Sword God

Vol 46 Chapter 59: Scary monster in the dark

(The names of Chapters 58 and 56 are repeated, but do n’t panic or be afraid, because the content is not repeated)

The deeper into the prison area, the more chaotic and evil the atmosphere, the more dim the light, Chen Zong's footsteps, but the more vigilant, a mixed mind keeps running at a high speed in the body, and can burst at any time. The most violent blow.

The fire of Tai Hao's true sun on the monster was extinguished, and the monster's body damaged by burning also healed quickly as it continued to absorb the chaos.

Chase, keep chasing, go deeper, go deeper.

Chen Zong is extremely fast, and does not need to worry about the consumption and recovery of his own power, making it difficult for others such as Swordmaster to catch up.

Suddenly, Chen Zong's body was running fast, his eyes were glittering, as if looking through the dimness and looking further away, there was a tinge of palpitations, as if there was something terrible in front of him, which threatened himself greatly, That threat didn't feel deadly.


Chen Zong moved again, but not as fast as before.

As he moved forward, Chen Zong thought of the monsters in the core of the **** prison area that Wang Yi said. When talking about them, Wang Yi's look changed greatly and he was afraid.

It is speculated that this prison area is only for the purpose of detaining such monsters.

Or for the purpose of detaining a group of monsters, but most of the monsters were gone, and it was not known whether they had left or died. Only one monster remained in the core of the **** prison area and was suppressed.

Even if suppressed, Wang Yi did not dare to approach again.

Hearing that it was the same thing after all, plus that he wanted to find a way to leave this place, Chen Zong came.

When rushing out of a deep and dim, Chen Zong looked forward, where there was light, not very strong light permeating and shining in all directions, this kind of light is like moonlight, starlight.

A soft ray of light fell in all directions, and there was a feeling of sunset light. Chen Zong also saw it, and the light emitted was really a pillar, each pillar was ten meters thick, and the pillars were engraved with unique patterns. Between the crisscross lines, there is a continuous gleam of light.

However, there are too many lines, and a huge pillar is densely packed. Even if each line emits only gleam, the gleam emitted by so many lines becomes superimposed, and it becomes very obvious.

Right in the center of each huge pillar, there is a darkness, as if the darkness that cuts off the dim light, is extremely deep.

Just before, Chen Zong saw the monster chased by himself into the darkness and disappeared.

The darkness was so deep that it could swallow everything like the dark abyss. When Chen Zong stared at it, he unconsciously grew a chill from the depths of his heart and from the depths of his body, like a torrent of instant release. To devour everything.


A hint of inexplicable fear permeated, uncontrollable.

This situation called Chen Zong's look involuntarily changed.

how come?

How could this be?

What kind of monsters exist in that darkness?

Yes, Chen Zong can be sure that the terrible monster that Wang said in his mouth exists in the darkness.

With his strong tenacity, Chen Zong resisted the attack of fear and retracted his gaze. Chen Zong looked again at those thick pillars, and there were as many as nine thick pillars visible in front of him. On the other side, I guess it ’s good


Based on the distance between the pillars, Chen Zong speculated that there should be eighteen huge pillars.

Eighteen pillars, ten meters thick, circled a circle, just to encircle the darkness, or to imprison it.

Abnormal changes suddenly occurred, Chen Zong only felt a terrible threat erupted instantly, invading, and saw from the darkness, suddenly ejected a virtual shadow, too fast, almost unexpected, fast enough to call Chen Zong's heart trembled unconsciously.

Numerous life and death instincts erupted in an instant, and Chen Zong drew his sword to meet him instantly, and immediately felt an outrageous force bursting out. Unstoppable, the entire person was directly bombarded, and he suddenly withdrew hundreds of meters away. Between the surge of qi and blood, a spit of blood could not help spitting out, and cracks appeared in the perfect universe, like the porcelain to be broken.

The mixed mental energy was exhausted, the cracks on the body disappeared quickly, but they reappeared, and a trace of gray breath spread continuously at the wound, full of amazing evil breath.


The sword exploded, and the mixed mentality broke out. Chen Zong continued to fight the dark atmosphere that raged in the body, and expelled it a little bit. It took a while for the mixed mentality to consume seven or eight. It was initially expelled, and the rest could only be suppressed temporarily.

In his mind, there was a constant outbreak of evil and chaos, with constant impacts, in an attempt to pollute the spirit of Chen Zong, so that Chen Zong would sink down.

Chen Zong's divine will is extremely strong, and with the sword's confrontation, he will be fine for a while.

However, Chen Zong knew that the evil and chaotic consciousness in his mind and the evil forces in his body must be worn away as soon as possible, otherwise, for a long time, he was afraid that it would have an adverse effect on himself.

At the same time, Swordmaster and Wang Yi arrived, and Yan Huan also arrived.

Seeing Chen Zong didn't go deep, Wang Yi was relieved.

"Brother Wang, have you ever seen that monster?" Chen Zong asked.

Wang Yi shook his head: "The monster was imprisoned inside, and could not appear completely, but it could attack."

Before, many practitioners were attacked by the monster imprisoned in the darkness, and then they will become monsters.

When Wang Yi saw this scene with his own eyes, he was afraid. Besides, when staring at the dark mass, inexplicable fears would continue to grow from deep inside.

Chen Zong nodded, and thoughtfully left.

Go back first, dispel the temporarily suppressed evil forces in your body and the chaotic will that rages in your mind before making other plans.

From the outside, I can't see how Chen Zong is, everything is as usual.

When Wang Dong and others saw Chen Zong far away, their looks changed, and they immediately retreated without hesitation and left quickly.

Originally, they were going to follow up and see if they could find a bargain. Now it seems that there is nothing they can do about it, and that person's strength is extremely arrogant. Even if they are seven, they may not be their opponents.

Wang Dong and others withdrew, and Chen Zong didn't bother. Now they are not suitable for shots. Wang Dong, they don't know they missed a good opportunity. Otherwise, if they shot now, Chen Zong's strength could not be fully exerted, not even three Chengdu. Not their opponent.


In the cell, Chen Zong continued to run the mixed powers, annihilating the evil forces entangled in his body a little bit, and at the same time, the arrogant divine spirit promoted the sword, turning it into a sharp sword. Swordplay, attack and kill directly

的 The chaotic will of the invasion is constantly broken.

However, the evil forces and chaotic will were very tenacious and terrible, and they continued to confront Chen Zong.

Time passed slowly. For several times in the past, Chen Zong first completely defeated and destroyed the evil forces in his body. Then, the chaotic will of the endless chaos in his mind became weaker and weaker, and finally he shrank into a mass, constantly resisting Chen Zong's sword. hit.

With a bang, the chaotic will shrinking to the extreme, suddenly bursting out, as if the stars were exploding, a seemingly subtle mass, which could erupt such a terrible power, which was devastating and dying. It was called Chen Zong's look changed greatly. This feeling of being destroyed.

Even the sharp sword created by the sword intentions was hit by the final outbreak of this chaotic will, and cracks appeared and broke.

Under the impulse of divine will, the broken sword will reunite again, and it will be crushed again. After the third reunion, it will stop the outbreak of chaotic will and completely destroy it.

Chen Zong was relieved.

Too dangerous.

Immediately, Chen Zong showed a faint look of wonder. His mixed mental strength seemed to be pure and pure, and the divine and sword intentions seemed to be stronger.

Is it an illusion?

After careful induction, Chen Zong found that the mental strength of the mixed Yuan was indeed a little more pure, and the divine and sword intentions were indeed a little tougher.

Why is this?

Is it because of the relationship between evil forces and chaotic will?

The evil forces attempt to pollute themselves, the chaotic will attempt to invade itself, and the mixed mind fights against the evil forces, the divine will and the sword will counter the chaotic will, and it is unknowingly sharpened, and then becomes more pure and tough.

This discovery made Chen Zong secretly pleased.

His own cultivation has reached the limit of the universe's immortality, and has reached the point where it is difficult to improve, unless it can break through the current state.

Unexpectedly, now it is possible to make the mixed Yuanyuan mentality that has reached the limit even more pure. You must know that the more pure the mixed Yuanyuan heart, the stronger the power that can explode. Similarly, the stronger the divine sword, It can also increase the strength to a certain extent.

This is another road to enhance one's own strength.

Turning his thoughts, Chen Zong's eyes flickered endlessly.

If you want to break through to the next level, it is equal to the level of demigod. It will be difficult. Chen Zong is clueless now ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ I do n’t know how long it will take for me to understand and break through. .

But this does not mean that one's own strength cannot be further improved.

Moreover, the continuous improvement of strength now means that the foundation is becoming more and more solid, and the deeper exploration of its own potential at this stage, when it breaks through, it will have more powerful strength.

All in all, this is only good and not bad.

"In this way, I can study the secrets of the core of Shen prison zone, while using the strength of that monster to sharpen the mental strength and the sword of God's will, and further improve my strength." Chen Zong made up his mind.

You can not only study the core secrets of the Shenhe District, find a way to leave the Shenhe District, but also sharpen your own strength and further strengthen your strength.

As for this method, Chen Zong did not tell the non-killer swordsman because the power of the non-killer swordsman was insufficient. Once he was hit by the monster, not to mention the evil forces behind it and the chaotic will to attack, the power of that one was extremely terrible Even his own strength almost failed to respond, and he was directly hit and wounded. Without the strength to kill the sword master, he would be killed directly.

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