Sword God

Vol 45 Chapter 86: Looking for old nest


The black and red rays of destruction cut through the sky in an instant, and instantly shattered the universe-like killing power. The power of the lord god's master level poured out. Although it had just reached the threshold of the **** lord level, it also surpassed the level of the spirit **** level. Chen Zong secretly surprised.

I did not expect that the Tomahawk Demon had such means to erupt such a terrible offensive.

At a glance, Chen Zong could see that the reason why this tomahawk demon could erupt such a superb blow to reach the level of God's master level was closely related to the tomahawk in his hand.

The tomahawk combined into one, releasing terrible power, before being able to perform this mighty one-strike beheading.


Suddenly, a giant of water stood up from the realm of Zhenhai, reaching a height of 10,000 meters, and stretched out a huge palm. He grabbed the palm of his hand and grabbed the eight-kilometer giant sword of water. When the sword was held in the hand, it uttered a terrible breath fluctuation, sweeping everything.

Then, under the control of Chen Zong, the giant of the water raised his sword and cut it out.

At the moment when this sword was cut off, a huge round of starry shadows also emerged. Directly 100,000 meters-long ancient stars came across this universe across all time and space, crushing everything and directly impacting away.

This is a sword of the ancestor class, so powerful that the ancient ancestors did not dare to despise it. In a split second, they crushed the blow that the tomahawk demon broke out to the level of the master level of the god.

He rushed across and rushed directly. There was no possibility of evasion. He could only use a giant axe to resist again, but all resistance was completely crushed and crushed by Chen Zong's aggressive offensive.

Where the ancient stars passed, the tomahawk demon's extremely defensive armor suddenly cracked, shattered, and eventually fell apart and completely disappeared, exposing a very strong body, releasing endless black-red flames and endless destruction. , Roaring again and again, but useless, in the presence of this ancient star, everything looks like ants and is directly crushed into dust.

The tomahawk demon's strength is indeed very strong. Among the strong men in the field, except Chen Zong, no one can compare with him, and even a few axes may be killed.

But now, this tyrannical tomahawk demon has died under Chen Zong's sword, and under the swordsmanship eternal star.

It took a bit of time to kill this Tomahawk demon, although not much, but for the strong, you can do a lot of things in one breath.

Now that he was finally killed, Chen Zong immediately ingested that divinity, absorbed it directly into the inner universe, and quickly refined it.

This spirit-god-level divinity is indeed more powerful than the general spirit-god-level divinity, and the difficulty of refining is also a bit more difficult, but for the current Chen Zong, it is not much.

Refining and absorbing, the mixed element vortex expands again, continuously expanding from forty-two miles, and gradually approaching forty-three miles.

The further the mile is, the more difficult it is to increase each mile, because the mile that goes out will be much longer than the mile inside.

In the end, the mixed vortex of mental strength stopped at forty-three miles. The spirit-god-level deity was so impressive that Chen Zongxiu improved one mile, and it was indeed several times more than the general spirit-god-level deity. No wonder it's so powerful.

However, forty-three miles to fifty miles, there is still a seven-mile gap, which sounds like

It's not big, but it's actually very big. If it is just to absorb the spirit-level deity, Chen Zong now doesn't know how many pieces it needs to complete it.

A top-level spirit-like deity like a Tomahawk demon, even if there are ten more, it is probably not enough, just because the more you cultivate in the future, the more difficult it is and the more power you need.

Of course, if there is a god-level deity, as long as there are two or three, Chen Zong feels that he should be able to raise the mixed vortex of heart power to fifty miles, and if it is completed, his strength will definitely skyrocket. Domineering, and then cooperate with Zhen Haizhu, to kill some of the weaker God Lord, I am afraid it is not impossible.


Convergence of thoughts, Chen Zong once again held a sword to kill other gods and powerfuls. Now the most powerful and threatening Tomahawk **** and demon have died, and other gods are nothing to Chen Zong.


When Chen Zong killed the tomahawk demon, other gods also saw it with his own eyes, and they were so scared that they flew away, and fled away immediately, because if they did not leave, they would most likely be killed by Chen Zong one by one .

The gods and monsters are going to run away, but the strong side of the Taihao Mountain Holy Land Alliance cannot let them run away, seize the opportunity immediately, chase and chase after them as much as possible, and even kill them. Chen Zong immediately shot. Sword light wafted across the sky, as if the silver aurora splattered, killing those who escaped directly.

In the end, hundreds of admired demons who had died over seventy and less than thirty escaped. These twenty demons escaped directly to the demonic realm, and those demons who fled back to the demonic realm wanted to be again It is extremely difficult to enter the outer universe, and it is almost impossible unless there is a major change.


For a time, the people of Taihaoshan were a little bit shy.

First, Purgatory Demon Gate and Infernoism joined forces to commit the offense. When the star swallowing giant crocodile appeared, it made countless people despair. This time it was dead. Fortunately, Chen Zong appeared and broke out with terrible strength. Eventually he took risks. Strike the star-swallowing giant crocodile in one stroke, repelling the joint work of Purgatory Demon Gate and Infernalism.

Before waiting for them to enjoy victory, worshipping the gods directly invaded. Hundreds of gods are powerful, and each one is filled with unparalleled horror. It is a hundred strong people in the Holy Class. Oncoming, once again makes people feel desperate, and they are about to fall into the abyss of despair.

Fortunately, it was Chen Zong that broke out, with one sword in hand, slaughtering the strong demon in succession. He was invincible, and there were other great holy places in the six sacred places to come to reinforcements, so that he could resist the attack of the demon. The powerful gods and powerfuls scared the courage of other gods and powerfuls and told them to flee.

Now it is the real win.

"All of you, the gods and demons retreated, and fled back to the realm of gods and demons. We can't cross-border hunt." Chen Zong glanced across, passing each of the great holy realms around him, everyone quietly listening to Chen Zong talking, only Because the strength shown by Chen Zong is the strongest, none of them present is Chen Zong's opponent.

Not only is Chen Zong's opponent, it is difficult to say whether he can block Chen Zong's swords.

Although it is the oldest holy land in the ancient Yuan holy land, its strength is stronger than that of the third generation Taihao, but it also pays not to be Chen Zong's opponent.

"But the Purgatory Demon Gate and the Departed Demon are still there, and may invade again at any time." Chen Zongwei smiled. "This time, the Devil Demon Gate and the Departed Demon."

The loss of teaching is not small, but they have not completely destroyed them. After a period of time, they will regroup and launch an attack again. "

"Wu Shuang Sword Master said, we also understand that the place where the Purgatory Demon Gate and Wu Jian Demon's headquarters are located is very difficult to find." The ancient Yuan sage of the ancient Yuan Holy Land frowned slightly and said, "If Otherwise, we have already joined together to eliminate as much as possible the Purgatory Demon Gate and the Infernal Demon. "

Purgatory Demon Gate and Infernal Demon are cosmic tumors. Although they call themselves God Gate and Holy Religion, they also know their position in the outer universe.

Because of this, their headquarters will be built in a very secret place, difficult to detect, even if it is an inferior deduction, otherwise it would have been found out and targeted.

The Holy Land Alliance is not without the power of counterattack, but it is difficult to find its headquarters, it is difficult to make an effective counterattack, but it is constantly invaded by the purgatory demon gate and the evil spirits.

"When the people of Purgatory Demon Gate and Infernal Demon just fled, I left a scent of breath on them." Chen Zongwei smiled. "With this scent, you can trace the whereabouts of those people."

Chen Zong's words suddenly made the strong men's eyes bright.

Such things, in fact, they have tried, but unfortunately, the people of the Purgatory Demon Gate and the Infernal Demon are so vigilant that they can not work, but Chen Zong's methods are not ordinary, and the mixed mental strength is a kind of difference If the power of the orthodox cultivation practice is not the case for Chen Zong ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ it is difficult for other practitioners to feel it.

The strongest in the outer universe is just the level of the Great Sacred Realm. In this realm, you really can't feel the lingering aura of mixed mental strength, but Chen Zong can.

"it is good!"

All the great holy places were showing joy.

"In this way, there will be Laoshuang Swordmaster."

"Just find out the purgatory demon gate and the old nest of the Infernal Demon, and they must be uprooted and destroyed."

Before the world of Purgatory Demon Gate and Infernalism, the outer universe was relatively peaceful. Although there were disputes and even hatred between practitioners, everything was within the normal range and was in an orderly order. under.

"Okay, after I found the purgatory demon gate and the old nest of the Infernal Demon, I called you." Chen Zong nodded.

The search for the Purgatory Demon Gate and the Infernal Demon's Nest is not suitable for making a move. Otherwise, if so many sacred step strong men are dispatched, it will directly cause the vigilant of the Purgatory Demon Gate and the Infernal Demon.

However, if Chen Zong acted alone, it would not only be fast, but also more secretive. Chen Zong could also perform means such as time and space shuttle. Even if he was found, the possibility of getting away was great.

In addition, the major holy places cannot be left without the strong, or else if something unexpected happens during this period, it is over.

The holy order strong men have returned to their respective holy places to sit in town, especially at this critical moment, Tai Haoshan's power is the strongest, there are the third generation Tai Hao and the fourth generation Tai Hao of the Great Holy Land, in addition There is no samurai swordsman in this small holy realm, and there are three holy steps.

In addition, Chen Zong also took out some deity-level deities and gave them to the third generation Taihao to arrange as much as possible to allow Taihao's semi-holy level to impact the Holy Order. If successful, Taihao's overall strength will be More powerful, as for Chen Zong himself, he began to act.

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