Sword God

Vol 18 Chapter 1: Ming Jianzhou

Baiyun Ruyan, the sky is vast.

The completely different scenery gradually cleared the haze of Chen Zong's heart.

Here is the boundary of Mingjianzhou.

Taking a brisk and even pace, along the wide sandy boulevard, facing the rising sun, the shadow behind him continued to grow.

Even so, there is still a haze buried deep in the heart, and no bright sky can dispel it.

"I don't know if the big brother is still alive," Chen Zong said to himself, his expression was a little dazed.

Chen Mozhang and his party left a deep impression on Chen Zong. It was a mark in his life, and it was immortal.

The Demon Army invaded. In that battle, there were countless deaths and injuries, ups and downs, from despair to hope to despair. Originally thought that when the general situation had gone, the army chief sacrificed himself and activated the large array buried underground in the town's fortress.

Fengtian Jedi Town

The large array started, and the town's fortress was directly blocked. The demons could not enter and exit, but the Terrans were not restricted.

The blockade period is ten years.

ten years

This is equivalent to gaining a ten-year respite for the human race. This decade is also extremely important. It can allow the people to rest and recover the consumption of that war.

It's just that the demons are powerful and cruel. No one knows whether the demons can fight back the demons ten years later.

As if an invisible sword hangs above his head, it will fall at any time, and runs through his head. This pressure makes it difficult for many people to breathe.

As for the space passage, it was attacked and crushed by the hundreds of days of the mysterious powerhouse left by the three army masters, severing the retreat of the Demon Clan, and the way of the Demon's re-entry into the Canglan continent.

In other words, after ten years, the demons in the town's fortress had only two options.

Either fight to death or capture the Canglan continent.

Since the Demon Clan was sealed in the town's fortress, the town's demon army re-integrated, leaving some guards to prevent someone from deliberately destroying the large array, and some leaving, to improve their strength as much as possible.

Chen Zong also chose to leave.

Put aside the town fortress, the next stop is Ming Jianzhou.

Today, the achievement of the king is invincible in the extremes of the human world. It is time to find the Tongtian Sword Sect created by the predecessor of the Tiantian Sword Emperor.

Tongtian sword emperor Tongtian sword sect Guchun class Zhongquan.

Tongtian Sword Emperor has died, and Tongtian Sword Sect does not know if it is still Ming Jianzhou, or has disappeared in a long time.

As for Duan Guchun and Ban Zhongquan, one is a big disciple of Tongtian Jiandi's predecessor, and the other is a three disciple.

According to the consciousness left by the Emperor Tongtian Sword, Duan Guchun and Ban Zhongquan were both Tianxuan Realm at the time. Among them, Ban Zhongquan was stronger because of his talent.

However, Ban Zhongquan, the wolf ambition, and the opportunity of Tongtian Sword Emperor, teamed up with others to design and destroy Tongtian Sword Emperor, causing the magic poison in Tongtian Sword Emperor and eventually falling.

"Magic poison" thought of this thing, Chen Zong's heart was annoying, killing the sky.

The devil in Master Cang Yushan's body has not been awake so far and has a limited life.

The predecessor of the Tongtian Sword Emperor was enchanted, and eventually stunned.

Coupled with the battle of the magic fortress not long ago, Chen Zong is even more sensitive to the word magic.

Because of the magic venom, it comes from the demons.

"Ban Zhongquan has collusion with the Demon Clan, even if there is no direct collusion, it is related." Chen Zong said secretly, a flash of coldness flashed through his eyes.

Collusion with the Demons, whether direct or indirect, should be damned.

However, after a lapse of more than a thousand years, in the words of the Emperor Tiantian Sword, if Ban Zhongquan is not dead, he is likely to succeed the emperor, and he is not his opponent.

"Let's find out the news of Tongtian Jianzong first." Chen Zong secretly said, others, take a step by step, only after the strength is sufficient, then clear the portal for the predecessor of Tiantian Sword Emperor.

There are several thatched huts beside the wide and long sandy boulevard. There are simple hut outside, there are some old tables and chairs under it, and there are several frosted tea bowls.

Several people sat sparsely in the tea shed and were talking about something.

Chen Zong approached and sat down on an empty table and chair.

"Laozhang, let's have a bowl of tea." Chen Zong said lightly.

"Come here." The old man with white hair and ruddy complexion walked over with a large teapot, and skillfully poured a bowl of amber tea into Chen Zong. The tea was overflowing and refreshing.

This is a good bowl of tea.

Drinking tea, while thinking, Chen Zong listened to a few people at the table next to him and talked about it, which was related to the town fortress.

The news of the war was not blocked, but spread.

"Brother came from another continent." When the old man in the tea shed gave Chen Zong the tea, he asked with a smile, his voice sounded old, but he was full of vitality and blood, but Chen Zong did not follow this old man's. I feel a strong breath fluctuation.

In other words, the old man is either an ordinary person who is a superficial person, or a strong person who conceals a person, but the former is more likely.

"How did Lao Zhang see it?" Chen Zong couldn't help but smile slightly and asked instead.

"It feels." The old man laughed. "Old man, I have opened a tea shed here for more than 40 years and have seen countless people."

This can be called countless readers, Chen Zong couldn't help but smile.

"Bye Lao, you know Ming Jianzhou very well," Chen Zong asked.

"It depends on what." The old man laughed. "But I am a native of Mingjianzhou. When I was young, I went south and north. It was a bit of insight. Now I am guarding this tea shed, and the four parties pass by, talking about heaven and earth. No wonder, listen, I know more about the old man. "

The question of "How many feudal powers are there in Mingjianzhou", but the old man was stunned. This question may be too high-end. Immediately, Chen Zong shook his head and asked a person who was not high in cultivation. Question, the other party may not even understand what the Emperor is.

"The emperor is strong, that's too high for the mountain." The old man returned to God, and laughed, "If you are an ordinary person, you really let the little brother ask you to live, but although the old man I am an ordinary person, but Knowledge is not low. "

"In the early years, I had heard of the birth of the Emperor Fengjian in Mingjianzhou, but that was a thing many years ago. It is estimated that there is no Emperor Fengjian in Mingjianzhou now." The old man laughed. .

Generally speaking, only the fifteen top powers can have one, two, or even three or four feudal powers, and the other top fierce gates, which are second to fifteen powers, appear The probability is very low.

Of course, all of this is on the bright side. Whether there is hidden in the dark, it is difficult to say, without reaching that level, it is difficult to reach after all.

"I once heard the elders say that nearly two thousand years ago, there was a strong force that swept across the continent and was named the Emperor Tiantian Sword Emperor." When Chen Zong said the words "Tiantian Emperor Sword Emperor", the pupil of the old man contracted instantly, but He recovered quickly and quickly, and Chen Zong did not notice: "I heard again that the predecessor of the Tiantian Sword Emperor created the Tongtian Sword Sect. I was practicing sword. I was curious. I went out to visit the Tongtian Sword Sect. , See the swordsmanship inherited from the predecessor of the Tiantian sword emperor, but do not know which direction the Tongtian sword sect should go. "

"You were born late." The old man sighed, and then smiled: "Tongtian Jianzong has already become history."

Chen Zong heard that he could not help jumping.

Become history

Did the Zongmen created by the predecessor of the Heavenly Sword Emperor disappear?

"Many years ago, Tongtian Jianzong disappeared. Some people said they were dissolved, and some people said they left. I don't know where to go." The old man laughed.

"Laozhang, do you know where the gates of Jianzong Mountain in Tongtian were in the past, I will go and admire them." Chen Zong said, it was like a kendo pilgrim.

"You go all the way north, and after passing Baijian City, three hundred miles east, there is a mountain called Broken Sword Peak. The gate of the former Tongtian Jianzong Mountain is on Broken Sword Peak." The old man laughed and pointed out to Chen Zong. .

"Thank you, Mr. Lao." Chen Zong held his fist.

After drinking two bowls of tea, Chen Zong didn't pay with Lingbei, and the old man didn't charge them, but the two bowls of tea were worthless.

However, Chen Zong and the old man went out of fashion, but they put a piece of inferior spirit source into the hands of the old man.

A piece of inferior spirit source is nothing to Chen Zong now.

Holding Xiapin Lingyuan, the old man looked at the back of Chen Zong's departure, and couldn't help showing a smile.

"Is this really a visit to the Tianjian Zongshanmen site in Shaanxi?" Shaking his head, this should be the case. The old man retired and refilled the tea for other guests.

Going alone, heading north,

"Tongtian Jianzong" Chen Zong secretly said to himself as he walked: "Did it really dissolve?"

It seems that this is likely to be the case, but I still have to go to the Shanmen site of the Tongtian Sect, and take a look.

Anyway, the predecessor of Tiantian Sword Emperor passed on to himself, and to a certain extent, he forged a fate with Tongtian Sect.

Chen Zong's speed was getting faster and faster, blinking and turning into a shooting star across the ground.

When encountering mountains and turning mountains, encountering water and wading, the long journey, under Chen Zong's amazing speed, seemed to be shortened infinitely. Chen Zong saw the outline of a city.

That city is very unique, the most unique one that Chen Zong has seen so far.

The city walls are white. Even if the wind and rain hit the sun, the white is not half polluted. Under the sun, it reflects a dazzling gloss ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ When you get closer, you can see more clearly. Some of the buildings are very tall, towering in the city like sword towers, like signs.

"White Sword City"

There was a smile on the corner of his mouth, and Chen Zong quickly approached.

Ming Jianzhou is different from other continents, or has its own characteristics.

Because of the 2,000-year-old Tongtian Sword Emperor sweeping the continent and overwhelming the relationship with the strong generations of the same era, Ming Jianzhou has become a concentration of swordsmanship. However, the warriors of Ming Jianzhou preferred martial arts and swords.

Although the Tongtian Sword Emperor has become history and the Tongtian Sword Sect has ceased to exist in the past thousand years, the practice of sword training has been passed down from generation to generation, becoming more and more prosperous.

It can be said that Ming Jianzhou is on the Canglan continent, and the style of sword practice is most popular. There are the most types of swordsmanship and the most inheritance of kendo.

This is another reason why Chen Zong came to Ming Jianzhou to see the swordsmanship of one hundred schools and improve himself further.

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