Sword God

Vol 46 Chapter 68: Evil god

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"Humble and small people, don't provoke great life."

When Chen Zong came to the core of the God Prison Zone again, and pulled out his mind, the Sword of Heaven, ready to cast out the original evil **** that Fanghua killed in the dark, a voice suddenly sounded in his mind. It was an ancient vicissitudes of voice, containing With the ancient rhyme of endless years changing, it seems that a very wise old man is sighing and groaning.

宗 Chen Zong stopped for a moment, then reacted after dying, and tentatively said, "Primitive evil god?"

"It is the true god." The ancient vicissitudes sounded again: "Small human race, do you desire strong power?"

"The powerful force that runs through the universe, the immortal and endless life, even the destruction and regeneration of the universe cannot affect the power of your existence ..."

The ancient vicissitudes of the primitive evil **** is full of an extreme attraction, as if it contains an indescribable superb magic power, which can make people immersed in it, breeding a desire from the heart, longing for the kind Power, get that eternal immortal life.

Even though Chen Zong's mind was firm and tenacious, he couldn't help being affected. From his heart, he grew a trace of longing.

However, Chen Zong's mind was not completely attracted, but became calmer.

"No desire," Chen Zong answered directly.

"Since the longing ..." The original evil **** suddenly gave a meal, and he felt that he had heard it wrong. The small and humble people did not seem to answer but longed. Let me confirm it first: "Small people, you Do n’t you desire the power that will run through the universe and eternal? ”

"No desire." Chen Zong replied again, without being confused by the primitive evil god.

For a moment, the primitive evil **** was silent. It didn't know how to answer it, because from now to now, there has never been any weak life able to resist its temptation, and it answered so decisively.

I must be that my strength has fallen too much and was suppressed by this **** evil pillar, otherwise it would not be so.

"Humble people, I am the only **** in the universe. Even if the universe is destroyed, I can survive forever and immortal." The original evil **** once again said: "I can give you strength, the strength of the universe, eternal Immortal life, don't you really desire it? "

"No desire." Chen Zong answered for the third time, so unemotional.

Primitive evil **** was silent again, and its mentality was about to explode.

It is true that the original evil **** possessed wisdom, but in fact it is not so smart. It is just normal wisdom. It relies on the evil power that can seduce people. When it can resist the temptation of its evil power, it will not be susceptible to it. Its impact.

宗 Chen Zong answered dryly and emotionlessly, feeling indifferent like 傀儡, but his heart was turning endlessly.

Did the primitive evil **** speak?

Although it has long been speculated that the original evil **** was wise, Chen Zong did not want to communicate with it. After all, the original evil **** is the cohesion of all the evil thoughts of the ancient protoss. It is the ultimate evil existence born from countless evil thoughts. Unwilling to communicate with such beings.

Who knows what kind of terrible means such existence exists.

But now it is the primitive evil **** who actively speaks to communicate, a look to give himself strength.

Can the strength sent by You be accepted?

Of course I ca n’t. From the time when we were young, we have embarked on the cultivation path so far.

Alas, I never believed in the pie falling from the sky, but any power that is obtained for nothing is not really one's own power, and that power often has hidden dangers.

There are hidden dangers and it is difficult to control. Chen Zong prefers the forces that he can control, which belong to the forces he has at his disposal.

The tenacious mind and divine will make Chen Zong resist the temptation of the primitive evil god.


The power that runs across the universe, the power that is immortal, even the destruction of the universe, will not die out because of that power, only the true **** can do it, if it is only demigod, it is not so easy.

"You have been imprisoned here by the ancient gods, there have been many cosmic eras." Chen Zong uttered coldly.

Primitive evil spirits suddenly burst into an extremely sharp howl, as if the countless lingering spirits roared in Qi Qi, full of anger and unwillingness.

This is the point where it is most angry.

Ancient Protoss!

It was born because of the evil thoughts of the ancient gods. It is a collection of all the evil thoughts of the ancient gods. However, it was severely damaged because of the ancient gods and eventually imprisoned by the ancient gods. It is impossible to escape.

Twenty-eight town pillars of evil spirits are the supreme masterpieces of the ancient gods. They are suppressed here and cannot be broken.

This **** prison zone actually exists by relying on eighteen town evil **** pillars. If you want to destroy the eighteen town evil **** pillars, you must destroy even the jail prison district, but the original primitive gods are not so powerful. the power of.

The original evil **** seduced Chen Zong's purpose is also very direct, that is, he intends to use Chen Zongli to cooperate to destroy eighteen town evil **** pillars, so that it can get out of trouble.

"Humble people, you shouldn't anger your god." After the original evil **** was angry, it fell silent, as if there were countless sounds overlapping, there were grandeur, sharpness, lowness, hoarseness and obscurity, and they all came together as if they were singing or singing Similarly, with a unique rhythm, he couldn't help but let Chen Zong concentrate on listening.

Chen Zong decided not to pay attention to the original evil god, and gave out a sword, and cut it out with one sword.

I just want to exhaust the power of the original evil god, and can't kill it, but also weaken it to the extreme, time and time again.

The primitive demon angered again, and was completely furious. This humble ant, who even refused to be given by his own god, dare to treat him like this.

I am the only God, Supreme God.

It ’s a pity that no matter how angry the primitive evil **** is, it ca n’t help. Zong Zong ca n’t help it. He can only weaken his strength again and again. Consume power.

How to do?

Primitive evil gods are getting desperate.

If the ancient gods were told to know this, they did n’t know what they would think. The original evil gods who had been struggling hard and could not help, would someday be persecuted by a human race to such an extent.

Of course, if the ancient gods did not do everything to destroy the original evil gods and imprison them here, Chen Zong would not have such a chance, but the same, if not for the original evil gods, the **** prison area and the eighteen town evil **** columns were created. , Chen Zong will not enter here.

All causes and effects are difficult to say clearly.

Time and time again, Chen Zong no longer has any communication with the original evil god, no matter what the original evil **** said.

With a loud bang, the original evil **** exploded, and it exploded directly into countless fine blacks, impacting on the eighteen town evil pillars, and the town evil pillars trembled, and a ray of divine light was intricate.

The lines of Xunji burst out, and under the counterattack of the evil spirits, those black breaths were annihilated.

The cricket's voice rang continuously, just under Chen Zong's gaze. After the original evil **** burst, it seemed to be madly hitting the town's evil **** column, as if he was seeking his own way.

Finally, the last strand of black also dissipated with roar and full of unwilling howling, disappeared, disappeared without any trace, as if the smoke was blown by the wind.

宗 Chen Zong paused for a moment, and some reactions failed.

So the original evil **** was killed?

Did n’t he say immortality?

Or rather, the original evil **** was not killed, but weakened to the extreme?

But Chen Zong still hasn't stepped into the column of the town's evil gods. Who knows if this is a conspiracy of the primitive evil gods.

What if it's a means?


Chen Zong waited continuously, but there was still no primitive evil **** appearing in the column of the town's evil god, and there was an empty one. The primitive evil **** seemed to have disappeared.

After a little hesitation, Chen Zong still did not step into it, but retreated, leaving only an empty piece.

After a while, among the pillars of the town's evil spirit, a ray of black seemed to have emerged from the nothingness, fluctuated, and seemed to exude an anger.

Primitive evil god!

Xun is the original evil god. It turned out that it did not really dissipate, just to lure Chen Zong into the town's evil **** column. Fortunately, Chen Zong was cautious enough.

In the next breath, a figure flickered, flying from a distance, the sword light seemed to kill across the sky, the sword light was like a thunderbolt and it looked like an aurora. The black breath that reappeared.

When Ji Yijian hit, the black breath wave was immediately split and re-condensed, but it seemed to fade a little bit.

Xuan Jianguang's flashes, one after another turned into Jianguang's long river, rushing into the town, blasting into the pillar of the town's evil gods, constantly attacking the original evil gods, killing its power.

剑 Under Jianguang Long River ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ The power of primitive evil gods is getting weaker and weaker.

"Stop it." The original evil **** roared, but Chen Zong ignored it and continued to attack.

"When your God returns, you will be swallowed up and turned into the power of your God." The original evil **** issued a final roar, and the black breath solidified and fell into a black crystal the size of a fingernail.

宗 Chen Zongshoujian stared at the piece of black crystal, looking attentively, and looking carefully, the black crystal was restrained, as if he slept in the past.

However, Chen Zong still did not step in, and continued to observe, repeated observation for a long time before making a decision.

Step out and walk to the pillar of the town's evil spirit without any obstruction. Step into it and stand on the edge, always staring at the black crystal, cut out the sword light again, and split the black crystal, no response. .

Chen Zong, while paying attention to the black crystals, carefully observed, standing in and out of the eighteen Zhenxian pillars. Observing the feeling of the Zhenxian pillars was different. Looking at the past, The mysteries contained in the lines are deeper, and they are ancient gods.

At this time, Chen Zong had a deeper study of the ancient divine language, and couldn't help but study it.

Suddenly, the black crystal burst suddenly, and a faint, black hair like a hairline flew out, directly falling into Chen Zong's brows.

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