Sword God

Vol 17 Chapter 29: Advent of magic


Just like the sky is falling apart, the space barriers are directly broken by the overwhelming force, and under that terrible force, they are instantly stabilized.

The pure and strong chaos of magical energy is rolling, as if the waves are endless, each wave carries terrible power, impacts in all directions, and in a blink of an eye, it sweeps over 10,000 meters and spreads farther away.

The strong men on the Terran side all changed dramatically.


The Celestial Territory's thoughts are turning extremely fast, and they want to know the cause and effect instantly.

The Demons are worried that the human race will interfere with them to break through the space barriers and destroy the space passages in the first place. Therefore, they questioned the situation and opened nine space passages first to attract most of the power of the human race and sacrificed 90 The death of an upper-level demonic powerhouse caused them to explode. One speeded up the progress of opening the nine channels, and the other was to further contain the power of the human race, and also created an illusion to the power of the human race.

The real space channel is now this.

Although the Tianxuanjing strongmen responded very quickly, it also took a little time, especially when they were restrained.

And so little time is enough.

The kilometer-diameter space channel is completely stabilized, and a large amount of chaos and magical energy hits with horrible power. The power is amazing, which is equivalent to many Tianxuan Realm's strong hands. It is difficult to access.

Immediately, every figure emerged from the solid space channel, standing in the air, distributed around, all exuding an incredible breath of fluctuations.

Amazingly, they are all superiors of the Demons.

Just in the blink of an eye, hundreds of higher-level demons are appearing, and this channel is further protected, even by the demons of the feudal emperor.

Then came the Demon Army.

It's too fast, and it's very abrupt.

When the human race fully reacted and shot, there were hundreds of superior demons strong around the huge passage, and they shot in succession, with the chaotic magic that rolled away with the violent attack, indiscriminate bombardment. Everything ahead makes it difficult for the strong people of the clan to approach.

In this way, more Demon army came into the ground, and the black force swept through a large area, exuding an incredible horror momentum, such as the black cloud against the city.

Between heaven and earth, there is a pervasive depression, and the deep depression makes people breathless.

Within the town's fortress, everything was mobilized as soon as the space fluctuated abnormally.

The town's demon army, battle front camp, blood blade camp, demon hunter, etc. are not afraid of 10,000, just in case.

If you can successfully destroy the channel in the first time and prevent the Demon Army from entering the surface, it is gratifying to avoid a disaster and avoid major losses. If not, you can only fight to death and pay the price of life. To resist the attack of the Demon Army.

Now it's time to fight the battle.

Build up

The army assembled, all assembled, in order to fight the Demon Army.

The gates of the town's fortress were closed tightly to prevent all ingress and egress. Part of the town's demon army was arranged to the fortress's walls and sentry towers, etc. Most of the town's demon army waited in front of the closed gate. The same goes for people.

Demon hunting groups stayed everywhere and waited closely. Free demon hunters who did not join the demon hunting group basically entered the battle front camp, and the army gathered, ready to be dispatched at any time.

As the elite among the elites, the Bloodblade Battalion stands by the city wall one by one and stands by, ready to be dispatched at any time to assassinate the more important strong among the Demon Army.

This is the end, and the Terran Realm Powers of the Terrans have not rushed forward, which will only cause unnecessary casualties. Therefore, one by one, they quickly return to the town fortress.

The injured people first go to the wounds. After taking the elixir, those who have not been injured or are not seriously injured stay at the fortress to prevent the invaders from invading directly and entering the fortress to slaughter.

The power of the Celestial Realm is unquestionable, especially since they have the advantage of flying against the sky and are more flexible. Therefore, only the Celestial Realm can resist.

Standing on the wall of Zhenmao Fortress, through the small hole in the bunker, Chen Zong saw the darkness ahead.

The darkness is like a tide, spreading continuously, the amazing chaos and magic is filling all around, becoming more and more dense, and at the center, exactly where the passage is, there is still a strong chaos of magic and continual emergence.

To the demons, chaos is just as important to water as fish.

Under the strong and pure chaos of magic, the power of the demons will be fully utilized, and the power consumption can be restored faster.

In contrast, on the human side, such a combat environment can be very unfavorable.

Fortunately, the town demon army and other people all practice the imperial seal. Although the war front camp and a demon hunter have not cultivated the imperial seal, they also have the first treasures that break into the imperial seal, which can resist the chaos. Erosion of magic gas, eliminating the interference of chaotic magic gas.




The magical drum beats down, and the drum sound rang out.

This is the sound of the magic drum, and the command of the demon army to attack.

The horn of whining was also sounded, the Demon Army started, and the steps were taken in unison, and the earth shook.

Bang bang

Amazing momentum rushed into the air, overbearing and cold and deep, as if from the abyss from the army of hell.

Demon Disaster Legion

Not the vanguard, but the main force, the real demon disaster legion, came to the surface.

The pressure of horror permeates the heavens and the earth, so that everyone can clearly feel that they have difficulty breathing and have a dull heart.


Until ten thousand meters away from the town's magic fortress, the main army of the demon disaster legion stopped. The marching array was neat and uniform. It felt like a whole body, as if every warrior of the demon disaster legion was connected. This is undoubtedly the most terrifying.

The demons want to attack the Canglan continent, take the Clan as their own, and enslave the human race. It is not realistic to rely on a group of superior demons. After all, although the superior demons are strong, their relative number is not large. The army is a must. To lay down the Canglan continent and the enslaved people, we need the army.

Ten thousand meters apart, the two armies faced.

At this time, the Demon Army changed again. I saw the army separated from the left and right to give up a kilometer-wide channel, and huge figures also appeared. The amazing footsteps were extremely dull, and the ground was shaking. More intense.

Every time the sound sounded, everyone's hearts would tremble with it, and they felt palpitations for no apparent reason.

Everyone narrowed their eyes and stared at the huge figures, their faces horrified.

Those figures, one hundred meters tall, are extremely sturdy, like a hill, and they have a big, round belly. They have greenish black skin, only a piece of animal skin wrapped around their waist, ugly like a beast. The skull and long boar-like fangs look horrible.

Their arms are very long, hanging down from their waists to half of their thighs, and dragging dozens of meters of huge black sticks in their right hands, drawing the ground into a gully.

"What's that" next to Chen Zong, a genius from a big force asked, startled.

"Troll slave" Chen Zong answered lowly.

Troll slave

This title has not been mentioned for a long time. It is difficult to see even if it enters the earth's magic deep, because this is a war machine belonging to the demons.

Troll slaves are special arms of the Demons, not a race, because they are not born, but they are made by the mysterious people using some mysterious means. The weapon used purely for warfare. The biggest role is to attack the city .

The town fortress is essentially a city and a heavy city.

The strong and tall city walls can withstand the impact of strong forces, but the troll slaves were created just to attack the city and capture the ground. Their extremely strong bodies and amazing powers are enough to break the walls of the town's fortress. Let the Demon Army break into the fort.

Chen Zong has never seen a troll slave, but it does not prevent him from understanding the books of the Devil Slayer.

The first time I saw a troll slave, Chen Zong was very shocked, and he could clearly feel the terror power contained in the troll slave's seemingly bloated body.

One by one, the troll slaves came out and arranged in front of the demon army. Each troll slave was thousands of meters apart, like a huge shield, which guarded the demon army firmly behind him.

Troll slaves are not only a siege weapon, they can also protect the demons, because when they are created, they not only have terrifying power, they also have amazing physiques and defenses, even if they are heaven. The early powerhouses couldn't kill them with a single blow.

Oh oh

The trumpet sounded again, and the troll slaves stepped forward, dragging the huge inky iron rod, step by step towards the town fortress, every step, the ground shakes, and every step is on the ground Leave huge deep footprints.

As the troll slaves kept approaching, everyone's hearts were raised high.

Look at the shape of the giant puppets of the trolls, and then feel the terror power contained in them.

how to spell

Could it be that the powerful man in Tianxuan Realm would kill the troll slave directly?

The Tianxuan Realm is on the top pillar of the town ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ Once the shot, the superiors on the Demon side will not sit idly by.

Well, let the town's demons fire

It's true, just in the face of monsters like troll slaves, I don't know how much sacrifice will occur.

"Ready to break the crossbow."

With an order, a large crossbow tower suddenly appeared on each sentry tower of the town's fortress.

Each giant crossbow stand is ten meters long, and there is a **** giant crossbow with a length of ten meters and a waist thickness. Each giant crossbow has countless lines of engravings. Giant crossbows are beautiful, just like works of art, but no one will think that it is a work of art. As long as you look at the tip of the crossbow, you know that this is definitely a killing weapon.

Ten meters long crossbow, kill?

When a crossbow went down, people exploded.

This is the killing weapon specially used to deal with the demon army.

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