Sword God

Vol 15 Chapter 28: True 5 Swords (2)

Yanwu Realm!

There is nothing around, filled with inexplicable mystery.

Chen Zong stood in it, the Diyin sword was in the sheath, the Tianyang sword was held in his right hand, and the sword body dangled naturally under the oblique fingers.

Close your eyes and think.

The pervasive mystery in Yanwu will make people better concentrated, clear and savvy, and problems that were difficult to comprehend in the past will become simpler.

The reason why it took three thousand meritorious deeds to come to Wuyan during this performance was Chen Zong's belief that there is still a lot of potential that can be tapped.

Perhaps, slowly enlightenment is also possible, but time is limited. Since there is a sacred place of practice such as Yanwu Realm, you can use it with your own merit. If you do n’t grasp it, it will be a deficiency.

Holding the new Tianyang sword, Chen Zong suddenly waved.

The real meaning of sword power!

The real meaning of sword speed!

The real meaning of Jianfeng!

The real meaning of Jian Rui!

The true meaning of the sword!

Five kinds of small real meanings were poured into Tianyang Sword in an instant, but they did not use the sword strength of nothingness.

The jade white sword light seemed to split the performance of the martial arts realm, leaving a sword mark emitting a hazy halo, and it took a while to slowly dissipate.

Sword again!

Third Sword!

Chen Zong gave out his sword again and again, and the jade white sword lights spread across the perimeter, as if cutting the space for the performance of Wushu to pieces.

Suddenly the sword was closed, and the jade white sword light all around disappeared.

Closing his eyes again, countless thoughts flashed in Chen Zong's mind, and the performance of the martial arts environment was constantly changing, as if Chen Zong's thoughts fluctuated.

"The true meaning of the sword consists of five small true meanings, each of which represents a characteristic of the sword."

"Cangyu's move is a fusion of five small true meanings, each of which is in balance."

"What if you focus on one of the small real ideas and let the other four small real ideas be auxiliary?"

Sudden thoughts, like the tide, surged in endlessly, making Chen Zong unable to stop such thoughts at all.

Chen Zong's first enlightenment was continuously made by Cang Yu, and in the end, he broke through under the pressure of strong enemies, and then he perfected it and couldn't easily modify it.

But at this moment, the flash of inspiration appeared like a tsunami, and the constant impact made Chen Zong unable to himself.

An impulse from the heart, from the depths of the soul, made Chen Zong helpless.

Modify Cangyu!

Focusing on one of the small genuine ideas and letting the other four small genuine ideas become auxiliary, this will undoubtedly break the balance between the small genuine ideas.

But Chen Zong still has to do it, and he has no need to look back.

This is the pursuit of one's own Tao.

With firmness in his heart, Chen Zong exhaled, his eyes opened at the same moment, and a touch of faintness passed by like a sword, as if cutting the front.


Tianyang Sword cuts forward, and the true meaning of the Jian Feng that penetrates it is twice as strong as the other small ones.

The jade white sword light had not yet broken, but suddenly trembled and collapsed. Chen Zong's arm also trembled, backwashed by powerful forces, his complexion turned pale, and it felt like his head was cut with a sword.

After a short break, Chen Zong adjusted again and issued a sword.

To break the balance between the five small real meanings, we need to find another balance point among them, so that we can guarantee that we will not collapse.

Repeated attempts, repeated failures, and repeated counterattacks, but Chen Zong never thought of giving up.

After failing more than ten times in a row, Chen Zong was pale and scary, but there was a smile hanging from the corner of his mouth, which was a confident smile.

Get ready!


Sword cut!

The jade white sword light was shot through the air, as if a sword split Yanwu Realm directly, split into two.

This sword light is different from the previous one. The original sword light was a circle with the thickness of fingers, but now this sword light seems to be squashed and becomes thin, like a sword.

Based on the true meaning of Jianfeng, supplemented by the small true meanings of the four true meanings of swords, new blue jade was exhibited.

There is no suitable target to verify, but Chen Zong is very clear that this sword Cangyu is stronger than the original Cangyu in cutting.


The blade of light fell like a waterfall, and it was so powerful that it destroyed the world.

When Chen Zong looked up, a sword waved up, the sword light was like the aurora running through the sun and the moon, tearing the sky waterfall blade light.

The cross of the sword and the sword, countless sounds stirred in all directions, covering a few kilometers.

The two figures staggered across countless sword lightsaber shadows, and then drifted away.

"Master, you are stronger." Yu Zhengxiao closed his sword and returned to his scabbard, with a bit of emotion.

Before Chen Zong and his own strength was still in the middle of the middle, but now, he has surpassed himself.

Chen Zong was not modest either. When his practice broke through to the late nine-star level, his combat strength reached the level of the second pole, surpassing that of the night, and now he has achieved nine stars. Peak level, coupled with the improvement of swordsmanship, even if the combat power has not reached the third pole, but it is also very strong in the second pole.

Yu Zhengxiao's strength naturally did not stand still, but still did not really break through to the second pole, but only infinitely close.

"After another three months, it will be the Zongmen big match. Judging from your progress, you should be able to get a good position on the Zongmen big match." Yu Zhengxiao said again, "I have great hope to step on In the top three, compete for first. "

"First, is it difficult?" Chen Zong asked.

Your current strength is below Cangyu Mountain's secret disciple. It is already the strongest. The situation of the other mountains is not much different from Cangyu Mountain. Then, according to your own strength, it should not be difficult to win the top three.

But in the first case, it is estimated that it will be very competitive. However, according to your own entry point, by the time Zongmen Dabi starts, your strength should be able to reach the third pole.

Can't the strength of the third pole win the first?

"The Seven Mountains of Taiyuan, Zhenyuan Mountain, which has always been the origin of the suzerain, is the strongest, but in the past, it is also stronger than the other six mountains, but this time, Fang Xingchen, the disciple and first core disciple of Zhenyuan Mountain, broke through. Its strength reached the third pole three months ago. "Yu Zhengxiao said solemnly:" Through the resources of Zhenyuanshan for another half a year, Fang Xingchen's strength will be stronger. I heard that Fang Xingchen once said , After winning the Zongmen Dabie core first, we must embark on the road of invincible Guru. "

Hearing that Chen Zong's face flashed a little dignified.

Third pole!

On Chaotian Island, there are very few masters with nine-star limits. It is rare to see them for decades or even a hundred years. As for the first to third poles that exceed the nine-star rating, it is even more impossible.

On the Canglan continent, the area is more vast, the cultivation environment is better, the cultivation resources are richer, the genius is more, the inheritance is brighter, and everything, which makes the warriors here stronger.

But the third pole is already the limit that pseudo-transcendental can reach.

The invincible Grandmaster is the strongest among the third poles, and no one can be enemies among his contemporaries.

Most of the warriors, after reaching the third pole, will choose to embark on the road of invincible grandmaster, challenge other third pole masters, and defeat them one by one.

"Fang Xingchen!" Chen Zong couldn't help but repeat the name in a low voice. Perhaps this person would be his strongest opponent in the Zongmen competition.

"In addition to Fang Xingchen, Zhen Hongshan's second core disciple Xu Hongyan also has second pole strength." Yu Zhengxiao said again.

Chen Zong was surprised. The town of Yuanshan is indeed the strongest of the seven mountains of Taiyuan.

After all, before his arrival, Cang Yushan's first core disciple was Yu Zhengxiao, and his strength was less than the second pole. According to the current situation, Yu Zhengxiao's strength was raised to the second pole at most.

Study and talk, let Chen Zong know more about future opponents.

At 6,000 points of merit, Chen Zong used it to perform martial arts, and constantly learned the sword of Cangyu.

Therefore, there is no merit.

Directly went to Wan Zhidian, Chen Zong checked the mission, and then chose three single-player missions, killing and killing Li Qiusheng, King Xinyi, and Yang San, the corpse knife.

Each of the three hunting missions can get a thousand merit. Compared to other single-person missions, this merit reward is very high.

Of course, the reward is so high because the three men wanted for hunting are very powerful and notorious, and the general masters are not their opponents at all.

The master-level masters who once had the first strength died under their hands.

After receiving the task, Chen Zong immediately left Taiyuan Mountain.


Xinwu City belongs to the lower level in Taiyuanzhou, and it is difficult to see the extraordinary powers in ordinary times.

In a restaurant, a strong man sits alone. He has a beard, a bronze look, and looks very rough. He wears a gray sleeveless animal skin military uniform, and his bare arms are extremely stout, just like ordinary people. His waist is thick, muscles are bulging, and he is still dismayed with scars.

The elbow in front of the big man was full of meat, braised and smoked stewed broth, and there was a large jar of wine, which was estimated to be ten pounds.

Eat meat with large mouthfuls, drink with large mouthfuls, and the wine drips down the whiskers, exuding a strong aroma of wine.

This way of eating makes people look, and it often makes people feel that things are delicious and appetite, but everyone else in the restaurant looks pale, with amazement, shrinks as much as possible, lest they be stared. Same as above.

What makes them so scared?

It is the persecution of the big man who is eating and drinking, as if to be turned into substance.

It was a huge blood-stained pig-knife on the table full of mouth-watering delicious wine and food.

Or the two bodies that were going to escape but were beheaded and blood was stained at the door of the restaurant and the ground was red and glaring with horrified eyes ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ both.

Fear of being killed, no one dared to leave here.

The shopkeeper and the shop's second child hid under the counter and shivered.

In the entire restaurant, there was only the sound of the big man chewing meat and the sound of pouring wine.

"Ren Tu, I know you're here, get out and die." A cold chirp sounded outside.

The big man was unmoved, still eating meat and drinking by himself.

"Since you don't come out, I'll make it difficult for you to take you on the road."

The voice dropped, and a figure flashed along, appearing in the restaurant.

It was a young man with a sword and eyebrows. He was wearing a white robe, a long sword around his waist, and he was very magnificent. He squinted his eyes and stared at the big man's back. Immediately, he saw his right hand tremble, and the sword with a gem in it Out of the sheath, assassination and emerge from the air, like a meteor.

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