Sword God

Vol 16 Chapter 82: Concluded (on)

"Better than let him run away. ??? Net?" Chang Hu ordered without any explanation.

The nine team members did not ask, they had a tacit understanding for each other, and they acted immediately. One by one, the encirclement formed a circle of encirclement, encircling Chen Zong in the middle, and severing all the retreats of Chen Zong.

At a glance, Chen Zong was surprised by the other's cooperation.

The encircling circle formed by these nine people is not simply a circle, but there are distances near and far, and the distribution of distances looks like a mess, but there is a mystery.

The position they stand on has something to do with the weapons they are holding.

The two demon hunters with bows and arrows stand the furthest and are sandwiched back and forth. The one with the shield and the one with the dagger are closest to each other, and the one with the sword is at a moderate distance.

The long tiger flickered into the surrounding circle and faced Chen Zong directly.

Six months ago, Chen Zong and Mad Tiger battled. Although they were not as good as any of them, they also showed extraordinary abilities and resilience. This time, they could not let the other party escape by saying anything, so they must take the shot in order to avoid future troubles. .

In just half a year or so, Changhu did not believe that Chen Zong's strength would be improved a lot.

Encouraging his team members to surround him is to prevent Chen Zong from escaping.

"Thousands of tigers, today, I will send you on the road first. As for the other two tigers, I will be with you soon." Chen Zong said one sentence, thinking about half a year ago, he was almost killed, and there was something in his heart. Anger killings sprang up, and the whole body quickly spread, and his eyes became sharp, as if scabbing out of the air.

The long tiger froze slightly, only feeling Chen Zong's eyes, extremely sharp, and a feeling of being difficult to see directly, secretly shocked. Such a sharp edge did not exist half a year ago. It also shows that during this half year, Chen Zong's strength There must be a noticeable improvement.

The more determined my heart was to slay Chen Zong, even if it paid a price, otherwise it would be more time for Chen Zong to become more powerful, a disaster.


The horror breath suddenly exploded from the body of the long tiger, like a tiger howling in the mountain. The momentum of the long tiger almost condensed out, and at a glance, it seemed as if a long tiger was entangled, and the huge tiger's eyes were glared. Then came a terrible fierce light.

The astonishing murderous energy was mixed with a strong incomparable evil spirit, which came like a torrential impact, and severely bombarded Chen Zong's body.

In the face of such a momentum half a year ago, Chen Zong felt creepy, but after six months, such a momentum could only be considered strong for Chen Zong, but not enough to affect himself.

In the face of the fierce impact of the long tiger, Chen Zong did not show weakness, and his momentum was condensed like a sword, slashing out quickly.

The invisible momentum collided and collided in mid-air, producing a series of thunderous sounds, a terrible aftermath, like a sledgehammer, tearing and crushing the surrounding ground.

The nine members of Changhu were all surprised. This man looked very young and could even confront his captain in momentum.

"Dead!" With a low sigh, Chang Hu shot and punched out. The arm stretched like an elastic band, with fierce power, as if a tiger was attacking, and blasted to Chen Zong fiercely.

At the same time, Chen Zong beheaded.

Changhu's cultivation is the peak of the ninefold of human extremes, a strong person, but able to pass the extreme limits of the ninefold of ordinary human extremes, it is very scary, and he has a strong murder against Chen Zong, so when he shot, there was no reservation and he was directly urged Ten successes, want to kill Chen Zong, battle decisive, so as not to rise sharply.

Chen Zong was also unwilling to waste time and was full of strength.

Two fists are like a tiger. The punches are fierce and extremely fast, as if ten fists are bombarded at the same time, one wave after another, such as Wang Yangbo, endlessly fierce, and he wants to destroy everything in front of him.

The ground was broken, the inch flew up, and was completely destroyed by the terrible torrent of punches.

Roar Roar!

Every punch was trembling with the doctor's tiger-like roar.

Let your fist countless, I split it from one sword.

Like a sword, black sword light flashed like lightning.

However, I saw that Chang Hu's boxing power was spiritual, and he avoided the sword that Chen Zong slashed, and crossed the arcs from left to right and up and down to continue the bombardment.

Immediately, I saw a long tiger's arms around his arms, his hands opened to his mouth, and his mouth opened like a tiger's mouth, and a horrible burst of fiery red flew up like flames.

The fiery red energy radiates an extremely amazing temperature, and constantly rotates in the tiger's mouth. The more it rotates, the more it condenses and expands. It gradually changes from red to white and red, exuding a breath of destruction.

"The captain did his trick so quickly."

"The fierce tiger roars, this is the captain's stunt at the bottom of the box."

The team members were all surprised.

In the usual battle, the captain will not perform such tricks until the last moment, because it consumes a lot of load.

Of course, its power is also very arrogant and extremely amazing.

It is also difficult for people at the same level as Changhu to take the blow.

In the face of this still-hitting blow, Chen Zong had a creepy feeling, indicating that the power of the blow was enough to threaten his life.

But spreading out from all sides, extremely flexible, it will resist all the mighty punches from all directions.

Later, Chen Zongshi's mysterious heart became infinite.

Shaky body, psychedelic, boundless.

With a boom, like the tiger king came down, the long tiger's arms pushed forward, and the violent white-red momentum instantly struck, the speed was extremely fast, and it penetrated the sky, turning into a thin waist, and the front end was a Tiger head shape.

Creepy, Chen Zong's complexion was extremely dignified, and he stretched his mind to the extreme, but always felt locked.

This is the first time Chen Zong has encountered an attack that he can really avoid by virtue of his physical method. Perhaps his physical method is not smart enough, but it also shows the mystery of the opponent's attack.

Since it is difficult to avoid, then don't waste your power to dodge.

An instant pause, as if countless figures shrunk from all sides, with a sword in hand, the sword body trembling.

Mark of the sky!

The black sword light ripped through the sky.

The mark of the sky urged by 10% of the nothingness sword strength, carrying the third-strength sword and the true meaning of the sword, the true meaning of the thunder, the true meaning of the wind, the more powerful the power.

In martial arts, the more true meanings are integrated, the stronger the power will be. This is a well-known point, but it is not difficult to integrate one true meaning, but the opposite is very simple, but it is difficult to integrate two true meanings.

We must find a perfect point of convergence to ensure that the true intentions of the integration do not conflict with each other, and that the true intentions fit into each other, are interdependent, and the power is fully exerted.

Therefore, the more real meaning you incorporate, the harder it becomes.

The mark of the sky was created by Chen Zong in combination with his own kendo accumulation on the basis of split air. At the beginning, it was a true meaning, that is, the true meaning of the sword. After all, it was a sword move.

After that, Chen Zong incorporated the true meaning of Lei, and the difficulty was ok, but when he incorporated the third kind of wind, he encountered many difficulties and spent a lot of time to overcome it.

As for the fourth kind of true integration, the difficulty is even greater.

Rao is so. The integration of the three true meanings plus the third potential of the sword, the power of this sword is also very terrible.

With a bang, the white-red tiger head exploded, and the scars of the sky also shattered at the same time. The terrible force impacted in all directions, and some of them poured wildly to Chen Zong, too fast to escape, Chen Zong could only protect his body. Spiritual power is urged to the extreme, and the demon pretense is urged to the extreme.

In the blink of an eye, the violent explosion covered hundreds of meters in circle, and the nine members of Changhu's team quickly retreated as soon as the explosion, but they were still affected, and they were impacted and flew away. The blood and blood trembled, and the corners of their mouths were bleeding.

Boom boom!

Explosions continued, one after another, the bodies of Chen Zong and Chang Hu were swallowed up.

"team leader!"

The nine players were horrified. Can the captain survive under this terrible power?

As for the other, they ignored it.

Immediately, a figure rushed out with a white-red spirit, and when it landed, it was shocked ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~, the white and red shattered all over.

"team leader."

The person who rushed out was Changhu.

The long tiger's face was pale, and there was a trace of exhaustion in the depths of his eyes. Obviously it was an excessive consumption of power. His mouth also had a trace of blood stains. He suffered internal injuries and his robe was broken and scorched.

The trick was unreliable, the load was not small, the power was consumed a lot, and it was shocked by the aftermath of the explosion. I had to encourage the remaining forces to fight, and naturally suffered some shocks.

But that's okay. Looking at the gradual gradual explosion, a smile appeared on Chang Hu's pale face. I believe that under this explosion, Chen Zong could not resist it. Even if he did not die, he was probably seriously injured.

Take out the elixir quickly to heal internal injuries and restore strength.

After a few breaths, the violent explosion finally subsided. I saw a huge pit of several hundred meters on the ground. The pit was black and black, as if the ruins of the fiery fire were crossing, and there were a lot of scratches on the thickness of the fingers. It looks amazing.

"He's alive," one member exclaimed.

Sure enough, I saw a figure standing in your huge pit. It seemed to be safe and sound.

Chen Zong is indeed safe and sound. The explosive power of that level is undoubtedly very strong. If he is replaced by other ordinary people, the peak or limit of the Ninefold, there is no guarantee that he will survive. Even if he can, he will probably be seriously injured.

But now, Chen Zong is safe and sound. In addition to his strong strength, it must be attributed to the demon costume on his body. This, however, the Zhongpin magic weapon has greatly weakened the impact of the explosion, and Chen Zong's practice of refining the body is not bad, and his defense is very strong.

Under the double protection, this terrible explosive power was fully withstood.

The smoke rose up from the body, then slowly spread, a pair of sharp eyes, as if piercing the aurora in the sky ...

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