Sword God

Vol 46 Chapter 1: I have an acquaintance

On the front line of the Demon Territory, war fortresses are suspended and fixed in the void, and each war fortress is separated by millions of miles. There are ninety-nine such war fortresses, forming an arc, which will cut off the demon territory Protect it firmly.

百万 Within a million-mile interval of each war fortress, there are many prism crystals. Each prism crystal is ten meters long, five meters wide and three meters thick, and each prism crystal is separated by ten thousand miles.

In other words, between the two war fortresses, there are ninety-nine prism crystals.

棱 Each piece of prismatic crystal is almost transparent, like a crystal, emitting a heavy halo, covering a radius of 10,000 meters, when viewed from a distance, it looks like a little bit of starlight.

内 Within a kilometer of light of each prismatic crystal, there are at least a dozen people and there are twenty or thirty people guarding.

第三 The eleventh figure of the thirty-ninth prism crystal of the war fortress number nineteen sits here.

One of the figures stood in the air, and a thin layer of flame was burning all over the body. The flame seemed to be cyan, and it seemed to be golden, or the golden color permeated by the cyan flame was like stars, very gorgeous and magnificent.

Taking a long sword floating on the side, it seemed to continuously spit the blue-gold flames, and between the sword's gas, it seemed to strengthen a little bit, becoming more and more arrogant.

"Master Qinghuang is really hard."

"Adults are working so hard, we must also work hard to understand the true meaning of the universe road as soon as possible and break through to the true sanctuary."

I watched this female sword wearing the green gold true phoenix holy armor practicing hard, and the other ten figures also practiced.

This is also a way for them to defend the nodes of the war fortress.

Cultivation is very important. Don't waste time, otherwise when you may regret your lack of strength, regret why you didn't work harder, ancient demon, but I wo n’t talk to you so much, it is just killing.

The days of defending a fortress node are undoubtedly boring, but it must be so, otherwise, if this node is destroyed, the communication between the fortresses of war will be interrupted. The more nodes are destroyed, the greater the impact. When destroyed When the number of nodes reaches a certain level, the connection between the fortresses of war completely disappears. At that time, the ancient demons can break into the territory of the demon monster, and then break into other territories.

So nodes cannot afford to lose.

Occasionally, a small number of nodes are lost, and they must be repaired or rebuilt as soon as possible. Usually, it is naturally necessary for a practitioner to guard it.

节点 This node is jointly guarded by two top sacred masters led by two true sacred powers.

A crimson fire filled the sky, coming from the void, like a flash of fire and meteor-like speed, blinking across the sky in a blink of an eye, immersed in the thousands of meters of light covered by the node, and finally in the woman wearing a blue-gold true phoenix Jian Xiu stopped in front of him.

This is a young man wearing a red robe. The eyebrows seem to be inlaid with a prismatic red crystal the size of a fingernail. There seems to be flames burning in it, making this man look very handsome.

"Qinghuang, I'm back." The male Xiu said to the female Jian Xiu with a smile, and then opened his hands one by one, and a flame suddenly burned. Among the burning flame, a faint flower bud Emerging slowly, then blooming.

As soon as the bud bloomed, it immediately absorbed all the power of the void around it to continuously fill itself, quickly solidify, and finally turned into a peculiar flower, like a phoenix that spreads its wings, surrounded by strands of flame, faint between,

There seemed to be a chirping chirp, like the chirping of a phoenix.

"Give you, Void Phoenix." The male Xiu Xianbao sent this flower out like a phoenix and turned it into a small red flame Phoenix to fly to the female sword repair.

Nether Sky Phoenix is ​​a treasure with amazing value. It is of great help to practitioners who understand the Avenue of Fire in the universe, and also to the true Holy Power who has learned the true meaning of the Avenue of Fire. Help.

More importantly, it is more beneficial to the practitioners who have the bloodline of the Flame Phoenix.

Once this Nether Sky Phoenix approaches and comes into contact with the female sword Xiu's body, it will merge into its body, be absorbed, refined, and reabsorbed by it, and enhance its cultivation and strength.

I watched Void Sky Phoenix approaching the female sword Xiu, the male Xiu suddenly showed a smile, and the next look changed suddenly.

Nether Sky Phoenix can't fit into the blue-gold flame of that female sword repair, but was rejected.

"Why?" Male Xiu immediately asked: "I have worked hard and spent decades to finally find this Nether Phoenix, which can enhance your strength and allow you to reach the top level of true sanctuary. Why? Don't you accept? "

The maidservant Jianxiu did not answer, or in other words, silence was the answer.

告诉 "Tell me, I want to know why?" The male Xiu gritted his teeth and a face appeared. He has been pursuing this female sword for hundreds of years, but so far the other side has not been moved, and he does not accept any good intentions.

"I have a companion." Female Jian Xiu finally spoke, her voice clearer and brighter.

I have a lover, so I will not accept your pursuit, I will not accept any kindness from you.

"That's the reason again." The male Xiu growled and couldn't accept the statement: "I have been with you for hundreds of years, and I have never seen your fellow, even if you have a fellow, you would have died long ago."

"He won't die, he must be alive." Female Jian Xiu's tone was full of firmness: "One day, he will find me, and I will find him."

That tone was firm to the extreme, so firm that the male practitioner was almost crazy.

"I am the candidate **** son of the dazzling flame shrine, but have followed you for hundreds of years, and even followed you to such a place to defend with a group of lowly people. How much do I give, don't you know?" More and more stubborn: "I spent decades to find a Void Phoenix for you, but you do not want to accept it, you treat me like this, trample on my efforts, and pay my dignity."

He said, the male Xiu shot furiously, a red light burst into the air, and instantly hit that void phoenix flower, completely crushing it.

A flower of astonishing value. At least it takes tens of millions of Chaos God Crystals to buy the Nether Sky Phoenix. This is so broken. No, even if there are tens of millions of Chaos God Crystals, you may not be able to buy them. Sky Phoenix, because it is difficult to find.

"A group of lowly people, all died." After breaking up the Nether Phoenix, the anger of the male training aimed at the ten top sacred masters, and immediately shot, bursting into a blazing red flame.

The flames were extremely red, the temperature was extremely high, and they could easily incinerate everything. The ten top sacred places were completely locked. They were terrified and could not escape.

Wait for death!

Can only wait for death.

Entering the sanctuary, even if there is a huge gap between the top sanctuary and the true sanctuary, not to mention that this person is still a top true sanctuary strong, with a furious blow, its power is amazing.


The end is death, irresistible death.

When it was said that time later, the female sword Xiu's look changed slightly, and she immediately issued a shocking sword, and the sword was shocking. When she appeared, she seemed to break everything and turned into a vast blue-gold sword. Light, burning with endless flames, killing them, breaking that flame directly, saving the ten top sacred places.

"You ..." The male Xiu suddenly hesitated, and became even more furious. He shot again, extremely violent, and the female sword Xiu also shot, blocking all his attacks.

"Okay." The male Xiu was extremely furious. His strength was indeed stronger than the female sword Xiu, but when he did not show his hole cards, he was also very limited. He could defeat the opponent, but it was difficult to kill the opponent.

It is not easy to kill the ten ants in the sanctuary in this way, but if he insists on killing, he can still do it.

"This is the fortress node, you can't afford to lose it." Female sword Xiu coldly: "If you cause problems with the node, even Hyun flame shrine can't protect you."

The man repaired his teeth and did not shoot again, because he knew very well that this was indeed a node, and they all guarded the node here. Once he killed ten into the sanctuary, what accident caused the node to be damaged, then the consequence was not his ability. Bear it.

It is not so easy for Hyun-hyun Shrine to keep him.

Then, such a problem is serious. He is one of the candidate **** sons of Hyun Flame Shrine. What he does wrong will affect his competition for the title of **** son.

"You will regret it." The male Xiu stared at the female sword Xiu, saying one by one, every word seemed to be full of terrible threats.

"I have regrets, but it has nothing to do with you." Female Jianxiu responded.

"Huh!" Lengheng murmured, the male body's body immediately burst into flames, and quickly burned, a boom, as if turned into a meteorite and flew towards the outside world, the speed was extremely fast, blinking, They flew out of the range of the node and flew towards the war fortress in the distance.

"Thank you Lord Qinghuang ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ Thank you for your help."

"Fortunately, there is an adult shot, or we will all be finished."

Ten top masters in the sanctuary immediately expressed their sincere thanks to the female sword Xiu.

"I can only stop him for a while and wait for this round of guarding to end, and you should be careful." Female Jianxiu warned.

He is not threatening them, but is telling a fact.

Because this person's mentality is not good, if he is unhappy, he will anger others. This time, if he fails, he will be remembered in his heart. When the guarding is over, the ten sacred places will leave the node. It is very likely that he will be retaliated by that person.

A sanctuary, even if it is a top sanctuary, must be targeted by a top true sacred realm. Unless there is a big backer, there is not much resistance. Not to mention that the top true sacred realm is still a **** of flame Palace's candidate **** son, although only one of the candidate **** son.

Hyunyan Shrine, which is a powerful force of the demigods, is not a general force, but a very top force among the human race.

All of a sudden, all ten top sanctuaries showed sadness.

At this moment, a series of figures approached from a distance at an astonishing speed, and the terrible fierce atmosphere also swept through like a storm.

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