Sword God

Vol 13 Chapter 30: Secret talks and decisions

Wan Luozong and the royal disciples were smiling and gaining a lot.

The elders and disciples of other sects are ugly, and only a few people can keep calm.

Too irritating, completely humiliating, and even killed a few people, causing even greater losses.

"Okay, you can go now." Wan Luozong's earth spirit realm strong mouth began, there is a taste to move around and go, which makes people even more annoyed and helpless.

Riding on the back of the Jinyan disease shadow crane, the wings spread out, soaring into the sky, straight up to a thousand meters high, and quickly left the desert.

"That's the consequence of not being strong enough." The second elder said angrily, sulking, very sulking.

"Cultivate well, become strong, and take control of your own destiny," the elder said.

The atmosphere was dull for a while.

Chen Zong suddenly rose for a while, and it turned out that even if he was a strong person, he was not very strong, because there was a terrestrial spirit and a heavenly mystery above the human, and even in the heavenly mystery. Is there a more powerful existence, or is it an unknown.

"If you want to control your own destiny and not be restrained or suppressed by others, you must have more powerful strength." , Point to the pinnacle, and control your own destiny. "

For a time, Chen Zong felt a sublimation in spirit.

Lin Yuxie and Zuo Shanmei were also greatly motivated, and their spiritual will changed.

Next, everyone remained silent, only the sound of the roar of the wings of the Jinyan Sword Crane and the sound of the wind breaking through the sky filled the ears.

Once again through the area of ​​extreme red thunder, the elders and the second elders successively shot and crushed the thunder, protecting everyone to pass through, and then entered the squall layer, opening up their protective strength to resist the blow of the squall.

After entering Tianjiang House's airspace, and then continuing to fly forward, the outline of Tianhong Mountain appeared in the eyes of everyone.

Directly over the mountain gate, two golden flameshadow cranes successively landed at the height of Tianhong Peak.

When they returned to Jianzong Zongzong, everyone was relieved, and there was a little peace of mind.

"Three of you, follow me to the main hall." The elder said, and immediately asked the second elder to invite the elder Yuanlingzi.

In the Sword Palace, Yuanlingzi appeared, and Suzerain Lin Zhonghan and other elders also appeared quickly.

The veteran, the suzerain, and the four elders all arrived. In addition, they were Chen Zong.

The elder said, detailing what happened, and for a time, including the elders and the tombs were silent.


The powerless sin!

"Neither Wanluozong nor the royal family can compete with us." The veteran Yuanlingzi said, his voice was a bit tired: "Some losses are nothing, it is most important for people to live, but remember to be strong, only by becoming stronger, can you not Suffer this humiliation again. "

This sentence is exactly what Chen Zong said, because the potential of Lin Zhonghan and the four elders is almost the same. Even if there is further improvement, it is very limited. In the end, his life to death can only be a human extreme, or even Unable to reach the late stage of human extremes.

As for the three talents and potentials of Chen Zong, they all have high potential, which means unlimited possibilities. Perhaps in the future, they can achieve the extremes of people and even higher.

The three Chen Zongs are also full-faced. This time, the experience gave them a deeper understanding, the kind of touch that hit the soul.

"On this trip to Tianyun Mystery, this disciple went to five people and lost two. Only three of you are still alive." Sovereign Lin Zhonghan opened his face with a full face: "I believe that all three of you are in the mystery. There are good gains. "

"Please rest assured, no matter what you get in the secret territory of Tianyun, it is your chance, this sect will not seize it." Lin Zhonghan said solemnly: "But this sect is hope, if you get the opportunity, you If you do n’t need it, you can give it to Zong Men, who will also compensate you accordingly. "

Lin Yuxie, as the son of Lin Zhonghan, let alone naturally, and Zuo Shanmei was also loyal to the Zongjian Sect. Therefore, he did not hesitate to take out his harvest in the secret territory of Tianyun and expressed his willingness to donate to the Zongjian for free Case.

In this regard, Chen Zong did not have any idea of ​​resistance.

It is just that Chen Zong's real good things are stored in Xu Mi Ring. Xu Zong is afraid to expose it to anyone other than himself. Therefore, he can only take out the contents of the mustard bag.

His growth is inseparable from Zong Jianzong. After calling himself Zong Zijian, Zong Jianzong really helped him a lot, so it is normal for him to return something.

Without half a second hesitation, Chen Zong took all the exercises and martial arts and many precious medicines obtained in the secret territory of Tianyun, and dedicated them to the Zongzong Zong for free, to enrich the foundation of the Zongzong Zong.

Lin Zhonghan and the elders also said that they don't need to pay for nothing, but will give the three people corresponding contributions according to the value of things.

"I don't know if you three can talk about your experience in the secret territory." Lin Zhonghan asked with a smile.

"A casual talk may help the disciple's re-entry into the cloud of Tianyun next time." The elder laughed.

Last time, the disciples who entered the vertical and horizontal sword sects lost about the same amount as this time, but the harvest was much worse, and there were no special discoveries, so there was no useful information left.

Of course, Chen Zongsan would not refuse such a request. After all, even some precious medicine skills and martial arts are willing to donate for free, and Tianyun Secret, himself and others are estimated to be an opportunity to enter.

"Let me say it first." Lin Yuxie began to speak. As a master, naturally he should be an example. While Lin Yuxie was talking, Chen Zong was thinking.

What Lin Yuxie experienced when he entered Tianyun's secret realm was explained in great detail. Until he finally entered the tomb, Chen Zong originally thought that Lin Yuxie would tell the bronze statue and take out the iron medal and disappeared by himself. , According to his understanding of Lin Yuxie, he is the most selfless of Zong Jianzong.

The result was beyond Chen Zong's expectations. Lin Yuxie didn't say it, and didn't go to see Chen Zong intentionally, as if that thing had never happened.

In fact, Lin Yuxie also considered that according to his own normal practice, he would naturally say this, but after thinking about it, he dispelled this idea. To some extent, it should be regarded as Chen Zong's and a secret. He is not It is clear whether Chen Zong is willing to be known by others. If he speaks directly, Chen Zong may be unpleasant.

After all, Chen Zong is a sword of vertical and horizontal, so far, there is no half disadvantage to Zong Men.

The elders and the suzerain and the four elders listened carefully. From Lin Yuxie's account, they looked to see if there was any useful information for entering the secret cloud of Tianyun next time.

It is a pity that there is not much information useful for the next entry into the sky cloud mystery, but it only increases the understanding of the sky cloud mystery.

Followed by Zuo Shanmei.

Zuo Shanmei's speech is more concise, but her expression is clear. She will tell her story after a while. Her experience is relatively small, because after entering the moving labyrinth, she was trapped in it until she was rejected by Tianyun.

However, within the moving labyrinth, Zuo Shanmei received a large refining Zhendan, and Xiuwei also rose to the peak of Zhenwu Realm, and his strength increased greatly.

After Zuo Shanmei finished telling, everyone's eyes fell on Chen Zong.

Chen Zong also thought about it and made a decision.

"Veteran, Sovereign, and four elders." Chen Zong's face was full, and his tone was a bit dignified. Immediately, the veteran and the suzerain and the four elders were also dignified: "The next thing I want to say is very important. Spread it out and be known by others. "

"To the secret room." Yuan Lingzi said without hesitation.

"Let's go." Lin Zhonghan immediately got up, showing his trust in Chen Zong.

"The elder, the suzerain, and the four elders, the disciples left first." Lin Yuxie said.

"Go." Lin Zhonghan nodded.

It is estimated that what Chen Zong wants to say is very important. It is a big secret. Of course, Lin Yuxie and Zuo Shanmei also want to know, very curious, but feel that their cultivation is only a level of true martial arts. In case you know this secret, Later in life, who knows whether it will be known by others.

Therefore, the best way to not let others know is that you don't know it yourself.

In the final analysis, every move of Lin Yuxie is being considered for the vertical and horizontal Jianzong.

"The disciples said goodbye," Zuo Shanmei also said, and the two left.

Under the leadership of Lin Zhonghan, the crowd left behind the Zongjian Sword Hall, and quickly entered the deepest secret room. Here, it was secret enough to not worry about what was heard.

"Okay, you can rest assured." Yuanlingzi stared at Chen Zong with a burning gaze.

Chen Zong did not hesitate. He immediately said that he started in the secret cloud of Tianyun, in what environment and in which direction he moved, and finally found the waterfall.

"As long as you temporarily break the waterfall, you can find the cave behind the waterfall. Within that cave, there are millennium stone stalactites that can be upgraded to repair it." Chen Zongdao also explained the height of the attack and the required attack power.

"Okay." Yuanlingzi and others were excited.

Millennium stone stalactite ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ That is a rare treasure.

This information will be of great help to the next time Zongmen disciples enter Tianyun's secret territory.

"The other thing, the disciple feels more important." Chen Zong said again, indeed, it is more important to understand the mystery of the ancient mysterious monument than to obtain the millennium stone stalactite. After all, cultivation can be promoted through cultivation, it only takes more time However, under the magical power of the ancient xuanbei, the promotion of the practice of martial arts is not only a matter of time.

After Chen Zong explained some of the conditions in the ancient tomb, especially the dry corpse and blood corpse, he mentioned the ancient mystery.

"The disciples, through the power of the ancient xuanbei, have continued to improve their vertical and horizontal power to the fortieth level, making it a heavenly best practice, and have also deduced the vertical and horizontal swords to the fortieth style, becoming a heavenly best sword. "Said Chen Zong, a sentence that sounded like a thunder in the ears of the elders and others, shocking them.

What this shows is that the vertical and horizontal sword code has been upgraded from the heavenly best to the heavenly best.

Suddenly, the elders and suzerain and four elders were excited.

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