Sword God

Vol 11 Chapter 32: Depot

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There are nine-level monsters in the Rainbow Valley, which are terrifying monsters belonging to the extreme world of the extraordinary people. Even the pseudo-transcendent martial arts soldiers do not dare to create too much movement to avoid attracting the attention of the nine-level monsters.

But at this time, the ground shaking roared, and the tens of meters tall tree seemed to be hit by an ancient beast. After shaking, it fell to the side, and the sound of clicking and clicking kept on, and the tree was broken by brute force. sound.

The birds were frightened and the wind and clouds shattered. A figure rushed out of the dust of the sky. The wind flew across the two kilometers, and then the sleeve of the robe swept gently over a branch, and flew forward again.

Suddenly, a huge shadow rushed out, rolling up the broken wood.

It was a black ape, which was five or six meters high. The black hair seemed to glow with black gems, and the whole body exuded an amazing breath fluctuation, bringing extremely terrifying coercion.

The apes had silver hair on their heads, and they beat like flames as they ran.

This is an eighth-level monster, a silver-maned black iron ape with eighth-level subordinates, born with terrible strength and amazing physique, extremely fierce.

The eighth-level lower-level monster is equivalent to the seven levels of Zhenwu Realm, but it is more powerful than the ordinary seven-level realm, and the silver-maned black iron ape is not an ordinary eight-level lower-level monster, even if it is an ordinary Zhenwu realmight. Can kill it.

It's not that Chen Zong challenged this silver-maned black iron ape. After all, there is a big difference. There is no difference between pure and looking for death. It is just that this silver-maned black iron ape feels the scent of Chen Zong during hunting. Come.

The silver-maned black iron ape is best at strength and amazing physique. It is not excellent in speed, but it cannot stand up to a lot higher than Chen Zong. When he ran away with his feet on his feet, he ignored all obstacles in front and turned the big tree and stone. One after another broke and shattered, nothing could stop the overbearing fierce.


The pressure of life and death, such as the invisible mountain suppression on the body, made Chen Zong very uncomfortable. A burst of vertical and horizontal power rolled like a river, and the way of swept across all directions was exerted to the extreme.

The cultivation of the triple peak of Zhenwu Realm, however, no matter the magnificence or purity of Zhenli, Chen Zong is far better than the ordinary triple peak sportsman of Zhenwu Realm, which is enough to compare with the real Wuwu Realm.

In the realm of understanding the truth, the heaven and earth aura gathers themselves, making the body lighter and faster, and Rao can only lead it barely.

Chen Zong devoted himself to his bodywork and had previously fought back, but the two swords beheaded on the silver-maned black iron ape, leaving only two white scratches, which could not cause even minor injuries. It was better to save strength.

Chasing and chasing, suddenly, the silver-maned black iron ape paused, and a trace of dread appeared in the bloodthirsty eyes, as if there was something in front of it that made it awesome or even afraid.

Chen Zong also noticed that the silver-maned black iron ape stopped, looked back, and caught the dread in the eyes of the silver-maned black iron ape.

There will be only one possibility for this kind of reaction from the fierce and powerful monsters such as the silver-maned black iron ape.

Thinking of that possibility, Chen Zong could not help but feel scalp tingling.


A monster that is more powerful than the silver-maned black iron ape.

At least eight middle-class monsters.

It may also be a top eight monster.

If it is grade eight, the silver-maned black iron ape will not be half afraid, but if it is grade nine, the silver-maned black iron ape will run as far as possible.

But no matter what the grade is, he can't compete anyway now. Chen Zong can't help but feel like he has just gotten rid of the tiger's mouth and got wolves.

Sure enough, a terrible violent breath approached from a distance, and immediately, like a flash of electricity, a leopard with a black body exuding a demon-like atmosphere appeared not far away.

The body is not big, and is similar to an ordinary leopard, but it makes Chen Zong dare not move for a while. Fortunately, the broken golden eyes of the leopard just passed Chen Zong and landed on the silver-maned black iron ape. Come, this human is too weak and too weak, but the ape is a bit threatening.

"Hei Ming You Leopard ..." Chen Zong secretly read a book about the monsters of the Rainbow Mountain before entering the Rainbow Valley, especially the monsters inhabiting the Rainbow Valley.

"The eighth-grade medium-class product is good at speed. Its claws are extremely sharp, and it is more capable of guarding the flames. If it is a battle with the silver-maned black iron ape, this is the time for me to get out."

Chen Zong hoped that the two beasts would fight each other, otherwise he would be more dangerous.

Fortunately, Black Underworld Leopard felt that he was not a threat.


The silver-maned black iron ape made a violent roar at the black lingering fire leopard. The sound waves were rolling and the waves were heavy. Chen Zong, a kilometer away, had a feeling of being shattered.

Alas, the Black Nether Fire Leopard turned into a black electro-optic light, which instantly tears the sound waves and kills the silver mane and black iron ape.

The silver-maned black iron ape also responded very quickly, raising a punch, swelled his arm, and filled with violent power, and then bombarded it fiercely, like a mountain smashed, and Chen Zong, who was thousands of miles away, could feel that terrible Extreme coercion.


Do not wait any longer at this time.

When the octagonal body-strengthening method was performed to the extreme, Chen Zong passed over two thousand five hundred meters in an instant before he was hunted down. This body-method achieved a breakthrough under the pressure of life and death.

Alas, in the blink of an eye, Chen Zong was far away from 10,000 meters, but he did not dare to relax at all, and the kind of breath fluctuations coming from behind him were still extremely strong, as if there was a back.

Ten thousand meters is not safe, even 100,000 meters is not safe. The speed of the black underworld fire leopard can cross in a very short time and catch up with itself.

Relying on the physical method is also expected to deal with the silver mane and the black iron ape, and encounter the black underworld fire leopard, unless you use the red thunder sword, otherwise you will die.

Gradually, the sound of the silver-maned black iron ape became smaller and weaker, and the breath of the collision became weaker and weaker, until finally disappeared, Chen Zongfang was relieved.

Finally got out.

This feeling of running from life to death made Chen Zong feel very irritated, his blood was boiling, and it was also the charm of sharpening.

Looking around, there are still trees and vines, and mountains and rocks, there is nothing strange.

Chen Zong did not leave in a hurry, but looked for a place to stop and resume the power of running out of power.

After full recovery, Zongzhenzhen seems to have strengthened a little.

Drawing a sword, the cross sword light broke through the air and beheaded, sharp and overbearing, invincible.

Crossword Sword Sixteenth Style!

This is Chen Zong's strongest sword.

One sword is vertical, one sword is horizontal, two swords are combined, and they are invincible.

The mighty cross sword light straddled dozens of meters, and slashed on a boulder of a dozen meters high, breaking instantly.

"How come?" Chen Zong was surprised.

Although this sword can't be better than the silver mane and black iron ape, it is an eighth-level monster that is famous for its strength and physique, which is not comparable to a stone.

Even the refined steel will be chopped and chopped by this sword, it will be like now, except that the vine above is chopped, and the whole boulder pattern is intact and intact.

"Is it a treasure?" Chen Zong's eyes brightened, his body flickered, and he appeared like an electric light in front of the megalith. The sword light splattered and cut the vines entangled on the megalith.

Looking carefully from top to bottom, how do you see this huge stone is a very ordinary stone, Chen Zong could not help but chop a sword on it, but was rebounded, leaving no trace of sword.

"This feeling ..." Chen Zong's eyes lit up: "It is the protection of the transcendental power."

A stone is covered by the power of the transcendental powerhouse. Why?

After careful identification, a small line of characters was found at the bottom of the boulder. Each character was as large as a mosquito, and it was clear that it was not intended to be seen, but if it was not intended to be seen, there was no need to leave these handwritings. Chen Zong also did not understand the thoughts of the extraordinary superpower who had left his handwriting.

The keen eyes could clearly see the small line of handwriting clearly.

"The sunburst emperor's treasure can find your chance."

"The Rising Sun Emperor!" Chen Zong is not the little rookie who knew nothing about the extraordinary world before, and his heart was astonished by shocking waves.

There are three realms of transcendence: human pole, earth spirit, and heaven.

The peak of human extremes can be called the king. For example, the king of mixed heavens is a strong peak of human extremes.

The peak of the earth's spiritual realm can be called emperor.

The peak of Tian Xuan Jing can be called emperor.

Kings, emperors, and emperors are status symbols in the secular dynasty, but in the world of extraordinary martial arts, they are not only status symbols, but also strength symbols.

Rising Sun Emperor, this is a top spirit peak powerhouse.

It is said that there are no Emperor Powers in the four major Zhongzong gates.

Thinking of this, Chen Zong couldn't help getting excited.

This is a thing left by the Emperor's strong, a treasure, so he is a so-called destined person.

This boulder was covered and protected by the power of the Rising Sun Emperor. I don't know how many years. As for the so-called treasure, it is not within this boulder, otherwise Chen Zong really has no way to break it.

Digging through the hard soil below the handwriting, Chen Zong found a black ring.

"This is the treasure?" Chen Zong shattered the soil above, and looked carefully.

The whole body is black with three dark golden lines interlaced on it, which looks quaint and seems to fluctuate with a hint of mystery.

"Is it a pseudo-spiritual?" Chen Zong speculated that ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ shook his head immediately. For an emperor named Emperor, the pseudo-spiritual is not a treasure at all.

"Is it a magical weapon?" This speculation shocked Chen Zong.

To this day, Chen Zongke still hasn't seen real magical tools, and knows very little about them. After all, even in the vertical and horizontal Jianzong, the number of spiritual tools is very small and the value is very high.

"It is rumored that the magic weapon can drip blood to recognize the Lord, let me try it." With a secret voice, Chen Zong cut his finger and squeezed out a drop of blood. The blood was mixed with a trace of spiritual power and dropped on the black ring.

Under normal circumstances, the blood should slip off the surface of the ring, but it is not, but is absorbed.

"Is it really a magic weapon?" Chen Zong was more excited.

A magical weapon, but it is a treasure that even the most powerful people in the world are rushing towards.

As that drop of blood was absorbed, and the spiritual power contained in the blood was also absorbed, Chen Zong felt that there was a trace of inexplicable connection between the black ring and the black ring, as if the black ring was gradually becoming one with himself.

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