Sword God

Vol 46 Chapter 177: House of Spiritual Origins

Without the alternation of day and night, and the rotation of the sun, moon, and stars, Chen Zong was completely immersed in the tranquility of his heart. There was no cultivation and no enlightenment.

Forget it, immerse yourself.

At some point, Chen Zong was really awake, and emerged from the state of tranquility of his heart. The moment he just left, Chen Zong immediately felt that there seemed to be countless thoughts, such as the turbulent and turbulent seas, and the moment, As if to crush his mind and drown his will.

Fortunately, Chen Zong's mind and will were very strong and quickly adjusted.

That feeling was like the wind howling outside, and the doors and windows of the house were closed tightly, and the wind suddenly poured in through the doors and windows as soon as it was opened.

"Thank you, Lord God." Chen Zong walked in front of the God King, respectfully and respectfully performing the sword ceremony, his words were so calm.

If it were not for the guidance of the Great God King, he would be afraid that he would not realize this in the years to come.

The purity of the heart, the peace of the heart!

A word is better than reading thousands of books and traveling thousands of miles.

The true story is that sentence, that sentence, points out a direction for Chen Zong, so that Chen Zong can be enlightened.

How is the purity of the heart and the tranquility of the heart good for oneself?

At present, Chen Zong doesn't have any clear experience, but he intuitively tells himself that it must be useful and useful.

"You can enter the final stage of cultivation." The great **** Wang's eyes were peaceful and deep, like a magnificent ocean, like the boundless universe void.

"Please ask the King God." Chen Zong said respectfully.

"Go." The Great God King waved his hand, and his arm seemed to slide across the void of Shenxing like a magic knife, and directly scratched a void, which made Chen Zong's eyelids tremble unconsciously, and secretly scared.

Shenxing's space intensity is extremely amazing. He and Xutian Baihe fought fiercely again and again, failing to break them apart, let alone breaking them, even rippling ripples.

Chen Zong pays for himself, even if the armed ancient sword sword is full of one sword, it can't break the space of Shenxing, but now?

The King of the Gods made a stroke at his will, which so easily torn the space of the God Star, so understatement, it was simply appalling.

What is the strength of the Great God King?

Demigod Realm?

Chen Zong did not speculate on the higher real state, after all, the power of the semi-god state could not be measured, let alone the legendary real state.

"Remember, you have only one chance to enter the house of the gods, and stay as long as possible." The king of the king told him that he would no longer care about Chen Zong, and that white scratch was suddenly separated from left to right, as if being paired The invisible hands pull like a portal, forming an oval portal, permeating a white glow.

"House of Divine Origins." Chen Zong groaned again, wondering what it was?

It sounds like a house, but what exactly is it for?

do not know.

Only know after entering.

With a firm look, Chen Zong strode to the portal formed by that white scratch, and when he stepped in first, he developed a strange feeling, as if he had stepped into another piece of space and time, which is beyond words.

Stepping in the second step, the whole body was completely submerged.

At the corner of the great king's eyes, he saw Chen Zong completely step into the portal, and also felt Chen Zong

Really enter the house of the source of the gods, can not help but look forward to secretly.

The House of Spiritual Origins, which is a unique space created by the Great King of God with his own power, directly connects the unique space of the origin of the universe. In it, the origin of the universe can be seen more intuitively without being assimilated by it.

A piece of whiteness, endless whiteness, and boundless whiteness are directly in front of Chen Zong's eyes.

Everything up, down, left, and right is white, so white that it makes people palpitated, and it makes people unconsciously flustered.


Incomparably empty, nothing but a portal.

Standing here, Chen Zong directly felt an indescribable loneliness breeding from the heart, and his powerful cultivation and arrogant physical strength disappeared, along with the pure and arrogant sword As if disappeared.

An ordinary person!

At this moment, I am like an ordinary person.

Chen Zong was just surprised and calmed down instantly. There was no panic at all because of this. It was not the first time that he had experienced such a situation.

That power is still there, but for some reason I can't feel it for a while. As long as I leave here, a powerful power will return to myself.

Putting aside this doubt, Chen Zong immediately observed it further, but how to look at it, here is a seemingly empty white space. The color has been looking for a long time, and it is based on Chen Zong's strong will and mind. A trace of inexplicable panic was beyond containment.

Walk around!

Chen Zong walked slowly, and suddenly found that as he walked, his breathing seemed to be affected, and he lost a powerful force, as if being beaten back into an ordinary person. Breathing is instinct and necessary.

But the atmosphere here is very thin. When walking around, Chen Zong feels that his breathing has become rapid and unsmooth, as if he can't breathe enough, that feeling is like an ordinary person running on the plateau. , Almost choking.

Even if I stopped and didn't walk, the feeling of breathlessness that almost choked was still there, without dissipating at all.


Chen Zong heard that his heart was beating violently, becoming more and more fierce. In this situation, I was afraid that he would not be able to stay here for as long as he had to leave.

With a sudden flash of light in his mind, Chen Zong immediately thought of the tranquility of the heart that was grasped and enlightened by the guidance of the great **** king not long ago.

Between his breaths, Chen Zong's thoughts were gradually eliminated, and his heart became pure and peaceful, as if everything had been emptied, his mind was empty, and his body was also emptied. The feeling of suffocation faded and disappeared.

Suddenly Chen Zong gave birth to an enlightenment. The Great God King asked himself to grasp the peace of mind first, just to prepare for entering the house of the deities.

Here, only by mastering the tranquility of the mind and keeping it in this state of tranquility, can you stay longer, otherwise you will not be able to bear it for a short time and must leave.

In the quiet state of the heart, Chen Zong walked up again. This time, the feeling of shortness of breath and smoothness would not appear, like a fish getting water.

I don't know when a ray of light suddenly flashed, as if coming from nothingness, penetrating that piece of white driving, it was like a glow, like a dragon and snake dancing.

First, second, third ...

The rays of light spread from all directions, as if dancing in the sky, gradually

Gradually formed a piece, looks so magnificent and so beautiful, let Chen Zongqing can not help but stare away, there is a thrilling feeling, amazement.


However, Chen Zong felt the terrible power contained in the glow, the horror was boundless and pure.

It was a supreme breath, as if it contained the mystery of the thousands of avenues, the deepest mystery, the most direct mystery.

This kind of breath suddenly called Chen Zong to associate with the origin of the past, the origin of the world.

Are the mysteries contained in these glows also the mysteries of the origin?

There seemed to be a flash of aura in his mind, a little bit of starlight, and then combined. Chen Zong's thinking turned sharply, combining all kinds of inferences, and the result of the inference surprised Chen Zong.

The origin of the universe!

Those glows are most likely a manifestation of the origin of this chaotic universe.

The origin of the universe is theoretically the same as the origin of the world, but there are still the most fundamental differences, because the origin of the universe is more perfect and more sophisticated than the origin of the world. If it is metaphorical, it seems to be between ordinary people and God. gap.

The origin of the world is like ordinary people, and the origin of the universe is like God.

God may be cultivated by human beings, but becoming a God has freed people from the shackles of human beings and became a more intelligent being.

There is no difference.

The origin of the world is relatively good. You can directly comprehend it, but the origin of the universe is different. Unless you are a demigod, you can face the origin of the universe directly to observe and understand the mysteries contained in it, because the demigod is strong. Sufficient to withstand the power of the universe, which is constantly evolving from time to time, not for practitioners below the demi-god.

The origin of the universe is the fusion of the power of the entire universe. It is the core of the core. It contains the deepest and most intuitive mysteries of the origins of the thousands of avenues. Each is extremely powerful. When they are fused together, they emit The breath will also merge together.

Maybe one breath is nothing, the true sanctuary can bear it, two breaths are not much, ten breaths are not much, but one hundred breaths, one thousand breaths, ten thousand breaths, and more When the breath is fused together, it is like thousands of small streams converge into a sea of ​​oceans. A heavy wave and a roar can destroy everything.

Even if it is a strong person at the super-sacred level, it cannot bear the radiation of the power emitted from the origin of the universe, and it will be defeated and turned into nothingness in a short time.

Even many gods ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ cannot directly face the origins of the universe, such as the magic heart. Once the face of the universe is directly assimilated, it is assimilated and completely integrated into the origin of the universe, it is equivalent to death.

The House of Spiritual Origins allows the radiant power of the universe's origin to enter into it, manifesting itself as a glow, deducing a unique mystery, and allowing the gods entering the House of Spiritual Origins, etc., to understand the mystery and not be assimilated.

To say that among the gods in the entire chaotic universe, who can face the origin of the universe, only the great **** king.

In the entire Chaos Universe, there is only one Great God King.

Even if those god-level gods want to enter the source of the gods, it is not easy. Chen Zong's entry here is indeed a lucky move, but it is also because Chen Zong's performance is very outstanding Amazement, only then was willing to give Chen Zong such a chance.

Xia Guangwan, dancing and long sky, performed in front of Chen Zong thousands of mysteries, Chen Zong immediately seized the opportunity and quietly realized.

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