Sword God

Vol 12 Chapter 14: arrival

(The first is more, the enemy is too crazy)

"Don't kill me." The last robber scared back and forth on the ground.

Several other robbers had fallen into a pool of blood, slashing blood on the mountain sword.

Chen Chuyun stepped out one step, the sword broke through, the last robber's brows were merciless.

Luo Sha Jian Nu is very famous for her ruthlessness and hard-handedness to the enemy.

Quickly searched, and found out a lot of energy pills and Dan pills from these robbers, and also found more than 30,000 money tickets, which is quite a good harvest.

After a short rest, the crowd set off again.

Whenever robbers were settled by Chen Zhuyun, the pursuit of Zhenwu Alliance did not reappear.

There are turbulent rivers ahead and endless, and there are hundreds of uniformly dressed bodies lying next to it, and there are many scattered horseshoe marks on the ground.

"Crossing this river, you can enter the real Wumen boundary." Chen Chuyun said that nowadays, Chen Zong does not understand the division of the eastern land boundary. Forty Chen family members have been working in the mine, even less clear.

"How to live?" A Chen family stared at the surging river, hundreds of meters wide, and frowned.

Looking around, there is no space, no trees or the like, and naturally no raft or anything can be made.

"I'll take you there." Chen Zong said.

As soon as the voice fell and his body flashed, Chen Zong caught the two of them and flew like a big bird, passing across the surface of the river hundreds of meters in an instant and landing on the opposite bank.

Immediately stunned, it was amazing that they could fly hundreds of meters so fast.

Putting down the two, Chen Zong turned back instantly, flew hundreds of meters in an instant, and grabbed them again.

Repeatedly back and forth like this, but in just a dozen breaths, all the Chen family members crossed the river to the other side.

One by one feels like dreaming, too fast, it's too fast.

To Chen Zong's strength and experience, Chen Chuyun became more and more curious, but she was sober, because this is not the time to elaborate.

Upon entering the realm of Zhenwumen, the forty Chen family members were relieved, and Chen Zong was also slightly relieved. After all, they kept moving and kept their spirits tense, always paying attention to everything around them. The burden is not small.

The realm of Zhenwumen is the smallest of the three major forces, occupying only one main city of Wangwu. The direction of Chen Zong and others naturally goes to the main city of Wangwu.

"Stop, who are you? Where do you come from?"

Not long after, Chen Zong and others were surrounded by a group of horsemen.

This group of martial arts warriors is the warrior of Zhenwumen who is in charge of border patrols, in order to prevent people with Zhenwu Alliance from sneaking in and sabotaging them secretly.

The Zhenwu Alliance naturally sent martial arts soldiers to stay at the border. Only those hundreds of corpses that had fallen into the pool of blood were precisely that they had to do something to Chen Zong and others, and the consequence was death.

There are dozens of martial arts in this group, each of them is a strength training practice, quite not weak.

"My name is Chen Zong. I was a disciple of the True Sword Academy, and now I am taking the Zhen family with the surviving members of the Chen family." Chen Zongbu Xubuji said.

It can be seen that with the exception of Chen Zong and Chen Chuyun, everyone looked exhausted, and some even died, without any threat.

"I'll let someone take you into the city to meet the city leader first." The captain of this warrior said with a frown.

"There is labor." Chen Zong also said politely.

Soon there were two martial artists leading the way, taking Chen Zong and others to go forward. In view of the situation of the Chen family, they slowed down.

But there are still some people who can't keep up and have to walk on their backs.

The nearest Wucheng, named Xinwucheng, belongs to a border Wucheng. It has a weak guarding force. The owner of the city is a seven-armed martial artist. His Majesty still has a lot of martial arts soldiers.

"Your lord is Chen Zong?" The owner of the city covered his face with a beard and a rough face, staring at Chen Zong between his twinkling eyes, as if to see Chen Zong through.

"I'm Chen Zong." Chen Zong responded.

"A hero is a boy." The city owner was immediately impressed: "It is hard to imagine that Your Excellency is so young but possesses such strong strength that he can destroy the Bai family by himself."

Chen Zong was surprised, the other party already knew the news, but think about it too, Donglu is standing on three feet. This information is very important. I am afraid that there will be spies from other forces in each force, and they will send the latest news to themselves at any time. Among the forces.

A few days have passed since Chen Zong destroyed the Bai family. It is reasonable that news came back.

However, looking at the other party, it seems that the warriors of the Zhenwu Alliance have not been killed by themselves, it should be that the news has not yet arrived here.

But destroying the white house is enough to bring a lot of deterrence.

"Chen Zong, you are the Chen Zong who was wanted by the Zhenwu Alliance a few years ago?" Exclaimed a Zhenwujing Liuzhong beside him.

"It's me." Chen Zong's unabashed acknowledgement brought even greater shock.

A few years ago, they all wanted the Zhenwu Alliance. They all knew that because they were once members of the Zhenwu Alliance, but belonged to different factions.

A mighty martial artist who was wanted and chased away a few years ago is now a powerful man who can destroy the Bai family. This transformation is too gorgeous.

They realized just one point, what tyrant Wu Tianjiao, bitter dust Tianjiao and Ziyue Tianjiao, compared with Chen Zong, nothing.

Even if it is the most powerful domineering Tianjiao, now it is just the fourfold cultivation of Zhenwu Realm.

Zhenwu Realm was rebuilt as a quadruple. No matter how powerful it was, it was at best a battle with Zhenwu Realm. It did not destroy Baijia's strength at all.

Today, such a super genius has to rely on Zhenwumen, which is enough to enhance the high-end combat power of Zhenwumen.

"Chen Xiaozong, I'll take you to the main city of Wang Wu to meet the doorkeeper." The bearded new Wucheng master Meng Xinping said quickly, usually he wants to guard this new Wucheng, but this is a big thing, or he must bring Chen Zong took a trip safely.

"Not in a hurry, I will take the tribe on the road." Chen Zong said.

"I have a suggestion." Meng Xinping said again: "I heard that your clan people are not in good physical condition. It is better to stay here for a few days to rest and then arrange a team of escorts to **** them to the main city of Wangwu to meet you meeting."

"That's fine." Chen Zong agreed for a moment.

Bringing more than forty ethnic groups here, even if they were rescued, gave them a guarantee of life. For the time being, they stayed in Xinwu City for recuperation for a few days, and then went to the main city of Wangwu.

As for Chen Chuyun, Chen Zong would bring it along.

Explaining the situation to more than 40 ethnic groups, the reactions were mixed, but since Chen Zong has already made a decision, he cannot tolerate interference, especially those who have disappointed himself.

"Sister Yun, let's go." Chen Zong said, set off with Meng Xinping, and rode on the red pupil glazed horse.

Although the speed of the red pupil Liuli horse is very fast, there is still a gap with the speed of Zhenwu real warriors, especially the seven heavy warriors of real warfare.

Chen Chuyun's speed can't be compared with Zhenwu Realm, but Chen Zong grabbed her hand and led her to move forward quickly. In this regard, Chen Chuyun didn't feel half embarrassed or polite. No need to be polite.

It seemed that I was going to try Chen Zong's speed. Meng Xinping unfolded 80% of the speed, and found that Chen Zong was able to keep up, and then speeded up. At 90%, Chen Zong was still able to follow.

10% speed!

Chen Zong was not left behind, and looked calm.

Meng Xinping was shocked. He had already achieved a speed of 10%, and Chen Zong was not only able to keep up with it, but also took a person.

What does this mean?

Explain that the opponent's speed must be at least above himself.

At the same time, Meng Xinping also felt the breath fluctuation of Chen Zong's body.

Zhenwu Realm Sixth Late!

In his twenties, he has the sixth-stage cultivation of Zhenwu Realm, and the speed is faster than the ordinary seventh of Zhenwu Realm. What three big Tianjiao don't even match shoes, is this a monster?

Meng Xinping became more and more determined to have a good relationship with Chen Zong. Yes, taking Chen Zong to the main city of Wang Wu in person was the first step in building a relationship.

The main city of Wangwu is located far behind the boundary of Zhenwumen, while Xinwu City is located at the forefront boundary. The distance between the two cities is quite long.

However, neither Chen Zong nor Meng Xinping can be compared with ordinary martial arts. The speed is extremely fast ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ There is almost no stop, and they are quickly moving.

Especially Chen Zong, even with Chen Chuyun alone, did not add much burden, Zhenli's recovery speed was amazingly fast.

Occasionally Meng Xinping needs to rest and restore Zhenli, other times are on his way, and finally, the outline of the main city of Wang Wu appears before the three.

This is Chen Zong's first visit to the main city of Wang Wu.

Speaking of the five main cities in Donglu, Chen Zong has also visited Jiwu main city and Zhenwu main city before, and the other three have not yet set foot.

Meng Xinping, as the master of the new Wucheng city, has an extraordinary status. He naturally entered the main city of Wangwu without being blocked and went straight to the headquarters of Zhenwumen.

Zhenwumen is the largest force in this area, the direct ruler, but the master of Zhenwumen is not the master of the main city of Wangwu, but is served by others.

"Please tell the doorkeeper, Meng Xinping, the city's master of Xinwu City, has important matters to ask for." Meng Xinping said to the gatekeeper outside Zhenwu Gate.

The other party was drowsy. When he heard that it was the owner of Xinwu City, he quickly sobered up, said a moment, and hurriedly went to the entrance to report.

Soon, the other party came out again, with a smile and a respectful look, and invited Meng Xinping into it. As for Chen Zong and Chen Chuyun, he didn't care much. After all, he looked very young and thought it was Meng Xinping. Of the younger generation.

Meng Xinping also did not explain specifically, first saw the doorkeeper of Zhenwumen and then said.

Along the way, Meng Xinping also told Chen Zong a lot of information about martial arts, of course, those that can be heard, some hidden information will not be arbitrarily said, after all, from some kind of In a sense, Chen Zong is not yet a member of Zhenwumen.

The master of Zhenwumen is a real elder in the Zhenwu Alliance before. He has extraordinary strength and is also the grandfather of Shangyue Zhenlong, Ziyue Tianjiao, one of the three great Tianjiao.

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