Sword God

Vol 46 Chapter 105: Shenwei

Most of the disciples of Shenmen are high-spirited, as if they were first-class, even if they look peaceful, there is a sense of indescribable pride in their eyes.

In the final analysis, the gate of God is the strongest force in the ancient **** dynasty. Similarly, the gatekeeper of the **** lord is still the master of the **** dynasty, but the person in charge of the ancient **** dynasty. Then, Zhaogu Shenmen is the ancestral hall of Zongmen, which is the core.

Well, the disciples of the Sovereign's Palace are, of course, the better part. They are not proud.

Regarding the pride of the disciples of Shenmen, the five forces and Zhaogudian are very accustomed to it, so there is no special indication that there will be no conflict or the like.

Although the disciples of Shenmen are arrogant, they will not ridicule this taunt.

At this time, a figure emerged from the Shenmen camp. It was a pale youth, his eyes were deep, as if he could absorb all the light. The pale youth's mouth slightly lifted, it seemed to be hanging like a touch No smile, but it doesn't feel like a kind smile, but like a mockery.

That day mocked the air and mocked the air.

Chen Zong, however, felt that this person looked familiar, and only realized when he turned his thoughts. It was not that he had seen the person himself, but that the person looked familiar.

Deep eyes, pale complexion, isn't it Bai Yi's look?

Chen Zong also felt keenly that as the man came over, Bai Yi's whole body seemed to fluctuate slightly.

"The third brother, when he saw the second brother, he didn't even take the initiative to say hello, and it was too rude to remove the mist." The youth came from the gate of Shenmen, and it seemed to ridicule everything. Even the tone sounds like that.

"Say something." Bai Yi's body was wavy in fog, but it didn't disappear, his voice was a bit indifferent.

See you!

From this point, it can be seen that Bai Yi does not wait to see the person who claims to be the second brother.

"Oh, when I went to the Zhaogu Temple, my courage grew a lot." The young man's dark and dark eyes froze slightly, and there seemed to be a hint of anger, but he could n’t do it here, even if he was a disciple of God Not afraid to break the rules, the tone became even colder: "Your goal is the monster, you can rest assured that you can't get a monster."

"You don't have to worry about it." Bai Yi responded coldly, without seeming to be irritated at all, but the fog that fluctuated around him showed that Bai Yi's heart was not so calm, just restraining himself. Anger.

This is interesting, but the two brothers are so different, one enters the gate of God, and the other can only enter the Zhaogu Temple.

Shenmen is the strongest force according to the ancient **** dynasty, but Zhaogu Temple is the seventh force. Only those who are extremely superior in all aspects such as blood, talent, etc. can enter the gate. .

Although he was curious, Chen Zong had no intention of going to the bottom, saying that it was only one transaction between Bai and Bai Yi, to help him get the magical deal. As for everything else that has nothing to do with himself, there is no need to intervene.

"You two, this is the person who is going to assist Bai Yi this time." The youth of Shenmen suddenly looked at Jing Wuxue and Chen Zong, and then the kind of smile that seemed to ridicule everything appeared, there seemed to be in the dark eyes. What light is flashing, and a sense of danger pervades for no reason: "I give you a piece of advice, it is best to give up your plan, otherwise ... the consequences will be serious."


Both Chen Zong and Jing Wuxue heard a strong threat from each other's words.

"Do not bother." Chen Zong responded without Xu Buji, with a calm tone, but Jing Wuxue ignored it.


An outburst of anger suddenly emerged from the deepest part of the heart, and it was about to erupt. At that moment, both Chen Zong and Jing Wuxue felt it, felt a terrible breath locked themselves, and a strong threat appeared out of thin air.

Suddenly, the hairs of Chen Zong and Jing Wuxue turned upside down, as if there was a torrent of torrents rushing into their heads, so that they felt a sense of exploding their hair, and they were all mobilized in an instant, their eyes changed.

Chen Zong's eyes became extremely sharp. It seemed that the sword was cold and radiant, as if to pierce everything in front of him. In recent years, the divine power strengthened by the practice of Youhu Queyu Jade has also begun to show, and the void trembled faintly. .

Jing Wuxue's eyes were filled with an indescribable loneliness, and everything seemed to be overwhelmed by a shadow, and a trace of despair was spreading.

The youth coming from the gate of God suddenly flashed a surprise, surprised by the kind of will emanating from Chen Zong and Jing Wuxue's reaction. He was arrogant and amazing. Immediately he smiled coldly, his eyes seemed to glance across, and turned. Leave.

This scene is naturally seen by most people, some people are curious and some people are surprised, but no one comes forward.

No conflict has erupted. It cannot erupt. Once any conflict erupts, no matter what the reason, it will be disqualified directly.

Bai Yi did not explain anything to Chen Zong and Jing Wuxue, because there was no need, and Chen Zong and Jing Wuxue did not ask the slightest, and there was no need for it.

Chen Zong has been watching Shenmen and those among the other five forces who made himself feel threatened.

Perhaps, those people could be opponents.

As for what exactly looks like in the remains of the Devil's Cosmic Age fragments, it is still unclear.


Waiting for the selection, there are 500 people from the seven forces present, but how many people can get the qualification to enter the debris ruins of the Demon Universe era is still unknown.

How long will it take?

It's not clear, not even the people at Shenmen.

Even how to select is also unknown, because each time the debris relics of the Demon Universe era are opened, the selection method is different.

It was very abrupt, and the light in the air suddenly became dim, as if it had suddenly changed from day to night. It was too sudden, even the most powerful people did not respond, and a terrible coercion suddenly came. .

That feeling is like the sky falling directly, just like the disaster of extinction, so sudden and so hasty.

all of a sudden!

It was all of a sudden, falling from the top, falling all over everyone.

This coercion appeared too abruptly, without the slightest prelude, without the slightest notice, as if it were an attack. Someone could not bear it in an instant, and fell directly to the ground under this coercive coercion.

However, some people fluttered and reacted at the fastest speed, bursting out of their own strength and will, supporting this coercive attack.

Within three interest rates, half of the people have fallen to the ground, and the small half have been supported, but some are stable and some are shaking

The dangling look seemed to fall directly but was barely supported.

After three breaths, that coercion suddenly doubled, and those who were struggling to support the crumbling as if overwhelmed, fell directly to the ground.

In the past two breaths, the coercion suddenly disappeared, just like an illusion. If it was not a large group of people who fell to the ground, it might make people think so.

"Standing people are eligible to enter the Devil's Cosmic Age Fragment Remains." A low voice suddenly sounded, as if from above the sky, and from all directions, with an indescribable majesty, Directly into everyone's ears.


One by one suddenly looked stunned.

The coercion of the talents is the election?

So straight?

So quickly?

It was just that coercion suddenly came, suddenly struck, and then the person who could not carry it was disqualified? And the person who can carry it is qualified?

It seems a little sloppy, but if you think about it carefully, you won't be sloppy, only because the person who suddenly released the terrible coercion is a demigod, and that coercion is divine power.

Of course, it is not the demon power that the demigod is full of power. The demon power that the demigod is full of power cannot be sustained by the non-demi power. Maybe there is, but it is absolutely rare. It is impossible. There are dozens of people holding on.

Chen Zong was a little bit surprised. Such a simple and rude selection method, but it was also a very effective selection method. Originally, Chen Zong thought that it would go through battles and confrontations again and again before he finally determined the corresponding quota.


Well, since it is already so, accept it so.

There are fifty temple apprentices from Zhaogu Temple ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ But unfortunately, in the end, only three people passed the election, and other temple apprentices fell under the power of the demigod, even if It is the king who can only support the first wave of divine power, but cannot resist the second wave of divine power.

The three passed are Bai Yi, the first king, Jing Wuxue, the second king, and Chen Zong, the third king.

The harvest of Zhaogudian can be described as very low. There are only three passages. As for the total number of spirit sword palaces, there are more than seven hundred passers, and there are as many as nine. There are eight passers in the villa, ten passers in the Seven Kill House, and nine passers in the Jade Pavilion.

As for the number one title of the strongest gate, the total number is one hundred, and the number of passers is also the largest, thirty full.

When Chen Zong saw this scene, the inner surprise was beyond words.

With such a mighty power, only three people in the entire Zhaogu Temple could carry it, but there were thirty Shenmen, ten times as many as the Zhaogu Temple.

This is not to say that the 30 strengths of Shenmen are comparable to those of Chen Zong, but at least they are relatively close, because some of the 30 people are also very barely supported. If Shenweiduo lasts for one or two breaths , These people will also be eliminated.

In any case, it is enough to explain that Shenmen is indeed the first force in Zhaoguo Dynasty, and Zhaogudian is indeed the seventh force in Zhaoguo Dynasty, which is truly the name.

As for the five major forces, although there are many people who passed the election, they are actually in the middle of the middle class. In short, the five major forces are not as strong as Shenmen, but they are better than the ancient temple, and the gap is still not small.

Chen Zong did not have any other thoughts. After all, according to the ancient gods, only the ancient hall was opened like the ancient hall, and there was no need to talk about accepting outsiders.

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