Sword God

Vol 16 Chapter 85: Magic eye

Hot: @ 猎艳 都市

@ 诸天 万 界 之 强强 商

@ 绝世 剑神

Six swords were cut, like six black thunders shot down.

In the harsh sound, Chen Zong's body fluttered and flew upside down. The demon sword trembled endlessly. The tiger's mouth cracked and blood dripped. The right arm was cracked with scars. The blood leaked out and stained the arm. That terrible Under the continuous impact of twelve strengths, not only was Chen Zong injured in his right arm, the internal organs were also impacted, causing direct bleeding.

Too strong, just that blow. If it wasn't for the body's slashing demon costume that had weakened a part of the impact force, if it wasn't for Chen Zong's physique enough, it would not be as simple as internal injuries.

This also allowed Chen Zong to know the limitations of the slayer.

As long as the attack does not fall directly on the Demon Slayer, the Demon Slayer can only weaken part of it, and only the attacks directly on the Demon Slayer can be resisted.

Feeling the impact of strength one after another, although painful, I experienced something more profound.

Suddenly, inspiration burst out, making Chen Zong's eyes brighter.

While retreating rapidly, taking the elixir to speed up the healing of the injury.

The six-armed sword demon naturally couldn't let Chen Zong do so, chased after him, and the six black scimitars broke through again.

Wonderful mind!

The body shape is erratic, the afterimages are numerous, scattered in all directions, the true and false are difficult to distinguish, but a dark blade of light cuts across, chopping up the afterimages, like the sacral bone of Chen Zongzhen, no By the shape.

Chen Zong tried to change his body continuously, but he was still unable to escape the pursuit of the machete. The eyes of the six-armed sword demon had always locked Chen Zongzhen's body. No matter where Chen Zong appeared, there was a lightning-strength beheading in the past. It is impossible to prevent, each sword contains double strength.

Taking a deep breath, Chen Zong's expression became more and more chilly.


At the moment of the sword collision, the first power on the machete exploded, and a fierce impact came. At the same time, the first power on the cutting sword also exploded and went away.

Then, there was the explosion of the second force.

The sword was cut open, and the machete drove straight into Chen Zong.

Chen Zong's sword, although it also contains a double strength, still looks jerky, just just realized, it is not deep enough.



Double strength!

Repeated collisions, Chen Zong's mastery of double strength became more and more proficient, and in the end, it was not inferior to the six-armed sword demon.

"Sent you to Lu!"

After mastering the double strength skillfully, the gap with the six-armed sword demon leveled, and Chen Zong launched a counterattack.

For a moment, it seemed that Chen Zong had grown many arms, each holding a sword, and constantly beheading and killing. The swords and swords contained a double-strike impact, and the power was even stronger.

Chop Chop!

Ninety percent of the sword strength erupted, without half retention, and the power was even more amazing under the double strength.

The six swords came out in a row. After cutting the machete of the six-armed sword demon, the demon sword appeared a terrifying dark light, and the sword was broken, as if tearing the sky, leaving an immortal scratch.

Mark of the sky!

The mark of the sky is Chen Zong's strongest sword. Find the opportunity and kill with one sword.

At the moment when Chen Zong slaughtered the six-armed sword demon, on the dim and depressed sky, a crack appeared suddenly and silently, as if it was cut and torn by an invisible sharp blade. The crack stretched for hundreds of meters. , As if the eyelids were lifted, suddenly cracked, exposing a huge erect pupil.

The pupil of the one-eyed one-eyed pupil is extremely huge. The center of it is a touch of blood red, which spreads to the side, turning into crimson and then reddish.

At the moment when the huge erect pupil opened with one eye, Chen Zong's figure suddenly stopped, completely uncontrollable, a kind of creepy feeling, emerged from the depths of the bones, from the depths of the soul.

Can't move!

This coercion seems to fall directly into the soul. It is a gap, a fundamental gap, a gap between gods and mortals.

Chen Zong kept his head up, his eyes gazing at the huge one-eye over the sky.

Indifferent, ruthless, high above, like a devil overlooking the earth.

The dripping of cold sweat dripped down and drenched the whole body. Chen Zong continuously agitated his strength, but found that his strength was completely suppressed and he could not move at all.

Even their consciousness is gradually solidified.

In the eyes of this huge erect pupil, Chen Zong felt as if he had been seen, and all his secrets had been seen through.

Feeling the next breath, you will be crushed, like crushed ants. This feeling is unprecedented, even the strength of the blue feather in the body cannot be excited.

But at the next breath, Chen Zong felt that he was about to be crushed, but the huge one-eyed pupil suddenly closed and disappeared.

After a few breaths, Chen Zong's body fluttered, weak and weak, almost as if he collapsed, and almost fell.

Relying on his will, he stood still, took a deep breath, and quickly lost his physical strength. Chen Zong could feel the surge of power in his body like a tide, and this feeling of gradually getting rid of his power to recover was very wonderful.

At the same time, the dimensional dimension also recovered, turning like lightning.

"That one-eyed ..." Chen Zong looked jealous, recalling the classics he had seen, the classics related to the one-eyed eyes of Di Moyuan.

However, after searching, Chen Zong could not find any memory about that one-eyed, that is, he had never seen a record that fits with that one-eyed.

You can only wait until you go back and check again.

The appearance of a huge one-eyed sounded a wake-up call for Chen Zong, and he did not intend to stay any longer. Without hesitation, he immediately rushed to the entrance between the third floor and the second floor.

For no reason, Chen Zong felt a moment of uneasiness. Therefore, regardless of the consumption of spiritual power, he exerted his mysterious transformation method with his full strength, holding a middle-class spirit source in both hands to continuously supplement the spiritual power consumption.

At the same time, all the demons who entered the third level of the Earth Demon have received a new instruction, or a new rule for hunting.

Hunting a human race will get a lot of points, which is very important to the ranking of the hunting competition.

For a time, the young Demon race heard the wind and searched for the figure of that human race. Because, as long as the killing of that human race is achieved, the hunting points obtained can be included in the top three at least, and the others are included. Basically, it is not much. The problem.

"Human race, your dead time is up." The obscure and mixed Mozu language sounded, and then, the wave of terror power bombarded from the side, as if the meteor broke through the sky, with the ultimate amount of wild violence.

At a glance, Chen Zong glanced and saw a demon with an extremely strong body that was more than five meters tall and fiercely pierced the huge spear in his hand. The spear contained terrifying power and stabbed Chen fiercely. Zong, will run through the sky.


This is one of the demons' races. It has a huge body size and more powerful power, and is more terrifying than the beast demons. On its status in the demons, it is comparable to the blood demons, not the beast demons and wing demons. Compared to.

The Troll family is huge, and its power will naturally be more powerful and more amazing. Every hit is like a landslide, terrifying.

Chen Zong's response was extremely rapid. Between his body swaying, he felt like a feather-like lightness, avoiding the fierce blow of the trolls, cut off the demon sword, and turned into a black lightning.

Without any luck, one sword was beheaded.

Although this troll family is powerful, compared to Chen Zonglai, there is still a gap.

Not long after the Trolls were beheaded, Chen Zong encountered two Beasts again. When the two Beasts saw Chen Zong, they were extremely excited and desperate to kill them. This surprised Chen Zong.


From these demons, what Chen Zong saw was madness, a kind of madness and imposing desire to kill himself.


Chen Zong was puzzled.

However, as I got closer to the exit from the third floor to the second floor, the more demons that I encountered, the more doubts Chen Zong had, as if these demons were coming towards themselves.

Suddenly, Chen Zong thought of the huge one-eyed man who appeared in the sky without warning.

Although it is not clear what the one-eyed eye really is, I feel that the one-eyed eye is the cause of all this, but what the one-eyed eye is.

At the thought of the one-eyed sky, Chen Zong felt creepy.

As Lu moved forward, he continuously approached the vortex black hole from the third layer to the second layer, and more and more demons encountered, Chen Zong kept beheading.

Fortunately, although the strength of these demons is not weak, they all belong to the lower level, and they have not reached the level of feudal king.

When Chen Zong saw the entrance from the third floor to the second floor, he also saw dozens of demons from different tribes, including beast demons, wing demons, and giants. The demons and blood demons ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ The fourth generation of the four tribes on the fourth floor of the earth demons are younger generations, and some of them are gathered here. Their purpose is naturally to wait for the arrival of the target tribe.

"Human race."

"it's him."


When they saw Chen Zong, these demons were thrilled, because in their eyes, Chen Zong was equal to a large number of hunting spots, which was equal to the top three of the hunting competition.

How difficult is the top three.

First, the trials between tribes, then the trials between tribes, and finally the demons between demons.

Triple test, one is more difficult than the other.

When it became the first among the tribe of tribe, it won incomparable, its honour, no one else, as the best.

The Mozu people pay more attention to reputation than they think.

So they all came.

Those who have not yet come, either are dead or are still in the process of catching up.

Looking at the dark vortex in the distance, that is the exit to the second floor, looking at the demons in front, Chen Zong took a deep breath, and it was clear that this was a **** lu.

Regardless of the reason, if you want to leave the third floor, you must pass through these dozens of demons. This is bound to be a **** lu and a killing lu. Chen Zong is very clear. Look at the eyes of every demons. Just know.

It was bloodthirsty eyes, killing eyes.

In this case, kill it, kill it to the end, kill a blood lu, kill the future.

The slashing of the magic sword shook, the melody of the sword was melodious, and it stirred up the sky, and that soft sound came into the ears of every Demon.


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