Sword God

Vol 12 Chapter 33: The last battle (below)

In front of Feiwu City, there is a field, this is the place where Chen Zong chose to meet the army of the Black Demon Gate.

On a huge rock, Chen Zong stood alone, the wind was blowing, and his robes were sloshing, as if to fly by the wind. The figure was like a pin of a sea god, so that the warriors on the side of Zhenwumen felt stable.

Looking up, the sharp eyes penetrated through the void, as if you saw the black demon gate.

A large group of black pressure was running quickly towards this side.

Some high-level members of the Black Demon Gate have the ability to control the imperial demon beast. Now in this army, 50% are demon warriors and 50% are demon beasts.

The field shook, as if thousands of horses rushed forward, and the momentum was majestic and fierce, such as the roar of the wind, which immediately brought heavy pressure to the side of Zhenwumen.

"How can there be so many?" A true martial arts real martial arts warrior was a little dumbfounded.

Thousands of people in this martial arts realm and training state combined, and there is more than a thousand people in the dark and distant opposite.

In the same realm, the black demon gate martial arts soldiers tend to be more powerful, with the help of monsters, completely occupying the advantage, and now even the quantity also has the advantage. How to fight?

Chen Zong's eyesight was so good that he saw the side of the Black Demon Gate more clearly, and his heart sank slightly.

There are thousands of monsters and thousands of martial arts warriors. The number is at least twice that of the true martial arts side, and those monsters are fierce and brutal. I do n’t know how many casualties will be brought to the true martial arts side.

This time Chen Zong came by himself, Chen's veteran Huanyun Yun and elder Meng Xinping also came. In addition, Chen Chuyun also came.

This period of time is the fastest period of practice since Chen Chuyun was born. There are prefecture-level masterpieces such as mixed heaven and earth, and Chen Zong's instructions. In addition, there are a lot of monster flesh at the level of true martial arts. For food, the internal strength of the quenching is very rapid, and now Xiuwei has reached the nine strengths of training.

Cultivation of the ground-level gems, the Jiuyao Semper Dragon Sword, mastering the first-order pseudo-spirit sword and the first-order dragon power bracelet, wearing the first-order pseudo-spirit armor, is enough to sweep all the east. Lu's strength training martial arts.

Holding on to the sword in his hand, Xiao Sha's breath spread away, Chen Chuyun's face was cold, his eyes filled with murderous power.

As soon as the Black Demon Gate army appeared, there was no pause, and he rushed out with a violent momentum. Thousands of monsters came first, and they took the lead in launching an attack to consume the living power of Zhenwumen. After thousands of demon warriors were behind, they could fight against the monster The martial arts warriors who suffered casualties were eliminated in one fell swoop.

Breathing for a long time, Chen Zong's eyes were extremely sharp, staring closely at the army of monsters running fast, taking out the penetrating cloud bow.

Bundles of treasure iron arrows and even rare iron arrows were placed at the feet.

The hand is like a phantom. Ten arrows are placed on the bow that passes through the clouds. The bow is opened like a full moon and the fingers are released. The ten arrows burst out like a shooting star.

Without hesitation, Chen Zong fetched another ten arrows.

In a series of ten waves, a total of one hundred arrows burst out of the air and crossed 500 meters in an instant. Under the true power of vertical and horizontal, they continued to move forward with extreme power and broke all obstacles.

Each arrow was shocking.

Chen Zong's arrows can be shot and killed even if it is Zhenwu Realm, not to mention a sixth-level seventh-level monster.

Although the Black Demon Gate has the ability to make the demon monsters, it can only make the demon far weaker than them.

For example, in the later stage of Zhenwu Realm, you can only imperial enemies of level VI monsters. No matter how powerful they are, they are imperial enemies of level seven monsters.

The speed of the one hundred arrows was extremely fast. They flew past like an electric light, and immediately shot into the body of a hundred monsters. Some of the arrows carried terrible power from the weaker monsters. Passed through and shot into subsequent monsters.

In this wave alone, Chen Zong injured 120 or more monsters and immediately boosted the morale of Zhenwumen.

But this is just the beginning.

After a short break, Chen Zong re-opened his bow and arrows, and the second wave of one hundred arrows burst out into the air.

The monster army's running speed is extremely fast. One kilometer can be crossed in a short period of time. No matter how fast Chen Zong is, he can only shoot two waves and kill nearly three hundred monsters.

Like Chen Zong, there are also many warriors who shoot bows and arrows, but their archery and bows and arrows cannot be compared with Chen Zong. The total number of monsters shot and killed is just over 100.

"Kill!" Through the bow of the cloud, the double swords came out of the sky, the silver sword light went straight into the sky, the sword was violent, and the war was soaring to the sky. With an order, Chen Zong took the lead and turned into a streamer .

"Kill!" The martial arts warriors behind them shouted, killing the sky.

With a wave of two swords, two silver swords were emptied, each of which was 20-30 meters long, tearing the earth and breaking the sky apart.

As Chen Zong's double swords waved, the silver sword gas one after another broke through, like a storm of sword gas swept away, everything that was passed was shredded into meters.

The monster's body is even more arrogant and ultimately limited. It can't resist Chen Zong's sword qi storm. He mourns under the sword qi storm, his body is broken open, and the rain is flying.

Like a meat grinder on the battlefield, wherever they go, there is nothing to stop and the monsters die.

Just Chen Zong alone, counting the previous two waves of arrows, killed more than 400 monsters, weakening the army of thousands of monsters by half of his power, and the arrows of other warriors also killed hundreds. Demon monster, half annihilated.

This was an unexpected scene that made the eyes of the black demon door red.

They all knew that Chen Zong had a good skill in archery, but they never thought that it would be so good. Fortunately, they were not the warriors who were pioneers. Otherwise, they would definitely be shot by Chen Zong and killed hundreds of people, causing heavy losses.

"Damn Chen Zong!" Wu Mo's eyes were cold, his face full of hate, and he wanted to be turned into the fire of Jiuyou and burned Chen Zong to ashes.

This scene reminded him of bringing someone back before, but was shot and killed by Chen Zong one by one. In the end, he was even captured, and his arm was cut off as a hostage. The humiliation was 10,000. Years cannot be forgotten.

Wu Mo's mood Chen Zong didn't know. With his two swords in his hand, he launched the killing without any recklessness, and the killing rose up, and there was a long howling, and the howling rushed into the sky, shaking the earth.

Kill kill!


An extremely pure vertical and horizontal power is constantly flowing in the body. The twenty-eighth aspect of the vertical and horizontal swordsmanship is fully exerted. Each sword is turned into a silver sword light, which is more dazzling than the sun, faster than a shooting star, and more lightning ferocious.

Level 5 monster?

Kill with one sword!

Level 6 monster?

Kill with one sword!

Seven-level monster?

Kill with one sword!

There are no eight-level monsters, or they will be killed with one sword.

An invincible sword!

A sword that is unbreakable!

A sword that is invincible!

A cross-cutting sword!

Vertically up and down!

Horizontal to right!

In all directions, I am the strongest!

Vaguely, Chen Zong felt as if he had touched the deeper mystery of the vertical and horizontal swordsmanship, a mysterious and mysterious feeling emerged from the depths of his soul, like a current pervading his body.

A unique spiritual will quickly condensed, as if some kind of unpredictable change would occur, and this change made Chen Zong's mind more in line with the vertical and horizontal swordsmanship, and made the power of the vertical and horizontal swordsmanship more powerful.

Chen Zong estimates that with this inexplicable awakening, his power of vertical and horizontal swords has increased by at least 10%.

10%, seemingly not much, in fact, it is obvious.

The stronger the strength, the more obvious the increase of 10%, the more arrogant.

Two swords dance, Chen Zong seems to be transformed into a round of silver sun, releasing strong light and heat. Each silver beam is shot by the swordman, and each swordman shoots through several monsters. The terrible sword qi has already strangled those monsters and killed them directly.

One person is a thousand troops!

The martial artists of Zhenwumen followed Chen Zong, headed by Chen Zong, and plunged into the army of monsters like a awl, and slaughtered.

Layer by layer.

However, the monster was also very fierce. Even if it was beheaded and rushed without fear of death, it could not cause the slightest pressure on Chen Zong, but it also killed and killed some true martial arts martial arts.

Among the crowd, Chen Chuyun's sword was sharp, and the sword was killed. While she shot to kill the monster, she also paid great attention to protecting herself.

Chen Chuyun originally had a good talent for sword training, and the foundation of the sword was very solid. After years of continuous fighting and killing, he became a stand-alone, inspired by Chen Zong's guidance, and went further. The unity of swords returns to the realm of the first. It has made rapid progress and has become sharper. The swords and swords are all carrying amazing killing power. The ordinary warriors who are also trained cannot stop a sword at all.

After repeated killings, the Demon Warrior Army of the Black Demon Gate also killed after the Demon Beast Army.

"Kill Chen Zong first!" A lot of black monster gates in the true martial arts staged shots in the late stage, and they were so fatal that countless black lights swelled and smoke spread, and Zhang Yawu claws generally came to Chen Zongbang to kill.

They can all see that Chen Zong is the strongest and most lethal one at Zhenwumen. If Chen Zong is not dead, he will bring heavy losses to the Heihemen side, even if he wins in the end. Masters also break most of them.

Therefore, Chen Zong must die.

The black demon door owner covered his whole body with black robes and lived among the black demon door warriors without saying a word ~ ​​www.wuxiaspot.com ~ his eyes stared at Chen Zong.

He had no regrets about the death of the monster army, only excitement and excitement, because he saw the strength of Chen Zong with his own eyes.

Very strong and strong, even if he shot himself, he may not be able to defeat him. Even if he has great skill, he does not have the full confidence to surrender Chen Zong and become a slave.

Let Chen Zongxian go through the battle and consume power. It is best to be wounded, and he will be more sure of surrendering himself.

In the face of mass attacks, Chen Zongyi was not afraid, looking cold as a thousand years of ice, with his two swords in his hands, breaking through the air, his swords were overbearing and sharp, and nothing was broken.


With a blood of enthusiasm and a full-length will, Chen Zong cut through all the attacks and entered the group of warriors in the later stage of the true martial realm of the Black Demon Gate. This kind of sword strength is unparalleled and sharp. Who is it? If it can be blocked, the first demon martial artist in the late Zhenwu realm is killed immediately, and then there is a second.

Chen Zong is like a **** of war. The power of the inner armor of the pseudo-spirit is stimulated. A layer of protection covers Chen Zong's whole body. With the two swords, no one attack can hurt himself.

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