Sword God

Vol 13 Chapter 26: See the ancient monument

"Where is this?" Chen Zong's eyes flew around with deep vigilance and consternation.

Then, his eyes fell on the stele in front.

It is ten meters high, with a black body and octahedral shape. It gradually shrinks from the base, and the end is sharp, like a square-shaped tower. On each side, there are golden runes from the bottom to the end, each rune. The text seems to have light flowing, looks simple and mysterious, with an inexplicable atmosphere.

When Chen Zong gazed at the obelisk, a mentally involuntary encounter, the consciousness seemed to fly out of the body. Natural resistance caused Chen Zong to look away immediately, and the consciousness of the conscious body disappeared.

Looking around, in this tomb room, there is only a stone monument in the center, nothing else.

"Mystery is on this stone monument." Chen Zong secretly said.

Adhering to the spiritual will, his eyes fell on the obelisk-like black stone tablet again, and his spiritual consciousness became stubborn again, but Chen Zong forcibly resisted the consciousness of flying away from the body, observing the ancient and profound golden runes one by one. Want to see the mystery.

Suddenly, the light on the golden rune is a masterpiece. All resistances of Chen Zong are like the snow and ice encountering the sun, and they are instantly destroyed.

A strong shock came, and my instinct was not good, and I wanted to look away, but I was already a step slower.

Consciousness was grasped by invisible power, flew away from the body, and dropped into the obelisk.


"Slay blood for thousands of miles!"

The ravens were killed with one shot, and the rippling scarlet knife split thousands of scarlet ripples, killing the blood-red monster from all sides.

"Golden Dragon Probe!"

Long Xinyu also shot, one claw reached out, and the golden dragon's claws appeared out of thin air, with smoke wafting on each claw, tearing the sky like a sky, and grasping fiercely.

The Scarlet Beast roared, the roar turned into a ripple, and a disproportionately large claw grasped it fiercely.

The rattling sound continued, the space inside the main tomb was easily torn like cloth, the blood ripples were broken, and the golden dragon's claws were also broken.

Sweeping thousands of troops, the blood-colored claws are like an lingering moon, empty, there is nothing to stop, and they draw the air out of numerous ripples, and relentlessly kills the crow and the dragon heart.


"Brother Chen estimated that I got some chance. I still leave here first." After Lin Yuxie waited for a while, Chen Zong still didn't show up and said to himself, then quickly left.


The whole body is an endless darkness, I can't see any light, but I can feel that I have a new body.

Suddenly, a little light flickered in the endless distance, from weak to strong, as if the stars were shining.

As if on the starry sky, accompanied by the stars.

But Chen Zong didn't know where it was.

A little starlight flew from a distance so fast that Chen Zong could not escape, and was hit directly.

A piece of information emerged, and Chen Zong knew what it was.

The ancient tomb is also the most precious treasure in the secret cloud of the sky-the ancient mysterious monument.

The ancient Xuanbei can make people appreciate the mystery of Gongfa and martial arts, and this dark starry sky is exactly the space inside the ancient Xuanbei. The warriors can enter with spiritual consciousness and condense the body to participate Practice and promote martial arts and martial arts.

The internal space of the ancient Xuanbei is also very straightforward and simple. It is to consolidate a body for the warriors, let the warriors repeatedly practice the exercises or warriors, practice them to the extreme, and then seek a breakthrough.

As everyone knows, even the lowest level of martial arts is the fruit of wisdom.

If you want to create a martial arts method, it is very difficult. Not only must you have sufficient martial arts accumulation, but you must also find opportunities to understand. Even so, it may not be successful, and it will be dangerous. .

It is equally difficult to practice a skill and to modify it. If you are not careful, you will damage yourself or even go into magic. Especially the more brilliant the practice of martial arts, the more difficult and dangerous it will be.

In this ancient mysterious monument space, you can toss and arbitrarily. You can practice as much as you want. To put it simply, you can die infinitely.

Another point is time.

In the outside world, it must take a lot of time to take the risk to improve the practice of martial arts. In the space of the ancient monument, the flow of time will be infinitely slowed down.

"My practice is the vertical and horizontal sword code, but the vertical and horizontal sword code is only the best of heaven. If you want to compete with other Tianjiao, it is not enough to rely on the best of heaven and practice." Chen Zong secretly thought.

If you can raise the vertical and horizontal sword code to the level of heavenly gems, your own strength will be improved again and become more powerful.

"Perhaps, I can practice the mixed true power first, promote the ninefold mixed true power, and then draw the mystery into the vertical and horizontal power." Chen Zong came up with a whimsy and cultivated immediately.

The body condensed in the ancient xuanbei space is not cultivated, which means infinite possibilities.

The content of the first level of Mixed Reality quickly flashed, and Chen Zong practiced without any bottlenecks or difficulties. Soon, the first level was completed.

Immediately after the second training, it was quickly completed.

Like a shattered bamboo, Chen Zong practiced again and again until the seventh.

The benefits of the ancient xuanbei are also manifested. There are no bottlenecks, and it is easy to practice any exercises and martial arts. Of course, after leaving the ancient xuanbei, everything is restored, but the mysteries learned in the practice of the ancient xuanbei space. But it will remain.

After becoming the seventh, all the mysteries about the seventh emerged, and were mastered by Chen Zong. From this, Chen Zong began to deduct the eighth of the mixed powers.

Not feeling the passing of time, Chen Zong pushed the eighth performance, and then cultivated.

The overbearing and arrogant mixed true power runs in the body, ramming straight, following the eighth trajectory of Chen Zong's enlightenment, impacting the eighth true pulse.

Immediately, Zhenli's fluctuations became violent and lost control. Not only did he fail to open the eighth true vein, but he completely destroyed the previous seven true veins, breaking this weak body.

The next breath, the body reunited, and became the original look again.

"So it is," Chen Zong said secretly.

I got the information before and got an initial understanding of the ancient xuanbei, but when I really experienced it, it felt different and more intuitive.

Without half a second hesitation, Chen Zong practiced again and again, he became the seventh, and then stopped to continue the eighth.

Chen Zong can be sure that his previous deduction is not wrong, but it is not complete enough. Now he is perfecting it with the previous failure.

After perfecting to the extreme, Chen Zong practiced the eighth weight again. This time it was better, but still failed, and the result of the failure was the broken body.

Not discouraged, Chen Zong continued to start again.

After cultivating again and again, exploding over and over again, reuniting over and over again and again and again and again hundreds of times, Chen Zong finally perfected the eighth major of the mixed power.

In an instant, I became the eighth-largest mixed-day great power, feeling this overwhelming mixed-day great power. Chen Zong showed a smile. If he was outside, he couldn't do this by saying anything except the realm. Accumulation and accumulation can far surpass Zhenwu Realm, but at that time, you may have achieved human extreme realm even higher.

Began deduction for mixed ninth power.

Mixed Reality is very strong at the ninth level, and the difficulty of deduction is still higher than the eighth, but in the ancient mysterious monument space, this difficulty is weakened to the extreme. And come again.

Once again, the process of deducing the eighth.

This time, nearly two hundred times a full body explosion, Chen Zongfang just introduced the ninth weight of the hybrid Zenith completely.

In a short period of time, Chen Zong practiced the ninth remix of Tiandazhenli, and then immersed himself in it. Starting from the first reconsideration, he revisited to see if there were any omissions.

Under the mystery of the ancient mysterious monument, Chen Zong quickly mastered all the mysteries of the technique of mixing the great power of heaven.

"Next, I will practice all aspects of vertical and horizontal exercises." Chen Zong secretly, let this body explode, reunited, and began to practice vertical and horizontal exercises.

Chen Zong himself has practiced the thirty-second layer of vertical and horizontal exercises, so soon, this body has practiced all the thirty-two layers of vertical and horizontal exercises, and then he has practiced the thirty-third layer.

There are thirty-six layers of vertical and horizontal power, which are reserved by the predecessors. Without any deduction, Chen Zong easily trained the thirty-third layer, then the thirty-fourth layer, then the thirty-fifth layer, and then the last The thirty-sixth floor.

The vertical and horizontal power of the 36th floor is almost the same as that of the eighth heavy mixed power.

After some practice, Chen Zong found some shortcomings in vertical and horizontal power, or not shortcomings, but all defects based on himself.

In any one of the exercises or martial arts, there are sayings of agreement and disagreement.

The person who creates a kung fu or martial art is undoubtedly the most suitable, because that kung fu martial art is often created on its own, and everyone is different. When practicing the same kung fu martial art, There will be subtle differences and it is difficult to be 100% fit.

Therefore, after being created, the practice of martial arts and martial arts often undergoes changes over and over from generation to generation.

The body in the ancient xuanbei and the outside body ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ except for the difference in strength and cultivation, other characteristics are the same. Therefore, Chen Zong can feel this slight difference.

"First modify the vertical and horizontal power so that it fits my body completely." Chen Zong secretly said, and was not anxious to incorporate the mystery of heaven and earth into the vertical and horizontal power.

If you want to do good work, you must first sharpen it!

The mysterious power of the ancient xuanbei allowed Chen Zong to quickly find the discordance between the exercises and himself, and then modify it at the fastest speed. After the modification, practice again. If there is any incompatibility, he can Modify it again and again.

The first layer is modified.

The second layer is modified.

The third layer is modified.

As the layer after layer is modified, the vertical and horizontal power flowing in the body also differs from the past.

When Chen Zong completely modified the vertical and horizontal power of the thirty-sixth floor, the vertical and horizontal power he cultivated was a bit less vigorous than before, but more powerful than a sword.

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