Sword God

Vol 12 Chapter 10: My sword photo

(Second more)

"Is it really him ..." There was a flash of light in Ding Tiange's deacon's head, and he shook his head immediately.

"It can't be him. He looks so young. Even if he is talented, his cultivation is at most three times the true martial arts. But there are five true martial arts soldiers in the Bai family."

Despite this, the deacon of Dingtiange couldn't let go of this idea and kept thinking and suspicion.

Subsequently, those Zhenwu Realm warriors from the Zhenwu Alliance arrived.

"The news of Dingtiange is the most informed. I don't know what happened to the Bai family's destruction." The Seventh Military Commander of Zhenwu Realm of Zhenwu Alliance directly asked.

"It happened too suddenly, and we are still investigating." Deacon Ding Tiange thought a lot of thoughts, and wanted to say his guess, but he held back and responded with the same look.

"Um." Nodded, the soldiers of Zhenwu Alliance turned around and left.

Indeed, the incident happened too suddenly, it broke out without any sign at all, and it was extremely short-lived. It was beheaded by thunder, and Dingtiange had no news and was normal.

The news was blocked as much as possible, but the incident last night spread out, causing great repercussions and panic in Fengwu City.

Some are afraid, fearing that they will become the next target of annihilation, trembling, while others are very happy, because the Bai family's style of work is very overbearing, under the control of Feng Wucheng, there can be no opposition, otherwise it will be regarded as The rebellion has serious consequences.

Now that the Bai family is destroyed, they are equal to revenge. They are relieved and feel refreshed, but at the same time there is a kind of inexplicable consternation. Then the powerful Bai family said that the destruction of the door would destroy the door, or in a short night. There was no big news at all.

Who is the killer?

Who is the killer?

Everyone is guessing that the people of Zhenwu Alliance also sent personnel to help with the investigation. Dingtian Pavilion is also in the operation, looking for all clues.

What about killing the white family?

At this moment, Chen Zong did not leave, but stayed in Fengwu City, in the room on the third floor of an inn, leaning on the window, Chen Zong looked out.

Through this window, Chen Zong can see the Baijia Mansion in the distance, and can also see the soldiers of the Zhenwu Alliance who blocked the surroundings.

In the final analysis, the Bai family is a very good force in the Zhenwu Alliance, and it was suddenly destroyed. For the Zhenwu Alliance, it is a loss of strength and a loss of prestige.

The killer must be identified.

The killer must be severely punished.

In this way, the prestige of Zhenwu Alliance can be restored.

However, it is difficult for them to find Chen Zong.

After looking at it for a while, Chen Zong looked back.

After the Bai family was destroyed, Chen Zong could feel the slight changes in his heart.

Take a deep breath and exhale slowly. The white breath radiates like a sword breath, turning into a gust of wind when it spreads.

Howling sounded throughout the room.

Chen Zong's eyes gradually closed, but there were many scenes in his mind.

Entering Qiyao Wuyuan and clashes with children of the Bai family, the scene after scene flashed past like a horse, but every picture was very clear.

Finally, the scene was fixed in Bai Family's destruction.

At that time, they clashed with the Bai family in Qiyao Wuyuan. In fact, it was not a big contradiction, not even grievances. At best, it was a kind of young people's competition.

However, the Bai family apparently looked down on them and looked down on others, which led to a small struggle to become a life-and-death hatred, which was beyond control in the end.

Since then, the Bai family has left a dark seed in Chen Zong's heart.

What the Bai family did to the Chen family was tantamount to allowing that dark seed to germinate and grow.

Destroying the Bai family is tantamount to plucking out the seeds that have sprouted and grown inside, so that Chen Zong's spiritual will and mood have been sublimated.

Inside, more and more clear, and more and more clear mind, gradually, Chen Zong's breathing became long and delicate, difficult to detect.

Gradually, all the breath of Chen Zong was silent and disappeared.

It wasn't the kind of restraint before, but it really disappeared. Even if someone approached the room, it was difficult to find Chen Zong, even if he was sitting by the window.

This is a state.

It is a very realm, and Chen Zong is in this realm at this moment. Even he himself is not sure what it is.

Consciousness is chaotic, as if wandering in the darkness, looking for light, but also as a wanderer in a foreign land looking for a way home.

There is no anxiety, no anxiety, all there is is a lot of patience, a kind of quiet and peaceful, a kind of leisurely comfort.

Let go of chase, let go of grudges, let go of everything ...

Not aware of the passage of time.


After some investigation, some people from Zhenwu Alliance went to the mine.

"It seems to have something to do with this."

Looking around, there is a piece of scorched land, which was obviously burned by a blazing fire and burned everything, leaving no trace at all, let alone investigating.

However, it is also certain that the destruction of the Bai family may have something to do with it.

Looking at the entrance to the mine, no useful traces were found, and the people of Zhenwu Alliance planned to leave.

Suddenly, subtle movements attracted the attention of Zhenwu Alliance and others. After all, they were all powerful Zhenwu realms. They quickly looked back one by one, and glanced vaguely at the entrance of the mine.

"Go." As soon as the leader's voice fell, he quickly rushed into the mine, and soon caught a person.


It seemed like I was asleep for a long time, and slowly woke up.

Everything was exhausted, refreshed, and Chen Zong's eyelids twitched and lifted slightly. The clear eyes seemed to be mirrors, reflecting everything in front of them, and they seemed to be deep and contain a world.

A sense of mystery and mystery breeds from the bottom of my heart, and quietly permeates, like a kind spring breeze.

Closing my eyes again, but everything in contact with the whole body has not disappeared, and is clearly visible like the eyes are directly looking, and the fine dust floating in the air is also clearly felt by Chen Zong.

This feeling is very wonderful.

Reborn is wonderful.

"Budo and Kendo, the combination of body and sword, is known as the triple realm."

"The first priority is to unify oneself, unify one's own strength, unify martial arts, and unify weapons."

"Second, it is for spiritual martial arts, its own power is spiritual, martial arts is spiritual, and weapons are spiritual."

"The third priority is for Zhao Xuan, to see Xuan Miao."

"The first level of returning to the realm, I have already mastered it, but the second level of spiritual martial arts, but only master most of it, has not yet mastered it completely. I did not expect that by chance, I realized the third level.

The triple-border realm of body-sword combination has always been divided into high and low levels. One is stronger than the other, and the more profound is more profound. However, there is no stipulation on which one must be fully grasped to grasp the next one.

Of course, it will be smoother to fully understand the previous one and then grasp the next one, but there are always geniuses who break the rules.

Like Chen Zong.

The Bai family annihilated the door, and the lurking luster in its heart disappeared. The past accumulation broke out at this instant, and the realm broke through.

Zhao Xuan!

The sword is like a mirror and the heart is like a mirror.

The mystery of Wu, the mystery of the sword.

In the past, Chen Zong's understanding of the triple realm of body and sword integration was limited to the first two, and it can even be said that the first realm is more clear, and the second realm of spiritual and military realm is incomplete. After all, the Yunlong dynasty is in this It is lacking.

After becoming a swordsman of the Jianzong Sect, you can read a lot of books, and you can also ask the veteran Yuanlingzi for more information.

Whether it is the first level of returning to the realm or the second level of the spiritual and military realm, it can be divided into three small levels.

Previously, Chen Zong was considered as the second layer of mastering the second-level spirit-wu realm.

Today, it is still the second layer of mastering the realm of Lingwu, but it also happens to realize the third realm of Zhaoxuan.

Zhao Xuan, mysterious and mysterious, is extremely mysterious, opening up a new world for Chen Zong, seeing a deeper and higher realm.

This photoxuan is also divided into three levels as in the previous two. Then Chen Zong is now stepping into the first floor, and can feel the floating of dust in the air, so he can respond faster.

This is an unexpected gain, which makes Chen Zong very happy.

Exhaling a breath, Chen Zong stood up and looked out of the window again, observing the movement at the Baijia Mansion. Suddenly, his pupils contracted like needles, and his face was covered with chill.

Although far apart, Chen Zong's eyesight is amazing, even if he is thousands of meters away.

Forty people, forty or more look thin and familiar.

Chen Zongneng was sure that he was not mistaken. It was the Chen family who had previously hid in the mine.

"How could it be here?" Chen Zong's heart burst into doubt.

Forty or more people, not many, were all concentrated outside the house of the Bai family.

Chen Zong, who had entered the mine, personally had a very complicated route. If people who did not know the route entered, it would be easy to get lost. It would be difficult to find them.

This is why Chen Zong reassured them to hide in the mine first.

But now these forty or so people are here.

Have you been enlightened for a long time this time?

Checking the time, it is less than a day, why is this happening?

Chen Zong frowned, wondering which part went wrong.

Take a deep breath and suppress the anger and murderous heart ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ These people want to save, but they cannot save it blindly.

After thinking for a while, Chen Zong got up and walked out of the guest room. Then he walked out of the inn. He had to check the news and make specific arrangements.

"If he comes to save you, you may live."

"If he doesn't come to save you, then you have no choice but to die."

The warrior of Zhenwu Alliance said with a cold face.

These forty people couldn't help shaking.

It wasn't long before I saw hope, thinking that I could live better, but the result was only a day or two, but it was knocked down again.

The feeling of getting hope and falling into despair almost made them collapse, one by one shaking.

No one wants to die, they can only hope that Chen Zong came to rescue them.

"Chen Zong, this is a trap. Don't come here." Chen Wuxiong said in his heart that he would be caught here because they were not careful enough.

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