Sword God

Vol 45 Chapter 79: 1 net exhausted (below)

When the sword arrays were started and operated, amazing sword power was released. The sword light shone like a long river running across all directions, as if a storm was sweeping through it. It seemed that the thunder was raging, and the fire was burning and the sea was flooding the city.

Each sword formation has imperial power and is different from each other. There is a difference between the vertical and horizontal directions of the sword, such as thunder, fire, sea, and ice.

Before the Purgatory Demon Gate, the Infernal Demon Religion and the worship of the gods, the outer universe was in a relatively peaceful state. At that time, Taihao Mountain was very powerful. Rao was so. The emperor-level strong men in Taihao Mountain combined, There are only more than a hundred, and less than two hundred.

Today, due to the relationship between the Purgatory Demon Gate and the three major tumors of Infernalism and Worship, the Emperor of Taihao Mountain has suffered a lot of damage. Although some emperors have also been sharpened and successfully broke through to Emperor, they have not made up for it. It's only about one hundred when it's full.

Nowadays, there are hundreds of sword arrays with imperial-level power like this, which means that there are hundreds of sword-level imperial powers in Taihao Mountain. What a terrible strength.

And these hundreds of Emperor-level Sword Arrays were suddenly launched, called Purgatory Demon Gate and Wujian Demon. But just one face-to-face, a large number of people were killed and hanged by the Sword Array.

This is an emperor-level sword formation. Its power is equal to the emperor-level sword repair, but when it comes to lethality, it is more powerful than the emperor-level sword repair.

The original ability of Tai Yishan Haoshan was also unable to lay so many imperial sword arrays. At best, it was only a few. Fortunately, Chen Zong brought resources from the inner universe.

In the inner universe, Chen Zong has obtained countless resources, which can be called massive. These resources are not very useful to Chen Zong himself, but it is undeniable that its value is amazing, especially the resources of the inner universe, below the same level, but It is also better than the outer universe.

数百 The hundreds of Emperor-level sword arrays were laid out after consuming most of the resources brought back by Chen Zong.

The Sword Squad started, strangulated, and the sword air was spread in all directions. Numerous fires permeated and thunder raged. The casualties caused by the moment were amazing.

"Break the battlefield!" Roared the purgatory demon gate and the strong inferno.

With the power of hundreds of Emperor Sword Arrays, they dare not despise the slightest, and let it run until its power is exhausted, and it is definitely very tragic to know how many casualties will occur.

You know, even if the Emperor-level strong faces the attack of the Emperor-level Sword Formation, it can be blocked for a while, but it can not be blocked all the time. The Emperor-level Sword Formation will die at a touch, not to mention that the Emperor-level Sword Formation is not two or two. Not ten or twenty, but more than three hundred.

If these sword arrays are not broken and left to run, the killings caused will be terrible.

Suddenly, the imperial powers of the Purgatory Demon Gate and the Infernal Demon and the semi-sacred powers shot out with amazing power, constantly bombarding those sword arrays, and even the Holy Powers attacked.


Under the order of the Holy Order, those sword arrays that were able to withstand several attacks by the Semi-Holy Order were suddenly difficult to support, and were instantly broken. In the end, more than 300 Emperor-level sword arrays were broken and they could no longer be given to the Purgatory Demon Gate. Hejianmaoism caused the slightest threat, but in the meantime, the Purgatory Demon Gate and Wujianmaoism also suffered great losses, with many casualties. The corpse ran across the wild in all directions, which can be called a corpse.

It was only a short time, while the Taihao Mountain side was still intact, the Purgatory Demon Gate and the Infernal Demon had suffered significant losses. This was not a good thing for the Purgatory Demon Gate and the Infernal Demon.

However, since it has already been shot, even if there are no small casualties, it will not be possible to retreat. This time, a lot of force was used, even the vast majority of the power was used, in order to break and destroy Taihao Mountain, and then ether. As a springboard, Haoshan attacked other holy places and really eliminated the holy place alliance in the outer universe.

As long as the Holy Land Alliance is eliminated, many resistances of the Infernal Demon and Purgatory Demon Gate in the outer universe will disappear, and the rest of the other forces in front of it will not be a concern at all, just like the ridiculous arms of a praying arm.

Of course, this is not to say that after the Holy Land Alliance is removed, the Infernal Demon and the Purgatory Demon Gate can run rampant, because it also has to deal with worship.

不管 But in any case, it is always right to destroy the Holy Land Alliance.


After hundreds of Emperor-level Sword Arrays were defeated, the infernals of Demon Gate and Wujian Demon began to charge the mountain guards of Taihao Mountain. To break through the large arrays, as long as the large arrays were broken, they could invade. Kill the people of Taihao Mountain in one fell swoop.

Suddenly the trembling array trembled. Even if it was strengthened by several percent, it could better resist the attack, but it could only resist it for a while. It could not last for a long time, and it would definitely be broken.

However, Taishan Mountain's mountain defense team not only resists attacks, but also has amazing attack power.

Between the large arrays running, countless swords of light walked away, sending out endless mighty swordsong sounds, as if the long river rushed endlessly, countless sword qi burst out from the large arrays, and continued shooting and killing, killing One by one the purgatory demon gate and the demon demon.

This is not enough, after all, the power of the mountain guard is not weak, and the semi-holy level is not good for being hit, but it is difficult to deal with the holy order.

However, the Holy Order naturally has a Holy Order to deal with.

The third generation of Taihao and the fourth generation of Taihao erupted into shocking sword power, and the incredibly hot heat burst into the air, sweeping the sky. Immediately, the two men rushed out of the mountain guard and directly killed the infernal monster gate. And the sacred step power of Infernalism.

The first veteran swordless saint also broke out in an instant, with a sword in his hand, full of murderous intentions and murderous intentions and monstrous murderous spirits, which were merged into the sacred sword of the hand. This is the Chinese holy weapon, Chen Zong brought back from the inner universe and gave it to the non-killer swordsman.

Although this sword does not contain murderous power, it itself contains amazing sharpness, and its sharpness is very terrifying, so that the sword skill and killing tricks of the swordless saint can be played more thoroughly.

Although it has only just broken through to the Holy Order, under such a holy weapon, the strength of the swordless saint is placed in the outer universe, but it is not inferior to some old-fashioned small holy places.


Other holy places that came to participate in the ceremonial ceremony also erupted, rushing directly out of the mountain protector, erupting into exorbitant strength, killing the people of Purgatory Demon Gate and Infernal Demon.

Counting it out, Tai Haoshan dispatched two big sword sages and seven small sacred places at a convenience. Such a lineup is extremely arrogant.

But in the camps of Purgatory Demon Gate and Wujian Demon, a breathtaking breath erupted, which impacted in all directions and was extremely arrogant.

Great Holy Land!

In the Purgatory Demon Gate and the Infernal Demon camp, there are also strong men in the Great Sacred Realm.

In the case of one-to-one, in fact, Tai Haoshan is not an opponent of Purgatory Demon Gate or Infernal Demon, just because both of them are very strong. After countless years of precipitation, plus some terrible and weird methods, they were born. There are many strong men, and there are also many strong ones.

宗 Chen Zong was attacked and killed by the four holy steps of Purgatory Demon Gate that year, three small holy places and one big holy place, but was finally suppressed and killed by Chen Zong.

This is the case with Rao Rao, and the holy order strongmen of the Purgatory Demon Gate are still in the minority.

Why couldn't Taihao Mountain be destroyed directly before?

Just because the purgatory demon gate attacked Taihao Mountain, some strong men also sent to other holy places, deterring those holy places, so that they could not send the Great Holy Realm strong to support Tai Haoshan.

This time, however, it concentrated most of the power on Taihao Mountain, and united to plan to destroy Taihao Mountain in one fell swoop.

"The third generation is too ho, your opponent is me." A terrible roar suddenly sounded, as if the beasts roared and shook the world in all directions. With that terrible voice, it was a huge body. With a height of 100 meters, it is extremely strong, surrounded by endless evil spirits, like the endless impact of the waves.

one strike!

A blow from across the air came, and it was a punch. The punch from the huge fist of the huge arm was like a meteorite bursting out of horrific power. It smashed in a vacuum like bombardment. It was called No. Three generations of Taihao's face changed greatly.

However, the third generation Taihao did not retreat, because his Taihao spirit was upright and overbearing, and so was his Taihao sword skill.


At the beginning of the sword, a sword was cut out, and the sword light suddenly burst into a strong light, as if the endless power was released like a scorching sun, crushing everything and beating directly.

On the other side, a gloomy figure seemed to rush into the void, silently and silently ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ appeared behind the fourth generation Tai Hao Yu Nianxin, and then a terrible blow broke out.

The power of this blow is so amazing that it can easily penetrate the stars.

But in an instant, Yu Nianxin seemed to be directly aware of it. He instantly turned around, and the Qinghuang sword was also burning in an instant. A sword was cut off in the air. If the Huanghuang is incomparable, it is accompanied by a high-pitched cry. .

True Phoenix Sword Art!

This is Yu Nianxin's swordplay.

Originally there was the blood of the ancient phoenix, Yu Nianxin practiced the holy phoenix sword technique of the ancient phoenix mountain, which was regarded as a superb sword skill, but the blood of the ancient phoenix has now disappeared, and it has been sublimated under the extreme combustion, and obtained Thanks to the gift of the universe, his bloodline eventually transformed into a bloodline stronger and higher than the ancient Phoenix bloodline: the burning star true Phoenix bloodline!

In the three years of blood transmutation, Yu Nianxin's understanding was also promoted to the extreme. He further learned about the mystery of Kendo and his own blood. After returning to Taihao Mountain, he continued to learn sword skills with Chen Zong. Next, the Holy Phoenix Sword Technique was successfully promoted to the extreme, thereby breaking the limit.

True Phoenix Sword Art is a new sword art created by Yu Nianxin on the basis of Holy Phoenix Sword Art based on his own blood-burning true Phoenix blood. Its mystery and power have surpassed the Holy Phoenix Sword art, reaching a more amazing height. In terms of grade, True Phoenix Sword Art is no less inferior to the Supreme Secret Legendary Star Epee Sword Art of the Star Sword Palace in the inner universe.

The Qinghuanghuang sword was burning with the blood of the star-burning true phoenix, the horrible flame called the star-burning true flame, and as the sword was cut out, the void was directly burned through.

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