Sword God

Vol 12 Chapter 21: 1 person in town (on)

(It's doubled, thank you all the brothers and sisters who voted for rewards, thank you, thank you, Liu Da first offers the third)

The corpse was everywhere, and the blood flowed into the river.

At first glance, it was shocking, bloody, the smell of death was extremely strong, and the tyrannical atmosphere of a monster was still left.

Chen Zong was standing, his swords were sheathed, and the whole man looked light and light, as if he was not fighting.

The elders of the three elders and Meng Xinping looked like ghosts, with complex expressions.

As for the real man in Yunyun, he is waving a sword against the real man in Heishui.

After the demonization, the arms of the real man in Blackwater seem to become black poisonous snakes, and from time to time, he emits violent cold and poisonous gas. The last time the real man in the cloud must dodge carefully, which makes it difficult to show his strength, but this time is different.

The real power cultivated by the top-grade Gongfu method is stronger, the power of the top-grade swordsmanship is stronger, and the body and sword are integrated into the second layer of the realm of the realm. The strength is not comparable to two months ago.


The real man in Heishui was shocked to find that he had been suppressed, and could only passively resist the long sword attack of the real man in Yunyun.

Kill kill!

The sword light turned into flowing clouds, spreading away, and there was a vast expanse of white on the top, left, and right. The real person in Blackwater felt as if he had fallen into the sea of ​​clouds, and it was difficult to distinguish between the east and the west.

Immediately, the real person in the fantasy cloud took the sword and returned to the sheath, and then stepped back a few steps. The white sword-like light disappeared, and the real person in the black water shuddered, and the snoring sounded one after another.

The neck, shoulders, arms and joints, arms and wrists, chest, waist, legs, joints of legs, etc. have been opened one after another. There is blood radiating, and terrible true power rages in the body.

"You ..." The real man in Heishui was trembling with fingers, and he pointed at the real man in Phantom Cloud even more weakly. His viper-like face was filled with incredible shock, his eyes turned black, dizzy, and he fell forward.

Huanyun's real person's look remained unchanged, but he was relieved in his heart, his eyes glanced, and there was no one in the black demon door, no other black demon door warrior, had already fled.

"Is this what we did?"

At this moment, the three elders, the real person of Yunyun and Meng Xinping are even more shocked.

To be precise, it is not us, but Chen Zong alone, they believe that even if they do not come, Chen Zong can do it.

Only now they understand that Chen Zong is not arrogant or crazy, but has this strength.

"Three elders, you should go back to the main city of Wang Wu first, and send a group of people to guard Feiwu City." Chen Zong said politely: "Then the two people don't have to come again."

"Yes, deputy keeper." The three elders were sincerely convinced, and did not question Chen Zong's orders half.

"Uncle Yun and Elder Meng chase after me." As soon as Chen Zong's voice fell, his body swept forward like a wind.

During the fighting just before, the other warriors of Heiyuemen have retreated, but they are too short for them to withdraw.

"Really ..." The three elders looked at the back of Chen Zong's departure, and for a moment did not know how to describe it. The feeling was like dreaming.

Yes, it is dreaming.

One late stage of Zhenwu Realm, but after three demonizations of Zhenwu Reality, Yae and two demonizations of True Martial Realm, nine sieges were more than enough, and in turn killed all five of them, and showed no signs of injury. .

It's just a big joke.

If the three elders did not see it with their own eyes, they would not believe it.

"I don't know what expression they will have when they know?" The elders suddenly thought of the second elder and elder elder and the doormen's reaction after hearing the news, and smiled, and then frowned, because he thought of the two true martial realms Yae.

It's too shameful to be shameful. When you go back, you must punish him.

Without hesitation, the three elders set off immediately and hurried back to the main city of Wang Wu. To dispatch a group of warriors to guard the captured Fei Wu City, they must also bring a group of people to assist Chen Zong. .


Jian Guang was so cold and cold that he passed by the crowd.

The sword was so beautiful that it crossed nearly perfect arcs, hundreds of meters, and hundreds of heads flew up.

The retreating black demon gate martial arts were all crazy and frightened inexplicably.

This Shura-like lunatic even caught up, so what about those adults? Was it all killed?

The blood spray, like a rainbow of blood, and a blood rain again, so captivating.

Kill kill!

Shura on the battlefield was merciless.

Two silver sword lights with a length of more than ten meters tore through the sky, staggered, and swept across the world in all directions. Everything was broken and unbreakable. The ground was broken into two deep trenches, and the sky seemed to be divided into four petals.

Hundreds of black demon gate practicing strength warriors were killed where Cross Sword Light passed by.

After the real man and the Meng Xinping catch up, they find that they can't get in at all. Chen Zong's strength is too terrible. This kind of killing is terrifying.

Fortunately, not the enemy.

Meng Xinping was also grateful for his choice, and trusting such a person was undoubtedly the right choice.

After repeated pursuits, the last Black Demon Gate practicing strength warrior was also beheaded by Chen Zong. Some of the true speed martial arts that were repaired at a lower speed were also caught up in the early stages, and then died in incomparable panic.

In the **** rain, Chen Zong turned and walked to Feiwu City.

The real person of the magic cloud and Meng Xinping followed quickly.

Back in Feiwu City, Chen Zong sat on the wall and waited for the Black Demon Gate Warrior to arrive. The magical real person went to appease the residents in the city, and Meng Xinping collected the arrows, which Chen Zong ordered.

Soon, bundles of arrows were sent over. There were more than a hundred arrows, each of which reached at least the Baotie level. Chen Zong wanted to get the god-level arrows. Unfortunately, Dong There are too few and too few Lus, and it is very good to have Baotie.

Shen Zong's arrows, Chen Zong himself carried some, but not much.

Right on the wall, Chen Zong waited while drinking, without fear.

The residents of Feiwu City looked at Chen Zong with awe, as if they were looking at a demon. They were both grateful and fearful.

"Big brother, thank you." A little boy about ten years old walked over, some tremblingly approached Chen Zong, his voice trembling slightly.

"Why thank me?" Chen Zong put down the jug, and smiled slightly, like a spring breeze, which immediately resolved the little boy's inner consternation and confusion.

"My dad and my mother were both killed by them, and my brother was taken away by them, and he died." The little boy was full of grief and indignation.

"What about you now?" Chen Zong asked.

"Brother, can I practice martial arts with you?" The little boy answered and asked.

Chen Zong looked at the little boy carefully and said in his uncle's expectation: "I am the old Chen family. If you like, you will be a member of my Chen family from now on."

"I do, I do." The little boy nodded again and again, like a chicken pecking rice.

"What's your name?" Chen Zong asked.

"My name is Chen Xiaohai." The little boy replied, Chen Zong was a little surprised, and surnamed Chen, even the last name does not need to be changed.

Chen Zong asked Chen Xiaohai to step down and wait. The little boy was very obedient and very happy.

Huanyun Reality is very calming, and the residents are gradually getting rid of their fears, knowing that Chen Zong will not hurt them, and gradually form a cohesive force.

In this world, the weak and the strong eat, the strong are always highly respected, coupled with Chen Zong's indirect rescue of them, coupled with the soothing and propaganda of the real person in the fantasy cloud, the residents of Feiwu City look at the figure facing the city wall The fear in my eyes was a little less, but the respect was a little more.

Sunset in the western mountains, the sunset glow.

"I don't know how many people will come from the Black Demon Gate?" Meng Xinping said as he looked into the distance.

"How many people are not the point." The real person of the magic cloud said: "People who flee will report back to the facts, so the people who come to the Black Demon Gate must be strong, and it is indispensable for the true martial arts."

"How much to come, how much to kill." Chen Zong's tone was light like a breeze, but it was frightening. It seemed that the air was filled with Shura's killing intention.

The real person in Yunyun is even more curious. In the past few years, the specific experience of Chen Zong, otherwise, how could he have such a decisive mind and such an amazing killing intention.

Waiting, a figure finally appeared in front of him.


"It is impossible to defeat Zhenwu Realm in the sixth stage of Zhenwu Realm. It is impossible," said a black-faced old man.

"I don't believe it," said a red-faced old man.

No one can believe without seeing it in person.

These two people are the two elders of the Black Demon Gate. The highest level of cultivation of Zhenwu Realm is the strength of the nine true martial arts. Compared with the two true martial arts guarding Feiwu City, they return. To be a lot stronger, you can defeat them with one enemy and two.

"Two elders, maybe there is no treasure in that man." A strong young man riding a black tiger with a dark complexion said, his eyes flashed coldly, he was wearing a black robe, a pair of sleeves was wide, let two All the arms are hidden in it.

"The young master said, indeed, there is no small possibility."

The dark-skinned young man in this black robe is the young master of the Black Demon Gate. If Chen Zong sees him, he can recognize who he is.

In addition to the two elders and young masters ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ Heiyuemen also dispatched many warriors.

There are three more normal Zhenwu realms, and in addition, there are ten real real powers.

In order to recapture Feiwu City, and in order to give Zhenwumen a heavy blow, Heiyuemen deployed a lot of power.

In addition to those late martial arts warriors, there are hundreds of sixth-level and seventh-level monsters.

The Royal Envoy Monster is exactly a skill of the Black Demon Gate. It can capture two main cities and many Wuchengs from the mouth of Zhenwu Alliance, and also relies on the Royal Envoy Monster's ability.

With these true martial arts, the eight and nine martial arts soldiers, plus hundreds of monsters, recaptured Feiwu City, the reason why so many forces were deployed, in addition to regaining Feiwu City, is also to prevent Zhenwumen from sending more people to reinforce .

In the distance, a member of Heiyuemen has seen the walls of Feiwu City and three figures on the walls of Feiwu City.

Inevitably, the people of the Black Demon Gate sank in their hearts and had an ominous feeling in their hearts. Have the warriors of the Black Demon Gate's late Zhenwu Realm been killed?

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