement to the Holy Land Alliance side, and it will also bring those bulls, ghosts, snakes, and gods. Little deterrence.

It is at this juncture that it is necessary to hold a grand ceremony, not a low-key one.

Why do you do this?

Naturally, it is necessary to inspire people and deter the enemy, and at the same time, some consultations and plans have been set up. Based on the preaching ceremony, if there are powerful enemies of Purgatory Demon Gate, Infernalism and Worship, then you must take advantage of this. Opportunities are exhausted, at least it will cause them severe damage and greatly weaken the strength of the three major tumors.

Of course, the consequences of doing so are dangerous. In case there are too many powerful men to strike, it may have the opposite effect.

But this is indeed a good opportunity. If you don't use it, don't take risks, and don't know when you can cause further trauma to the three major tumors.

As for the danger, it is inevitable, but if prepared in advance, the danger will be reduced as much as possible.


For a short time, Tai Haoshan immediately sent invitations to the other holy sites, inviting them to come and observe the ceremony.

Originally, there were dozens of holy places in the outer universe, but after a few hundred years, six have been destroyed. Today, there are only seven holy places.

The ancient Yuan holy land, known as the first holy land, has the longest history in the outer universe, and it has the most powerful people. Although there is only one great holy land, there are three small holy places.

You know, the previous Taihao Mountain was just a big holy place and a little holy place.

"Tai Hao passed the ceremony, that is, Tai Hao Mountain will have an extra sword master." After the news, the ancient Yuan Da Sheng in the ancient Yuan Holy Land was full of expression.

The outer universe does not have many holy places in the Great Holy Land. There are only eight. In other words, the entire outer universe plus loose repairs will not add up to more than ten Great Holy Realms.

For countless years since ancient times, why don't the total number of Great Sacred Places exceed ten?

Of course, it ’s not just that, but the outer universe is very interesting. Once it reaches the Great Holy Land, it will take over the place of the Holy Land Supreme, just like the Tai Hao. The previous Holy Land Supreme will leave, seeking the mystery of the universe and even entering the core universe. To pursue further cultivation.

Maybe you can enter the inner universe, but is that necessary?

的 The upper limit for entering the inner universe is the sacred ancestor level, but entering the core universe can become a god. Which one is better?

I am naturally the latter.

The strength of the Great Holy Realm in the core universe can also be regarded as the ranks of the strong. In general, there is more than self-preservation, and you can better pursue the cultivation path. If you want to break through the level of the ancestor, it will also be better than the inner level. Universe time is easier.

So why go to the inner universe?

That is not a waste of time.

In this way, the great sanctuary of the outer universe has always been kept in a small number. Otherwise, if it has been passed down from generation to generation without leaving, it is not impossible for the entire outer universe to accumulate dozens of great sanctuaries. Thing.

Of course, the great sanctuary is not so easy to be born. It is also difficult for the small sanctuary to break through to the great sanctuary.

大 The great religion of the sky was destroyed, and the great sanctuary was also killed. For the Holy Land Alliance side, the loss was significant.

Now, when Taihao Mountain holds the Taihao Passing Ceremony, it is tantamount to announcing that Taihao Mountain has added a great holy place, and it is also a sword repairing great sword master with great ability to attack.

This is a great event for the Holy Land Alliance, with an additional Sword Master, which obviously strengthens the high-level combat power of the Holy Land Alliance.

At such a critical moment, the third generation Taihao will not leave, and the Holy Land Alliance will not lack a great sword sage.

The ancient Holy Land was shocked, Wanfeng Holy Land was moved, Sanqianfeng Holy Land was moved, Wulan Holy Land was moved, Jinghong Holy Land was moved, and Cangming Holy Land was moved.

These six sacred places all have great holy places to sit in, including Taihao Mountain, which is the only seven holy places in the outer universe, all of which have seven holy places to sit in.

Among them, the ancient Yuan holy land is the strongest, one big holy place and three small holy places, followed by Wanfeng holy place, one big holy place and two small holy places, and the other holy places are one big holy place and one small holy place. In terms of situation, the strength is almost the same, but Taihao Mountain is ranked third only because Taihao Mountain is a holy land for sword repair.

Wu Jianxiu's fighting power is often better in the same level.

After receiving the invitation post, in shock, the strong men of the six holy places decided to participate. Of course, they did not dare to call the great holy realm to participate ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ Instead of not giving face, but worrying about the purgatory demon Doors, Infernos, and others took advantage of this opportunity to launch attacks.

There is a big difference in whether or not there is a great sanctuary. A great sanctuary is more than enough to pass some small sanctuaries.

Although the Great Holy Realm cannot come to participate in the Grand Ceremony, it is still possible to send a small Holy Realm to come.

Although the small sacred realm is also very strong, it still cannot be compared with the large sacred realm. The gap is very obvious. Even if there is a strong enemy coming, it can also be supported. It is difficult to be broken in time, unless the powerful enemy is too strong.

If the Purgatory Demon Gate and the Infernal Demon had such power, the Holy Land of the outer universe would have been destroyed.

What's more, after the major sacred places formed the alliance, they had overcome some difficulties. Now in recent years, the void gates have been successfully built in the sacred places in various places. Once opened, they can reach the reinforcement in a short time.

The invitation letter will be held three months after the ceremony, which is normal. After all, to hold such a ceremony, you need to send a notice in advance to let people know and then set aside time to participate, otherwise it will be notified before it is held. Sometimes others don't have time to participate.

In addition, these three months are actually the time that Taihaoshan uses to arrange. In order to prevent the invasion of powerful enemies from the purgatory demon gate, the infernal demon and the worship of the gods, it is better to resist their attacks. , Can also kill them better, causing greater trauma.

The layout was carried out in secret, while Chen Zong and Yu Nianxin continued to cultivate and improve.

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