Sword God

Vol 16 Chapter 71: Stunning (on)

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Astonishingly, the sound waves rolled.

I saw a huge monster probe standing up to ten meters high and opened his mouth and roared. A heavy sound wave rushed out of his mouth, rolled up a terrible storm, and hit the front. The hard ground was torn and lifted, and then the sound wave Tumbled in the middle, turning into powder.

This shape looks like a three-pointed underground monster, called a giant-arm demon bear. It has a body of ten meters high and is extremely strong. It looks like a small hill. The huge body contains the most terrifying power. The magic is fierce, especially its pair of arms, which are extremely thick and better than the legs. The muscles are tied like steel cast iron.

The giant arm devil bear, the ninth-order monster at the lower level, on the level, is equivalent to the nine extreme extremes of human extremes, but the combat power is much stronger than the ordinary nine extreme extremes of humans.

The roar of the giant-arm devil bear was so horrifying that it swept away like a strong storm. There was a figure in front of it, which was Xiao Jinglong.

Xiao Jinglong looked cold, his eyes twinkled with the frosty murderousness, and in the face of the sonic impact of the giant arm devil bear, he was frightened and punched out.

The spiritual power fluctuates into a tyrannical, overbearing and aggressive force that is as strong as a dragon and dominates the world. It comes out with a punch and blows the sound waves directly. Big arm devil bear.

Xiao Jinglong was the first to encounter a subordinate Nine-level monster, and the fierceness of the giant arm devil bear was well understood by the town demon sergeants. Therefore, many people's attention was drawn to see how Xiao Jinglong coped with this. Big arm devil bear.

You know, the giant arm demon bear is violent, and with a strong fear, one punch is enough to smash people who practice high-quality spirits into the slag.

Xiao Jinglong's strength is not weak. He cultivates superb spirit and strength, but he is trained only in the extreme state of human beings.

The strength of the giant arm demon bear is unmatched, but it is slightly inadequate in terms of speed. It is suddenly bombarded by Xiao Jinglong like a dragon fist, and a loud sound like a cymbal drum begins. The fist is broken and the giant arm devil is huge. His body was only a slight flash.

Immediately, the giant-armed demon bear waved an arm and clenched it into a fist. The thick arms suddenly had large tendons protruding like a python turning over.

With a bang, it was violent, like a landslide, like a rift, and a black punch, like a huge black meteorite. It blasted through the air. Wherever it passed, the air trembled like waves.

As if the sky was collapsing, in Xiao Jinglong's eyes, everything was gone, but the only round of black light was constantly expanding, constantly approaching, with amazing pressure.

That kind of fierceness and fierceness, based on that breath alone, has a feeling that makes it difficult to breathe.

Once, when Xiao Jinglong entered the third floor of Di Moyuan, he also encountered the giant arm demon bear, but his strength at that time was not as good as it was now. After a little confrontation, he found that he was out of luck, and immediately ran out of body skills to escape. Thinking of being here today, I once again encountered the giant arm demon bear, but this time, I definitely will not escape.

Extremely firm, his eyes burst into a terrifying spirit, Xiao Jinglong suddenly drank, and the arrogant breath exploded like a tide, bursting from his body.

"Crazy Dragon Boom!"

Spiritual power rushed into a dragon-shaped encirclement on the right arm, the right arm swelled, and muscles seemed to bulge, making the sleeves on the arms seem to be cracked.

The sound of the dragon groaned, and the terrible power exploded with Xiao Jinglong's punch, turning it into a mad dragon rumbling and smashing the sky.

This blow seemed to break the mountains.

There was a thumping sound, and everyone in the hall seemed to be able to hear that sound echoing in the ears, constantly pounding, but in fact, they could hear nothing.

The dragon-shaped energy of the mad dragon blasting into the sky was instantly smashed, and the punch of the giant arm devil bear was just a slight meal.

The impact of the punches made Xiao Jinglong's complexion suddenly change. This kind of power was really overbearing and completely outweighed himself.


Without half a second hesitation, Xiao Jinglong shook his body. He flew away from the fist under a twist like a dragon, and then quickly retreated.

With a bang, the black fist was like a meteor sinking, crushing the residual image left by Xiao Jinglong, and then bombarding the ground, a few meters high earth waves rolled away, blinking, and a dozen metre deep pit was shocking. .

The ground here is very hard, and it has to surpass the smelting steel, but the giant arm devil bear can easily blast out a huge pit of dozens of meters, making Xiao Jinglong inhale the air and his eyelids tremble unconsciously.

"I don't believe it, I can't cut you today." Xiao Jinglong ruthlessly, on the third floor of Di Moyuan, his strength is not as good as it is now, just run away, now, still flee?

Is the next time you meet the giant arm demon bear, you have to run away?


Backing away again, after pulling away a certain distance from the giant arm devil bear, Xiao Jinglong took a deep breath, and the chaos and magic in his whole body kept rolling.

Immediately, a group of black light flew out of Xiao Jinglong's sea of ​​knowledge and surrounded the whole body.

"What is he going to do?" Someone wondered.

It can basically be seen that although Xiao Jinglong's strength is not weak, it is difficult to defeat the giant arm demon bear.

Now, they also all see that Xiao Jinglong summoned the Royal Seal.

Use the magic seal to deal with the giant arm demon bear?

How to deal with it?

The main function of the Royal Seal is to prevent the interference and erosion of chaos and increase the control of chaos and magic around the body.

Immediately, I saw Xiao Jinglong's hands waved quickly, ten fingers in a row, if the lotus blooms.

"That is……"

"Does he think ..."

Outside, everyone familiar with the set of fingerprints was surprised.

Xiao Jinglong's face became more dignified, his forehead was slightly sweating, the ten fingers of his hands were getting faster and faster, and a series of marks were continually condensed.

Bang ... Bang ... Bang ...

Each step on the hard ground will leave a deep footprint. The huge body and powerful force will make the ground continue to vibrate, and each piece of stone will fall as if dancing.

The pressure is getting closer and closer to Xiao Jinglong.

"Bound Seal!"

The last seal was finished, Xiao Jinglong drank, and immediately, all the seals around him gathered to the center, Xiao Jinglong's hands were shaking.

The black light burst instantly, and it was extremely intense. After the black light, I saw a group of black suspended in the mid-air. The runes above were constructed into a very complex text, constantly flashing silver and white light. Disintegrates at any time.

"Binding!" Xiao Jinglong pointed with one hand, as if pushing an invisible mountain, and the binding magic seal slowly drifted towards the rapidly approaching giant arm devil bear.

The big-arm devil bear didn't recognize what it was, and blasted out with a punch.

With a bang, the Binding Demon exploded and turned into black chains with the thickness of arms, each with a silver-white rune imprint on them, like a spirit snake, quickly moving through the void. , Went away to the giant arm devil bear.

The chains were wrapped around the body of the giant-arm demon bear, winding the large arms with thick arms section by section.

From the beginning, the giant arm bear struggled constantly and almost broke the chain, but as the chain became more and more entangled, the giant arm bear struggled weaker and weaker.


The giant arm demon bear is violent. The original huge body seems to have swelled again. The terrible breath shocked away, and the constant riots covered him.

I saw the silver runes on the chains flashing wildly.

"It turned out to be a success." Xiao Jinglong was also surprised, because before, on the last day of the assessment, he also tried to condense the magic seal and failed.

Otherwise, it is already stored in the sea of ​​knowledge, so there is no need for such trouble.

Originally I just felt unwilling to try it, but I didn't expect it to really succeed.


Taking advantage of this opportunity, the giant arm demon bear is difficult to move, but Xiao Jinglong knows very well that the magic seal cannot be trapped for how long, and it will soon be broken.

The arrogant spiritual power turned into an overbearing unrivalled strength, swam the whole body instantly, blasted the ground with a deep blast, and Xiao Jinglong rushed out like a meteor, approaching the head of the giant arm , Fist like a dragon out of the abyss, violently extremely overbearing and fierce.

Boom boom!

As Longquan continued to bombard the giant-arm devil's head, Xiao Jinglong believed that under his double fist, the giant-arm devil would be killed.

But the giant-arm devil bear that was continuously bombarded became more violent.

A cricket sounded, and a chain of magical seals broke.

嘣 …… 嘣 …… 嘣 ……

The chains broke down one after another, and the gigantic devil bear out of sleep was swelled again, which was even more terrifying. The scarlet eyes seemed to be bleeding.


Sturdy and sturdy arms waving ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ Rolled up a wave of terrible storms, heavy air pressure, let Xiao Jinglong feel torn, as if a Tianzhu collapsed, there was a kind of pressure Feeling down.

"The magic dragon has no shadow!"

When in danger, Xiao Jinglong immediately cast his body skills, leaving a residual image in place and being crushed, but the real body appeared below, quickly fell and kicked off the ground, breaking away at the fastest speed.

Unwilling, but helpless, Xiao Jinglong knows that his strength is indeed stronger than before, but he can't help the giant arm.

In the final analysis, among the lower-level monsters, the giant arm bear can be ranked in the top ten.

"Although he lost to the giant arm demon bear, this son was able to condense the magic seal, which is really good." A war general laughed.

Regarding Xiao Jinglong's loss to the giant arm demon bear, the war generals didn't think it was so good. The giant arm devil bear's blood was good, and his strength was really strong.

If Xiao Jinglong's cultivation is able to reach the nine levels of human extremes, he can indeed fight with the giant arm demon bear and even defeat it, but unfortunately, it does not.

In this small space, there is only one giant-arm devil bear.

What really surprised the war generals was that Xiao Jinglong broke through under pressure and condensed the magic seal. Although it is not very stable, this means that Xiao Jinglong has a superior talent.

The minds of the war generals also revived, gradually shifting from Chen Zong's body to Xiao Jinglong's body.

"Oh, even this son is going to show the Binding Magic Mark ..." A cry exclaimed everyone's attention.

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