Sword God

Vol 13 Chapter 32: Broken Sun

Dark clouds, such as a huge piece of immense lead iron, were about to sink and crush the earth.

With a bang, a dazzling electric light illuminates one side of the sky, as if a hidden monster of terror is waiting for extinction.

Immediately, the whistling sounded, the wind was blowing, the world was vast, and the heavy black clouds such as lead and iron moved slowly, the dust on the ground was rolling, countless gravels fluttered in the wind, and countless electric lights shone in the dark clouds , Into a dazzling lightning flashes like a python, breaking around, winding around.

As if the end of the world is coming.

The raindrops the size of the thumb are shot down from the sky. If the meteor is swift, it hits the stone, makes a crisp sound, breaks apart, and drops of water splash.

More raindrops shot down, covering the sky and the ground, falling on the stones, grass, and leaves, and the crisp sounds made were dense and rang out between the sky and the earth.

From a distance, as if the torrent fell from the sky, he wanted to sink the earth.

In this kind of weather, ordinary people and ordinary soldiers will only stay in sturdy houses and dare not go out.

A figure came from a distance. It was extremely fast and galloping. Countless huge raindrops shot down on the figure. They were resisted by an invisible force. As the figure moved at a high speed, it dragged a long line. The long water dragon pervades tens of meters away, making an amazing roaring sound, like a water dragon flying between heaven and earth.

Zhenwu Realm's late rehearsal and the 35th layer of vertical and horizontal power make Chen Zong's true strength of the body very powerful, even if standing standing and letting the ordinary Zhenwu Realm in the full power attack of the Eighth Peak be difficult to be broken, even if it is ordinary It is not so easy for the nine true martial arts soldiers to break through.

After Xiuwei broke through to the late stage of the eighth stage of Zhenwu Realm and stabilized, and mastered the thirty-fifth style of crosswise swordsmanship thoroughly, Chen Zong put forward the idea of ​​going out to practice. In this regard, the elders and the suzerain did not stop.

They knew more clearly that Chen Zong was like a true dragon and could not be trapped in one place, which was not conducive to his growth.

Leaving Jianzong Zongzong, Chen Zong went all the way to the east, which was the direction to the Imperial City of Longtu Dynasty.

The royal family of the Longtu dynasty belongs to the upper class ancestors and is very powerful. As the center of the imperial city, there are not only many high-ranking officials, but also many geniuses and strong men.

Since it is experienced, it naturally makes sense to go to more places where the genius is strong.

There are eight palaces in the Longtu dynasty, but the imperial city does not belong to one of the eight palaces. To be precise, the boundary of the Longtu dynasty should be one royal city and eight prefectures.

Depart from Tianjiang House to the Imperial City and pass through Wanluo House on the way.

This is enough to hit ordinary people down and hurt the heavy rain, but it can not affect Chen Zongmin, as fast and sharp as an arrow off the string, never go forward.

The rainstorm gradually became smaller, and the dark clouds like lead iron gradually faded.

When a ray of sunshine like the sky sword tears the last black cloud and drops, the rain also stops at the same time.

The weather is fine, but the air is very humid, and the smell of plants and soil and rain is permeated.

Suddenly, Chen Zong felt a high temperature rise and quickly approached, as if a hot sun was bombarded from behind, a large amount of moist air in the air was evaporated, turned into white water vapor, straight up, with a burst The sound of gurgling.

In less than a tenth of a second, Chen Zong quickly responded.

Under the mysterious realm, the fierce dust floating in the air allowed Chen Zong to clearly grasp the intensity of the fiery attack behind him.

Four-star early!

Its speed is approaching the middle of the four-star.

With Chen Zong, who broke through to the real Wu Realm, he couldn't stop the attack with his own strength, but now ...

Turning around and drawing a sword, the two moves are continuous, flowing and flowing, completed at the same time.

The silver sword light is brighter than the bright sun, and it is cut vertically from top to bottom. A group of red hot suns with the size of a mill disk comes with horrible hot heat and violent power. Under that sword, it was cut directly.

split into two!

The severed sun that was cut into two halves passed from Chen Zong's left and right sides, and the terrible heat seemed to burn Chen Zong's body.

Chen Zong saw the attackers.

Ancient Zhiyang!

Somewhat unexpected.

Gu Zhiyang was surprised to see Chen Zong, but he shot mercilessly and wanted to kill Chen Zong.

Tian Yun and his party, Chen Zong came out alive, so that Gu Zhiyang felt that the other party had gained a lot of benefits and became stronger. This is a good thing for Jianzong, but not a good thing for Zhenyang His brother is still in the shadow of Chen Zong, and he is no longer as old-fashioned.

Gu Zhiyang originally intended to use this blow to kill Chen Zong. It was unexpected that not only was he unable to kill Chen Zong, but was also broken by the opponent with a sword.

With his eyes glaring, the pupils seemed to be burning in the sun, and the strong and hot breath burst out from the tall and strong body, so that the surrounding moisture was instantly evaporated into water vapor, and white smoke filled the sky.

Gu Zhiyang's body seems to contain the extreme amount of horrific heat and violence, and behind it is a round of sun shadow.

Gu Zhiyang had already practiced the true fax Yang Gong of the True Yangzong to the extreme. At this time, it was triggered to the extreme.

A palm shot, in the palm of the palm, seems to contain a small round of scorching sun, carrying terrible power, and blasted Chen Zong fiercely.

Four-star mid-term combat power!

Gu Zhiyang, which burst into ten successes, strengthened even more.

With two swords in hand, Chen Zong did not evade, and the thirty-fifth style of the vertical and horizontal swordsmanship was unleashed.

Whether it is Gu Zhiyang's name or strength, it is worthwhile for Chen Zong to come up with a real strength to fight against, and then break the opponent's power.

As soon as Chen Zong issued a sword, the appearance of ancient Zhiyang changed.

For a time, he had a feeling of facing Lin Yuxie, but it was different.

Lin Yuxie is known as the Hanyu Sword. He practiced the vertical and horizontal skills and the vertical and horizontal swordsmanship. His one-handed swordsmanship is very powerful, just like the icy rainstorm, and the offensive is very scary.

Gu Zhiyang, who has played with Lin Yuxie many times, knows Lin Yuxie's sword style.

Undoubtedly, Chen Zong also uses vertical and horizontal swordsmanship, but the style is different. This is a kind of incisive sharpness, like a domineering world that cuts everything hard.

The palm that Gu Zhiyang blasted out was cut again by Chen Zong's sword.

After the enlightenment of the ancient mysterious monument, Chen Zong modified the vertical and horizontal skills and vertical and horizontal swordsmanship. It is a bit less powerful, but a bit more sharp. It fits itself 100% and can exert its power to the extreme. The increase in combat power is not a tiny bit.

There was another slap, and it seemed to be more horizontal, but it was still cut under Chen Zong's sword.

In order to reach the late eighth stage of Zhenwu Realm, and cultivate the sword technique to the thirty-fifth style of Chen Zong, Xiu is undoubtedly more powerful and has fully reached the level of the four-star late stage.

Another sword split Gu Zhiyang's palm, Chen Zong took the initiative to counterattack and kill.

The two swords develop the thirty-fifth style of vertical and horizontal swords. One sword is vertical and one sword is horizontal.

For a while, Gu Zhiyang found himself suppressed.


Compared with himself, Chen Zong has a full age gap of five or six years old. Before, he also looked like a ant in his eyes. Now, he can not only confront himself, but also suppress himself.

For a while, the proud as ancient Zhiyang could not help but have a regretful mood, and shot it long before he knew it, and killed him while Chen Zong was not growing up.

It's too late now.

No, there is still a chance.

"Tun Yang changes!"

Without hesitation, Gu Zhiyang exhibited the Secret Method of Zhenyang Sect.

The terrible breath hits away, the high temperature seems to burn all around to ashes, the sun on the sky seems to echo, the sunlight under the rays of light is gathered, and it condenses above the head of Gu Zhiyang into a mass of human head Red light is like a reduced version of the sun.

The light is extremely strong and the enthusiasm is amazing. It is even more powerful than the swallowing Yang that was performed by the true Yangzong disciples in Tianyun Mystery.

Opening the mouth, the strong sun fell, swallowed by Gu Zhiyang, and Gu Zhiyang's body seemed to burn up, emitting an extremely strong light, like the human form of the strong sun, its breath became increasingly arrogant, soaring to the late four-star .

The rays of light shining from the eyes were like sunlight. Gu Zhiyang raised his hands and shot them continuously against Chen Zong. One palm after another turned into a group of people's heads of red light, constantly blasting toward Chen Zong, like A meteor fire rain.

Chen Zong's body was drowned, countless explosions exploded, and the ground shook, as the beasts rushed, and the gravel was mixed with a strong light splashing.

When the explosion stopped, it spread to hundreds of meters, and the dust was filled, like a huge mushroom rising into the sky.

Suddenly, the dazzling cross sword light was killed from the hot smoke, and it was violent and fierce like thunder, killing Xiangyang.

Gu Zhiyang's arms trembled, and heavy red waves rippled, and a burst of explosions rang out in the air.

The ripples, under Chen Zong's double swords, were torn directly and could not resist the slightest.



The two swords blasted towards ancient Zhiyang like the waterfall of a long river, and the power was magnificent.

Gu Zhiyang found that he couldn't keep up with the speed of Chen Zong's two swords and was cut off directly. A shallow blood line permeated his arms.

Gu Zhiyang retreated ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ Chen Zong chased, faster, double swords endless, each sword contains terrible power.

Stab, chop, pick ...

Different application methods, but the 35th style of vertical and horizontal swordsmanship, the ultimate interpretation.

Gu Zhiyang found that he was suppressed once again, even if he used the secret method of Tunyang transformation to enhance his strength.

Along the way, the ground was broken, the stones turned into rice centipede, all the vegetation was burnt, and then turned into soot-like flying in the air.

When the light passes, the air is also cut open, leaving traces of silver traces. The vertical and horizontal swords are dense and dense, as weaved into a huge silver net, which can cover the sky and cover the earth.

Gu Zhiyang exerted his palm to the extreme, and made every effort to resist Chen Zong's attack and find a chance for counterattack.

This scene happened to be seen by several passing soldiers. When they recognized Gu Zhiyang, they stared at each other with horror.

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