Sword God

Vol 17 Chapter 26: Just 1 sword

"I need to work harder to catch up with Canggu Shengzi." Chi Xiao clenched her fists, her face was dignified, and she murmured to herself, the whole body exuding a hot breath, as if to melt the sky.

"Canggu Shengzi" stands on the ground like an iron tower. The extremely strong body contains Li Wuji, which contains amazing power. Standing in the distance, he stares at the south gate of Canggu Shengzi. His eyes are full of war. meaning.

However, the power of the Canggu Shengzi's punch was very strong, Li Wuji did not outperform the opponent's grasp, but his heart was full of majestic warfare, like a tide.

One by one, the geniuses and arrogants who saw the punch of Canggu Shengzi were undulating and shocked in their hearts.

They originally thought that after years of hard work and hard work, their self-cultivation has greatly enhanced their strength, and they can already catch up with others. However, they did not expect that the Canggu Shengzi is still far ahead of them.

"Sir, the strength of this Canggu Holy Son is indeed very strong." A woman next to Saint Tianlan Su Qing paid off exclaimed: "But compared to you, you are still a little worse."

"Even me, I'm not 100% sure that I can beat him." Su Huanqing's voice was soft and misty.

It would be absolutely shocking if others heard it, because Canggu Shengzi is already very strong. The meaning in the words of Saint Lan Lan is that there is a lot of confidence to defeat Canggu Shengzi, how confident .

"If you see Chen Zong, tell him, I'm waiting for him." Canggu Shengzi said to the side of Taiyuan Tianzong lazily.

"I was afraid that after he knew the strength of Brother Nanmen, he was afraid to come forward." Dong Zhenlei chuckled.

"If you come forward, what will it be?" At this time, a bland voice, sounded slowly, fluttered from a distance.

"If he dares to come forward, I'll tell him to know how powerful." Dong Zhenlei grinned.

"Okay." After the sound rang again, it seemed as if a clear breeze came across. Immediately, a figure appeared in front of everyone.

"he is"

"Chen Zong"

"Chen Zong"

"He was here, too."

After a few years, Chen Zong's appearance has not changed much, so those who have enough impression of him can be recognized at a glance.

"It's Brother Chen."

"Brother Chen is here, too."

On the side of Taiyuan Tianzong, all the talented disciples became excited.

"Brother Chen is what he is doing now"

"I can't see it through, it's mysterious."

"I can't see through, but I believe that Brother Chen's natural talent is definitely not low."

"Brother Chen." Yu Zhengxiao was also pleasantly surprised. I never expected to see Chen Zong here.

"Brother Yu." Chen Zong smiled: "I haven't seen you in a long time."

At this time, Fang Xingchen also returned to God, staring at Chen Zong with complex eyes.

"Brother Fang." Chen Zong greeted the other star with a smile, but Fang Xingchen didn't speak, just nodded in response.

"All of you brothers and sisters." Chen Zong greeted other disciples of Taiyuan Tianzong, and everyone responded.

"You are Chen Zong" Dong Zhenlei also reacted and stepped out. The powerful breath like the tide surged directly on Chen Zong's body while he asked with a cold tone.

"It's you, let me know how terrible it is," Chen Zong asked.

"That's right." Dong Zhenlei's eyes were brilliant and fell on Chen Zong's face, as if to pierce Chen Zong.

"You shoot." Chen Zongbu Xu Buji said, at a glance, he saw through Dong Zhenlei's Xiu Wei, this kind of Xiu Wei, no matter how strong the strength, it is not strong.

"Beware of my brother, I just couldn't stop him from hitting." Yu Zhengxiao reminded, because it was not clear how Chen Zong's current strength was.

"Only Brother Yu was injured by a blow from him," a person added.

"Oh." Deep in the eyes of Chen Zong, a flash of cold light flashed Dong Zhenlei into a horror. There was a feeling of palpitations, but this feeling disappeared very quickly, like an illusion.

Dong Zhenlei raised the strength of ten percent, and the power of heaven and earth followed. The true power also poured into the palms, and the breath of breath was soaring, and the air around the palms was completely repelled. , Forming a vacuum.

Apart from the secret method, Dong Zhenlei's strength is not half reserved.

After all, Chen Zong has defeated Canggu Shengzi after all, and he is definitely very talented. After a few years, his progress must be not small. Adding to that, the fleeting, illusion-like throbbing, let Dong Zhenlei did not dare to be slighted.


With both palms, it is like a meteor falling down and falling down, with extremely powerful force, across the sky, completely repulsing and crushing the air in front of it, as if everything under the palm of the hand has become a fan, and it is fiercely bombarded Chen Zong.

Amazing roaring sounds like the sound of the gods descending from the sky, making the ears almost deaf.

The extreme double palms were extremely arrogant, and Fang Xingchen's pupils shrank slightly. The power of these two palms was a little stronger than before when he confronted him.

The strength like a torrent rushing out of the gate, and it was extremely happy. This feeling was extremely beautiful and made Dong Zhenlei intoxicated.

Everyone else stared.

Among his peers, Dong Zhenlei's strength is not weak. On the contrary, it is second only to those Tianjiao, and Chen Zong is undoubtedly included in Tianjiao's ranks, but people can not see his cultivation and strength.

Whether Chen Zong can withstand the bombardment of Dong Zhenlei with both palms, many people think that it should be possible, but how will it resist

Or how to defeat Dong Zhenlei

The indolence of the Canggu Shengzi disappeared in an instant, his tall figure was erect, his eyes were bright and bright, and he stared at Chen Zong, that kind of gaze, as if he had thoroughly seen through Chen Zong.

"It's really good." Chen Zong said secretly, the strength that erupted in this way is indeed not weak, no wonder he will be so confident, but it is not enough to look at himself now.

No need to draw a sword, because that is not necessary.

The three fingers are fastened, the **** of the index finger is close together like a sword, and the understatement is like a child's hand waving like a graffiti.

Suddenly, the indescribable Jianguang sprayed out from between two fingers, tearing the air in front of it and destroying it.

Under the dazzling sword light, the two powerful and powerful palm prints were cut and penetrated in an instant, like the smoke that dissipated with the wind, and the sword light stretched and changed rapidly and rushed forward.

When Dong Zhenlei saw that his two palms with a full blow were instantly crushed, it was just when he was horrified that when it was too late to make any other response, Jian Guang instantly struck.

I just felt a terrible power, instantly beheaded in front of my chest, and burst out directly. The power was majestic and overbearing and unforgiving, sharp and unmatched. It directly defeated the guard's spiritual power and put the inferior spirit in his body. Armor's protective power also collapsed.

With a bang, Dong Zhenlei flew upside down like a meteor, stopped only a few kilometers away, and the whole person fell to the ground. He couldn't get up for a while, and his body was constantly convulsing. It was a powerful force that invaded the body. As if countless swords are constantly cutting in the body, this kind of pain, Dong Zhenlei definitely does not want to try again.

However, no one paid attention to Dong Zhenlei, staring at each of Chen Zong in horror, taking in air-conditioners.

"So strong"

"It's terrible. Defining Dong Zhenlei with just one finger is completely overwhelming."

"Can you see what Chen Zong is doing?"

"I didn't see it, it was too fast."

In the distance, the princes of the Ganqian Emperor also looked dignified, because they found that they had not accurately grasped Chen Zong's cultivation, but only had a vague feeling, which was a bit vague.

This shows that Chen Zong's mastery of himself is extremely deep and is not inferior to them, and the first condition for achieving the kingship is self-control.

In other words, even if Chen Zong is not Fengwang, he has the qualifications to enter Fengwang.

You know, when it comes to age, Chen Zong is one round younger than them, at least ten years older than him. A person ten years older than himself already has the qualifications to become king. Think about it. So incredible.

"Lin Churan, you Chen Taizong who is too Yuan Tianzong is too demon evil." A Wangwang can not help but sigh.

Lin Churan didn't know what to say.

Although he is also a secret disciple, Lin Churan is the secret disciple of Taiyuan Mountain. He is also the first of all secret disciples and can achieve the feudal rank. There is no doubt that the talents are excellent and each other's stars come. Do not hesitate to let go.

Fang Xingchen was stunned. Although he burst out with all his strength and could defeat Dong Zhenlei in one shot, Chen Zong showed absolutely no such understatement.

The same one-beat defeat, from the perspective of people who are not high enough, may not see any depth, but in the field, there is no shortage of realms in the eyes of enough people to see the difference.

Like Chen Zong, the understatement is elusive and even more daunting.

Canggu Shengzi's eyes narrowed and his pupils contracted. For a moment, he couldn't see the mystery contained in Chen Zong's sword.

Seems common, it's that simple, but if you think it's simple, it's a fool.

That sword, Canggu Shengzi pays for himself. If the strength is equal to himself, he will not be able to resist ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ such a terrible junior. "The middle-aged people in the two spiritual states were horrified.

They are terrestrial spiritual realm, no matter cultivation or realm, they are much better than others. Naturally, they can see more mysteries, and because they see more thoroughly, they will be more horrified.

Such a simple sword does not seem to be able to be displayed by a person who is not overhauled and not tall. It feels like one of the swords has been soaked for hundreds of years.

Jiang Gushan's two-finger clenched ten fingers, powerful strength, stirred in his hands endlessly, there was a surge of war in his heart, but there was a kind of anxiety to suppress him, unsure, completely unsure.

Even if he shot with all his strength, it is estimated that he would be as humiliated as Dong Zhenlei.

In the distance, the heavenly lady Su Qing's beautiful eyes widened, terrified.

At that time, she was defeated by Chen Zongjian. She also thought about defeating Chen Zong the next time she met, but now it seems that it is not so simple and she is not sure. If she rushes, she may be again as before. Chen Zong was defeated.

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