Sword God

Vol 45 Chapter 83: 0 God is Coming


The star swallowing giant crocodile died, and the huge body traversed the universe, slowly floating, and there was no longer the terrible momentum of crushing the stars.


Everyone was embarrassed, and never expected that the star swallowing crocodile was killed.

You know, it ’s difficult to kill or even kill the cosmic monsters. That ’s the common understanding of the entire outer universe. Even if there are several great sacred places working together, at most, it is to contain and repel the cosmic monsters. It is difficult to kill the cosmic monster simply because the body of the cosmic monster is too huge, and it is very powerful and defensive.

Furthermore, the vitality of the cosmic beasts is extremely tenacious, and the self-healing ability is also super strong. General attacks can do nothing about them.

Even if it is an ancestral attack, it can hurt the cosmic monster, but as long as it is not super strong, it cannot really threaten the life of the cosmic monster.

Chen Zongfang's three times the world and everything he brought back to the market, its power has completely reached the level of the ancestor, if you fight again with the ancient ancestor of the ancient phoenix, this move, the ancient ancestor of the ancient dared not dare to take it, but so The terrible attack fell on the star swallowing crocodile, but it only caused ordinary damage and could not really endanger its life.

In the end, he took a risk and entered the body of the star swallowing crocodile, and only broke it from the inside, but also benefited from the terrible annihilation of the sword of the world and everything, and it would be difficult to do otherwise.

A ray of sword light with endless light and sharpness shocked the universe, and flew directly from the mouth of the star swallowing crocodile.

"Impossible, killing the star swallowing crocodile, his breath didn't drop much." The distant leader of the Inferno Demon was horrified, and his perception was sharper and more detailed than others.

Chen Zong's breath did not decrease much, because Chen Zong's mental strength recovered very quickly, and he could fully recover in a short period of time.

After being killed within the body of the star-swallowing giant crocodile, his strength was almost exhausted. Chen Zong did not appear immediately, but waited for some time, and only appeared after the mixed strength of the hybrid Yuan recovered.

How to do?

The star swallowing giant crocodile has been killed for such a powerful existence, but the other person's breath has not fallen too much, and even continues to recover. This is an amazing recovery speed.

"Invincible." The Purgatory Demon Gate Master, despite his anger, has not completely lost his mind. He is very aware of the horror of killing a star swallowing crocodile stubborn, and even more horrible is the power recovery speed of this savage. Extremely.

Who can match the powerful combat power and amazing power recovery speed?

Even if he and the Master of the Inferno Demon join hands and do everything possible, I'm afraid it's not the opponent of the other party.

Anger is urging him to take a shot and kill Chen Zong, but the only remaining intelligence is constantly warning, telling him that this is a terrible existence, not something he can fight against.

There is such a strong person sitting in Taihao Mountain, not to mention the current strength, even if it is twice as strong, it is estimated that it will not be able to destroy Taihao Mountain. Even if it can be done, it will also have a major loss. Once a major loss occurs At that time, how to resist the impact of worship, just to prepare the worship for the entire universe.


I can only retreat, and after a long time of preparation, now it is useless and can only retreat.

Not retreating, because Chen Zong's strength is too arrogant, the star swallowing crocodile could not stop his sword, and replaced it with other great holy realms.

The Demon Lord also ordered a retreat.

In a hurry, the infernals of the Purgatory Demon Gate and Infernal Religion retreated, and evacuated as quickly as possible. As for the personnel and monsters below the Religious Level, whether they can retreat depends on their own ability.


The Taihao Mountain side began to hunt and kill the enemy as much as possible, reducing the enemy's living power.

"Want to leave." Chen Zong smiled coldly, and then slashed out.


The outbreak of peerlessness, a sword swept across the sky, turned into an extremely sharp light, dazzlingly broke through the universe instantaneously, tens of thousands of meters apart, but as if the end of the earth to kill a small sanctuary.

Can't escape!

It was completely inescapable. It was hit in an instant, completely irresistible, and unable to resist at all.


Even the sacred order strong person's life-saving ability is extremely amazing, it is not easy to kill, but under the sword of Chen Zong, it is still penetrated, and the madness of the sword rages, destroying its vitality completely.

Sword after sword, Jianguang constantly traverses the sky, tearing everything.

Kill kill!

One small sacred realm after another was hit, and then fell. The four great sacred realms of Purgatory Demon Gate and Infernal Demon are more powerful and powerful, and the speed of the mystic eruption is more than ten times that of the small sacred realm. Shang was tens of thousands of meters away from Chen Zong. After the outbreak, he quickly left and left, and it was difficult for Chen Zong to chase after a while.

And even if those small holy places broke out tens of thousands of meters apart, they could not avoid Chen Zong's sword attack.


Of the ten small holy realms, only two escaped, and eight died under Chen Zong's sword.

As for other people of Purgatory Demon Gate and Infernal Demon, they were also killed after being killed, with heavy losses.

Chen Zong stepped out, traveled through time and space, and quickly pursued a great sanctuary. For each extra sacred order killed, the loss of the Purgatory Demon Gate and the Infernal Demon would be greater. If the great sanctuary is killed, the greater the loss .

Chen Zong also knows that under such circumstances, he can only chase down a great sanctuary, so kill it.

At the same time, the purgatory demon gate strongmen and the warrior strongmen who are constantly fleeing are fleeing frantically, and their faces suddenly change, because in front of them, a tyrannical qi and blood burst out, the breath is terrible, there is a Supreme taste.

As the breath erupted, cracks also appeared, as if the universe had been torn directly, and the horrible breath became more and more tyrannical, like a rushing sea.


The look of the Purgatory Demon Gate Master and the Departed Demon Lord suddenly changed dramatically.

Damn, how could the gods and demons appear at this time, and there is more than one, the breath, there are more than a dozen, still increasing, and the cracks are constantly increasing.


There are a hundred cracks appearing in all directions, traversing all directions and four poles, the terrible breath is pouring out crazy, and then, there are hundreds of powerful figures across the crack and descending into the outer universe.


Hundreds of figures appearing in the hundreds of rifts are impressively the gods and demons coming from the demon world.

True God Level!

Spirit level!

As for the demon power of the **** level, it is not yet possible to cross the boundary, only because the upper limit in the outer universe is the ancestor level. The demon power of the **** level is equal to the ancestor level. Once in the outer universe, Will be strongly oppressed by the will of the universe.

Under such oppression, God's Lord was also unbearable.

At present, only the levels below the level of the Lord of God can cross the border and enter the outer universe, and the more powerful the devil and the powerful enter the outer universe, the more obvious the repression will be, even if the belief is developed The power of faith, unless it is the power of long-term development and accumulation of ambitious faith, will still be affected by the will of the outer universe, and it will be slightly suppressed and the power will not be fully exerted.

But anyway, the gods and monsters are terrible. Their natural advantages make them have extremely powerful strength, and their arrogant body gives them powerful defense and life.

It now appears that worship of the gods is well prepared. These gods and demons are waiting for them, even waiting for the battle between Purgatory Demon Gate and Wujian Demon to fight against Taihao Mountain. It is better to lose both. Appear, clean up the mess, and destroy these powerful forces as soon as possible.

As long as these powerful forces are destroyed, no one in the entire outer universe can stop worshipping the gods and no one can stop the advent of gods and demons, develop beliefs in this universe, and then completely occupy this universe and become God. Devil's back garden.

"Escape!" The Purgatory Demon Gate Master and the Wujian Demon Lord did not have the idea of ​​fighting the advent of the Demon Strong, at least, you know, it's not one of the two Demon Strong, but there are hundreds of them. Even if there are only a hundred orthodox gods, the strength under the joint is also very terrible, not so easy to deal with, not to mention, there are many spirit and **** gods.

If the star swallowing giant crocodile is still alive, it can indeed be a battle.


The admired demons immediately burst into awesome powers with incredible speeds, chasing and killing one after another.

Chen Zongyi wielded a sword, hitting that great sanctuary, and then the sword light was swept into the river like a heavy rain, and instantly drowned that great sanctuary, as if swallowing it, and then annihilated and killed.

"Gods!" Feeling the sudden burst of breath, Chen Zong's look suddenly changed, his eyes narrowed slightly, and the cold light flickered endlessly.

At this time, the gods and monsters have come to join in the fun, and more than one **** and spirit breath, at least in Chen Zongchao's strong sense, at least dozens of gods and spirits breath have been sensed, some of them are amazing in intensity, it seems that they are spirit gods. level.

"Eight deities!" Chen Zong looked dignified ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ and was a little excited at the same time.

The eight deities and gods means the eight deities and gods. Once such deities are refined, their cultivation can be improved a lot, and they will be closer to perfection.

As for the divine-grade divinity, it is not much help to the current self, but the divine-grade divinity can be absorbed and refined by other small holy realms, or it can be absorbed by the semi-sacred grade. , Tell them to greatly increase the probability of breaking through to the Holy Order.

For example, the second veteran would be very difficult if he wanted to break through the sacred order by his own ability. Because of this, he did not break through slowly, but with the help of divinity, the difficulty plummeted and the success rate directly increased several times. And coupled with the outbreak of the potential of life and death in that war, it was a breakthrough.

"Gods, since they are here, then don't even want to go back alive." With a low drink, Chen Zong immediately gave up and hunted down other purgatory demon gates and infernos, and shuttled in the space and time towards the nearest gossip. Flashed away.

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