Sword God

Vol 15 Chapter 34: Bumper harvest (on)

Blood flashed, and Chen Zong flew out.

Too fast, it is difficult to evade, and more importantly, the other person ’s wicked atmosphere is very tyrannical, as if rotten and eroded, making Chen Zong ’s response slow.

The whole body hit the cave wall, making a roaring sound like a cymbal.

Upon landing, Chen Zong's expression was slightly pale, and his expression was a little stunned.

Just now, the moment the opponent shot, he had a kind of coldness from the heart and the soul, thinking that he was dead, but now he found that he was only slightly injured, and based on his ability to heal, this minor injury Healing soon, but one of the cold and evil forces is constantly invading his body, targeting the destruction of qi and blood.

A volume of pure yang and blood filled with amazing blazing heat, confronted it, and quickly dispelled that cold and evil force.

"Supposed to resist." The blood demon seemed to be a little surprised, and the sword light suddenly flashed in front of him.

Raise your hand and pat the bleeding palm print. When you break the sword light, you will also break away.

"Not extraordinary."

"Or it used to be Transcendental Realm, but now for some reason, there is no transcendental realm."

"Can fight."

Three thoughts flashed in his mind, and Chen Zong once again sword, approaching each other at the same time.

"Weak bug." The blood demon angered him. If he had not been hurt too much, his strength would have dropped sharply and he would fall below the extraordinary level. He would kill as many bugs as possible.

I do n’t know how many worms died under him. Now, a humble and weak worm dare to attack himself.

Although thinking about it, the blood demon made the reaction very fast, and immediately shot. The **** claws grabbed Chen Zong emptyly, countless **** energy entangled, each **** energy was extremely sharp, like the sharpest sword, strangled from all directions. To Chen Zong.

Suddenly, it made Chen Zong feel a thousand swords.

But after trying to understand, Chen Zong's mentality changed, and he no longer felt like he was being restrained by hands and feet. He let go of his hands and feet and opened his hands to the full, with his two swords in his hand, and the countless swords of light. broken.


When a sword collided with the opponent's scarlet claws, and they both collapsed, Chen Zong's second sword struck again, chopping directly on the opponent's chest.

Feng Rui's unmatched sword body cut the opponent's chest, but no blood flowed out, and the rolled wound healed quickly.

Even so, the Gorefiend exploded.

He was wounded, but he was still wounded by a humble bug, and it was unforgivable.

Chen Zong's idea is the opposite. His sword can hurt the opponent. Although the wound is healed at once, it also represents his ability to threaten the opponent.

With a firm heart, Swords became even more severe.

Kill kill!

Really sharp swords match with really sharp swords, sharp and unmatched, each sword will split the sky, nothing to stop.

Now that Chen Zong's cultivation has reached the peak of nine stars, his spiritual strength has been further enhanced. Even if the strokes such as Cang Biao are exploded continuously, they can be performed fifty or sixty times. Under Chen Zong's rhythmic control, It is not a problem to perform 70 or 80 times.

"Tear of Blood Claws!"

The blood demon waved his hand, and a huge blood-colored claw phantom appeared immediately behind him, and instantly solidified. When he grabbed Chen Zong in the air, it seemed that the entire space was crushed, and Chen Zong was torn apart.

Chen Zong's face was dignified. From the **** giant claws, he could feel the terror power contained in it, but I don't know what the reason was. The hidden power did not seem to be fully excited, it was only a small part of it. , Is also very scary, enough to compare with the four small real meaning of the pseudo-spiritual martial arts.

Cangyu Feng!

One sword slashed, the jade white sword light tore the scarlet giant claws, and it was like a broken bamboo killing the blood demon without blocking.

The blood demon changed his face suddenly, but he couldn't avoid it, and couldn't resist it. His chest was cut again by this sword, and the whole person was also split back and hit the wall, and he saw a sword mark on the chest. Visible bone, almost cut off the body.

Shocked and angry, the skinny face was extremely horrified, and the deep and wicked eyes were deep, and there was a hint of horror.

Almost, it's just that his body will be cut off.

"You **** it!" The voice resounded like a ghost, the blood demon shocked his arms, and the calm blood pool suddenly rose, like a waterspout, rushing out instantly, hitting the blood demon.

The violent roar was violent, and the entire cave was shaking. It seemed to be collapsing. Chen Zong's double swords were cut out, but they were broken by the **** tornado.

The wicked atmosphere continued to increase. When the **** tornado disappeared, the blood demon that reappeared made a big change. It had completely lost its previous skinny appearance. Instead, the body was full and strong, and the skin exudes a glow of blood.

The unpredictable breath fluctuated, spreading out from the body made by the blood demon, and we could see the whole body wavy.

Chen Zong's face became more dignified.


A violent drink, such as a bang thunder, the blood demon blasted out a punch, and at the moment when he punched out, the scarlet punch had blasted to Chen Zong's face, a terrible punch, as if a meteorite was shot down, which could break the mountains.

There is no time to dodge, and even the body method is too late to cast, only to meet with a sword.

With a straight punch, the sword body was bent, Chen Zong felt a violent force bombardment, and the power of evil was instantly blasted into the body through the sword body. The blood and blood trembled, and the viscera hurt. Chen Zong felt himself. Qi and blood seem to be destroyed by erosion.

The emptiness of the sword circulates, and instantly uses itself as a battlefield to disperse the evil forces invading the body.

The second hit from the Blood Demon also followed.

"Cangyu Power!"

The two swords returned to the sheath in an instant, holding the hilt of the Zhenli sword with both hands, suddenly pulled out, carrying the power of thousands of mountains, erupting the whole body strength, the thick jade white sword light seemed to fall from the sky, and severely split Scarlet fist prints, such as the sky collapsing.


The violent gas bombarded, the hard ground was broken, the sharp stones above were also broken by the earthquake, and then the second shock turned into a centipede.

The impact of the overwhelming counter-shock force, Chen Zong couldn't stop retreating, straight back to the cave wall prescription, and then stopped, then flew forward, holding the epee with both hands, bullying himself to launch a violent attack, each sword They all carried the fierce chop to the blood monster with the repression of the mountains.

The blood demon after absorbing the power of the blood pool makes the strength stronger. In the face of Chen Zong's epee, there is no meaning of evasion. His arms with blood-colored wrists swell, as thick as thighs, and the blue tendons are like snake snakes. On it, the bigger fist filled with a thick layer of blood, and threw it fiercely.

The shot seems simple, but it contains several completely different strengths, which make each punch more powerful. This is a return to return to true boxing.

The moment of the sword body in each boxing, Chen Zong will feel the entanglement impact of several strengths and have to work harder to resolve.





Once again, the blood demon was surprised to find that the opponent's epee also contained several changes in strength, colliding with the strength on his fist, offsetting each other, and immediately turned the disadvantages over.

The blood demon makes the eyes darker. These talents are too amazing. Even in the prosperous age of thousands of years ago, these talents can be among the best.

These people must be killed, otherwise the future will be an obstacle to the re-emergence of the Ancient Temple of Heaven.

With a loud roar, the blood demon trembled suddenly in the upper body, and it swelled for a while, becoming abnormally thick, and the right arm was also affected, and swelled again.

"Break a thousand miles!"

With the thunderous roar, the palm of the right arm was fisted into a fist, as if a meteorite blasted at Chen Zong.

Under the huge **** fist, the air was violently compressed, making a loud roaring sound, the wind howling, as if the sky was falling apart.

The blood was endless, filled with Chen Zong's eyes, and the pressure of horror bombarded him, which made Chen Zong feel broken and bloody.


Without half a moment's hesitation, Chen Zong instantly released more than half of his spiritual power and condensed into a spiritual sword. The Italian sword broke, and the silent but extremely fierce piercing thorns of the blood demon were unavoidable and irresistible.

The blood demon suddenly changed his complexion, his face twisted in an instant, and he felt his knowledge of the sea seem to be pierced and his head hurt.

However, the blood demon made him a transcendental powerhouse after all, even if it was because of an excessive injury, his strength was temporarily degraded, and his knowledge of the sea was temporarily degraded, after all, it was not comparable to the pseudo-transcendental world.

The sword that has exhausted half of Chen Zong's spiritual power cannot cause any damage to the blood demon.

But the momentary pain still affected the blood demon, causing him to fluctuate in strength, and his punch was also slightly stunned.

The moment passed quickly, Chen Zong captured it, his body flashed, and disappeared from the **** demon's horrible punch.

Suddenly, the terrible momentum burst out, causing the blood demon to make a sudden change in his complexion.

A sword was cut out, and the jade white sword light seemed to compress the power of a mountain.

Cangyu Power!

This is just the beginning.

Cangyu Feng!

Cangyu Zhirui!

Cangyu speed!

The last sword, when the sword was pulled out, all the breath inside the cave was pulled, turning into an astonishing trend, and condensing the powerful half-step sword trend.

Cangyu potential!


The first four swords were slain before and after on the **** demon that made the tyrannical body ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~.

However, these four swords also made the blood demon make it difficult to move for a while, and let the final potential of the jade beheaded.

The combination of the half-step sword and the true meaning of the sword is even more amazing. It is the most powerful sword among all the moves of Chen Zong, and it is the only one.


A horrible voice sounded, and the **** devil cut off the tyrannical body, and the harsh screams echoed inside the cave, extremely harsh.

The blood demon turned into a blood light, rushed out of the cave, blinked, and disappeared without a trace. Chen Zong couldn't catch up even if he wanted to catch up, he could only watch the other side escape.

However, the body was cut off, and other people were already dead. This blood demon makes the means amazing, although it can escape, it should be very uncomfortable.

The sword returned to the sheath, and Chen Zong quickly took out the elixir to restore the consumed power.

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