Sword God

Vol 46 Chapter 107: Wait for an opportunity

There are thousands of tribes in the Great Black Empire, each tribe has its territory, and there are some buffer zones between the territory and the territory, such as rivers, wilderness, mountains, forests, and so on. So thousands of tribal territories plus those The buffer zone created the vast and boundless territory of the Great Black Empire.

The Great Black Sky Empire is only a part of the big world of fragments and ruins on this side, but not all.

Thousands of tribe, specifically whether it is three thousand or four thousand or five thousand or nine thousand. Even the Big Black Empire has no statistics. According to its size and strength, there are three levels of large, medium and small. The number of small tribes is the largest and the medium sized. Tribes are next, and the number of large tribes is the smallest, only thirteen.

The strength and heritage of any large tribe is amazing, comparable to those of the nobles in DìDū.

As for the medium-sized tribe, it has more strength than the large-scale tribe, there are more than 300, and the rest are small tribe.

There are statistics in the Big Black Empire. The large and medium tribes and some of the top small tribes are only because small tribes because of their insufficient strength can easily be destroyed and easily created.

For example, some powerful people gathered, and a dozen or even dozens could create a small tribe.

Small tribes are easy to create and easy to destroy. Therefore, for the Dark Empire, there is no need for statistics at all. To say that the number of thousands is just a false name. It really needs to be counted, and there may be tens of thousands.

Only a few top small clans are included in the statistics, because these small clans have stronger strengths and deeper foundations, they have a longer existence and are not so easy to destroy.

To make a choice in theory, of course, it is better to choose to enter the 13 large tribes, and have the opportunity to obtain more and better resources, but the theory is the theory after all, but they are outsiders, no matter how to hide the fact that they cannot change the outsiders In addition, the bloodlines they camouflage are only ordinary levels. It is extremely difficult to mix up with the high-level in the Devil Race with bloodliness supreme.

Large clans were excluded first, let alone the nobles in DìDū.

What about the mid-sized tribe?

Maybe a good choice.

"What do you think of the two?" Bai Yi asked. This is about the actions of the three people. Naturally, they cannot make decisions by themselves.

"You decide." Jing Wuxue's indifferent response, Bai Yi could only look at Chen Zong.

"Small tribe," Chen Zong said after a slight groan.

"Okay, then the small tribe." Bai Yi was determined.

In fact, he thought so, but he also needed to consult his peers. Jing Wuxue had no opinion, or Jing Wuxue directly passed the decision to the two of them.

Chen Zong agrees with himself, so he chooses a small tribe.

Choosing a small tribe has its disadvantages, that is, because the tribe's heritage is insufficient, lacking strength, etc., it is more difficult to obtain good resources.

But the advantage of choosing a small tribe is that the origin is not easy to investigate. The small tribe does not have the ability to track the people's origin and origin. At that time, they can fabricate one at will. For example, their tribe is destroyed because of insufficient strength. Their tribe Run around or something.

The territory of the Great Black Empire is vast, with many tribes and thousands of small tribes. From time to time, small tribes are created and destroyed, and there is no way to trace them.

Before the calendar is resolved, you can proceed to the next step.

Small clans are springboards, find opportunities to join medium clans and even large clans, etc.

It is not even possible to enter DìDū in the future.

Although this big world is just a piece of cosmic debris, it is not small and rich in resources.

You know, the ancient **** universe is the most powerful universe, and although the demon universe is not as good as the ancient **** universe, it will not be too different, at least it is stronger than today's chaotic universe.

Of course, today's chaotic universe is just the beginning, more than a thousand years old. For one universe, it looks like a baby without a full moon, and there is still great room for growth.

To sum up, find a suitable small tribe to join first. Step by step is the plan of Bai Yi and Chen Zong. As for Jing Wuxue, he has no problem and just follow the action.

In this big world, the Devil Race is not the only race. In addition to the Devil Race, there are two major races. One is Warcraft, which is a beast. The beasts have wisdom, and their strength is also very powerful. Wisdom, most magic plants have no wisdom, only instinct.

The demon tribe will be destroyed, part of it is done by other demon, part of it is done by Warcraft, very few are done by demon plant, because warcraft will move, and most of the devil plant will not move, basically wherever they are born Where it grows and takes root, as long as it does not enter the range of Mo Zhi's territory, it will not be attacked by Mo Zhi.

Now, Chen Zong, Bai Yi, and Jing Wuxue are pretending to be members of a small tribe that was destroyed by the Warcraft attack, and they are lucky to survive.



"Using guerrilla tactics." A low drink sounded, and between the figures flashing, another sound of breaking wind sounded.

The roaring roar seemed to shatter everything, as if the thunder broke everything.

I saw a battle erupting in an open space in the dense forest. Seven demon warriors besieged a monster of about five meters long with a spur on the back, which was full of spurs. It was darker than a wild boar. It had only black eyes. But it is blood red, with a ruler of red light bursting out, and the two fangs protruding from the mouth are almost as long as a machete, emitting a white cold light like a machete, giving the whole a very brutal feeling.

The arrogant breath continued to permeate from the savage wild boar Warcraft, and the smoky breath of darkness fluctuated endlessly. This savage boar smashed into a heavy chariot like a horror vehicle, and every time a collision broke out, the terrible power broke out. When the four hoofs trampled the ground The ground collapsed and cracked directly, which was shocking.

However, the seven siege warriors besieged constantly to change their position, not to be hit by the front of the Warcraft, and continue to control to prevent the Warcraft from breaking out.


The siege that cooperates very well, although the combat effectiveness of the single unit is not as good as this Warcraft, but combined with the rich experience, it can still consume this Warcraft to death.

Such a fighting style, but they have been honed after many battles of life and death, they are sure.

The seven are headed by a burly man, with a magic pattern all over the body, exuding a formidable breath, but it is still not as good as this Warcraft.

The black sword broke through the air, and the brave man seized the fleeting opportunity to cut a blade that was extremely powerful, as if to cut everything and kill it on the Warcraft, and immediately cut off several bone spurs, leaving on his body A long knife mark, thick black and red blood gushed instantly.


Suddenly, Warcraft roared suddenly

, Extremely violent, a terrible breath suddenly erupted, as if rolled up in a storm, his body rose like an inflatable.

"Not good, biting pig is furious." The head of the brawny face suddenly changed.

At that moment, the piercing pig's body size increased by 30%, and it looked bigger and more exuberant, and the breath was more and more amazing. He just smashed the strong man in one person and vomited blood.

The scarlet light from the thorny pig eyes under the fury was stronger and longer, and it seemed to penetrate everything. The original white sharp tusks also lingered on a layer of faint red awns, without any intention to escape, Instead, he killed other warriors.

For a while, everyone was in a crisis of life and death, and this scene was captured by the three Chen Zongs. From now until now, the three of them have hidden in the distance watching, waiting for the opportunity.

Not to fight against the seven demon warriors.

After the raging bite pigs raged, seven demon warriors were hit hard. Seeing so, when these seven demon warriors were slaughtered by the raging bite pigs, a dark sword light suddenly broke and passed by. Hundreds of meters killed in the air, and directly to the raging biting pig.

This sword light is very abrupt and extremely precise. It directly hit one of the front legs of the biting pig, pierced its front leg, and a sting, the biting pig slid forward.

Immediately afterwards, several black sword lights were shot out of the air, hitting the bone-piercing pig one after another, piercing through its tough membrane into the body, the sword gas raging, and finally killing the bone-piercing pig.

It happened too quickly, so that the seven demon warriors were slightly faint, then looked to one side, and saw three figures burst out.

"Everyone, we have no intention of snatching, just seeing Warcraft Fury ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ you can't help but shot at risk." Bai Yi explained.

"Thank you for your help," said the brave man headed, but his breath was a little weak, and the impact of the biting pig still hurt him, and he was not someone who did not know how to deal with others. Of course, I want to thank with a good attitude: "We are fighters of the Qingluo tribe. I don't know which tribe are the three fighters?"

"Our tribe ..." Bai Yi said a word, a dim appearance appeared on his face, and Chen Zong also cooperated to reveal a dim appearance, except that Jing Wuxue was still expressionless.

"Is your tribe ..." The strong man was a little surprised, and seemed to think of something: "Grief."

"Three people have nowhere to go now. It would be better for us to rest before the Qingluo tribe, or let us entertain them." The strong man immediately sent out an invitation.

"This ..." Bai Yi seemed a little hesitant, looked at Chen Zong again, and then looked at Jing Wuxue, as if asking for their opinions.

"You decide." Jing Wuxue said the same way, but Chen Zong showed a thoughtful look, and then looked at the prickly pig that fell to the ground again, and suddenly showed a smile: "I haven't eaten for a long time, go . "

"That would bother you." Bai Yi smiled and looked at the brave man.

"Do not disturb or disturb." Zhuang Han smiled suddenly. The reason why he issued an invitation was not purposeless, and one of the purposes was naturally to take this opportunity to thank the other party, but for a deeper purpose, It's solicitation.

You know, these three soldiers are likely to be the soldiers who survived the tribe's destruction. The strength is very strong. If they can join the Qingluo tribe, it will be of great benefit to the Qingluo tribe.

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