Sword God

Vol 17 Chapter 2: Harvest

The town fortress is like an ancient beast creeping on the ground. It is majestic and majestic, and the momentum is not condensed, but it always sends out a heavy coercion, deterring the monsters, and dare not approach.

But in Chen Zong's heart, there was only a feeling of can't wait. This feeling made Chen Zong unconsciously speed up and speed up and enter the town fortress faster.

As soon as he entered the town demon fortress, Chen Zong quickly headed for the town demon army camp.

After verifying your identity, go to Devil Slayer.

When I first stepped into the gate of the Devil Division, a slender figure came face to face, followed by an incomparably unique breath, which was full of domineering and darkness, very pure, more pure than chaos magic, More pure than those demons that Chen Zong has encountered.

Frightened, the bones and bones screamed, and the eyes burst out with a terrifying brilliance, as if a long sword penetrated the sky. If it was close to the enemy, the slashing of the magic sword would tremble gently, and it would soon emerge.

Chen Zong is puzzled. Here, how can there be Mozu people.

You know, this is the town demon camp, or the gate of the Devil Division. What demon dare to appear here, aren't you afraid of being cramped?

Sen Leng's sharp eyes fell on Chen Zong's face. Suddenly, Chen Zong had a feeling of being pinned, creepy, and the chill emerged from the deepest part of his body.

This kind of gaze immediately made Chen Zong know that he was not the opponent of the other party, even if he was showing the secret method.

Sen Leng's stern eyes were retracted instantly, and the man stepped forward, not far from Chen Zong.

Chen Zong's eyes fell on the other side's back, before he could see the other side's dress clearly.

Cut Demon Costume!

Wearing a demon costume shows that this person is also a member of the devil department, but the person who cut the devil department has such a pure and domineering dark atmosphere.

Since he is the person who cuts the magic division, Chen Zong also relaxed, but just remembered the person's appearance deeply.

It seems very young, and it is estimated that he will not be much older than himself. His skin is fair, his eyes are dark and dark, and his long black hair flutters gently with the pace.

Retracting his eyes, Chen Zong stepped into the Devil Division and walked to the General Secretary's Hall.

"Come back, it looks like you've completed the task." The director general smiled slightly, his deep eyes seemed to see through all the secrets of Chen Zong.

"Yes." Chen Zong nodded.

During this trip to Di Moyuan, Chen Zong not only completed the task given by the general director, but also killed and killed many young Demon powerhouses, and gained considerable achievements.

Today, in the devil's order, the merit points are close to 20,000. Of course, this is only a small head. The real big head is the reward given by the director general.

One million points of merit!

Seeing that the merits in the Devil's Order exceeded one million points, Chen Zong only felt comfortable and refreshed.

"Director-General, I met a man at the door when I came back ..." Chen Zong remembered the person whom he had just met, so he said it and asked the Director-General.

"He is also a member of our Devil Division, named Murong Zhen. He joined the Devil Division three years ago, and is now the middle division." The director general said, "As for why he has the magic energy, that is the relationship that he has the blood of the demon race Is a unique talent. "

The Director General's words were very simple, and did not give Chen Zong a detailed explanation. Chen Zong also did not continue to ask, but left.

However, Chen Zong was still thinking about Murongzhen.

Have Demon Bloodline?

Can Terrans also have Demons Bloodline?

Suddenly, Chen Zong felt that he knew too little about the world, and there were more mysteries waiting to be discovered.

"Master Han asked me to pick up the elixir one month later, and now more than a month has passed. Presumably the elixir has been refined." While secretly speaking, Chen Zong went to Master Han's place.

"Twelve tablets of Chengdan, these are your six tablets." Han madman directly threw a white jade bottle to Chen Zong, and said, "Don't say that the old man didn't remind you that the medicine of Blood Rainbow Refining Dan is overbearing. Not enough body to take it, only one ... died in the end. "

"Thank you Master Han." Although Mr. Han's madman had a bad tone, Chen Zong didn't care and thanked him.

In any case, Han lunatics helped himself to refine the elixir, and finally reminded that the blood rainbow refining elixir is overbearing and needs attention.

Han lunatic didn't speak any more, but waved his hand, and was a little impatient.

"Farewell." Chen Zong clenched the white jade bottle, turned and strode away.


The blood rainbow refining body Danyomo Longan is the size, blood-red throughout the body, looks very round, but also emits a hint of rosy halo, permeating the smell of fish.

Just looking at the color and shape, it gives people a feeling of having no ruby, and they can't bear to eat it.

With a wave of his hand, Chen Zong put these six Blood Rainbow Refining Pills into the white jade bottle. This is not because Chen Zong could not bear to eat it, but he would not eat it for a while, because he would also organize the harvest of the trip to the Demon Valley. .

Di Moyuan and his party, in addition to the millions of achievements, there are many other gains.

For example, the mustard bags that have killed the long tigers and mad tigers, the mustard bags that have been killed by many younger demons, and the monster materials that have been killed by many monsters.

With a wave of his hand, a lot of mustard bags appeared in front of Chen Zong, with different colors.

Dismantling one by one, viewing one by one, Chen Zong's look was dull, because he didn't find anything that made him happy. It was very ordinary and not very valuable. For Chen Zong who already has millions of merits, it is no longer considered. what.

There are a lot of things in the mustard bags of Changhu and Mad Tiger, which make Chen Zong's eyes slightly brighter, but that's all.

In fact, when it comes to wealth, Chen Zong's accumulation of wealth must outperform some of the strong spirits.

Although the wealth of Changhu and Mad Tiger is not bad, compared with Chen Zong, there is still a significant gap.

But anyway, these things are enough to raise Chen Zong's wealth accumulation again, maybe it is not useful now, but who knows when to use a lot of wealth.

And there are many things that can be exchanged for meritorious service. The meritorious service is here, but it has a lot of uses.

For example, the follow-up cultivation methods of the Imperial Demon Seal and the Demon Seal need to be exchanged with merits, and there are other special martial arts skills that require merits to be exchanged.

Of course, as a member of the Devil Division, he also has great treatment. For example, the congenital Qi Qi secret can be obtained free of charge. For example, some of the more common exercises and martial arts in the Devil Division, Chen Zong can also be free. Scroll through.

Because of this, Chen Zong has further perfected the mind-hyun power to the point where the human extreme state is ninefold. In other words, in the cultivation of the human extreme state, the heart-hyun power is a level of excellence, so there is no need for Chen Zong to worry about it.

In the Devil Division, what is really precious are some mysterious methods, forbidden spells, and so on. Among them, the congenital Yiqi secret method can only be regarded as the middle and lower levels.

The last mustard bag, Chen Zong remembers, came from that powerful Beast Demon genius.

Open it, pour everything out and roll it down.

There are many metal ores, almost all of which are black, and there are a lot of potions, horns or claws, etc., which emit a trace of chaos and magic waves.

Suddenly, Chen Zong was attracted by one of the things. The thing was in a dark ore, glowing with blood-red light, and even exuding blood and blood waves.

It was a blood-red ore, about the size of half a fist, and the light and breath fluctuations and the unique lines that made it all reminded Chen Zong of the words of Master Ouyang Qi.

Blood Refining Stone?

Chen Zong is not very sure. I feel that the blood-red stone in his hand is very similar to the blood-refined stone that Ouyang Master said, but after all, I saw it for the first time and it is difficult to make an accurate judgment.

"If it is a blood smelting stone ..." Chen Zong's eyes shot out with excitement, excited.

"Go and see Master Ouyang Qi," Chen Zong said secretly, and waved his hand to put away everything.


Ouyang Qi stared at the blood-red ore in his hands, the sharpness of his eyes was so sharp, like a sword.




Constantly, carefully, and from all angles, he fully recognized for half an hour, and Chen Zong stood on the side, waiting patiently.

"I can be sure, this ..." Ouyang Qi looked back, looked at Chen Zong, took a deep breath, and said in an extremely dignified tone, "It's blood smelting stone."

Hearing Ouyang Qi's words, Chen Zong's eyes also shot fiercely.

Unexpectedly, Di Moyuan and his party actually got the blood smelting stone. Perhaps, the other harvests can not be compared with this blood smelting stone.

"Unfortunately, if there are thousands of refined gold, it can be forged with the blood smelting stone into a blood smelter." Ouyang Qi said with regret.

It's not that other metal ores cannot be forged together with blood smelting stones, but that other metal ore is blended into blood smelting and forging. The potential is limited, which is equivalent to wasting such precious blood smelting stones.

It is also only suitable for the invaluable caster, such as the refined gold.

"Master Ouyang, look at this." Chen Zong took out the refined gold.

Ouyang Qi's eyes moved and could no longer be removed. First, she froze, then wondered, and finally, there was a burst of enthusiasm, more and more intense, and the enthusiasm in her eyes seemed to melt the refined gold.

"Thousands ... thousands of refinements ... essential gold ..." With trembling lips, he uttered the words of thousands of refinements, Ouyang Qi felt that he was about to suffocate.

Thousands of refined gold!

Caster treasure!

This is an unparalleled attraction for any refiner ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~, enough to make them crazy.

If you are a bad temperer, you will use whatever means to keep it for yourself.

"Master Ouyang, I don't know if you can use these thousand refined gold and blood to make a sword?" Chen Zong laughed.

"You want to give me a sword?" Suddenly, Ouyang Qi felt a feeling of being smashed into his head by happiness, only feeling a little dizzy.

"If you cast the sword now and get the magic heart crystal in the future, you should be able to melt it into it." Chen Zong asked.

"Yes, absolutely, there will be no impact." Ouyang Qi answered quickly, and then looked at Chen Zong with fanatical and hopeful eyes: "Truly, give me this refined gold and blood smelt to me Forged sword? "

"If Master Ouyang doesn't dislike it," Chen Zong laughed.

"Okay." Ouyang Qi was excited.

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