Sword God

Vol 46 Chapter 149: Emperor Shenhui (Part 1)

Inside the holy volcano, a calm sea, white magma seems to be completely frozen, like a mirror.

Shengyan Tianzun and Tianhuo Phoenix have become two corpses, and their souls have also been acquired by Chen Zong.


Chen Zong immediately revealed the secrets of blood veins extraction, a trace of blood dripped out, and turned into a light shining on the corpse of the Heavenly Fire Phoenix, immediately refining his blood.

The Heavenly Fire Phoenix is ​​a beast, not a heavenly human race, and therefore different from the heavenly human race.

The celestial beings of Tianzun level have already been integrated into the soul of the sky and cannot be refined, but the beasts are different. They are promoted to the level of the heavens and will not condense the heavens soul.

The Heavenly Fire Sacred Phoenix is ​​a Heavenly Respect level. The bloodline has already been elevated to the extreme level, and has been lost after being killed. Therefore, the bloodline that is finally refined is the top level.

After a short while, Chen Zong had a small little dragon, about **** of the Heavenly Fire Phoenix, lingering on the palms of Chen Zong, permeating with a hint of mighty power.

The blood of the top-level Holy Fire Phoenix is ​​also amazing, and it is not inferior to that of the top-level eternal dark tree blood.

When he flipped his hands, Chen Zong immediately put away the blood of the Heavenly Fire Phoenix and the soul of the sky, and Chen Zong suddenly showed a smile.

Now that everything I need is done, it's time to leave.

He first killed Changhe Tianzun, then Shenguang Tianzun, and now killed Shengyan Tianzun, but Chen Zong was not planted with the bloodline curse as he had killed Shu Muyuan in the Great Black Empire at the time.

Bloodline curse is often a special method, not any bloodline.

In essence, the blood of the eternal dark tree is indeed the most advanced blood of the devil, and it is also a very special blood of the devil. In essence, the blood of Changhe Tianzun, Shenguang Tianzun and Shengyan Tianzun cannot be compared with it.

It is always a good thing that the bloodline curse has not been planted, and Chen Zong does not like having that stuff on him.

"It's time to leave." Chen Zong secretly said that although he could continue to stay, hunt down other heavenly souls to obtain heavenly souls, and look for superb bloodline refining, but if he ca n’t use them, he can replace them with divine elements. You can buy many treasures and so on, but Chen Zong always has a hint of crisis in her heart.

The longer you stay here, the greater the danger. After all, the purpose of your stay is to hunt more and kill more. Maybe it will cause any concern.

If you don't continue hunting, it doesn't make sense to stay here.

"Receive as soon as you see it." Chen Zong secretly rushed out of the Holy Volcano and left.

When Chen Zong rushed out of the holy volcano and flew away, the white magma lake inside the calm holy volcano suddenly fluctuated, and violently fluctuated, surging like a raging wave, surging for a while, bringing the heavenly fire holy phoenix and holy flame to the The body was engulfed.


A terrible roar rang from the holy volcano. It was dull, as if the drums were throbbing. The mighty sound continued to spread, impacting in all directions, and the holy volcano immediately shook.

Shengyanmen, thousands of miles away, didn't know that their ancestors had fallen, but they felt the abnormal fluctuations of the holy volcano, but they didn't take it to heart. After all, the ancestors were retreating inside the holy volcano, and there was nothing moving. It is estimated that it was the actions of the ancestors.

Even if the holy volcano is about to erupt, there are ancestors who can suppress it without worrying.

However, things have progressed beyond theirs

Unexpectedly, I do n’t know why the ancestors did n’t even take the shot. The holy volcano erupted. The terrible white lava spewed out of the holy volcano, soared into the sky, reached a kilometer altitude, and quickly spread and fell, covering all directions.

The rumbling sound kept ringing, the entire holy volcano was shaking, the endless white magma seemed to be turbulent and gushing, rolling down, covering a thousand miles, like a natural disaster.

Shengyan Gate was directly impacted.

"Stop it, stop it."

"What's going on, ancestor?"

Inside the Shengyan Gate, the door owner and a elder changed their appearances, and immediately opened the array with all their strength, to personally defend against the blast of the Holy Volcano magma.

As for their ancestors?

Where's the ancestor?

Already killed.


Above the sky, Jianguang galloped.

Chen Zong in Jianguang suddenly froze and frowned slightly. At that moment, there was a sense of palpitations in the air for no reason, as if there was any danger coming.

This feeling, mysterious and mysterious, is indescribable, but it is a kind of perception, a kind of perception originating from the depths of the soul, a perception of its own danger.

When danger comes, it may even threaten his life.

The speed surged, and Chen Zong flew away in a distant direction. Since even he felt that the danger was great, there was no need to face it. If he could avoid it, he would avoid it. After all, this is a world belonging to the heavenly human race. If the identity is exposed, Then the danger will increase.

It's just a pity that Chen Zong failed to leave in the end.

A whole white ship seemed to be burning with a layer of sacred flames. The warship broke out at an incredible speed, smashing through the sky and flying fast, each shuttle directly spanning tens of thousands of miles, reaching the extreme, even the extreme speed of the extreme Celestial Master could not match In comparison.

Although Chen Zong was very fast at full speed, he was still unable to compare with the soaring speed of this warship. Under the lock of breath, he was also pursued.

Can't escape!

Since you can't escape, find a chance.

The flash of the warship sprayed a light of holy white **** directly from the dragon head of the bow, the speed was amazing, and it suddenly broke the sky and bombed Chen Zong.

The strong breath locked Chen Zong, causing Chen Zong to feel a thrill, once he was hit, he would definitely be injured.

With a flash of his body, Chen Zong avoided it immediately.

Immediately afterwards, figures flew out of the battleship at an astonishing speed, and immediately flew in all directions, as if the pillars were standing, the atmosphere of each other surrounded each other, directly blocking the surroundings.

Four respects!

There are four strong men who are going to put up a formation, and they block the void in general, and Chen Zong is among them.

Chen Zong looked dignified, and with super strong perception, he could feel the breath from those four figures.


He is truly a four-day deity, even if it is just an ordinary deity, but there are still four.

However, the four ordinary Tianzuns, Chen Zong actually didn't take his heart into account. All his strength broke out, enough to defeat them, and it was not difficult to get out. Even if the opponents set up a large array, Chen Zong was sure to break.

What really caused Chen Zong to be frightened was the figure walking up from the warship, the figure of a mighty shore, wearing a white gold armor, which covered every part of the body, burning a faint layer. Behind the flame, there is a long cloak behind, that

The cloak has a red base, and there are many broken golden lines on it, which looks amazing.

The cloak was constantly wafting behind him, wandering an amazing power.

Such prestige surprised Chen Zong secretly.

Who is this

Such a breath is stronger than Shenguang Tianzun, and much more arrogant. It is definitely a Extreme Tianzun strong.

"Who are you?" The divine Emperor, in a white gold armor, opened his voice with a supreme majesty, as if Majesty the King ordered the world to be majestic, that majesty turned into a terrible coercion and directly oppressed Chen Zong.

"Who are you?" Chen Zong asked.

"Bold, it's not even polite to see the emperor." An ordinary Tianzun suddenly spoke angrily.

Chen Zong was surprised.

Great Emperor!

What emperor?

Such a mighty power, also known as the Great Emperor, is the Great Emperor of the Hui Dynasty.

Sure enough, it is indeed the first power of the Emperor Shenhui, and his power is truly arrogant and extremely horrifying.

Once in the Dark Age Empire of the Fragment of the Devil's Universe, the strongest person there was the Dark Age Emperor, but Chen Zong's strength at that time was far less than now, and in the end it was just an ordinary demonic level, and he was very reluctant Naturally, it is impossible to see such a powerful person as the Dark Lord.

Strength determines the level, and also determines knowledge to a certain extent.

Seeing the Emperor Shenhui, feeling his arrogance, Chen Zong emerged from the heart with an excitement, unexplainable excitement, seeing the excitement of the strong.

"Dare to provoke robberies in the dynasty, no matter where you come from, you must die." Emperor Shenhui was furious, and when he was furious, the whole body immediately erupted into an astonishing shock. The sacred pale flame was burning wildly into the sky, as if everything was going to happen. They were all burned, and the emptiness around them was distorted under the burning of this pale sacred fire, turning into a terrible vacuum.

With a bang, a pale dragon condensed by a pale sacred fire formed instantly, Zhangya dance claws broke through and killed Chen Zong. The horrible power directly locked Chen Zong, as if to swallow Chen Zong.

Imperious and boundless, the domineering meaning reaches the extreme, as if everything in heaven and underground must be surrendered to him.

Draw a sword!


Jian Guang broke the air, Chen Zong's best is not to dodge, but to attack and attack.

The moment when Jianguang slashed into the dragon ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ immediately broke apart, the dragon took a slight meal and collapsed directly, but in the next breath was guided by a magical power and turned into a huge dragon claw , Burning endless pale fire, fiercely breaking the air to kill Chen Zong.

That scratch, the trajectory is extremely mysterious, as if it fits into a certain mystery between heaven and earth, allowing Chen Zong to completely win a feeling that can't be avoided anyway.

Since you can't avoid it, don't dodge, cut!

Jianguang flashed and collided with that dragon claw, but it was just a short moment, and they fought hundreds of times. Each time they fought with terrible power, sparks sparked.

Chen Zong clearly felt that a terrible force permeated from the dragon's claw, and it seemed to destroy the sword of mind and then destroy his body. The force was extremely fierce and powerful, and it contained a kind of Amazingly overbearing, but that is not the true essence of this power. Its true essence is a power of purification, a power to purify everything.

The power of purification seems sacred, but in fact it is overbearing and full of destruction.

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