Sword God

Vol 46 Chapter 42: Sword and sword

Above the void, Chen Zong stood side by side with the war demon, facing the dazzling flame king.

A total of ninety-nine white crystals were suspended around the ten thousand meters of pale hell, and all invisible forces were linked to each other, and eventually merged with the pale hell.

Formation method!

This is the formation method that Hyun Flame Shrine has already laid down here. If Hyun Flame God can defeat and kill Chen Zong, the formation method will not be activated naturally. After all, it is not a bright method.

However, no one expected that Chen Zong, the champion of Wushuang Sword, could explode like that, and it was terrifyingly powerful. He almost called Hun Yan Shenjun's indestructible collapse, and he could only inspire the array method arranged in advance.

What if it is not bright enough?

History is written by the victors, as long as Chen Zong, the unparalleled swordsman, is defeated and killed.

For Hyun Flame God, it is not important how to win, what is important is to be able to win.

Who would have expected that there would be a war demon and would help Chen Zong fight against himself.

Do you think you can contend with yourself with just one war monster?

Then kill both of them.

The killer is violently stirred in the heart of Hyun Flame God, the breath of White Flame God is increasingly tyrannical, and under the operation of the matrix method, the flame power in the depth of the void is continuously drawn and transported, condensed into the body of White Flame God, making White Flame God seemed more and more solid, and seemed to be reduced to substance.

Time is not long, but Chen Zong ’s mental strength recovery is extremely fast, has recovered to 80%, and continues to recover.

What delighted Chen Zong was the war demon.

Sure enough, it was the war demon that I knew that year, war demon from the same place, and war demon who fought side by side.

It was just that the War Demon of that year was not very strong. I did not expect that more than a thousand years have passed. When he saw War Demon again in this new universe era, he has become a peerless powerhouse, ranking 18th in the Chaos True List. Peerless powerhouse.

It's really unexpected, but so amazing.

Fighting side by side again, Chen Zong's sword contention screamed. At the same time, the war demon also raised a sword intent, an overwhelming sword intent, which was so powerful that it surprised Chen Zong.

I don't know what opportunities the war demons have had in this chaotic universe.

However, it is always a good thing.

I saw the outbreak of the war demon sword, reached out and grabbed the void, as if using the void as a scabbard, took out a dark and narrow knife, the blade was covered with mysterious patterns, staggered inlaid, it seemed very complicated and full It's amazing mystery.

The top chaotic holy weapon Abyss Sword!

Bai Yanshen's thick arms suddenly pulled, and between the white flames, a huge long knife suddenly appeared, and the whole body was burning with white flames, emitting a terrible breath.


Bai Yan's long sword suddenly fell off, the sword light was extremely large and penetrated the void, killing Chen Zong and the war demon with terrible murderous power, and locked both of them directly with one sword.

Chop Chop!

There is a matrix that constantly draws the flame power from the depths of the void to supplement its own consumption. The power of Baiyan God seems to be endless. The giant sword is continually chopped. Power is terrible.

Without having to worry about power consumption, there is nothing to worry about.

Chen Zong and War Demon immediately shot, first avoided, and then swept left and right across the void, and quickly approached the White Flame God.

Bai Yanshen has a huge body, and the knife in his hand is also very long. It is tens of meters in length. If he is close, it can make it difficult for these tens of meters of sword to exert its due power.

However, Bai Yanshen under the control of Xuan Yanshen is also very superb in martial arts, with long swords in all directions, dense and dense like a violent storm, and for a time it became difficult for Chen Zong and the War Devil to get close.

Using the sword technique like Bai Yanshen is too labor-intensive. Without the help of matrix formation, it would not be possible to support it for a long time.

"Destroy the formation nodes first." Chen Zong immediately transmitted a voice to the war demon, and the war devil nodded, and the two dispersed.

How does Bai Yanshen pursue?

I saw Bai Yanshen's hands holding Bai Yan's sword sharply separated. The Bai Yan's sword also turned into two narrower couples, holding both left and right, and immediately killed the war demon and Chen Zong.

One-hearted use is not too difficult for a peerless powerhouse, as long as you are willing to work hard for a while, you can basically do it.

But whether it is Chen Zong or War Demon, the strength is not trivial. Against two people at the same time, it is difficult for Bai Yanshen to do it.

Destroy the matrix node.

Chen Zonghe and the War Demon erupted at an extremely fast speed. Jianguang and Daoguang started to kill the white crystal stones directly.

In order to deal with the White Flame God, you need to destroy the matrix nodes one by one. You only need to destroy a part of them to make the matrix invalid, and you can better deal with the White Flame God.

If only Chen Zong is alone, it is almost impossible to destroy the formation nodes, but with the powerful war demons joining forces, the difficulty is suddenly reduced a lot.

"Shameless!" An elder of Hyun Flame Shrine suddenly angered and immediately shot.

Immediately afterwards, the true sacred realm of the other dazzling flame shrines also acted to stop Chen Zong and War Demon, preventing them from destroying the formation node.

In an instant, it became melee.

In the Xuanyan shrine, apart from the demigod ancestor, the Xuanyan shrine is the strongest, followed by the Heiyan Lord, but the Heiyan Lord has already died under Chen Zong's sword, and the rest None of the other real holy realms is Chen Zong's opponent to War Demon.

Sword wielding, sword light slamming, sword cut, sword light swept across.

The shots from the other real sacred realms of Hyun Flame Shrine immediately brought greater pressure to Chen Zong and War Demon. However, Chen Zong's look remained the same. The War Devil wore a ghost mask and could not see any of his looks.

Under a sword, a real sanctuary was immediately split, and the immortal body collapsed instantly, and reunited in the distance.

Jianguang re-emerged, slashing across the sky, that is the sword of Shenxiao, the sword is incomparable, astonishing, cut off everything, cut off obstacles.

The second sword ... Unbounded without phase!

A sword with extremely high speed, with Chen Zong's terrible power, instantly broke through and hit a formation node.

The speed of the unbounded and non-phase killing master is not as good as the other tricks in terms of power, but it is stronger than the swordsmanship. Although the formation nodes are very solid and have heavy defenses, they are still constantly broken and eventually penetrated.

The click sounded suddenly, and the crystals of the formation node broke apart.

The dark sword in the hands of the war devil killed in the air, chopped everything, and eventually chopped a node.

When the node is destroyed, this array method begins to be affected, and the efficiency of drawing power from the void drops slightly.

Hyun Flame God is extremely furious and controls the White Flame God in a series of shots, but he can't do anything about War Demon and Chen Zong, neither of which is his opponent, but the two are united, but not the same.

The third node, the fourth node, the fifth node ...

Nodes were broken one after another, the operation of the formation method became more obscure, and the power of Baiyan God began to be affected.

There are ninety-nine battle formation nodes, and under constant destruction, the real sanctuary of Hyun flame shrine cannot be prevented. Their strength is too different from that of Chen Zong and War Demon, at most it is a delay, but Chen Zong and War Demon are neither ordinary practitioners, so naturally they will not be affected much.

One node after another was destroyed. When the node was destroyed more than half, the entire array immediately collapsed, and it was no longer possible to draw a tiny bit of power from the depths of the void to supplement the consumption of Bai Yanshen. Not so cohesive.

Xuanyan Shenjun did not dare to explode the power of Baiyan God again. The two long knives disappeared, and both palms flew and grabbed them again and again.

Compared to the power of the long sword, the threat degree of the white flame **** under the empty hand has dropped by several points.


Chen Zong and the war demon sword and crosswise, immediately killed Bai Yanshen, the swords combined, very tacit understanding, the threat to Bai Yanshen surged.

For a while, Bai Yanshen continued to recruit, and his power was continuously consumed.

Without the addition of the formation method, Hyun Flame God cannot rely on his own ability to support it for too long.

"Drag him." Chen Zong's voice was transmitted to the war demon, who immediately understood that the smashing of the sword was astonishing. The lines on Heiyuan's sword seemed to come alive, as if the dragon and snake danced, exaggerating the power.


The sword is empty, carrying unparalleled power of destruction and destroying everything.


At the outbreak, the War Demon swords became one dark blade of light, rolling to the White Flame God.

Chen Zong held his breath, and broke out again.

Ten times the mental energy of the Yuanyuan broke out, and immediately, one's strength was completely restrained, and then broke out.

Time to kill God!

This sword was just a threat to Hyun Yan, and now there are war demons joining forces to strike again.


A little red man burst into the air, and then the Excalibur reached.

This sword was inescapable and irresistible, and Bai Yanshen was hit again, and the terrible red awns killed the Hyun Yan Demon within Bai Yanshen.

The next breath, Bai Yanshen fluctuated violently, and every inch cracked.

The sword light transformed by the war demon also shrank instantly, then broke out, and turned into a huge 100-meter-long knife, extremely dark, as if cut off from the abyss from the abyss.

The sword is inexhaustible and the war is endless.

Bai Yanshen was completely defeated, and even the dazzling Lord with Bai Yanshen was also destroyed.

"Given today, return ten times in the next day." Xuanyan Shenjun reunited with new cohesion in the distance, and immediately turned into a white flare burst with extreme speed and flew away.

He is very clear that in the case of Wushuang Swordmaster and War Demon, the matrix formation laid in advance is destroyed again. Www.wuxiaspot.com ~ he is not an opponent.

The appearance of War Demon was too unexpected. No one had expected that War Demon would have a relationship with Wushuang Sword Master, and the strength of War Devil would be so strong, it is estimated that it can impact the top ten of the chaos.

The teaming of the two top ten chaos in the true chaos is really terrible.

Hyun flame God retired!

Otherwise, if you continue to fight, it is very likely that Hyun Flame King was killed.

Xuanyan Shenjun defeated and fled, and other true sacred places in Xuanyan Jing Palace also broke out in extreme speed, away from them, lest they be killed by Chen Zong.

"Meet you today, I invite you to drink." Chen Zong lifted the giant warfare, closed his sword and returned to the sheath, and smiled at the war demon.

The war devil did not answer immediately, it seemed to look at Chen Zong fixedly, and then said after ten breaths: "Is there a good wine?"

"I have the wine of the era." Chen Zong laughed.

"I drink." The war devil seemed to understand and immediately nodded and responded without hesitation.

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